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1. Business graduates in the United States with a marketing concentration earn high salaries.
According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the average annual salary for marketing
managers was $140,660 in 2017.
1.1. What is the relevant population?
Marketing manager in United states in 2017

1.2. Do you think the average salary of $140,660 was computed from the population?
No, the average salary from data above taken from sample data due to
collecting population data will be very difficult and require a large amount of
time and money so that the use of samples will be much more effective and
efficient to produce the required data.

2. Many people regard video games as an obsession for youngsters, but, in fact, the average
age of a video game player is 35 years (, August 21, 2019). Is the value 35
likely the actual or the estimated average age of the population? Explain.

Value 35 more likely the estimated average age of population due to the sentences
“Many people regard video games as an obsession for youngsters”. It is mean, the
researcher collect the data from all ages category and took the sampling process
whose already represent the population and found out the average is 35.

3. listed the following high temperatures (in degrees Fahrenheit) for 33
European cities on July 21, 2021.

3.1. Construct the frequency distribution using classes of 60 up to 70, 70 up to 80, etc.
3.2. Construct the relative frequency, the cumulative frequency, and the cumulative
relative frequency distributions.

Cummulative Relative
Row Labels Frequency Relative
Frequency Frequency
60 up to 70 2 2 6% 6%
70 up to 80 7 9 21% 27%
80 up to 90 18 27 55% 82%
90 up to 100 6 33 18% 100%
Grand Total 33 100%
3.3. How many of the cities had high temperatures less than 80°? What percent of the
cities had high temperatures of at least 80° but less than 90°? What percent of the
cities had high temperatures less than 90°?

 There are 9 Cities with temperatures less than 80°

 42% from total cities had temperatures at least 80° but less than 90°
 70% from total cities had temperatures less than 90°

3.4. Construct the relative frequency polygon.

Relative Frequency



20% 21%
61 up to 70 71 up to 80 81 up to 90 91 up to 100
Category Temperature (In degree)

3.5. Comment on the shape of the distribution.

From data above, we can conclusion is the cities with high temperature at least
81° until 90° dominated the data amounted 55%. Cities with the smallest
temperatures (at least 61° until 70°) has the smallest composition too

4. Fifty cities provided information on vacancy rates (in percent) in local apartments in the
following frequency distribution.
1. Construct the relative frequency distribution, the cumulative frequency distribution, and
the cumulative relative frequency distribution.
Vacancy Cummulative
Relative Cummulative
Rate Frequency Relative
Frequency Frequency
(Percent) Frequency
0 up to 3 5 10% 5 10%
3 up to 6 10 20% 15 30%
6 up to 9 20 40% 35 70%
9 up to 12 10 20% 45 90%
12 up to 15 5 10% 50 100%
Total 50 100%

2. How many of the cities had a vacancy rate less than 12%? What percent of the cities had
a vacancy rate of at least 6% but less than 9%?
 There are 45 Cities
 40% from total cities

3. What percent of the cities had a vacancy rate of less than 9%? Graph the frequency
 There are 45 Cities
 Frequency Histogram

Vacancy Rates



10 10

5 5

0 up to 3 3 up to 6 6 up to 9 9 up to 12 12 up to 15
Vacancy rate

4. Comment on the shape of the distribution.

The data above shown the symmetric distribution histogram. From Information
above, the highest relative frequency is dominated by vacancy rate 9% up to 12%

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