Human Resource Management in Health

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Master of Arts in Nursing

Motivational Strategies in Creating a Productive inclination to overestimate their contribution or the

Healthcare Team rewards they believe they deserve which has the
tendency to create unrealistic measures for
According to Napoleon Bonaparte, "The art of workplace equality (Glišović, 2019).
choosing men is not nearly so difficult as the art of
enabling those chosen to attain their full worth." The 3. Providing Positive Reinforcement
same thing goes for creating a productive team. Providing positive reinforcement is a simple yet very
Hiring the right people alone is not enough, HR powerful motivation strategy as this encourages the
Managers in Health must keep healthcare employees repetition of the desired outcome making the
motivated in achieving both personal and realization of the organizational goals most likely.
organizational goals. This strategy is supported by the Theory of
Reinforcement developed by B.F. Skinner and is
1. Knowing and understanding members of the based on the fact the team members can be
team motivated by the rewards for the results achieved.
Motivation in the work context operates at an One of the most important effects of this strategy is
individual level and is determined by the employee’s its potential to adopt an individual’s behavior in order
goals, self-concept, and expectations (Franco et al., to meet goals. This behavioral adaptation allows for
2002). Existing literature on motivation frequently the removal of obstacles to achieving the goal, careful
described different types of motivation as either planning, and organizing, feedback control, and
extrinsic (motivation arises from outside of an constant communication.
individual and often involves grading systems,
employee evaluations, awards and accolades, and 4. Setting Clear Goals
the respect and admiration of others.) or intrinsic Team members will have higher motivation when
(motivation arises from inside an individual and may specific goals are set as it provides them with a clear
include our core values, our interests, and our direction and expectations from them are clear. This
personal sense of morality). also allows managers to measure the team members’
progress towards the goal and provide feedback on it
A study conducted in 2016 has concluded that or make recommendations for adjustments if the
monetary incentives negatively affect intrinsically progress is not up to set expectations.
motivated individuals (Berdud et al., 2016) while
another study in 2014 asserted that focusing 5. Provide opportunities for learning, creativity,
resources in supporting intrinsically motivated and innovation
individuals will yield more efficient results compared While personal and organizational goals provide
to monetary incentives/rewards (Gaiak, 2014). Since direction for the team, they must not limit team
these determinants and sources of motivation are member’s options on how they are going to achieve
unique to every person, knowing and understanding the set goals. These opportunities will be a way to
members of the team is crucial in implementing any motivate the team members to achieve more in such
motivation strategies. a way that they will commit themselves to
continuously improve their skills which ultimately
2. Strict observance of workplace equality leads to the realization of organizational goals and
Everyone wants equal and just treatment and we improved productivity.
must make an effort to understand our team
member's perception of honesty and take appropriate
steps to reduce workplace inequalities. This strategy References:
is derived from J. Stacey Adams' Theory of Equity 1. Berdud, M., Cabasés, J., & Nieto, J. (2016).
which is based on the simple premise that people in Incentives and intrinsic motivation in
any organization want to be treated fairly. We must healthcare. Gaceta Sanitaria, 30(6).
remember that equality in the workplace is subjective 10.1016/j.gaceta.2016.04.013
as it is based on a team member's perception of 2. Franco, L. M., Bennett, S., & Kanfer, R.
equality of team members according to the way they (2002, April). Health sector reform and public
are treated and according to the reward they believe sector health worker motivation: a conceptual
they deserve. Any deviation from this perception has framework. Social Science & Medicine,
the potential to change the motivation level of team 54(8), 1255-1266. 10.1016/s0277-
members to work on the team's goals. According to 9536(01)00094-6.
Adam's Equity Theory, if a team member finds out 3. Gaiak, L. (2014). Motivational Capital and
that there is an inequality, he is most likely to put less Incentives in Health Care Organizations.
effort at work, demand for an increase in Departamento de Economía Ekonomia
compensation, or demand a reduction of workload in Saila.
an effort to equalize the disparity which negatively
affects the dynamic of the team. On this strategy, we
should also take into account the limitation of the
theory which is the fact that team members have the
Master of Arts in Nursing

The necessity of strategies in the recruitment, RETENTION

selection, development, and retention of quality Retention strategies are crucial to the attainment of
health care professionals the organizational goals and objectives as it will
After determining the organization’s key personnel ensure that the right person remains at the job. If an
and skills needed for the attainment of its goals and organization has a high employee turnover rate, there
objectives through Strategic Planning, a strategy that is an increased likelihood of nurses taking on
will guide the recruitment, selection, development additional workloads from those who left or while the
and retention of quality healthcare professionals can replacement is still being trained. This in turn,
be formulated. It is vital that these strategies are negatively affects the quality of care. This situation
carefully observed and its effectiveness continually also can contribute to individual moral distress and
assessed and adjusted accordingly to ensure that it burnout, emergency department diversions,
brings out results that are in line with the increased patient wait times, threatened patient
organization’s goals and objectives. safety, and unfavorable patient outcomes (Blegen et
al., 2011).
A well-crafted strategy for recruitment and selection References:
will ensure that the position that the organization for Blegen, M. A., Goode, C. J., Spetz, J., Vaughn, T., &
is really needed and would bring value to the Park, S. H. (2011). Nurse Staffing Effects on Patient
organization. Recruitment strategies will ensure that Outcomes. Medical Care, 49(4), 406–414.
the critical skills required for the job and the
requirements of the person for the job are clearly Fried, B., & Fottler, M. D. (2015). Human resources
identified and appropriate channels to attract in healthcare : managing for success (4th ed., pp.
candidates are identified and utilized. Once the 181–183). Health Administration Press ; Arlington,
desired candidates are attracted towards the job Virginia.
opening, selection strategies will ensure that HR Jr, F., & Mcconnell, C. R. (2007). Human resource
Managers will be able to select the best candidate management in health care : principles and
that fits both the job and the organization’s culture as practice (pp. 187–189). Jones And Bartlett
well as its values or philosophy. One of the most Publishers.
important reasons for a well-crafted recruitment
recruitment and selection strategy is the role that
recruitment and selection plays towards retention of
employees. Afterall, an important measure of the
effectiveness of recruitment and selection is the
extent to which the organization is able to attract
committed and high-performing employees who
remain with the organization over a specified period
(Fried & Fottler, 2015).

Nursing is a dynamic profession that is subject to
constant changes and this necessitates that
development strategies be in place to ensure that
nurses provide the best possible individualized care
based on the most recent research findings.
Development strategies will provide nurses the
opportunities to learn and grow which is one of the
strongest motivating factors along with the
opportunity to do interesting and challenging work (Jr
& Mcconnell, 2007, pp. 187–189).
Development strategies require a substantial
investment from the organization. While this
investment is primarily focused on the employees
allowing nurses to meet their obligation to society to
provide care that is constantly reviewed, researched
and validated (ICN, 2012), it provides the
organization a competitive advantage over its
competitors. Highly motivated nurses with up to date
knowledge and skills will increase the quality of care
rendered to clients in the organization which
increases the likelihood of the public using its
services thereby increasing its profitability.

Master of Arts in Nursing

HRM: Philosophy behind its evolution & 2. Complementing Organizational and Human
Leadership Styles Resource Strategies
Organizational Strategies are designed to guide the
Over the years, Human Resource Management has organization towards the realization of its goals while
evolved from a family-level where the head of Human Resource Management stirs the members of
households would manage all resources at their the organization to effectively work towards those
disposal including the family members who they train goals. It is important that these two complements
to take on different roles and responsibilities to meet each other, otherwise conflict may arise.
the goals of the household to a more sophisticated
and complex process that organizations today If a healthcare organization aims to be the best
implement to realized their goals. healthcare facility in the area, its organizational
According to Armstrong (2006), Human Resource strategies are designed to realize this goal. It may
Management is a strategic and coherent approach to involve the acquisition of new equipment and building
the management of an organization’s most valued facilities. HR Management strategies must
assets – the people working there who individually complement these organizational strategies by hiring
and collectively contribute to the achievement of its and retaining competent nursing staff, supporting
objectives. Spending 32.97% of their time in the unit their professional development, and putting in
at client’s rooms (Westbrook et al., 2011), and measures that will increase the quality of care in the
accounting for the biggest portion of care time organization.
compared with other members of the healthcare team
(Butler et al., 2018), nurses serve as one of the vital 3. Considering Employees as assets rather than
core elements of any healthcare organization. liabilities
A healthcare organization is a dynamic workplace
HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT that constantly changes along with time. Healthcare
PHILOSOPHY needs changes and technological and medical
The philosophy behind the evolution of Human advances cope or try to be at the forefront of these
Resource Management plays a vital role in changes. This requires nurses to be on top of these
safeguarding the welfare of the Nursing Staff as an changes to ensure the quality of care. By considering
important core element of an organization. While nurses as the organization’s assets, it opens
different organizations develop and implement opportunities to support the career growth and
Human Resource Management Practices specific to development of nurses. They can function based on
their organization (Farndale & Sanders, 2016), these the latest research findings. It improves the
HRM Processes always has an underlying competencies of nurses and a proper skills mix is
philosophy. achieved which ultimately promotes an increase in
the quality of care. By having highly competent
1. Ownership nurses, the risk for liabilities of the organization
The philosophy of ownership states that Human decreases.
Resource Management is and has to be owned and
driven by the top management in the interest of the LEADERSHIP STYLES IN CREATING A
key stakeholders. While it may look like a one-sided PRODUCTIVE WORK TEAM
approach favoring only the top management of an Existing literature suggests that the most common
organization, this ensures there is accountability in an leadership styles are Transactional, Charismatic,
organization. This requires that the key stakeholders Transformational, and Servant Leadership. While
set goals, make plans and decisions to effectively these are commonly used, it is important to note that
manage all resources including all members of the no single leadership style is effective for every
organization to individually and collectively contribute situation thus leadership effectiveness does not
to the realization of the organizational goals. solely rely on a single leadership style but on one’s
ability to effectively identify the type of leadership
Healthcare organizations are complex in nature. style to use in a situation.
Nurses have to perform their independent functions
while also working hand-in-hand with the other Transactional Leadership
members of the healthcare team. Having the HR This leadership style utilizes the relationship between
Management owned by the major stakeholders and the leader of a work team and its members. Since this
decision-makers will allow for a clear direction for style primarily relies on exchange relationships, the
nurses to follow and ensure that their work aligns with leader must know the members of the team
expected outcomes. This will also allow the especially their interests and values in order to be
management to see determine where are the able to appeal to their own self-interest to meet the
members of the organization in their strategic plan. team’s goals.

This style of leadership requires the leader to set

clear objectives and expectations for the team and
provide an explanation to the team members on what
Master of Arts in Nursing

they will get upon meeting the set objectives and simply, a team that is well-taken care of will have the
expectations. Leaders are also required to actively reason and the ability to take good care of the
monitor both the individual and collective progress organization.
and to take necessary corrective actions if needed.
While it has been proven to be effective and making • Antonakis, J., Bastardoz, N., Jacquart, P., &
effective decisions aimed at increasing productivity, Shamir, B. (2016). Charisma: An Ill-Defined
leaders must also be careful not to overuse this and Ill-Measured Gift. Annual Review of
leadership style as over-emphasis on the attainment Organizational Psychology and
of the team’s goals has the tendency to overlook Organizational Behavior, 3(1), 293–
opportunities to hear inputs from the team members, 319.
leading to the creation of an environment permeated orgpsych-041015-062305
by position, power, perks, and politics. • Antonakis, J., Fenley, M., & Liechti, S.
(2011). Can Charisma Be Taught? Tests of
Charismatic Leadership Two Interventions. Academy of Management
This leadership style helps create a productive work Learning & Education, 10(3), 374–
team by inspiring team members to make the goals 396.
of the team the center of their work. In a nursing team, • Armstrong, M. (2006). A handbook of human
the leader can appeal to the team member’s core resource management practice (10th ed.).
values to get their active cooperation and Kogan Page. (Original work published 1977)
participation. It can also be used as a highly effective • Butler, R., Monsalve, M., Thomas, G. W.,
motivational tool (Meslec et al., 2020). It is important Herman, T., Segre, A. M., Polgreen, P. M., &
to note however that the effectiveness of this Suneja, M. (2018). Estimating Time
leadership style relies on the connection between the Physicians and Other Health Care Workers
leader and the team member. It is important that the Spend with Patients in an Intensive Care Unit
followers accept their leader and this acceptance is Using a Sensor Network. The American
accomplished through communicating values and a Journal of Medicine, 131(8), 972.e9–
mission that is relevant for the followers (Antonakis et 972.e15.
al., 2011; Antonakis et al., 2016). 018.03.015
• Farndale, E., & Sanders, K. (2016).
Transformational Leadership Conceptualizing HRM system strength
According to Doody & Doody (2013), through a cross-cultural lens. The
Transformational Leadership is the most favored and International Journal of Human Resource
desired leadership style within nursing and other Management, 28(1), 132–
disciplines primarily presumably due to their 148.
emphasis on relationships as the foundation for 1239124
effecting positive change or outcomes (Hibberd & • Hibberd, J. M., & Donna Lynn Smith. (2006).
Donna Lynn Smith, 2006) Nursing leadership and management in
Canada (3rd ed., pp. 369–394). Elsevier
With both the leader and team members sharing a Mosby.
common belief and goals there is a high possibility • Kiwanuka, F., Nanyonga, R. C., Sak‐
that the team will work together and exceed the Dankosky, N., Muwanguzi, P. A., & Kvist, T.
expected outcomes. Effective transformational (2020). Nursing leadership styles and their
leadership is linked to reduced adverse patient impact on intensive care unit quality
events, enhanced patient satisfaction (Wong et al., measures: An integrative review. Journal of
2013), and guaranteed higher quality of nursing care Nursing Management,
(Kiwanuka et al., 2020). 29(2).
• Meslec, N., Curseu, P. L., Fodor, O. C., &
Servant Leadership
Kenda, R. (2020). Effects of charismatic
In servant leadership, the primary goal of the leader
leadership and rewards on individual
is to serve the team members not by doing the team
performance. The Leadership Quarterly,
member’s jobs for them but by ensuring that the team
members are growing in all areas — their profession,
knowledge, autonomy, and even their health and
physical development.

By taking good care of the team members, they will

be constantly motivated and will be equipped with the
knowledge and skills and the physical, psychological,
and emotional strength to perform their duties and
responsibilities thereby increasing productivity,
quality of care, and total workplace culture. To put it
Master of Arts in Nursing

HRM in Health Course Integration Literature asserts that ideas and practices on
managing employees evolved with time. From early
Existing literature presents different definitions of idea of absolute superiority and divine rights of
Human Resource Management from different masters over their conscripts to the management of
authors, management thinkers and various employees in a hierarchical authoritarian way during
institutions. However, all these definitions boil down the Industrial Revolution which is deeply rooted on a
to the same theme which is “Human Resource set of assumptions that owners have particular
Management (HRM) is a systematic way of managing qualities that gave them their place in society which
people working in an organization and resources to workers do not have therefore they needed to be
meet both the employees and the organization’s strictly managed. Late on the idea of Taylorism came
goals.” Literature also asserts the presence of which viewed workers are viewed as motivated by
confusion between the terms “Human Resource money and are willing to work to get it but they want
Management” and “Personnel Management”. Some to do it in the most efficient way. This led to breaking
claims that the two are entirely different things while down complex jobs to smaller repetitive jobs that can
some says its just the same; some also claims that be done by any unskilled worker and the one who
Human Resource Management is the modern version determines how to breakdown a job and who and
of Personnel Management. what to work on is the manager. Most recent idea is
the Psychology and Human Relations wherein
In this paper I will try to comprehensive discuss humans are viewed to have different psychological
Human Resource Management and Personnel needs, skills and abilities and it is important to have
Management, its similarities and differences as well engaging human relations at the workplace (Budd,
as its views on the organization itself, the people 2016).
working for it and different management strategies.
These evolution of ideas and practices in managing
Personnel Management & Human Resource the people working in an organization ultimately
Management Historical Background paved the way for what we now know as Human
Back in the early days, head of households assigns Resource Management where people are now
tasks to every member based on what they are good viewed as one of the most important assets an
and while the term does not exist yet by that time, it organization has and must be developed and
is believed to be the origin of talent management empowered. It also provided for the creation of new
which simply means “putting the right people in the roles for HR Managers. The days of simply
right roles.” This has proven to be very effective as it maintaining personnel files and advising on hiring,
helped people to sustain the needs of their firing, and compensation or long gone for HR
households. The same practice also aids in professionals. Today, they fulfill a variety of roles that
household production wherein households create require knowledge and competencies in areas that
products they can sell or exchange with other were foreign to them in the past (Salvatore et al.,
products from different households (Cottage 2005).
Personnel Management & Human Resource
The Industrial Revolution (1800s) caused a massive Management Differentiation
shift from household production to large-scale The stark contrast between Personnel Management
production in factories. The shift required a large and Human Resource Management is the how the
workforce which are mostly composed of people who people working in an organization is viewed and
has no prior experience working for someone else. managed. The most notable definition of Human
For this reason, industrialist believed that the Resource Management is by Edwin Flippo when he
workforce needs strict supervision to function well stated that Human Resource Management is
and meet the production goals. To do this,
industrialists appointed supervisors who has an “…is the planning, organizing, compensation,
unquestioned authority to hire, to fire, to discipline, to integration, and maintenance of people for the
assign work, and to motivate workers. Motivation purpose of contributing to organizational,
techniques usually comes in the form of cajoling or individual and societal goals.”
threats of getting fired and replaced.
Working on this definition, we can identify key words
In the early 1900s, the increasing production which address the key concepts are vital to the
demands has significantly increased workforce size success of an organization. The key words are as
necessitating the need for a dedicated department in follows:
an organization to manage employees. It is believed
to have paved for the creation of Personnel 1. Planning – planning focuses on finding the
Management which are primarily responsible and right people at the right time for the right
handling administrative tasks related to employees position. In Personnel Management this is a
such as hiring, firing, and handling compensation of one-way process that includes the
employees. determination of the need for an employee,
Master of Arts in Nursing

searching for and hiring the employee and

determining how to compensate them for 5. Maintenance – In personnel management,
their work. Personnel Management focuses training and retaining workers was given the
more on the administrative tasks of same level of attention and resources
managing employees while in Human compared with the Human Resource
Resource Management, the focus extends to Management. Since Human Resource
planning ways to further develop the Management is tied and owned by the major
employees, how to keep them motivated and stakeholder of an organization HR plans
retaining them in order to gain competitive strategically complement organizational
advantage. Most importantly, it plans for the goals and to realize those goals, resources
professional journey of the employees within are allotted to develop workers and provide
the organization. This is further evidenced by them with opportunities for upward mobility
the Chartered Institute of Personnel and essentially encouraging workers to stay with
Development’s identification of the “10 the organizations effectively reducing cost of
Professional Areas” that HR Professionals hiring and training new people.
can specialized in.
One way to better differentiate Personnel
2. Organizing – this focuses on managing the Management with Human Resources is by looking at
resources of the organization and it is also their focus, philosophy, pervasiveness, and
one of the dimensions that differentiated management techniques each employ.
Personnel Management with Human
Resource Management. Personnel Focus
Management focuses on people as a Personnel Management focus is on how to meet the
resource like any other in the organization organizational goals. Decisions concerning workers
that needs to be carefully and cost-effectively are made to respond to these goals without much
controlled whereas Human Resource consideration on the workers. In Human Resource
Management focuses on people as the most Management, the focus is on finding and developing
important resource the organization has and workers that fits the organization’s culture and
being as such other resources must be objectives. Investment is made to equip the workers
invested toward empowering and developing to realize both individual and organizational goals.
3. Compensation – salary administration is Personnel Management is concerned on the
one of the prominent functions of Personnel functional area of managing workers. Workers are
Management. The differentiation on this font often viewed as mere cogs in the machine without
is that while salary/compensation much consideration while a lot of people argue that
administration are often performed Human Resource Management humanizes how
effectively, it has very relationship between workers are managed. Human Resource
various activities or with the overall Management, recognizes the workers individuality
organizational goals (Kipkemboi, 2015) and their different sets of abilities and skills and
unlike with the Human Resource consider those on motivating them to work toward a
Management, where compensation and collective goal.
benefits are closely linked with the
organizational goals. Pervasiveness
In Personnel Management, the Personnel Managers,
4. Integration – In Personnel Management, not Line Managers/Supervisors are the ones responsible
a lot attention was given on the integration of for carrying out the functions of personnel
workers into the workplace and the management while in Human Resource
interpersonal relationships of the workforce. Management, it is related to all those who manages
Personnel Management is primarily concern people in the entire organization from top to the
is that there must should be someone who bottom.
will do the job. As HR ideas and practices
evolved Human Resource Management has Management Techniques
put a greater attention on finding ways to Traditionally, Personnel Management often use
effectively integrate workers into the coercive techniques to motivate people to work while
organization’s culture and philosophies. Human Resource Management has tapped into
Nowadays, this is very evident as HR workers individual psychological needs, skills and
Managers considers a prospect worker’s fit abilities to design strategies to motivate workers
with the organization’s culture and once hired through reward system, challenging job and career
orientation and trainings are designed to development opportunities.
engrained the organization’s culture and
philosophy into the workers.
Master of Arts in Nursing

The Core Elements of Human Resource traditional forms of compensation may not be enough
Management to keep healthcare workers from leaving. HR
The core elements of Human Resource Management Managers together with major stakeholders of
are the Organization, the People working within the organizations must find other intangible benefits to
Organization and the Management of the people. maintain and sustain the needed workforce for the
Every organization is unique and has its own healthcare industry.
philosophies, culture and goals. The organizational
goal is the reason for its entire existence and to Conclusion
realize those goals, manpower is needed. People has People are at the heart of any healthcare
to work towards those goals. However, it is not as organization, whether that organization is
simple as getting people and putting them to work. It government- or privately run, or in the city center or a
is vital that the organization’s need for manpower is small health facility in the rural areas. There is a
carefully evaluated to determine the number of perception that the best health facilities are the ones
people it need, their qualities and qualifications that with high-tech equipment and facilities or those
will contribute to the realization of those goals. It is offering large number of health services. Oftentimes,
also important to note that organizations has both the attention is primarily focused on these and
short and long term goals. In order to meet those patients and little attention is placed on the welfare of
long-term goals, ways to retain workers must be the healthcare workers.
identified and implemented. This is where the
element of management comes in. The organization We must always take note that it is the healthcare
has already set the destination it wants to pursue and workers who are behind the technology, treatment
the management element will guide the way for the protocols, and services of the organization who will
people working for the organization towards that ensure the quality of care and how the healthcare
destination. A failure on any of these elements will organizations manage and invest on them will impact
result in the failure of any organization thus it is vital the quality of care and services being provided on
that every element works in perfect unison. that organization.

Future Organizational Management Challenges in As the healthcare industry is subject to rapid change
the Human Resource Field within the Healthcare and predicting these changes are very difficult. HR
Industry Managers and stakeholders in organization must take
As with all other industries, the Healthcare Industry is active steps to identify and understand current trends
very dynamic and is subject to change based on the healthcare industry and human resource
primarily on healthcare needs and technological management to come up with strategic plans that will
advancement in medicine. What sets it apart with ensure that the organization has adequate manpower
other industries is that it is harder to identify the exact to meet the everchanging health care needs of the
direction of change, its extent and the type of change. people.

Workforce Shortage & Economic Trend References:

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to the World Health Organization (WHO) between 2. Budd, J. W. (2016). Evolution of HRM
80,000 and 180,000 health and care workers around [YouTube Video]. In Carlson School of
the world may have died from COVID-19 between Management.
January 2020 and May 2021 alone. In the Philippines,
the economic effects of the pandemic combined with Ob14
high work demands and inadequate protection and 3. Kipkemboi, J. R. (2015). History, Evolution
compensation has forced health workers to shift to and Development of Human Resource
other industries which offers higher compensation Management: A Contemporary Perspective.
and less risks or to seek employment on other Global Journal of Human Resource
countries. If this pattern continued, the country’s Management, 3(3), 58–73.
healthcare system is expected to face workforce 4. Leiyu Shi. (2007). Managing human
shortage and with large numbers of highly resources in health care organizations.
experienced workers leaving, the education system Jones And Bartlett Publishers.
for healthcare workers like nurses may also be 5. Salvatore, P., Halem, D., Weitzman, A.,
negatively affected. Smith, G., & Schaefer, L. (2005). How the
Law Changed HR. HR Magazine 2005
It is imperative that HR Managers in healthcare to act Anniversary Issue, 50(13), 47–56.
immediately in finding effective ways to attract and 6. United Nations. (2021, October 21). Up to
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