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Reflection of sound waves

1. Our ears are sensitive to a range of frequency

a. 20 Hz to 20 kHz
b. Below 20Hz
c. Above 20 Hz
d. Above 20 kHz
2. Frequency above 20 KHz is called
a. Infrasonic
b. Ultrasonic
c. Audible
d. Radio
3. Frequency below 20 Hz is called
a. Infrasonic
b. Ultrasonic
c. Audible
d. Radio
4. Number of vibrations in one second is called as
a. Amplitude
b. Frequency
c. Time period
d. Wavelength
5. Which of the following relations is incorrect for wave velocity?
a. v=λf
b. v=
c. T =
d. v=
6. If frequency of sound wave in air is 120 kHz then wavelength of sound wave will be
(speed of sound in air 336 m s−1 ¿
a. 2.8 mm
b. 1.8 mm
c. 2 mm
d. 3.5 mm
7. A compression is a region of
a. High frequency
b. Low frequency
c. High pressure
d. Low pressure
8. In longitudinal waves, how does the particle of the medium vibrate compared to the
direction of propagation of wave?
a. Parallel
b. perpendicular
c. At 45 degree
d. At 60 degree
9. In transverse waves, how does the particle of the medium vibrate compared to the
direction of propagation of wave?
a. Parallel
b. perpendicular
c. At 45 degree
d. At 60 degree
10. SI unit of frequency is?
a. meter
b. Newton
c. Joules
d. Hertz
11. During the propagation of sound wave in medium through the medium particle then
which energy convers to which energy
a. Kinetic to potential energy
b. Potential to kinetic energy
c. Both A and B simultaneously
d. None of the above
12. Which of the following property of wave does not change while changing medium?
a. Wavelength
b. frequency
c. Wave velocity
d. Amplitude
13. Sound waves in air behave as
a. Longitudinal waves
b. Transverse waves
c. Electromagnetic waves
d. None of the above
14. Sound waves in solids behave as
a. Longitudinal waves
b. Transverse waves
c. Electromagnetic waves
d. None of the above
15. The speed V of a longitudinal wave in gaseous medium is given as
a. V =
√ γP
b. V =
√ P
c. V =
√ P
d. V =
√ γd
16. γ is the ratio of
a. Refractive index
b. Speed of sound
c. Frequency of sound
d. Specific heat
17. Value of γ in air
a. 1.4
b. 1.04
c. 0.4
d. 0.04
18. Speed V of a transverse wave in a stretched string is given as
a. V =
√ T
b. V =2
√ M

c. V =2
√ M
d. V =
√ M
19. In gaseous medium when temperature of gas increases speed of sound _________
a. Increases
b. Decreases
c. Remains same
d. None of the above
20. For every 1֯C rise in temperature, the speed of sound in air increases by
a. 0.55 m s−1
b. 0.65 m s−1
c. 0.61 m s−1
d. 0.50 m s−1

21. The condition for reflection of sound wave is the size of reflecting surface must be
a. Greater than wavelength of sound wave
b. Smaller than wavelength of sound wave
c. Greater than amplitude of sound wave
d. Smaller than amplitude of sound wave

22. To hear the echo the sound must reach ____ second after the original sound.
a. 0.4
b. 0.3
c. 0.2
d. 0.1
23. The minimum distance of reflecting surface to hear the echo distinctly is
a. 12 m
b. 14 m
c. 17 m
d. 20 m
24. The sound gets prolonged due to repeated reflection on reflecting surface this effect is
known as
a. Reflection
b. Reverberation
c. Refraction
d. Polarization
25. Reverberation can be observed in
a. On mountain hills
b. Small rooms
c. Large empty rooms
d. None of the above
26. A sound wave of frequency 3KHz and a wavelength of 50 cm. How long it will take for
wave to travel a distance of 2 Km?
a. 1.3 s
b. 2.3 s
c. 3.3 s
d. 4.3 s
27. An echo is heard in 3 sec after the emission of sound. If speed of sound in air is 340
m s−1 What is the distance of reflecting surface from the source?
a. 410 m
b. 620 m
c. 510 m
d. 550 m
28. Which of the following is/are conditions for hearing an echo distinctly?
a. Minimum distance of reflecting surface should be 17 m
b. Wavelength of sound should be less than size of reflecting body
c. The intensity of sound should be sufficient to hear reflected sound
d. All of the above
29. The wavelength and frequency of sound wave in a certain medium is 25 cm and 1500
Hz. The velocity of sound wave will be
a. 300 m s−1
b. 355 m s−1
c. 375 m s−1
d. 320 m s−1
30. If d is the distance between observer and obstacle then the total distance travelled by
sound to hear an echo is?
a. d
b. 2d
c. 3d
d. 4d
31. SONAR stands for?
a. Sound Navigation and Ranging
b. Sound Notation and Ranging
c. Sound Native and Ranging
d. Sound Notation and Rotation
32. RADAR stands for?
a. Radio Detecting and Ranging
b. Radio Diverging and Ranging
c. Radio Diffraction and Reflection
d. Radio Detecting and Reflection
33. Echo have applications in sound ranging and echo depth by using?
a. Infrasonic frequency
b. Audible frequency
c. Ultrasonic frequency
d. None of the above
34. Which frequency wave can travel undeviated through long distance?
a. Infrasonic frequency
b. Audible frequency
c. Ultrasonic frequency
d. None of the above
35. Echo use ultrasonic waves in application of SONAR because?
a. Ultrasonic waves can travel undeviated through long distance
b. Ultrasonic waves can confine in narrow beams
c. Ultrasonic waves are not easily absorbed in medium
d. All of the above
36. Speed of ultrasonic waves in sea water is
a. 1200 m s−1
b. 1300 m s−1
c. 1400 m s−1
d. 1500 m s−1
37. RADAR uses __________ waves to detect presence of obstacle?
a. Longitudinal
b. Transverse
c. Sound
d. Electromagnetic
38. A SONAR device on a submarine sends out a signal and receives an echo about 3s later.
If the speed of ultrasonic waves in water is 1450 m s−1, find the distance between the
submarine and the reflecting object.
a. 2175 m
b. 2200 m
c. 2300 m
d. 2375 m
39. A sound produced on the surface of a lake takes 4.5 s to reach a boatman. How much
time will it take to reach a diver inside water at the same distance if speed of sound in
water is 4.5 times speed of sound in air?
a. 1 s
b. 2 s
c. 3 s
d. 4 s
40. In medical field, the echo method of ultrasonic waves is used to imaging human organ
is called?
a. Infrasonography
b. Ultrasonography
d. None of the above

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