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A project proposal


College Management System

  Submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirement of
Project – III (CACS452)

Bachelor of Humanities and Social Science

Submitted to
Birendra Multiple Campus
Bharatpur-10, Chitwan

Submitted By

Mr. Amit Gaire-190039

Mr. Sanjaya Chalise-190048



January 26, 2022

Table of Contents
Introduction 1
Problem Statement 2
Objectives 2
Methodology 2
Methodology Requirement Identification 2
Feasibility Study 3
High Level Design of System 4
Gantt Chart 7
Expected Outcome 7
References 8
1. Introduction
Using professional management techniques to maintain management which include
students,teachers, accounting, food,infrastructures management,etc. The college
management system is complete customized web software to operate the college
management system. By the help of this software we can completely operate the
management system of the college. We can see that the who are visiting our colleges
and they would like all the things which are available in their country so we can
deliver them those kind of services. If we are successful in providing those services.

A college management proposal is an official script that underlines the key aspects of
management strategies to be adopted by a college for its effective operation. Almost
all college these days believe in taking up professional help and advice for
managerial approach and policies to be adopted.

College Management System is a type of properly management system that facilitates

the management of hotel operations and functions; main operations such as front
office, sales, planning, and accounting.In college, you need to be equipped with
knowledge and the right systems not to compromise the operations but optimize it for
greater stability and more profit.

College Management System is a web-based application that allows the hocollegetel

manager to handle all college activities online and offline. Interactive GUI and the
ability to manage various hotel bookings and rooms make this system very flexible
and convenient. The college manager is a very busy person and does not have the
time to sit and manage the entire activities manually on paper. This application gives
him the power and flexibility to manage the entire system from a single system.

2. Problem Statement
⮚ There is error in calculating bills by manual accounting.
⮚ loss due to lack of information
⮚ Students have to wait too much time for bills.
⮚ To check the previous transaction is time consuming.

3. Objectives
⮚ To make secure accounting in college.
⮚ To enable automated data entry methods.
⮚ Enforce security measures to avoid unauthorized access to guest records.

4. Methodology
a. Methodology Requirement Identification

i. Study of Existing System

The system will cover; Check in/out, accommodation, and payment and
bills details. Moreover, special services such as tables,benches and
infrastructure service will be automated by the system also, not to
forget the additional facilities information that will be efficiently
handled by the system. To help the system smoothly carry out its
intended purpose to meet the college management needs.

ii. Literature Review

We have done survey in different colleges where there is security for
students by the the software. By which the User, admin and the workers
don't have to visit many sites or to go through the many software.
iii. Requirement Analysis
Requirements analysis is critical to the success or failure of a systems
or software project. The requirements should be documented,
actionable, measurable, testable, traceable, related to identified business

needs or opportunities, and defined to a level of detail sufficient for
system design. [4]
The main thing we can say that the requirement identification is the
procedure of finding the required things which a system needs. It is
whole process to find out the requirements only, in which decides the
all materials which the current developing software needs.

b. Feasibility Study

A feasibility study is an analysis that takes all of a project's relevant factors

into account including economic, technical, legal, and scheduling
considerations to ascertain the likelihood of completing the project
successfully. Project managers use feasibility studies to discuss the software
and conclusions of undertaking a project before they invest a lot of time and
money into the software.

i. Technical
The software I am making is technically feasible because the need of
the software are limited, so that it will be easy to build the software. In
the resources there are administration (College’s staff), and every

ii. Operational
Operational feasibility is the measure of how well a proposed system
solves the problems, and takes advantage of the opportunities identified
during scope definition and how it satisfies the requirements identified
in the requirements analysis phase of system development. The
operational feasibility assessment focuses on the degree to which the
proposed development project fits in with the existing business

environment and objectives with regard to development schedule,
delivery date, corporate culture and existing business processes. [5]

iii. Economic
In this field we use to check whether the system we are making is
economically supportable or not by the people or user. The software we
are making it includes form, transactions, check-ins and checkouts, etc
we design a software to combine all those systems and implement it in
the college whether the admin can see and control the data of his/her
data of the hotel from all around the world. So that it would be
maintained well.

c. High Level Design of System

i. Methodology of the proposed system

I am going to use React for my project frontend because there are predefined
steps to do and it is going to be built by only me. The react model makes
working environment easy to build project because the making steps are

In the figure there are some steps which I have to follow to make my
software. And these are identified strictly, for example if I will design
before analysis then I have to spend double strength for a single work.
And it is the worst in programming, because time is very precious in
every sector.

ii. Flow Chart

5. Gantt Chart

6. Expected Outcome
Thus the software is complete so the upcoming outputs are as follows:-
⮚ All systems will be combined like bill, admin, students,teachers, staff record, login
etc. (can be accessed by only one software).
⮚ Thus the admin can watch the transactions in the hotel from far away.
⮚ Data security is high in our system.
⮚ There will be less errors in accounting.

7. References
[1] "Feasibility Study," Wikipedia, vol. 2, no. 8, p. 1, 2019.
[2] College management system, 2018.
[3] "College Management system," pp. 30-32, augest 2019.
[4] "Requirement Analysis," Wekipedia, vol. 1, p. 1, 2019.
[5] I. G. N. O. University, "Synopsis on College Management System," Academia,
Augest 2019.
[6] "Project Planning Tools,", Augest 2019.

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