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Assignment on Country’s HRM DEVELOPMENT.

Submitting to – Dr. SHIBLY KHAN

Nabil Mahmud Santo

ID – 1830236

Monira Sultana Kheya

ID – 1821180

Pakistan has been in international news headlines for a variety of reasons other
than for its human resource development (HRD) efforts. Observations suggest that
increased international support and a reverse brain drain phenomenon continue to
contribute to the HRD efforts in Pakistan. This paper provides an overview of
HRD in Pakistan’s government and non-profit sectors.
There has been a significant increase in the application of HRD at community,
national, and regional levels (McLean et al. 2006). The November 2008 conference
of the Academy of HRD in Asia also intends to focus on the role of HRD in
sustainable development. Thus, it is important to examine HRD not only in
corporate, but also in government and social settings,
especially in developing countries (Budhwani and McLean 2005).
In Pakistan, HRD is influenced by lack of funds and qualified HRD staff. The
government of Pakistan allocates a small amount of budget for HRD activities
(Aftab 2007). However, the nonprofit sector, a public-private partnership sector,
seems to be more organized in its HRD efforts. This paper sheds light on HRD in
Pakistan and how it can be developed by using local knowledge and international
support and expertise. The purposes of this paper are to: (1) address HRD in
Pakistan’s government and non-profit sectors; (2) share Pakistan’s HRD resources
with the international HRD community; (3) create awareness among the HRD
community about the need to promote HRD by sharing its knowledge with
developing countries; and (4) use this inquiry as a building block for studying
national level HRD in Pakistan. In this paper, the author plans to show how HRD
in a developing country can be as challenging, if not more, as it is in a developed
country. It is hoped this paper will add to the learning of Pakistani and
international HRD communities .
Pakistan has been in international news headlines for a variety of reasons other
than for its human resource development (HRD) efforts. Observations and
preliminary data analysis suggest that increased international support and a reverse
brain drain phenomenon continue to contribute to the HRD efforts in Pakistan.
This working paper provides an overview of HRD in Pakistan’s government and
social sectors.

Organization background and its structure

HR rehearses in Pakistan have gone through some significant changes mostly

because of coming in innovation, appearances of unfamiliar organizations,
enlistment of business graduates into organizations and rivalry among firms. Yet,
the spread of INTERNATIONAL standard HR rehearses and ideas actually has not
infiltrated to all business areas and a great deal of work is needed by HR experts
to reinforce this field.

Moreover, it has been seen that STANDARDIZATION of HR rehearses inside many

organizations is regularly ignored despite the fact that it's undeniably true that
very much drafted normalized HR arrangements and strategies save the
organization long periods of the board time. The CONSISTENT use and
understanding of such strategies, in a fair way, diminishes the executives' anxiety
on legitimate issues becoming lawful issues.In the data based period, human
asset experts are

turning out to be significantly more central members in amazing association. HR

trough fills in as mind of an association as last bank full on its resource of
individuals. Powerful human asset experts can

think deliberately the arranging of the association. A dedicated,

committed, talented, proficient and useful HR is significant resources of an

association however not thought about the equilibrium sheet. Capital venture,
advancement, learning and inspiration direct significant parts to efficiency in
associations. Capital venture with best accessible hardware works on the
effectiveness of laborers. To be gainfully powerful and generatively proficient in
their work, representatives should be imbued legitimate specialized ability. The
best-prepared workers have the ability to get to the most progressed piece of
gear to build efficiency by change in representative's mentality or assurance.
While usefulness enhancements can be accomplished through a progression of
occasions, legitimate hardware expanded inspiration. Globalize change and
mechanical headway impact specialist as a main thrust for one another and the
interaction prompts advancement.

All organizations irrespective of national, multinational or international status are

to deal with this resource, which is limited in the environment it operates.
Organizations strive to use this limited or scarce resource effectively and
efficiently in order to achieve their goals and objectives. The most high-ranking
element/factor in current organizational triumph is workforce skill, product,
quality and customer satisfaction. All the above-mentioned three factors bank on
human resource education, training and motivation.

HR policy and implications:

The reason for this report is to feature regions inside Human Resource
Management.what's more, to give rules to conceiving the Policies and Procedures
of an association relating to HR. As such the HR Policy Manual should endeavor to
direct the administration to take

choices for everyday cooperations with and between representatives.

The expectation of this report is to give direction to arrangement of a HR Manual

and this archive ought not be considered as an example HR Policy Manual.Human
Resource Development incorporates such freedoms as worker preparing,
representative profession improvement, execution the board and advancement,
training, coaching, progression arranging, key worker ID, educational cost help,
and association improvement.a particular work, in case there is a prerequisite for
specific individuals not to apply, it ought to likewise be explained with reasons.
Probation and Confirmation (and circumstances, assuming any, where probation
can be overlooked) Further, strategies for explicit occupation classifications might
include: Pre-enlistment Activities for Experienced Hires: Interviews including
board talk with, tests, evaluation focuses, and so forth Recruitment of Graduate
Student: Universities/Board of training might be determined, in facilitation to the
meetings, tests and appraisal focuses, Internships and other stuff.

The important implications for policy makers and heads of private organizations
are discussed in the last section. Human resource (HR) practices aid in
developing human resources as a source
of sustained competitive advantage through creating and developing a high.

Our findings have implications for HR Personnel as well as for management and
organizations. First of all, Implications for HR Personnel is that they should
actively develop themselves by seeking new knowledge, improving their skills,
and connecting with the latest researches in the field as such development will help
them in brining growth to HRM function and tackling many HRM and work
related challenges. Furthermore, HRM personnel in Pakistan that it should take a
proactive approach in order to make the function and practices more sophisticated.
Management and organizations need to change their attitude and philosophy of
employee’s management and should empower HRM department so that true
benefits of HRM function can be nurtured. Without giving due attention to HRM,
it will only remain a function clerical in nature, and will not contribute much in
organizational competitiveness. Researchers and practitioners are also encouraged
to take a context driven approach and develop HRM practices and models which
are suitable and applicable in Pakistani cultural and Institutional settings. At
national level, there are certain organizations which are involved in promoting
HRM such as Pakistan Society for Human Resource Management (PSHRM) and
Pakistan Human Resource Network (PHRN). These organizations have some good
membership base but they are not as developed as Society for Human Resource
Management (SHRM) in USA, and Chartered Institute of Personnel and
Development (CIPD) in UK. It is recommended that at National level
these organizations should be involved in activities such as curriculum
development for HR related courses, conducting exams, accreditations, research
activities, and so on. These actions will result in improving the competencies of
ordinary HR Personnel, enhancing the uniformity across the country and
promotion of HRM at national level.

Reflections of the objectives and strategy into HR Policy :

HRM is capable of employee's development and enhanced organizational

competitiveness, thus it can contribute positively for developing countries.
However, there is poor understanding and limited research about HRM in
developing countries context. Pakistan also embraced HRM almost a decade ago;
however, the experience is producing mix results. The current study is carried out
with the objective to assess the HRM Practices and the HRM outcomes in
Pakistan. The study utilizing semi-structured interviews and data was collected
from sixty HR Personnel working in various organizations. Key findings of the
study are that despite implementation of different HRM practices, overall degree
of HRM sophistication is low. Moreover, HRM is producing positive outcomes
including diversity, better discipline, and superior performance. Some negative
HRM outcomes including bureaucracy, corruption, and unnecessary control are
also reported in this study. The results point towards limited sophistication of
HRM function in Pakistan which needs to be increased in scope to produce more
favorable outcomes.

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