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2021 - 2022









Self Confidence
Self Confidence is the inner faith which provides the greatest mental energy. Person with self
confidence have won a situation much before its practical happening. One must have an inner
faith, internal piece and in-depth self understanding to develop a state of self confidence, means
a man with self confidence thinks positively and on other hand man without self confidence
thinks negatively.

Here are some increases the self confidence:

 Internal Analysis knows one's own strength and weakness.

 True thinking.
 Taking actions on small things first and succeed.
 Greater Involvement and participation by action.
 Prepare a bit before on things to be done.
 Accept Responsibility.
 Develop good habits.
 Associate with high confidence people.
 Perfect grooming Body language and dress code.
 Learn from your past mistake & failure.

Personality Development

It is the improvement of behavioural traits such as communication skills, interpersonal

relationship and attitude toward life and restoring our ethics.

Things to enhance your personality:-

 Don't compare your life with others.

 Don't have negative thoughts or things you can't control. Instead invest your energy in the
present moment.
 Don't waste your precious energy on gossip.
 Dream more while you are awake.
 Be kind and considerate.
Everyone makes mistakes, but learning from them is the best one can do. Personality
development therefore means an improvement in all spheres of the individual's life.


Group Discussion

It is defined as form of group communication in which the participants share ideas and exchange
info on a common topic.

Prerequisites of a GD

 Topics given by panellists

 Knowledge with self confidence
 Body language and personal appearance
 Extensive knowledge base related to state, country and global
 Listening skills
 Being calm and cool

Benefits of GD

 Provide chance to expose.

 Leadership skill
 Team work

Salient Features of GD

 Topic may be given to judge your public speaking talent.

 Discussion revolves around a specific subject.
 The examiner or panel does not interfere once he announced the topic.
 Maintain cordiality and free expression of thought and opinion.

Dos in GD

 Make sure your first entry is well planned. The first impression goes a long way in
establishing your credentials. Enter a discussion with a strategy, rather than a random
 Establish eye contact with the key participants got do not ignore the others.
 Use a strong voice, clear diction and correct grammar.
 Do take counter arguments gracefully and good listening skills, projecting you as a good
 Do support your view-point with examples and facts.
 Do try to understand the right exit points.

Don’t in GD

 Don’t speak randomly without a plan and structure.

 Don’t be arrogant, overaggressive or vain.
 Don’t show a lack of attention and energy.
 Don’t surely criticize anyone’s view-point because everyone has a right to his or her
 Don’t indulge in cross discussion when the main discussion is in process.
 Don’t get into unnecessary arguments with the other.
 Don’t look at the panel while making a point.
 Don’t fold your arms or cross your legs to slip into an over casual posture.

 Never try to bluff.

 Practice GD with friends on diff subject.
 Remember, speech is a powerful weapon.


Interpersonal skills are the life skills. We use every day to communicate and interact with other
people, both individually and groups. People who have worked on develop-ing strong
interpersonal skills are usually more successful in both their professional and personal lives.

Types of Interpersonal Skills

 Verbal communication
 Non-verbal communication
 Listening skills
 Problem solving
 Decision making

Interpersonal Skills while working

1. Take the Relationship view point :-

 Effective relationship with org
 Effective relationship with suppliers
 Effective relationship with competitors

2. Internally:-

 In teams.
 Across teams.
 Within and between department and business units.

3. Externally:-

 With suppliers
 With customers.

Tips to Improve Interpersonal Skills

 Smile
 Be appreciate
 Pay attention
 Practice active listening
 Bring people together
 Resolve conflicts
 Communicate clearly
 Don’t complain

Advantage of good Interpersonal skills

Good interpersonal skills create significant advantages when communicating to build successful
relationship. Looking, listing and reacting to the situation before you begin the process is far
more effective then blindly moving forward into communication.

What is time management?

Time management refers to managing time effectively so that the right time is allocated to the
right activity.

Effective time management allows individuals to assign specific time slots to activities as per
their Importance

Time management refers to making the best use of time as time is always limited.

Time management plays a very important role not only in org but also in our personal lives.

Time Management Includes

1. Effective planning
2. Setting goals and objectives
3. Setting deadlines
4. Delegation of responsibilities
5. Prioritizing activities as per their importance
6. Spending the right time on the right activity.

1. Effective Planning: - Plane your day well in advance. Prepare to Do List or a “Task Plan”.
Complete pending task one by one. Ensure you finish the tasks within stipulated time frame.

2. Setting goals and Objectives: - Set targets for yourself and make sure they are realistic ones
& achievable.

3. Setting Deadlines: - Set deadlines for yourself and strive hard to complete tasks ahead of the
deadlines. One person who can best set the deadline is you yourself .use a planner to mark the
important dates against the set deadline.

4. Delegation of Responsibilities: - The roles and responsibilities must be delegated as per

interest and specialization of employees for them to finish tasks within deadlines.
5. Prioritizing task: - Prioritizing the task as per their importance and urgency. Task which are
most important. Should be done earlier .

6. Spending the right time on the right activity:-Develop the habits of doing the right things at
the right time.

For effective time management one needs to be:-

 Organised
 Don’t misuse time
 Be focussed

Develop the habit of using planner, organizers, and table top calendars for better time
management. Set reminders or phones or your personal computers.

Making through preparations before the day of the interview not only saves time but also help
the candidates in calming the big day jitters.

Before the day of the interview, you should complete your preparation on these following areas:-

 Documents
 Professional attire
 Answers to possible questions
 Route to the venue of interviewer

Prepare Your Answers

 Avoid casual talk and stick to facts.

 Use jargons and acronyms.
 Answers the questions in a way that showcases your skills.
 Use numbers, time-frames and percentages while describing your achievements.
 Carry two copies of your CV, one to be presented to the HR and the second one for other
referential purpose.
 The questions you will ask the HR at the end of the interviewer, should sound natural.
 Documents supporting experience and educations as per company specifications for
verifications purpose

Professional Attire:-

There’s a saying that God made man, but the tailor made gentleman.” Interviews re opportunities
for first time interactions with people, hence candidates are expected to put their step forward.
Visit Company’s Website

Experts say that almost 70% of the questions interviews ask are related to the information
mentioned on their company’s website regarding details on the company’s history and

 Name of the CEO

 Organisation structure and culture
 Main competitors
 Current Business in which they operate.
 Products and services
 The locations and annual reports
 Positions available in different areas.

Prepare Your Route

The following steps will help candidates save time in the interview:-

 Confirm the address and visit it once (dry run). This will help you save time in finding
the exact location on the day of the interview.
 Check parking spaces and facilities. This will also save you time and energy, as you
would know the exact area to park your vehicle when you come for the interview.

Telephone interviews are often used at an early stage of the graduate recruitment process to filter
applicants and decide who to invite to an interview or assessment centre. The questions are likely
to focus more on your general competencies and skills, and it’s a good opportunity to show your
enthusiasm and commitment in a short conversation.

Telephone Interview Turn Offs:-

 Lots of Background Noise

 Munching and Slurping
 Taking other calls or responding to texts
 Multitasking
 Being too laid back

Practise before the Interview: Any experience you have of using the phone in a professional
context will help you. If you feel you need more experience to build your confidence, ask a
friend, a relative or someone at your career services to help? They will able to give you feedback
on how you come across by phone.You could also record yourself so that you can listen back and
identify any problems such as speaking too quietly or quickly.

Stay Calm: Answer clearly and at a reasonable pace. If you could not hear or did not understand
a question, it’s fine to ask for clarification.

Be Professional: Answer the phone professionally. Address your interviewer as Miss, Mrs or Mr
unless invited to use his or her first name. Be polite. Don’t be over familiar and do not start
chatting as if you were talking to a friend. Remember to listen carefully and try to be succinct.

Control Your Environment: Only use speaker phone if you are sure there will be no
interruptions and you are comfortable with this way of using a phone.

About English Language

English is a new global language of a business more and more MNC’s are mandating English
language as corporate language. The need to coordinate tasks and work with customer and
partners worldwide has accelerated the use of English language. It has become official language
of Business.

Two primary reasons:-

Two primary reasons for driving important to words English as a corporate standard:-

 Competitive Presence
 Globalization of Task, resources is business and technology.

Importance of English

 It is the most commonly spoken language in the world.

 It’s the language of international business with world business headquarters with
predominantly is the financial hubs of the UK and USA, English has language been the
default language of trade. Hence English is dominant language.
 It helps to understand other languages. As English include Romans, vibing and French, so
it is a hybrid language comprised of language Latin, German, Roman.
 It has wide range of vocabulary; one can say things are a different ways. It is very
flexible language.
 Its language of internet 50% of the content produced on internet is in English.
 It continues to change more than any other language; English continues to evolve and
absorbs new words. Every year approx more than 1000 new and approved words are
added to the oxford dictionary.

Tips for Speaking English Fluently

 Target the fear and start practicing English.

 Change your daily language from mother tongue to English.
 Keep a dictionary handy and improve your vocabulary.
 Read English books, newspaper and magazine.
 Watch more English TV serials.
 Make a list of frequently used words that you find difficult to pronounce.
 Record your own voice and listen to your pronunciation mistake by comparing it with
actual pronunciation.
 Read at least 15 to 20 times daily.
 Give yourself some realistic target that you can try to reach perhaps some short term,
once for a week, regularly setting target and assuming your progress in short way to keep
your level of motivation high.

Meaning of Facility Management

Facility Management is a profession that encompasses multiple disciplines to ensure

functionality, comfort, safety and efficiency of the built environment by integrative people,
place, process and technology.

The International Organisation for standardisation defines facility management as the,

“Organisational place, and process within the built environment with the purpose of improving
the quality of lies of people and the productivity of the core business.

Skills required for Facility Management

 Operation and maintenance

 Risk Management
 Communication
 Leadership and Strategy
 Project Management
 Finance and Business
 Technology Management

How to Improve Communication in Facility Management

The foundation of facility management is built on great communication. It is fundamental to the
development of good business practice.Improving communication within the facility
management industry has direct effect on improving job efficiency, knowledge and time
management. Therefore, key ways to improve communication in this sector are:-

1. Awareness Awareness and activity open communication in facility management leads to

better team management and clear goals. With multiple management levels within the
facility management industry. Communication begun difficulty from workers to staff
clearly what expectation is making them aware of the work involved will make them feel
valued and included.
2. Listen: Listening is integral to every industry. Listening may often he undervalue but
opening up toward others around you are some creates trust in a business environment.
3. Define your Methods: Deciding your methods of communication and working with
them is an important decision. Try to find out what work and then stick towards this does
not mean not being open to change, but simply to keep communication effective and
smart. It is important to find solution that work hard based for facility management
companies so that every one involved feels on every board and prepared to work in the
same goals.
4. Embrace new ideas: Embrace new ideas coming up from other staff members be open to
discussion, suggestion, implementation of ideas given.
5. Plan for future: Planning for short term and long term future ensure great
communication between teams and business. This not only proves that your company is
unique also that inter communication is creating a great foundation to work from.

Reach Goal

Stick to it

Get to work

Make plan

Set goal

Turbulent job market in the last few years has ensured that the career graph in India will be on a
roller coaster ride. Secure jobs with promotion and regular intervals have become a thing of the
past. With cycles of economy slow down getting more frequently, the job market is filled with a
lot of uncertainty. To compete the job market instability it has become extremely essential for
professionals to have an effective career strategy.

Essential Factors Helps in a Smooth career path:

1. Direction of a career:-Each of you may have a certain set of interest that you would like
to pursued for a long term. Understanding why and what you like to do how it benefits
you by choosing it as career are some of the thoughts and areas that you need to explore.
2. Devise a Plan for Action:-After setting a career goal one must strategies a plan for
action effectively. This is vital for every person and must be well thought about without
any gaps. This helps to achieve their career goal.
3. SWOT Analysis:-Firstly SWOT stands for strength, weakness, opportunities and threats.
This is one of the most powerful tools that can help you analysis what your strength are
and utilize it the maximum, realize where the opportunities live and explore there, work
on your weakness and strategize to eradicate the threats.
4. Taking up Psycho Matrix Tests:-Psycho metric test are an excellent method of bringing
peoples hidden threats to the surface. Through person’s attitude, reasoning, motivation
can be just personally with question and to introspection, you could run the risk of being
judgemental or biased. However, Psycho Metric Test are used to help give impartial
5. Networking: - This helps you knows other variety interest, share info and so on.
Networking also helps you work efficiently using other experience, improve
interpersonal skills, adapt to changes quickly and so on.
6. Progressing In your career:- Choose a role that factor in the goals can plans that you
drawn from yourself. Become noticeable, through your work and capabilities, build a
solid network, upgrade your skills, highlight your achievement and accept new and
challenging role. This step will surely help you in progressing your career.
7. Managing various career stages:-Different stages in your career whether you are
starting a new job, going up the job ladder or looking for a job ensure that you are
individually manage them effectively, ensure that you have enough info on the current
scenario, work towards a plan of and stay up to date on info and technology.
8. Be a Mentor: -Mentors guide the mentee professionally to grow. By being a mentor you
get an opportunity to enhance your leadership skills, enhance interpersonal and
communication skills and receive job satisfaction by helping another person. Be a mentor
also opens your outlook to new experience and forms mutually beneficial relationship.
9. Balance your Work and Life:-It’s important to give complete attention to your progress
at work however it is quickly imp to ensure there is balance between work and personal
life. Just like work your personal relationship requires time and attention. With no
balance you run the risk of an early burn out.
10. Overcoming Challenges:-Challenges are opportunity for growth and learning. When
your plans do not work out with results you want your ability to come back with new
interest. Track your learning and reframe, form repeating the same mistakes again.
Develop thought to stay strong and healthy body and mind.

CV is a Latin word and its parole is curricula vitae. CV’s are called curriculum vitae. The
purpose of your CV is not to get you the job. Its purpose is to get you and interview and after
your meeting to remind the person you met with. You are not writing a CV for yourself, you are
writing it for the reader. When you submit a CV to the employer or recruiter, it is likely to be the
first thing they get to see or read of yours. Therefore, you need to present your CV well and
make it friendly.

Guidelines to make CV

 Generally the document should not contain more than 2-3 pages.
 Your CV should be honest and factual.
 Choose a presentation format that allows you to headline key skills, key achievements or
 Achievements should be short, bullet pointed statement and include your role.
 Leave out information that is irrelevant or negative.
 Include details of recent training or skills development events you have attended which
could be relevant.
 List all your professional membership and relevant qualification.
 CV should include personal details, skills, career summary, qualification and career
 Lay your CV out neatly.
 Don’t make the margin to deep or to narrow.
 Be concise.
 Careful use of bold type, Times New Roman is fairly standard.
 Check for spelling or typo graphical error.
 CV must include an objective.
Types of CV

1. Skill focused CV’s: It is useful for show casing work experience and for people
progressing to the next stage in the career.
2. Work focused CV’s : It is useful for show casing work experience and for people
progressive to the next stage in the carrier.

DO’s and DONT’s

 Make it easy.  Include salary information.
 Tailor your CV to the job.  Include information viewed
 Use a clear layout. negatively.
 Use positive language when  Use jargons, technical terms
describing your work unless essentials.
achievement such as managed,  Use multi coloured text or
coordinated, motivated, different font sizes.
supervisor and achieved.  Make vogue statement.
 Put your name and email address  Don’t forget to tailor your resume
on the CV. for each job.
 Do proof read and spell check

Differences between CV and Resume

CV: - Full record of your career history.

Resume: - Brief, targeted list of skills and achievements.

Etiquettes, Manners and Behaviour

Etiquettes:-Etiquettes is defined as the formal manners and rules that are followed in social or
professional settings. If you practice proper etiquettes you are less likely to offend or annoy
people and you may even charm them. Etiquettes become the language of manners.

Importance of Etiquettes

Some people argue that etiquette no longer matters that the rules for good behaviour are old
fashions and out of date.

 Etiquettes provide personal security.

 It protects the feelings of others.
 It makes communication more clear.
 It will enhance your status at work.
 It makes good impression.

Business Etiquettes:-

 Differentiate you from others in a competitive job market.

 Enables you to be confident within a variety of people.
 Modifies distract behaviour and develop admire conduct.
 Exhibit professionalism and develop polished image.

Important Business Etiquettes

 Email Etiquettes
 Dining Etiquettes
 Telephone Etiquettes
 Office Etiquettes
 Meeting Etiquettes
 Dress Etiquettes
 Networking

Tips on Business Etiquettes

 Be on time and dress appropriately.

 Use please, thank you, your welcome and take responsibility for your mistake.
 Be prepared and focus on the people you are with.
 Be polite and respect others.
 Treat people equally and always returned phones.

Workplace Manners

 Say please and thank you.

 Say hello and good bye.
 Don’t ignore people.
 Offer to get coffee.
 Say Excuse me.
 Don’t interrupt.
 Turn your phone down or off when in the office.
 Don’t check your phone in meetings.
 Don’t complain.
 Don’t make personal remark about someone’s appearance or clothing.

Work place Behaviour

Behaviour is the r4ange of actions and mannerism made by system in conjunction with their
environment, which include other system or organism as well as the physical environment.
All employees conduct themselves in a professional manner promotes the safety and well being
of both individuals and the entire company. When people exhibit inappropriate behaviour in the
workplace, everyone suffers.

Ways to Establish Appropriate Workplace Behaviour

 Follow workplace behaviour and best practices.

 Outline expectations for workplace functions.
 Create positive environment.
 Be mindful of your noise level and language at all times.
 Practice self control.

Interview Skills

Interviewing for a job takes a good amount of self confidence and interpersonal communication
savvy. The way in which you present yourself during an interview gives hiring managers a first
impression of you as potential staffers, and sets the tone for how would you perform in an
everyday capacity. Interview skills for setting yourself apart from your competition include the
advance planning and research in complete knowledge of the company comprehensive
understanding of the responsibility of the role you are seeking.

Important Interview Skills

1. Research capabilities: - Conduct research into the company, its principle and history
demonstrate your interest in the organization. You should have a good knowledge about
the company’s products and services, name and back ground of company and company’s
2. Knowledge of the rule: - this means reading the job description carefully and dissecting
it piece by piece.
Example: - If a job description falls for an ability to manage other, your response should be
equally as specific.

3. Articulate Response Capabilities: - How you response to questions in an interview is

not just about what you say but how you say it. Your response should be specific to the
query posed. Some tips to consider :-
 Get to the heart of what the interviewer is asking.
 Define your problem solving approach.
 Making conversations.
 Turning negative into positive.
Part B

Life Story Of Muhammed HashimPremji

Birthday: July 24, 1945

Age: 76 Years
Sun Sign: Leo

Also Known As: Azim HashimPremji

Born In: Karachi

Famous As: Business Tycoon

Philanthropists IT & Software Entrepreneurs


Spouse/Ex-: Yasmeen Premji

Father: M.H. HashamPremji

Children: RishadPremji, Tariq Premji

City: Karachi, Pakistan

Founder/Co-Founder: Azim Premji Foundation, Mission10X, Azim Premji University

Childhood & Early Life

Azim Premji was born on July 24, 1945, in Bombay (now Mumbai), India, into a Nizari Ismaili
Shia Muslim family. His father Mohamed Hashem Premji was a prominent businessman who
founded the Western Indian Vegetable Products Ltd., a company dealing in vegetable products
and refined oils. One of its most famous products was “Vanaspati”, a hydrogenated shortening.

In 1947 British India was partitioned into India and Pakistan, and Jinnah invited the senior
Premji to come to Pakistan. However the family, in spite of being a Muslim one, chose to stay
back in India.

After completing his schooling, Azim Premji went to the US to study engineering from Stanford
University. However, his father died unexpectedly shortly before his graduation in 1966 and he
had to return home to take control of the business. He would officially complete his Bachelor of
Science in Electrical Engineering years later.

The company was incorporated on 29 December 1945 in Amalner, Maharashtra by Mohamed

Premji as "Western India Products", later abbreviated to "Wipro". It was initially set up as a
manufacturer of vegetable and refined oils in Amalner, Maharashtra, British India, under
the trade names of Kisan, Sunflower, and Camel. In 1966, after Mohamed Premji's death, his
son Azim Premji took over Wipro as its chairman at the age of 21.

Wipro Limited is an Indian multinational corporation that provides information technology,

consulting and business process services. The Fortune India 500 ranks it the 29th largest Indian
company by total revenue. It is also ranked the 9th largest employer in India with over 221,000

It is headquartered in Bangalore, Karnataka, India.

History of Wipro

Early year :- The company was incorporated on 29 December 1945 in Amalner, Maharashtra by

Mohamed Premji as "Western India Products", later abbreviated to "Wipro". It was initially set
up as a manufacturer of vegetable and refined oils in Amalner, Maharashtra, British India, under
the trade names of Kisan, Sunflower, and Camel.

In 1966, after Mohamed Premji's death, his son Azim Premji took over Wipro as its chairman at
the age of 21.
During the 1970s and 1980s, the company shifted its focus to new opportunities in the IT and
computing industry, which was at a nascent stage in India at the time. On 7 June 1977, the name
of the company changed from Western India Vegetable Products Limited, to Wipro Products
Limited. In 1982, the name was changed again, from Wipro Products Limited to Wipro
Limited. Wipro continued to expand in the consumer products domain with the launch of
"Ralak" a Tulsi based family soap and "Wipro Jasmine", a toilet soap.

In 1988, Wipro added mobile hydraulic cylinders and heavy-duty industrial cylinders to its line
of products. A joint venture company with the United States' General Electric in the name of
Wipro GE Medical Systems Pvt. Ltd. was set up in 1989 for the manufacture, sales, and service
of diagnostic and imaging products. In 1991, tipping systems and Eaton hydraulic products were
launched. The Wipro Fluid Power division, in 1992, developed the capability to offer standard
hydraulic cylinders for construction equipment and truck tipping systems. The "Santoor" talcum
powder and "Wipro Baby Soft" range of baby toiletries were launched in 1990.

In 1995, Wipro set up an overseas design center, Odyssey 21, for the projects of overseas clients.
Wipro Infotech and Wipro Systems were amalgamated with Wipro in April that year. Five of
Wipro's manufacturing and development facilities secured the ISO 9001 certification during

In 1999, Wipro acquired Wipro Acer, and released new products such as the Wipro SuperGenius
personal computers (PCs). In 1999, it was the one Indian PC range to obtain US-based National
Software Testing Laboratory (NSTL) certification for the Year 2000 (Y2K) compliance in
hardware for all models.

Wipro joined with KPN (Royal Dutch telecom) to form a joint venture company "Wipro Net
Limited" to provide internet services in India. In 2000 Wipro launched Wipro OSS Smart and
Wipro WAP Smart. In the same year, Wipro was listed on the New York Stock Exchange.

In February 2002, Wipro became the first software technology and services company in India to
be ISO 14001 certified. Wipro Consumer Care and Lighting Group entered the market
of compact fluorescent lamps, with the launch of a range of CFL, under the brand name of Wipro
Smartlite. As the company grew, a study revealed that Wipro was the fastest wealth creator for 5
years (1997–2002). It set up a wholly owned subsidiary company (Wipro Consumer Care
Limited) to manufacture consumer care and lighting products. In 2004 Wipro joined the billion
dollar club. t also partnered with Intel for I-shiksha. In 2006, Wipro acquired cMango Inc.,

a US-based technology infrastructure consulting firm, and a Europe-based retail provider. In

2007, Wipro signed a deal with Lockheed Martin. It also agreed to acquire Oki Techno Centre
Singapore Pte Ltd (OTCS) and signed an R&D partnership contract with Nokia Siemens
Networks in Germany.

In 2008, the firm entered the clean energy business with Wipro Eco Energy.

In April 2011, the firm signed an agreement with Science Applications International

Corporation (SAIC) for the acquisition of their global oil and gas information technology
practice. In 2012, Wipro employed more than 70,000 temporary workers in the United States.

In 2012, Wipro demerged its non-IT businesses into a separate company called Wipro

Enterprises. Prior to these demerger, these businesses, mainly in the consumer care, lighting,
furniture, hydraulics, water treatment, and medical diagnostics, contributed about 10% of
Wipro's total revenues.

In the same year, Wipro acquired Australian Trade Promotions Management firm Promax
Applications Group (PAG) for $35 million.

In 2014, the firm signed a 10-year $1.2 billion contract with ATCO, a Canadian Energy and
Utilities corporation based in Calgary, Alberta. This was the largest deal in Wipro's history. In
October 2016, Wipro announced that it was buying Appirio, an Indianapolis-based cloud
services company for $500 million. In 2017, the company expanded its operations in London.

In 2017, the firm won a five-year IT infrastructure and applications managed services
engagement with Grameenphone (GP), a major telecom operator in Bangladesh and announced it
would set up a new delivery centre there.

In 2018, the company began building software to help with the General Data Protection
Regulation (GDPR) in Europe. In March 2018, Wipro said it would be buying a third of Denim
Group. In April 2018, the company sold its stake in the airport IT services company JV.
In August 2018, Wipro paid US$75m to National Grid US as a settlement for a botched SAP
implementation that a 2014 audit estimated could cost the company US$1 billion. Wipro had
been hired as systems integrator in 2010, but errors in the rollout, intended to replace an Oracle
system, caused serious losses and reputational damage.

In 2019, Wipro Consumer Care and the Ang-Hortaleza Corporation signed a share purchase
agreement for the sale of 100% of the latter's stake in the personal care business Splash

In March 2020, Hedera announced that Wipro would be joining their Governing Council,
providing decentralized governance to its hash graph distributed ledger technology.

In February 2020, Wipro acquired Rational Interaction, a Seattle-based digital customer

experience consultancy.

Wipro has shifted to Work from Anywhere model since March 2020. As per this model Wipro
employees can work from anywhere in the world except Wipro office premises.

Wipro has 215,876 employees in India. Each employee in India works from his own office

In July 2020, the firm announced the launch of its 5G edge services solutions suite built with
IBM software systems.


In March 2021, Wipro acquired Capco, a 22-year-old British tech consultancy firm. The deal
was completed in April.

Wipro has signed an agreement to acquire Ampion for a cash consideration of $117 million,
according to an exchange filing.

In March 2021, Wipro appoints Pierre Bruno as CEO of European operations.

In June 2021, Wipro acquired Boeing supplier TECT Aerospace Group Holdings for $31
Western India Products Limited

Wipro Limited is a provider of IT services, including Systems Integration, Consulting,

Information Systems outsourcing, IT-enabled services, and R&D services.

Wipro entered into the technology business in 1981 and has over 160,000 employees and clients
across 110 countries. IT revenues were at $7.1 billion for the year ended 31 March 2015, with a
repeat business ratio of over 95%.

Wipro GE Medical Systems

Wipro GE Medical Systems Limited is Wipro's joint venture with GE Healthcare South Asia. It
is engaged in the research and development of healthcare products. This partnership, which
began in 1990, today includes gadgets and equipment for diagnostics, healthcare IT and services
to help healthcare professionals combat cancer, heart disease, and other ailments. There is
complete adherence to Six Sigma quality standards in all products.


Wipro was ranked 1st in the 2010 Asian Sustainability Rating (ASR) of Indian companies and is
a member of the NASDAQ Global Sustainability Index as well as the Dow Jones Sustainability

In November 2012 Guide to Greener Electronics, Greenpeace ranked Wipro first with a score of


Listing and shareholding.

Listing: Wipro's initial public offering was in the 1946. Wipro's equity shares are listed
on Bombay Stock Exchange, where it is a constituent of the BSE SENSEX index, and
the National Stock Exchange of India where it is a constituent of the S&P CNX Nifty.
The American Depositary Shares of the company are listed at the NYSE since October 2000.

Shareholding: The table provides the share holding pattern as of 30 September 2018.
Shareholders (as on 30 September

Promoter group led by Azim Premji 74.31%

Public 25.21%

Employee trust 0.48%

Employees - On 6 July 2020, Thierry Delaporte took over from AbidaliNeemuchwala as the new

CEO of Wipro. AbidaliNeemuchwala was appointed as Wipro's CEO after T. K. Kurien stepped
down in early 2016. Neemuchwala, who had been group president and CEO from April 2015,
was appointed CEO with effect from 1 February 2016.

Awards and recognitions of Premji or Wipro

 Premji has been recognized by Business Week as one of the "Greatest Entrepreneurs" for
being responsible for Wipro emerging as one of the world's fastest growing companies.
 In 2000, he was conferred an honorary doctorate by the Manipal Academy of Higher
Education. In 2006, Azim Premji was awarded Lakshya Business Visionary by National
Institute of Industrial Engineering, Mumbai.
 In 2009, he was awarded an honorary doctorate from Wesleyan University in
Middletown, Connecticut for his outstanding philanthropic work. In 2015, Mysore
University conferred an honorary doctorate on him.
 In 2005, the Government of India honored him with the title of Padma Bhushan for his
outstanding work in trade and commerce.
 In 2011, he has been awarded Padma Vibhushan, the second highest civilian award by the
Government of India.
 In April 2017, India Today magazine ranked him 9th in India's 50 Most powerful people
of 2017 list.
 In 2018, Premji was conferred with Chevalier de la Légiond'Honneur (Knight of the
Legion of Honour) – the highest French civilian distinction by the French Government.
 In December 2019, Premji was cited by Forbes magazine as one of the "Heroes of
Philanthropy list of 30 altruists" in the Asia-Pacific region.
 In 2019, Forbes put Premji in the list of the world's most generous philanthropists outside
of the US.
 It received National award for excellence in Corporate Governance from the Institute of
Company Secretaries of India during the year 2004.
 Wipro honored as 2010 Microsoft Country Partner of the Year Award for India.
 In 2012, it was awarded the highest rating of Stakeholder Value and Corporate Rating 1
(SVG 1) by ICRA Limited.
 Wipro received the 'NASSCOM Corporate Award for Excellence in Diversity and
Inclusion, 2012', in the category 'Most Effective Implementation of Practices &
Technology for Persons with Disabilities'.
 Wipro was ranked 2nd in the Newsweek 2012 Global 500 Green companies.
 In 2014, Wipro was ranked 52nd among India's most trusted brands according to
the Brand Trust Report, a study conducted by Trust Research Advisory.
 Wipro won 7 awards, including Best Managed IT Services and Best System Integrator in
the CIO Choice Awards 2015, India.
 Wipro won Gold Award for ‘Integrated Security Assurance Service (iSAS)’ under the
‘Vulnerability Assessment, Remediation and Management’ category of the 11th Annual
2015 Info Security PG's Global Excellence Awards.
 In May 2016, it was ranked 755th on the Forbes Global 2000 list.
 In March 2017, Wipro was recognized as one of the world's most ethical companies by
US-based Ethisphere Institute for the sixth consecutive year.
 In 2018, Wipro received ATD's Best of the BEST Award.

Struggles Of Azim Premji

After he joined the company, once in an annual meet one shareholder openly said in front of
everyone that Mr. Azim Premji should resign. He said the company’s business is very complex,
and a 21-year-old boy can’t run a company. Before this meeting, Azim Premji was not confident
about his skills. But after this incident, he gained confidence. From then on, he promised himself
that he’ll leave no stone unturned to grow the company. 

He had no experience of running the company. The 1st few years were very difficult for him. To
understand the business more deeply, he used to spent more of his time in the factory only. Then
he started running the company according to his style.

Premji’s Successful Journey

The company started making new products after his entry into the business like Electric
Products, Hydraulic Cylinders, IT Hardware, and Software. IT Services etc. IBM which was a
very big IT Company, when it left India in 1977, left a lot of opportunities. Azim Premji took
this as the right opportunity. He changed the company’s name to Wipro. Later on, Wipro started
making Micro Computers. It also started giving Software Solutions.

Wipro joined hands with General Electric in the year 1989, and started a company by the name
of Wipro G Medical system and started manufacturing Imaging products. Wipro entered into IT
Services, and later it became their core business. Later on, they entered into BPO (Business
Process Outsourcing) They also increased the product range of the company and started making
soaps, Hydraulic cylinders, Electrical Appliances, etc. With his sheer hard work and dedication,
he made his company one of the biggest companies in India. The company focused on Quality
and customer satisfaction and took the company to new heights. 

Learning from Muhammed HashimPremji

Lesson 1: Take Charge

This was the first thought that came to me when over four decades ago, I stepped into the Wipro
factory at Amalner. I was twenty-one and had spent the last few years in Stanford University
Engineering School at California. Many people advised me to take up a nice, cushy job rather
than face the challenges of running a hydrogenated oil business. Looking back, I am glad I
decided to take charge instead. Essentially, leadership begins from within. It is a small voice that
tells you where to go when you feel lost. If you believe in that voice, you believe in yourself.
When it comes to choosing your careers, you have to take charge of your own destiny.

Lesson 2: Earn Your Happiness

The second lesson I have learnt is that a rupee earned is of far more value than five found. In
fact, what is gifted or inherited follows the old rule of come easy, go easy. I guess we only know
the value of what we have if we have struggled to earn it.

Lesson 3: Nothing Succeeds Like Failure

The third lesson I have learnt is no one bats a hundred every time. Life has many challenges.
You win some and lose some. You must enjoy winning. But do not let it go to the head. The
moment it does, you are already on your way to failure. And if you do encounter failure along
the way, treat it as an equally natural phenomenon. The important thing is, when you lose, do not
lose the lesson.

Lesson 4: Nothing Fails Like Success

The fourth lesson I have learnt is the importance of humility. There is a thin line of difference
between confidence and arrogance. Confident people are always open to learn. A recent survey
of executives in Europe showed that the single most important quality needed for leadership
success was the willingness to learn from any situation. Arrogance on the other hand stops
learning. It comes with a feeling that one knows all that needs to be known and has done all that
needs to be done.

Lesson 5: There Has to be a Better Way

Partly as a corollary to what I have just said, we must remember that no matter how well we do
something there has to be a better way! Excellence is not a destination but a journey. Creativity
and innovation sometimes need inspiration from other disciplines. It is probably not a chance
that Einstein’s interest in music was as much as his interest in Physics. Bertrand Russell was as
much a mathematician as a philosopher. Excellence and creativity go hand in hand.

Lesson 6: Respond, Not React

There is a world of difference between the two and in terms of success and failure. The
difference is that the mind comes in between responding and reacting. When we respond, we
evaluate with a calm mind and do whatever is most appropriate. We are in control of our actions.
When we react, we are still doing what the other person wants us to do.

Lesson 7: Remain Physically Active

It is easy to take health for granted when you are young. I have found that exercise not only
improves the quality of time but also reduces the time you need for sleep. The truth is that stress
will only increase in a global world. You must have your own mechanism to deal with it.

Lesson 8: Never Compromise on Your Core Values

Mahatma Gandhiji often said that you must open the windows of your mind, but you must not be
swept off your feet by the breeze. One must define what you stand for. This is not difficult. But
values lie, not in the words used to describe them, as much as in the simple acts. And that is the
hard part. Like someone said, I could not hear what you said because what you did was coming
out far too loud.

Lesson 9: Play to Win

Playing to win brings out the best in us and in our teams. It brings out the desire to stretch, to
achieve that which seems beyond our grasp. However, it is not about winning at any cost. It is
not about winning every time. It is not about winning at the expense of others. It is about
innovating all the time. It is a continuous endeavor to do better than last time.

Lesson 10: Give Back to Society

All of us have a collective social responsibility towards doing our bit to address them. Of all the
challenges, the key to me is education. We have a paradoxical situation, where on the one hand
we have jobs chasing scarce talent and on the other, rampant unemployment and poverty. The
only way to bridge these two ends of the pole is by providing quality education that is accessible
by all.
Activity 2nd



 AREA SELECTED: Villages nearby Nathdwara, Rajsamand (Upali Oden, Kothariya,



1. To understand the concept business transaction in rural areas.

2. To study and observe the communication style used in business transactions of rural
3. To identify the problems faced by people of rural areas during business transactions.
4. To give suggestions to improve the business transactions in rural areas.



A business transaction is a financial transaction between two or more parties that involves the
exchange of goods, money, or services. To engage in a business transaction, the business
exchange must be measurable in monetary value so it can be recorded for accounting purposes.
Business transactions will affect the financials of the company involved.

Business transactions can be as simple as a cash purchase or as complex as a long-term service

contract . To be considered a business transaction, the following characteristics must be present:

 The transaction can be measured in monetary terms

 The transaction occurs between the business and a third party
 The transaction is on behalf of the business entity, and it is not for an individual purpose
 The transaction is recorded by authorized legitimate documents like an invoice, sale
order, receipt, etc. that supports the transaction
A business transaction can occur between two parties for mutual benefits or between a business
entity and a customer, such as a store and a person purchasing an item from the store.


Indian economy is one of the fast growing economies of the world. Despite of global turbulences
of economic conditions, Indian economy has been focusing on development. In the recent past,
there are significant developments that have taken place in the Indian financial system, which
has led to huge transformations, trends and changes in the business dynamics.

Though the government of India has been focusing on the digital transactions initiatives since
last few years, the actual impact of digital payments has taken place in India in significant
manner post the demonetization period. India economy has the intrinsic structure of rural and
urban economic developments. Majority of the Indian economy depends on rural economy, and
only when the digital payment methods become an integral part of rural economic development,
the digital initiatives could be considered as successful. In the recent past, digital payments has
gained momentum in the country, both in the case of rural and also the urban segments.

India has predominantly been a cash driven economy and the culturally the deep rooted trends of
cash based purchases has widely been the economic culture. In wake of the government
initiatives towards transformation towards digital economy, and many private companies
emerging in the space of digital transaction solutions like the E Wallets, Mobile app solutions
(UPIs) , payment bank licenses issued by RBI, it is imperative that the market is gearing up
towards more transparent and compliance based system, and of digital trends.

For successful implementation of digital transactions and digital banking system, certain key
processes that are very essential are net/mobile banking, more of ecommerce presence in rural
segments, digital transaction solutions like the PoS solutions usage in merchandise, usage of
plastic currency etc. But the crux factor that has to be taken in to consideration is about how
effectively the system is adaptable in the rural segments of the country, considering the
opportunities and challenges according to the existing scenario. In this research paper, the
emphasis is on gaining insights in to the opportunities and challenges that are envisaged in the
digital payments system penetration in to rural segments.

 It has been observed that people were using regional language for communication.
 It has also been observed that English and Hindi are not understood by many people. Due
to these problems, rural consumers, unlike urban consumers do not have exposure to new
 It has observed that an effective way to increase the emotional attachment with rural
consumers is the use of local language in the communication designed for a specific
target group. This increases the involvement of the consumers with the brand.
 It has been observed that in rural areas majority of transactions are made through cash.
 It has been analyzed that despite of many mobile users in rural areas digital literacy is
very less.
 It has been analyzed that around some people in rural area have enrolled themselves in
cashless transaction and some merchants have also moved into a digital platform for
 It has been analyzed that rural youth are much more inclined to find ways to go cashless.
 It has been observed that the growth in the usage rate of digitalization and its
effectiveness in rural area have not reached at such extent.
 It has been observed that the transaction to go ‘cashless’ has been accelerated after
demonetization by the government of India.
 It has been also analyzed that changes and shift towards digital transactions have offered
essential benefit to the customers, government, regulators extensively as it assist to
enhance transparency.
 It has been observed that most of the people used cash transaction as internet connectivity
in rural areas is still critical challenge.
 It has been analyzed that the literacy rate among the rural consumers is very low so
marketing communication in rural markets suffers from a variety of constraints.
 It has been analyzed that apart from low levels of literacy, the tradition-bound nature of
rural people, their cultural barriers and their overall economic backwardness also add to
the difficulties of the communication task.
 It has been interpreted that in rural areas, the literacy percentage is still low, compared to
urban areas. Therefore transactions in rural areas are through cash.


Business transaction can be made through cash or digitally. From the above observation
researcher has come to the point that rural people were doing most of their transactions in cash
and not digitally. People of rural areas are facing many problems while doing cash less

Some of the problems faced by people while conducting business transaction in rural areas are as

1. Many people of rural areas are using cash for transaction as they are illiterate or have
improper knowledge of financial terms and it comes out as a challenge in terms of digital
business transaction.
2. Smartphone penetration and internet connectivity is not adequate in rural areas. That’s
why people of rural area are using cash transactions.
3. Most of the needs of the rural people depend on cash transactions and to introduce the
concept of digital payment is a very challenging task.
4. Information technology infrastructure is a huge roadblock in the path of the digitalization.
5. Trust is an integral challenge to the growth of digital payment in rural sector.
6. There is a problem of transaction issues. Like merchant accepting the digital payment
from consumers, in turn vendors and suppliers not accepting the digital payment is another
level of challenge.
7. Internet connectivity in rural areas is still critical problem.
8. Lack of the necessary skills for communication.


 It has been suggested to improve the infrastructure of the rural areas.

 Low-cost smart phone should be especially designed for rural areas with regional
languages. Better and cheap internet connectivity.
 It has been suggested that people should have digital literacy.
 It has been suggested that trust building is necessary to make digital transaction. It takes
time, suitable advertisement strategies and promotion of cashless economy can help.
 It has been suggested to reduce the transaction charges over the digital payments.
 Activity 3rd



AREA SELECTED: Celebration Mall, Udaipur and Miraj Mall, Nathdwara.


1. To understand the concept of Mobile communication.

2. To observe how people communicate through mobile phones in the Celebration Mall and
Miraj Mall.
3. To identify the change in behaviours during the mobile communication based on Gender,
Age other Socio-Economic Variable.
4. To give suggestion to improve mobile communication at Public Places.

Introduction to Mobile Communication

Mobile Communication is the use of technology that allows us to communicate with others in
different locations without the use of any physical connection (wires or cables). Mobile
communication makes our life easier, and it saves time and effort.

A mobile phone (also called mobile cellular network, cell phone or hand phone) is an example
of mobile communication (wireless communication). It is an electric device used for full duplex
two way radio telecommunication over a cellular network of base stations known as cell site.
Benefit of mobile communication:

 Flexibility: Wireless communication enables the people to communicate with each other

regardless of location. There is no need to be in an office or some telephone booth in
order to pass and receive messages.
 Cost effectiveness: In wireless communication, there is no need of any physical
infrastructure (Wires or cables) or maintenance practice. Hence, the cost is reduced.
 Speed: Improvements can also be seen in speed. The network connectivity or the
accessibility was much improved in accuracy and speed.
 Accessibility: With the help of wireless technology easy accessibility to the remote areas
is possible. For example, in rural areas, online education is now possible. Educators or
students no longer need to travel to far-flung areas to teach their lessons.
 Constant connectivity: Constant connectivity ensures that people can respond to
emergencies relatively quickly. For example, a wireless device like mobile can ensure
you a constant connectivity though you move from place to place or while you travel,
whereas a wired landline can't.

Observation and analysis

Differences observed in mobile phone communication behavior on the bases of age, gender,
occupation and other socio-economic variables:

1. Some people were found interacting on phone shouting very loudly while purchasing
the products in different shops of the mall.
2. Some people especially young ones were found busy on video calls while showing
the entire surrounding view of the mall to the person with whom they were
3. Some people especially businessman’s were found communicating with their clients
through conference call on mobile phones.
4. Some people especially young ladies were found talking about discounts on different
kind of product while sharing with their friends.
5. Some people especially teenage were found talking about new games and movies to
their friends group while on the mobile phone.
6. Some people especially the old age people were found talking to their relative on
mobile phone by seating one side in the waiting room where the noise disturbance is
very limited.
7. Few people were also found noting some information on the piece of paper while
communicating on the mobile phone.
8. Some people were found continuously communicating with their known ones in the
mall just to show off their high brand mobile phones like apple, one+ etc.
9. Some males were found talking with their wives while purchasing the grocery items
from the grocery store on mobile phones.
10. Some girls were also found communicating through the video call showing the cloths
they were purchasing.

Suggestion for improving mobile communication at the selected public places

1. It has been suggested that People should not do unnecessary communication on mobile
phones at public places.
2. It is suggested that people should take care of their valuables which they forget while
talking on mobile phone.
3. It is suggested that people should speak slowly on mobile phone so that they don’t disturb
4. It has been suggested that old aged people can use earphones instead of putting phone on
5. It has been suggested that People should make personal conversation over mobile phones
carefully at the public places as little bit careless may cause many problems.
6. It is advisable for teenagers to use video calls over mobile carefully as the avoidance it
may cause incidents.
Part C


Chapter wise Summary of The Book


The Compound Effect “is the principle of reaping huge rewards from a series of small, smart
choices,” made consistently, over a long period of time.

For example, would you rather have (A) $3 million upfront or (B) one penny that doubles in
value every day for 31 days?

To maximize your gains, the correct answer is (B). But it doesn’t happen quickly. After 19 days
you’d still only have $5,243 and you might feel pretty foolish next to a friend who chose option

It’s not until day 29 that the compounding gains of option (B) net you $3 million. And by day 30
your patience would have tripled option (A)’s total takings.

The choices that lead to life-altering change are, on the surface, disarmingly small. The good
ones are easy to overlook and the bad ones are easy to forgive. What’s more, cause and effect are
so distant that they’re hard to connect. Compounding requires enormous amounts of patience and
faith. And that’s a problem because humans aren’t programmed for patience or faith. We’re
programmed for instant gratification. And that programming runs deep. In the uncertain world of
our ancestors, passing up chances to flee, feed or fornicate were shortcuts to physical or genetic
death. Even today, the social pressure to keep up with peers, even when we know we’re making
poor long-term decisions, is an almost invincible addiction.
But compounding is real. And it’s powerful. And it’s defining the course of your life, right
now, both for and against you, based on every decision you make.

So, what’s the first step to tip the balance in your favour? The answer is to take full
responsibility for your life.

Think about it – if small choices made consistently lead to big outcomes, it follows that many big
outcomes come down to small choices.

The 10 minutes you read before bed. The 15 minutes you snooze in the morning. The 100
calories you don’t need at lunch.

Every thought you repeatedly have, every impulse you often indulge, every decision you
consistently make contributes to some kind of compounding.

Even if you can’t match cause with effect your life is the product of your choices.


1. Decide to take full ownership of your life – even if you can’t explain how you got here.
2. Write down 6 seemingly inconsequential positive steps you can start doing daily.
3. Identify 6 seemingly inconsequential negative actions you can put a stop to.
4. Identify any areas of life where you’ve enjoyed success in the past but may have become
complacent and are no longer improving.


So if it all comes down to the choices we make, how do we get better at making them? The
answer, like compounding, is disarmingly simple: stop living on autopilot and start making
conscious decisions.

Choose gratitude.

Choose 100% responsibility for your relationships.

Choose 100% responsibility for your setbacks and the lessons they’ll teach you.
Choose 100% responsibility for your luck. Remember always that “Luck = Preparation +
Attitude + Opportunity + Action” and that you can choose to influence or neglect each part of
that sum.

Choose to make conscious choices about even (especially) the smallest of choices in any part of
life you want to transform.

How? “You can’t manage what you can’t measure,” so choose to start tracking every action in
the part of life that you’re focusing on.

Want to lose weight? Track your weight. Track your measurements. Track your calories. Track
your steps. Track the minutes you exercise each day. Track anything and everything that
compounds you towards or away from your goals.

Start slowly. Track one habit for one week. Then add to your list until there’s not a choice, big or
small, you don’t know about.

At first, you’ll be shocked. Not just at the state of your choices but also at how hard it is to stay
conscious of them. But before long you’ll be surprised then delighted at the power of clarity in
shaping your actions.

The most important choices of all? Choose to start early. Choose to start now.

Because the sooner you start making conscious choices, the sooner you can turn those choices
back into habits.

And that’s when the real magic begins.


1. Identify the one area of life you’re struggling most with and start journalling all the
things you’re grateful for about it.
2. Identify and assess an area of life you want to change and that you’re not taking 100%
responsibility for.
3. Start tracking at least one behavior in one area of your life you’d like to change and

Habits are “an acquired mode of behavior that has become nearly or

completely involuntary.” They’re choices on autopilot. And they grow stronger with each

Most people let their habits form unconsciously. Those habits then dictate the choices that
determine the course of their lives.

Taking control of your life means mastering your habits. It means taking full responsibility for
creating good habits while removing the bad ones.

To Take Responsibility for your Habits -

1. Acknowledge the power of habits in light of the compound effect.

2. Set effective goals and clearly visualize what success looks like.
3. Identify and remove the bad habits holding you back from your goals.
4. Identify and create the good habits you’ll need to reach your goals.

To Eliminate Bad Habits -

1. Identify your triggers – what, who, when or where are the triggers that kick-off the
behaviour you want to stop?
2. Eliminate those triggers from your environment – make friction your friend to prevent
undesirable action;
3. Substitute with a reward that has the same effect – want to feel good? Call a friend
instead of eating a cookie; and then
4. Either: Ease into your new reward – some habits are easier to change by cutting them
down slowly.
5. Make a hard change – others are more easier to dislodge with a quick decisive tug at the

To Create Good Habits -

1. Start Strongly – your motivation will never be higher than it is on day 1 – start as you
mean to go on.
2. Set Yourself Up to Succeed – make friction your friend by eliminating as many barriers
between you and your desired action as possible.
3. Think Addition, Not Subtraction – focus on what your new habit will add to your life
instead of worrying about what you’ll be losing.
4. Make a Public Commitment – create your own peer pressure and use it to steer you in the
right direction.
5. Find a Success Buddy – create accountability by checking in with a coach or success
buddy on a frequent basis.
6. Set up Some Competition – even the challenge of beating your own streaks and records
can be enough to get you through a tough day.
7. Celebrate – training your brain is much like training a dog so don’t underestimate the
power of small, simple rewards for good behaviour.


1. Identify your three best habits you can learn from, three worst habits you need to stop and
three new habits you want to start;
2. Identify your core motivation;
3. Practice designing concise, compelling and awe-inspiring goals.


Consistency and persistence are critical ingredients in compounding.

But making active daily decisions and deliberately changing your habits is hard. It’s easy to fall
off the wagon. And it’s precisely at moments like these where momentum will give you an edge.

You’ll recognize momentum when it feels weird not to do something that’s become a regular
part of your day. It’s the gyro that keeps you upright when you wobble. It’s the wind that lifts
you over your hurdles.

How can you create it? One powerful way is to master your daily routines. And the most
important routines are ones at the start and the end of your day.
As long as you control your mornings and evenings you know you can start and end strong. And
a strong start and finish are your best chance at consistently winning.

Darren’s evening routine is much simpler and follows three steps:

Compare actuals with plan – Ask: How did today go compared to how I thought it would go?

Reflect on new ideas and insights – Ask: What did I learn today? What can I use to make
tomorrow better?

Read 10 pages of an inspirational book – If you’re stuck for ideas, you’ll find plenty of
suggestions here.

An interesting point: If you notice something in your rituals that used to energies you but is no
longer generating powerful results, don’t be afraid to change up your routine. Your rituals are
there to help you so don’t let rigid thinking get in the way of a good outcome.

Most important of all? Make your new habits and rituals sustainable. Going from couch potato to
8 miles a day, overnight is a guaranteed path to burn out and injury. That inconsistency is very
expensive. It takes a lot of energy to get a derailed train back on the tracks.

The same lesson goes for your routines. Sustainability leads to consistency, consistency creates
momentum and momentum makes it easy to stick to your rhythm.

In other words: be realistic and ease into your new lifestyle gradually.


1. Build your bookend evening and morning routines.

2. List three areas of life where you’re not consistent enough. What has this cost you?
Decide to be consistent from now on.
3. Create a rhythm register and write down a half-dozen key behaviors.

Change is a hard enough challenge without trying to paddle upstream. That’s why, one of the
most important steps you can take to jumpstart your success is to consciously tailor the
information, associations and environment that you swim in.

Take Control of Information

Your brain is an information processing machine: garbage in, garbage out.

Darren’s solution? To change the quality of your thinking, change the quality of your inputs with
these two fool-proof wins:

Guard Against Garbage – Put yourself on a media diet and stop reading news; and

Join Drive-Time U – Absorb audiobooks and courses whenever you’re hands free.

Wherever you are, whatever you do, you are constantly bombarded by data. Make it your
mission to replace as much of the hateful, harmful and downright unhelpful sources as you can
with healthy alternatives for a wiser, happier existence.

Take Control of Your Associations

The people you associate with determine as much as 95% of your success or failure in life.

First, take control of your friendships:

Evaluate your current associations – Are you surrounded by people who love, support and
inspire you? If not, why not?

Visualize your ideal associations – If you could bring five imaginary friends to life, what or who
would they be like?

Weed out the worst ones completely – Where immediate elimination is hard, find ways
to increasingly avoid or distance yourself from bad actors.

Consciously limit what’s left – When it comes to loved ones, quality is far more important than
Expand and replicate the best ones – Ask: Where do people like my best friends hang out? How
can I make more friends like these?

Next, find yourself one or more peak-performance partners – people who share the same goals,
values and determination to become their best selves as you do. Create a lasting bond of
accountability with weekly calls and messages to hold each other accountable.

Finally, cultivate and invest in mentors and advisers. “Never ask advice of someone with whom
you wouldn’t want to trade places.” And for the best results, find ways to seek help and advice
without making it a big time commitment for others. (N.B., mentorship can also be partly or
completely indirect, through books and audio programmes.)

Take Control of Your Environment

Last up on our checklist of influences is taking ruthless control of your physical and mental

Consciously take control of whatever surrounds you – physically, emotionally and mentally –
including (/especially) the place and space where you live. (Did you know, for example, that an
additional 20 minutes commuting per day has the same negative effect on job satisfaction as
receiving a 19% pay cut?)

Eliminate all the incomplete, poisonous clutter (both mental and physical) that you can from
your life.

And remember: “You will get in life what you accept and expect you are worthy of.”


1. Identify the influence of media and information on your life. Identify ways to protect it
from negative and flush it with positive information.
2. Evaluate your current associations. Which must you stop or limit? How will you expand
your associations?
3. Pick a peak performance partner and decide when, how often, what to and how you’ll
hold each other accountable.
4. Identify three areas of life you are most focused on improving. Find and engage a mentor
in each area of those areas.


Giving a little more energy or your thought to your efforts won’t just improve your results, it will
multiply them.

We all face moments of truth, or walls when it feels like there’s nothing left to give.

Approach these moments not as obstacles, but as opportunities.

First, understand that it’s only after these walls that real growth happens. Everything up to the
wall was just a warm-up.

Second, know that everyone else is facing the same wall, and the vast majority will give up,
which is why the open plains success lies on the other side of it.

Stand out from the crowd. Do the unexpected. Look for as many opportunities to surprise and
“WOW” others as you can with the level, speed and originality of your accomplishments as

Don’t just choose to meet expectations, choose to do better and then choose to do better than

Take extraordinary action. Harness the compound effect. And you’ll find yourself well on the
way to jumpstarting your income, your life and your success.


1. Identify times when you hit your moments of truth and commit to pushing through them
when you next get there.
2. Find three areas in your life where you can do “extra” and make a plan to do more.
3. Identify three areas in your life where you can beat expectations then plan where and how
to create “wow” moments.
4. Identify three ways you can do the unexpected. Where can you differentiate from what is
common, normal or expected?
Important Aspects Of Book

In Darren’s great book you will discover:-

 What the Compound effect is and how top achievers employ it to get and stay ahead.
 How your daily habits over time either make or break your chances at success.
 The surprising formula for getting lucky that successful people practice on daily basis.
 Common mistakes people and businesses make with money and how to avoid them.
 The power of goals and having a strong ‘why’ to keep you motivated.
 Using momentum to help you achieve and accomplish more than you thought possible.


 ‘’You will never change your life until you change something you do daily. The secret of
your success is found in your daily routine”.

 “Don’t wish it were easier; wish you were better.”

 “You alone are responsible for what you do, don’t do, or how you respond to what’s done
to you.”
 “It's not the big things that add up in the end; it's the hundreds, thousands, or millions of
little things that separate the ordinary from the extraordinary.”

 Seek out positive people who have achieved the success you want to create in your own
life. Remember the adage: “Never ask advice of someone with whom you wouldn’t want
to trade places.”

 “Unsuccessful people carry their goals around in their head like marbles rattling around
in a can, and we say a goal that is not in writing is merely a fantasy.”


Darren Hardy’s Compound Effect is a powerful book with a simple message – disarmingly small
choices remade consistently over time lead to life-altering changes, and those forces can work
for or against you.

Darren offers a simple 6-step process to help turn the tides in your favour :-

 Accept the power of compounding.

 Make and track conscious micro-choices.
 Foster positive and banish bad habits.
 Set up daily and weekly routines.
 Optimize your environment.
 Take extraordinary action.

Simple, but not easy – which is why The Compound Effect is filled with practical actions and
templates, But now the ball’s in your court and your choice is straight forward.

You can leave this summary and continue your life as it is; you can sink back into your
comfortable flow; you can leave your choices to chance and in 5, 10 or 15 years, you can reap
the haphazard harvest that’s taken root in the garden of your life.
Or you can choose ONE thing that you’ve learned here today and take action; you can put your
fate in the power of compounding; you can take responsibility for the forces that are shaping
your future and you can decide to become more extraordinary.

If you choose progress, you might want to check out TAOL’s TRACKTION Planner – a simple,

no-nonsense productivity tool that gives you the clarity, focus and accountability you need to
build new habits and accomplish more of what matters each day.

But in any case, thank you for stopping and I hope you enjoyed this book summary of Darren
Hardy’s Compound Effect.

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