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One of the ways of determining areas of heat losses from the heat consuming equipment and buildings

and the equipment diagnostics in the framework of energy audit is Infrared Imaging. It is used for the
following purposes:

          revealing and identification of hidden defects of buildings envelops

         evaluation of the construction works quality

         checking of thermal characteristics of buildings and equipments envelopes for compliance with
existing norms and design

         checking of electric contactors and current-carrying parts of electric equipment

current-carrying parts of electric equipment

Thermovision Camera is used for carrying out of Infrared Imaging. A Thermovision Camera is a
photo camera taking picture in the infrared radiation. This device allows receiving of heat
distribution on a surface with accuracy down to 0.1 °С. Thermovision Cameras may differ in
design but they are based on the same principle of operation. Modern Thermovision Camera is a
digital device which registers infrared radiation emitted by a investigated object and defines
temperature or converts it into a visual picture of distribution of thermal fields on the surface of
the subject. The image of thermal fields of the investigated surfaces looks like areas with
different colors. The lighter area the higher temperature and higher heat loss.
Infrared thermovision diagnostics

Infrared thermovision diagnostics offers identification of lost of heat energy and defects of
The infrared thermovision diagnostics offers one of the most effective ways to identify heat leaks
and thermal differences to track surface. The aim is to illustrate the distribution of surface
temperature measurement of the intensity of infrared radiation from the surface. The result of
measurement is thermovision images, which can accurately locate problem areas with different
temperature field.
The output of the Infrared thermovision diagnostics is a complete report prepared in software
SmartView that includes the infrared and digital images of findings, as well as recommendations
and solution for increase of energy efficiency.
Thermovision measurement is currently of great importance, since not only helps you find the
failure of thermal insulation, but also weaknesses in hydro installation, electrical distribution and
installation, pipelines, hidden defects in water leaks, etc. Application of thermovision diagnostics
is wide - from small family houses, large building structures to the complex technology in
industry. The result is the identification of critical areas and the possibility of early removal and
subsequent optimisation and saving the costs of the operation or prevention of accidents.

Burnt wire from a bad connection. A regular thermal inspection would have
caught this problem before damage was done.

Substation ventilation is generally required to dissipate the heat produced by transformers and to
allow drying after particularly wet or humid periods. However, a number of studies have shown
that excessive ventilation can drastically increase condensation. Ventilation should therefore be
kept to the minimum level required. Furthermore, ventilation should never generate sudden
temperature variations that can cause the dew point to be reached. For this reason: Natural
ventilation should be used whenever possible. If forced ventilation is necessary, the fans should
operate continuously to avoid temperature fluctuations. Guidelines for sizing the air entry and
exit openings of substations are presented hereafter.

A number of calculation methods are available to estimate the required size of substation
ventilation openings, either for the design of new substations or the adaptation of existing
substations for which condensation problems have occurred.

The basic method is based on transformer dissipation. The required ventilation opening surface
areas S and S’ can be estimated using the following formulas:

S = Lower (air entry) ventilation opening area [m2] (grid surface deducted)
S’= Upper (air exit) ventilation opening area [m2] (grid surface deducted)
P = Total dissipated power [W]
P is the sum of the power dissipated by:

 The transformer (dissipation at no load and due to load)

 The LV switchgear
 The MV switchgear

H = Height between ventilation opening mid-points [m]

This formula is valid for a yearly average temperature of 20 °C and a maximum altitude of 1,000
It must be noted that these formulas are able to determine only one order of magnitude of the
sections S and S’, which are qualified as thermal section, i.e. fully open and just necessary to
evacuate the thermal energy generated inside the MV/LV substation. The pratical sections are of
course larger according ot the adopted technological solution.

Indeed, the real air flow is strongly dependant:

 on the openings shape and solutions adopted to ensure the cubicle protection index (IP):
metal grid, stamped holes, chevron louvers,…
 on internal components size and their position compared to the openings: transformer
and/or retention oil box position and dimensions, flow channel between the components,

 and on some physical and environmental parameters: outside ambient temperature,
altitude, magnitude of the resulting temperature rise.

The understanding and the optimization of the attached physical phenomena are subject to precise
flow studies, based on the fluid dynamics laws, and realized with specific analytic software.


Transformer dissipation = 7,970 W LV switchgear dissipation = 750 W MV switchgear

dissipation = 300 W The height between ventilation opening mid-points is 1.5 m.


Dissipated Power P = 7,970 + 750 + 300 = 9,020 W

Ventilation opening locations

To favour evacuation of the heat produced by the transformer via natural convection, ventilation
openings should be located at the top and bottom of the wall near the transformer. The heat
dissipated by the MV switchboard is negligible. To avoid condensation problems, the substation
ventilation openings should be located as far as possible from the switchboard.


Thermography (thermovision) is measured by recording

infrared thermal field and temperature distribution view
surfaces observed. Thermovision is a non-destructive and
non-contact method, useful for detecting faults in industrial
systems during operation, without interrupting the
technological process. Currently, worldwide field of use of
infrared thermography is in continuous development and
expansion, mainly due to the advantage of examining large
and very large areas in a short time compared to any other
method of examination. None of the classical methods of
destructive examination does not allow consideration of
such large areas. Thermal images taken by infrared
cameras are comparable with images taken by a camera
in the visible  spectrum or recorded with the camera.
Areas where thermovision plays an increasingly important
and are becoming more diversified:
 Energy - testing equipment, switchboards, low, medium and high voltage busbars
systems, turbines, generators, transformers, coils, cables, insulators, contacts, etc.

 Power systems - heat loss detection, jamming, poor
insulation and deposits in pipes and tanks of waste,
leakage check valves.

 Electronic-screening areas overheating circuits,
testing of components and contacts.
 Electromechanical-detect overheating windings or
insulation failure caused by overload, jamming, or
operating heavy elements like rotary assemblies
Bearings, axles, transmissions, caused by poor
lubrication, etc. moving equilibrium systems.
 Construction -  identifying sources of moisture, heat loss detection, poor
insulation, testing of heating, ventilation and air conditioning, identifying weaknesses in
structures, energy audits, etc.

 Industrial facilities - location of heat losses in the technological flow.

 Medicine - both human and veterinary medicine, viewing and evaluation of
temperature on the surface.

 Other areas: electrical household/industrial, military,
transportation, research, biotehnologie, etc.
Thermovision practically applies anywhere temperature
provides useful information through thermal diagnostic.
Staff training, confidence and infrastructure development in
this area demonstrates that our Center, has the  capability
and competence to make such a system măsurători.The
laboratory practices effective management and is
recognized by regulators because of impartial presentation
and data interpretation.
6. Thermovision measurements
Thermography which is colloquially called thermovision is based on detection and
recording of infrared radiation emitted by objects with temperature higher than absolute
zero and transformation of this radiation into visible light. The obtained thermal image is
the representation of temperature field existing on the surface of investigated object.
This is possible since bodies radiate power depending on their radiation properties.
These tests may be run with the help of thermovision cameras. The modern
thermovision makes it possible to recorder digitally temperature distribution of the
tested object. The temperature map constructed in this way is then interpreted
graphically, each temperature is represented by different colour and the thermal image
of the object is seen in the viewfinder. Since the recorded data is in practice
synonymous with temperature map, then depending on colour scale adopted and its
relationship with temperature scale, the measured object may be imaged differently.
The thermovision system is a sort of extra-special thermometer, making it possible to
measure temperature remotely and in many places at the same time. Thermographic
diagnostics is an effective and non-invasive diagnostic method based on thermovision
measurements; image of temperature field of the tested object is obtained with the help
of thermovision camera; simultaneously, remote measurement of temperature is also
achieved, with the resolution depending on type of transducer used in the camera.
Present-day resolution standard is 0.1 °C. The basic advantage of this method is that all
measurements necessary may be done during normal operation.

Temperature Measurements with Two-Wavelength Pyrometer for

Material Testing
H. Madura, T. Piatkowski, H. Polakowski, Z. Sikorski, M. Dabrowski
Institute of Optoelectronics, Military University of Technology,
2 Kaliskiego St. 00-908 Warsaw, Poland,
fax. (+48 22) 6668950,


The paper presents comparison of results of surface temperature measurements obtained

with thermovision camera and fast pyrometer during tensile test of steel samples leading
to necking and damage. The thermovision camera Inframetrics 760 (frame rate - 50 Hz)
with the system of high speed data storage and the new elaborated fast operating two-
wavelength pyrometer with sampling time of 0.2 ms, were independently applied for
temperature measurements. It was shown that an adequate construction of two-
wavelength pyrometer ensures more accurate temperature measurements due to
compensation of surface emissivity changes of an investigated material. The data obtained
using pyrometer enable also better interpretation of surface temperature distributions.

1. Introduction

Investigations of mechanical properties of metals and their alloys can be supplemented

with temperature measurements. Typical example of such investigations is material
testing, where temperature changes accompanying the process of deformation carry
information about transformation of material microstructure and distribution of stresses.
During breaking, thermal effects occur rapidly in a relatively short time. It requires
application of temperature meter of short measurement time. Typical thermovision
cameras and pyrometers do not provide a complete data set needed for proper
interpretation of temporal characteristics of physical processes. Thus, it is necessary to
design new instruments measuring temperatures in a very short time [1].

The paper presents comparison of results of surface temperature measurements obtained

during tensile test of steel samples leading to necking and damage. The termovision
camera Inframetrics 760 (frame rate - 50 Hz) with the system of high speed data storage
and the new elaborated fast operating two-wavelength pyrometer with sampling time of
0.2 ms, were independently applied for temperature measurements. Two-wavelength
pyrometer was chosen because its measurements are independent of changes of a sample
surface emissivity. Moreover, there is a possibility of selection adequate measuring area,
optimal in relation to dimensions of the examined sample.

2. Research

The results of temperature measurements obtained by means of thermovision camera have

been compared with the results from two-wavelength pyrometer. A scheme of the
pyrometer is shown in Fig. 1. It is a device adapted for very fast measurements. During
the experiment the frequency of sampling was two orders of magnitude higher than
frequency of a thermovision camera and amounted about 5 kHz. The number of the
obtained data allows their additional processing, e.g., averaging with no loss of
information on fast changes [2]. Optical working bands were chosen in respect with the
predicted range of the measured temperatures, i.e., 50 °C  150°C. Separation of
determined radiation bands is ensured due to application of the following interference
filters, Filter I - 5.46  m and Filter II - 4.5 m. Moreover, the detectors with spectral
characteristics ensuring maximal signal were used. The Detector I is of PDI type [3] and
it is optimised for a wavelength of 5.5 m.
Fig 1: Diagram of two-wavelength fast pyrometer.
The Detector II is a PbSe photoreceiver. For the required signal-to-noise ratio, the interference
filters of relatively wide band were applied, e.g., for Filter II of  = 5460 nm this band has the
Half Width of 500 nm . A measuring area of the pyrometer was 11 mm2.

Fig 2: Sample temperature measured by two-wavelength pyrometer ( ° ) and thermovision camera.()

3. Conclusions
The results obtained during the initial phase of the experiment from the thermovision
camera are consistent with those from the two-wavelength pyrometer but they differ for
higher temperatures. The difference results from the fact that emissivity value for the
camera was stated as a constant one while the two-wavelength pyrometer measures
temperature independently of emissivity value. The sample was non-grey body within the
considered range of temperatures and its emissivity is slowly varying function of numbers
of parameters. The change in the sample emissivity results among others from
temperature changes (for metals (~T) and dynamic changes of a sample surface. For
example, for the class of materials to which belongs the investigated material, increase in
roughness rms from 3 to 4 m causes the change in emissivity of 20% [4]. Additional
virtue of two-wavelength pyrometer is its low sensitivity to the change of a state of the
measured surface. Due to that fact, temperature measurements made with the pyrometer
are more representative for the final phase of an experiment than using thermovision

It was shown that an adequate construction of two-wavelength pyrometer ensures more

accurate temperature measurements due to compensation of surface emissivity changes of
an investigated material. The data obtained using pyrometer enable also better
interpretation of surface temperature distributions.


1. B.Wiecek, S.Zwolenik, P.Sawicki, Advanced Multichannel Thermal and Visual System,

Topics On Nondestructive Evaluation Series Vol. 3 III International Workshop Advances
in Signal Processing for NDE of Materials. Ed. Xavier P.V. Maldague. The American
Society for Nondestructive Testing, Inc., Columbus Ohio, 1998,289-294.
2. Final report of the Research Project 8 T11B 040 12 of State Committee for Scientific
Research, "Analysis, elaboration and verifying investigations of multi-wavelength IR
pyrometer", Warsaw, 1999.
3. A.Rogalski, Infrared Detectors, Gordon and Breach Science Publishers, Amsterdam, 2000
4. A. Sala, Radiant properties of materials, Elsevier Publishing, Oxford, 1986.

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