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The management process comprises of various stages which can be termed as functions of
management can be elaborated as planning, organising, staffing, directing and controlling. All the
functions of management are primary in nature albeit there are various numerous functions
performed by the managers like forecasting, budgeting, reporting, representation and innovation
[ CITATION Eve08 \l 2057 ]

Management can be defined as “Management consists in guiding human and physical resources into
dynamic, hard hitting organisation unit that attains its objectives to the satisfaction of those served
and with a high degree of morale and work” Chester I. Bernard

Understand principles and practices: (Managerial Behaviour)

The burning angst and furore against the bureaucratic authority mainly stems from the fact, that
there has been some sort of exploitation. The plummeting spiral downfall of motivation results due
to ‘lack of facility’, ‘pressure of work’ and ‘reduction in available funds.’ From this, it is clearly
evident that, the supervisors are the victims of exploitation in the ground of financial parity which
doesn’t meet the amount of work load they are putting.

Behaviour Management is responsible for positive outcome of the business and to maintain
interaction with all the aspects of the business. The foremost priority of managerial behaviour are to
create a ambience of mutual understanding among the employee, to protect the laws and rules of
the company, to set boundaries for the members to achieve their goal successfully and finally the
managerial behaviour is essential to maintain accordance in working area.

Leaning Outcomes 1

1.1 Management styles can be defined as “the approach and advances initiated by enterprise
management to the supervision and control of the operational productivity, task performance and
work behaviour of subordinates” Styles of management vary according to the degree of
management which can be comprehended in terms of direct oversight of subordinates and helpful
behaviour by managers and supervisors [ CITATION Sak05 \l 2057 ]

The comparison between two styles of management can be described as:-

a) External Environmental factors of management styles

This factor comprises of technology, the persisting nature of the expectations of external
stakeholder, the nature of market, technology, customer services or client requirements and the
level of need for output quality and reliability [ CITATION Sak05 \l 2057 ]

b) Internal factors of management styles

This factor comprises of the size and scale of organisation, the span of control and hierarchy,
capability, capacity and competence of employer and employee categories occupational state and
level in the hierarchy and degree to which organisation structure is massive [ CITATION Sak05 \l 2057

1.2 Armstrong (1990) leadership in terms of getting things done through people. The leadership
aspect in the organisation and management exists due to the availability of more than one person in
the task, task for higher goal achievement strategy, and when managerial functions are to be carried
smoothly [ CITATION Ton04 \l 2057 ] The success of Organisation and every firm depends upon the
quality of leadership. The characteristics of leadership can be classified as:-

1. Leadership implies the emergence of followers: - The amount of followers signifies the impact of
the leader and the quality of leadership. It is the foremost requirement in management to maintain
the proper leadership quality in order to achieve the desired results [ CITATION Ton04 \l 2057 ]

2. Leadership applies an unequal distribution of authority among leaders and group members: -
Proper leadership enables the smooth functioning of the enterprise. The correct amount of work is
distributed by the leader according to the authorities in organisation [ CITATION Ton04 \l 2057 ]

3. Leadership involves a community of Interest between the employer and employee: - The main
objective and perspective of the leader is to maintain a formal accord between the employer and
employee in order for a smooth functioning of the Organisation [ CITATION Ton04 \l 2057 ]

1.3 A proper understanding of the information is important feature of communication in business. In

other words communication is not merely the transmission of information from one person to
another but also correct interpretation and understanding of the Information [ CITATION Tri08 \l
2057 ] Taking business into consideration two process of Communication can be identified:-

1. Formal Communication: - Basically the organisation comprises majorly of the Formal

communication which runs through a channel of work related matters. All decisions, instructions,
orders are communicated to the subordinates through this channel. There are four areas in business
where formal communication exists which are upward channel of management, downward channel
of management and channel between department and organisations [ CITATION Tri08 \l 2057 ]

2. Informal Organisation: - Informal Communication is not generally used in the business. Only two
areas comprises of Informal communication in business which are –work related areas and people
related areas. One of the functions of Informal communication in organisation is known as the
“grapevine” [ CITATION Tri08 \l 2057 ]

Herzberg and aspects of Supervisor’s performance (Task 1)

Herzberg’s dual theory of motivation can be found in best forms here. Growth, promotion, and work
itself are the main motivating factor that drives a worker. In this case, the growth is shunned. The
work pressure is high and recognition is low. Hygiene factors which are cyclical in nature, leads to a
syndrome- ‘’ what have you done for me’’ recently. Here, the grievances are on the same line
though. They are unrest about the lack of facility. Pay benefit is a hygiene factor, which keeps a
worker happy, here it is disrupted.
The problem of mistrust between the staff and senior management is a major concern though. In
Herzberg’s hygiene theory, relation with the co-worker is an important aspect in keeping high
motivation. Here, there is mistrust amongst the co-workers. The cause however is known. Hygiene
factors operate independently. Here, the co-workers are dissatisfied with the work environment.

Learning Outcomes 2

This dissatisfaction is manifold as discussed earlier. However, a key point is, the staffs regarded the
supervisors as a level of management poor at managing their sections. They have failed to maintain
a certain level of performance standard and ignore work practices. Again, this can be referred back
to Herzberg’s theory of motivation. Company policy and administration is very important in keeping
workers happy. Here, the blame has been put on the supervisors regarding their work ethics,
performance standard. Such incendiary statements caused dissent and revulsion. The supervisors
countered each and every allegation with crassly attitude.

They feel, the position in the company (recognition) was unsure in the beginning. Even the
administration was held loose, with no clear line of authority, command and responsibility. This has
hampered in taking strong decisions. The people are made unhappy by unhealthy environment. The
supervisors argued, they were left unrecognised (not bothering about recognitions), funding
shortages (growth), unrealistic targets (poor administration and company policy), no job descriptions
and lack of facility (achievement and promotion).

A key hygiene factor as mentioned by Herzberg was Job security. The supervisors claimed that there
is no job security in the work place. Financial cutbacks and changes in service lead to the rumours of
substantial cutbacks in staffs. The problem of supervision is also noticeable. The younger trainers are
trained hard, to replace the supervisors. They are given technological benefits.

This clearly edifies why there is a cut-price and low salary for the supervisors. Moreover, as Herzberg
said personal growth is necessary for high motivation, is lacking here. Coupled with the fact, there is
a poor working condition prevailing in the company. The problem faced by the supervisors and their
grievances against the authority clearly goes line in line with Herzberg’s theory of motivation.

Potential Prospective Manager review (Task 2)

The Manager here must need to address few problems. He should not this fact, that there is a
certain level of exploitation going on. Whether, the staffs are right or the supervisors are in their
protests- there are few ways to check and handle it.

In this situation, the important aspect is finance. The manager should look in to the matter that Why
there is a reduction in wage? This clearly states us, that regarding distribution of wage is not a
ground level problem; it is a problem of administration and the company policy.

While trying to address it, he must look, at the cause of reduction of wage. The manager will find,
that pay benefit has been hampered due to the reason, that younger trainers are getting to do the
jobs of the supervisors and as a result there is a massive pay-cut, even few are shown exit doors.
There is unrest about the job. This must be addressed.

Secondly, while addressing this issue, subsequently the manager should look into another important
aspect, that why the younger trainers are trained so hard so that they can do a supervisor job? That
means, there are some administrative flaws.

This is a micro-problem. Simply because, the supervisors demanded, there is a lack of facility, they
were neglected and there is no growth. However, on the contrary, younger trainers are getting good
trainings with good software. This must be a concern. That means, the staffs doesn’t want extra
people in the company or they want to reduce the wage of the supervisors. The problem here, is, in
doing so, they have neglected the supervisors. Had they been trained properly, given proper
injunction, they would have also performed.

These are the factors which might influence the manager’s decision. Apart from man-management,
poor conditions of the working place should also be taken into account. The fragile infrastructure
and the beurocratic organisation are equally responsible for the present problem that needs

Learning Outcome 3

Analysis of managerial skills within a business and services

Managerial post comes with the great level of responsibilities first of all it is essential to know all the
aspects of business in which it persists. There are many functions and operations to be performed
with the high responsibilities of the managers as panning, controlling, organising, staffing and
directing. After the performance of the compulsory functions of the management it is foremost task
of the manager to maintain proper communication with all the channels of business states in order
for a smooth functioning of the business

According to the scenario of the business and keeping Herzberg theory of motivation in mind it is
important to keep in the business policies and advantages of the employers. In this situation, the
important aspect is finance. The manager should look in to the matter that Why there is a reduction
in wage? This clearly states us, that regarding distribution of wage is not a ground level problem; it is
a problem of administration and the company policy. Therefore manager should work for the
welfare of the masses and the organisation rather thinking and working for the individual.

Managerial and personal skills play a vital role in the career development, it astute the manager and
makes him aware about the business policies and the environment of the organisation. Various
qualities develop within the manager due course of the management like leadership,
communication, motivational and aim oriented all the above qualities are very helpful in enlarging
individuals career opportunities and built a strong curriculum vitae for career development

Career and personal development needs can be supported by the characteristics of a good manager.
All the nature and essential feature of a good manager are the requirement in the future to develop
and enhance the productivity for a firm in all forms.
Everard. (2008). Business principles and management. england: Cengage.

Sakthvel, M. (2005). Management principle and practices. new delhi: International pvt. ltd.

Tony, M. (2004). Principles of management, 3rd edition. England: Ashgate publisher.

Tripathi, P. R. (2008). principles of management. New Delhi: Mc grew hill publishers.

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