Lesson Plan Point 1

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Lazo, Renalyn M


Objectives :

At the end of the lesson, the students will be able to:

 Describe the 21st century education

 Explained 21st century education concepts
 Analyze research abstract on 21st century education and it's implication to teaching and
learning process.
 Draw relevant life lessons and significant values from the experience in practicing 21st century

Topic: 21st century Education

Subtopic :Context of 21st Century Education

Materials : Book, Mobile Phone and Internet

Reference : http://edglossary.org/21st-centruy-skills

Lesson Proper

Teachers Students

Prayer :

Everyone, let's all close our eyes and receive the

presence of the Lord.

Holy God, may this day be filled with learnings so

we may learn. May we be filled with
understanding and intelligence to acquire all the
knowledge that is set for today. Thank you. Amen.

Attendance :

Is everybody present?
Yes ma'am.

Greetings :

Good morning class.

Good morning Ma'am.
Before taking an ease to listen, please make sure
that you muted your mic to have a smooth flow of
discussion for today and only unmute it when you
have to say something or questions or objections
regarding the lesson. Is that clear?


Class, I want you to guess the gibberish words that

will pop up here and unmute you mic if you only
know the answer. I have prepared some gibberish
words here that could help you have an idea about
our discussion for today. Is that understood.
Lets start.

1. Twin Tip Pears Cent Theory Yes, Ma'am.

2. Thick Knowledge Gee

3. Lier Neng In Bay Room Rent 21st century

4. Another Standing Dull Lier Nurse Technology

5. Correct Cool Room Learning Environment

Understanding learners


Before we begin with the lesson, I want you to

look with these images.

What can
you say about the
images? I can say that it was surrounded with technologies
Yes. Very good observation. and and everyone works with it. Everyone is

How about this? What runs to your mind with this

I can see a difference. The other girl seems to have
no access to technology while the other girl has. I
could also say that the girl from the right is
advance to learning than the other one

Is there anyone who want

to share their From the first picture shown, there are
observation? technologies around with the students while on
the second image show the difference of the
absence and presence of it. I could remember that
technologies emerged from the late 17th to 18th
centuries. But as I could understand , the photo
That's brilliant. shows a wide range of technologies where in it
Class, What do you think is the relation of these widen during the 21st th century. I conclude that
images and the activity we did awhile ago to our our lesson for today is about the 21st century
discussion for today? which was also connected with words we guessed.

Very good. Such an amazing and detailed answer.


Today, we'll be talking about 21st century

education contexts

Class, what comes to your mind when you heard

21st century education is the new phase of
about 21st century education?
education that mold students their skills and
Amazing. Very well said. intellect with the help of technology.

To define it, a 21st century education is about

giving students the skills they need to succeed in
this new world, and helping them grow. It's an
education that sets children to be more of their
abilities and skills which are needed in responding
to the economical, technological, and societal
shifts that are happening at an ever-increasing

In this phase of education, teachers help the

students develop the specific work and life skills
out of students to ready them in the real world.

To know the contexts of 21st century education, I

would like you to take a close look with these

could It is spacious and students can freely go around
you and perform task with ease.
say about this image?

Yes. Exactly.

The image shows collaboration of students

How working together. Maybe a group activity.
Any opinion?

Very good.

Because 21st century schools focuses on a project

based curriculum for life that would engage
students in addressing real world problems,
humanity concerns and issues and the ideal 21st
century school for that is a wide space where
students could easily perform their task and
collaborate with others in acquiring the

When we say project based, students gain

knowledge and skills by working for an extended
period of time to investigate and respond to an
authentic, engaging, and complex question,
problem, or challenge.

Thus, teachers of the 21st century need to be

knowledgeable about research to guide their
students’ learning through self directed activities,
such as learning projects within and outside their

Since were talking about 21st century Education,

we must not forget about the 21st century

The curriculum of 21st century is connected to

local, national and global communities in which
students can collab with people around the world.
It also integrate higher order thinking skills. In this
curriculum, students are self directed who work
independently. Moreover, the instruction are
designed also to be more thematic, project based
and integrated skills. Lastly, it is set to connect the
previous knowledge, personal experience, interest,
talents and habits.

Class, take a look with this

photo. What do you think
they were doing? Anyone? They are doing some sort of a group activity.


So what do you think could be the learning

environment of the 21st century learner? Probably, an environment full of good facilities and
unlimited resources where students can learn.
Good idea.

The 21st century learning environment is a

classroom where students collaborate with their
peers, exchange insights, coach and mentor, share
talents and skills with other students.

The learning can appear either cooperative where

in students work in teams and collaborative for
they help each other.

Take note as well that the ideal 21st century

learning environment has the presence of
technology as they execute such learning process.
It also consider the spaces needed by students and
teachers in conducting investigation and projects
where in they can easily perform tasks.

Class, give me an example of a classroom scenario

where in the use of technology has been used as a
instrument in learning

before pandemic :

Computers to teach programs and codes to It


Projectors and laptop for reports and projects and

Very well said. researches.

During pandemic :

Exactly. Laptop, mobile phones and internet to connect

teachers and students during online classes.

Another thing about 21st century education is

understanding the learners.

Learners born in this century are called digital

natives where in they were born during the age of
Digital technologies while the teachers are born
before internet and other digital technologies are
called digital immigrants

The learners of this century are global citizens,

they involve theirselves in conversation and issues
in the global scale. They engage to innovation
through the skills and their creative ideas.

They are also considered multitasking like doing

multiple things at the same time.

Does anyone like to give an example of


Very good.

This days, school kids learn through those Writing while listening.
technologies however according to Dr. Michael
Wesch, he pointed out that students understand
how to acess and utilise this tools but they only
use them for entertainment. Therefore, they need
to be assisted where in teachers became
facilitators of learning for students.

Technology in the 21st century are tools that

students can use to create knowledge for personal
and social change.

The role of technology is to help students learn. It

promotes inclusion and the development of digital
literacy skills. It extends learning beyond the text –
and beyond the classroom walls. It ultimately
exposes students and teachers to new online
global communities. This in turn promotes a global
awareness, which is an essential component to a
21st century education
In 21st century, technologies played a very big role
as it integrates learning. It is part of everyday
living. Students can learn out of the classroom
through technologies for it connects them to their
teachers through internet, social media and more.
Through Internet, students learn in a wider range,
connects to people and friends etc.

Technology allows collaboration between teachers

and students. Creating digital resources,
presentations, and projects together with other
educators and students will make classroom
activities resemble the real world.

Class, can you tell me what are the technologies

that promotes learning today?

Very good.
Laptops, computers, gclassroom, gmeet, and other
social apps that can connect people like twitter,
Facebook, messenger etc.
This 21st century learners also possess unique
skills. But there are set of skills they have to
develop to succeed in the information age.
Education in the 21st century promotes skills
needed to be productive members of today’s

These are :

1. Learning skills

 Critical thinking
Who can define or share about this skill?
Critical thinking is the ability to think clearly and
rationally about what to do or what to believe

 Creative thinking
Who can share or define this?

 Collaborating
How about collaboration or collaborating?
 Communicating Creative thinking is the ability to think differently:
How about communicating? to see a problem or issue from a new angle or
Excellent. perspective

2. Literacy skills

 Information literacy is a skill that enable you to successfully work

Who can define information literacy toward a common goal with others
Very Good.
 Media literacy Is a skill that involve listening, speaking, observing
Very good. and empathizing

 Technology literacy
Very well said.
We also have the Life skills that we always
needed whenever and wherever we go
is the ability to find, evaluate, organize, use, and
3. Life skills communicate information

is the ability to identify different types of media

 Flexibility
and the messages they are sending.
 Initiative
 Social skills
 Productivity is the ability to safely, responsibly, creatively, and
 Leadership effectively use technology

These 3 sets of skills are needed in the job market

and are really important to everyone to be the one
they dream about in life.

Lastly, 21st century education can only be effective

if all the learnings and skills of students can be
applied in various field of work.

Teachers, as the facilitator of learning should be

more skillful and talented as expected for they will
be guiding learners to their future. They should be
able to teach cross disciplinary skills such as
integrating research methods in various
disciplines, articulating technical and scientific
concept in verbal/written /graphic, use emerging
technologies, software programms and multimedia

An example of innovative tools for learning that

teachers uses nowadays is Google classroom,

Teachers and schools should use variety of applied

skills, multiple techologies and new ways of
analysing and processing info while also taking
initiative, thinking creativity, planning out the
process and working cooperatively.

The focus of a 21st century teacher is on student

by developing higher order thinking skills, effective
communication, collaboration, and other skills that
they need in the 21st century. The teachers must
develop new teaching strategies that are radically

School may allow students to pursue alternatives

in which students can earn academic merits and
satisfy graduation requirements by completing
internship, volunteer experience.

In that manner, students can apply, practice and

develop more his learning and skills and be able to
compete in the global market.

Okay. Those we have discussed are the contexts of

21st century education.


Now, who could summarize what we have Today, we have discussed about 21st century, the
discussed for today? 21st century contexts and even elaborated the
contexts of 21st century education. Those are the
21st century classroom, school, curriculum,
learning environment, technology in the 21st
century pedagogy, understanding 21st century
learners, the 21st century skills and demand in the
job market, and the learning implications.



Answer the following questions.

1. What do you think is the effect of 21st century

education to you as a learner and as a future

2. Do you think you can cope up with the demand

of 21st century education in becoming a future
educator? Explain.


What are the success and failures of 21st century


Demo Video [https://youtu.be/6K_8n9670tg]

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