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Information Technology and Events

We use technology in almost everything. Starting with waking up and turning off the alarm,
cooking breakfast, commuting to work, using public transportation, and even in communicating with
others, technology is always present in our daily routine. It is always developing and evolving to make it
easier for us to accomplish variety of tasks no matter where we are. Technology is very important in the
field of events, where using information technology makes it much easier to organize and prepare an
event. In comparison to executing all of the tasks manually, the step-by-step process of an event or
festival, as well as the entire system itself, would be much more structured and clear for the customers or
audience if technology were used.

Critical Path Analysis is mainly used to sequence activities, which in turn determines the shortest
time possible to finish the project. The use of critical path analysis in the planning process has the
advantage of assisting you in developing and testing your strategy to ensure that it is viable and effective.
The Critical Path Analysis or CPA, determines the tasks that must be completed on time in order for the
project to be completed before the deadline. In the process of planning up until the implementation
process, there might be slight inconveniences or problems that may be encountered due to technical
difficulties, but Information Technology has never become a hindrance in the events industry, whether the
people involved are oriented or not. In fact, it rather does more good than bad, it makes the long process
of waiting become more time efficient.

Every 1st of December, in a small city within the forests, namely Puerto Princesa, celebrates the
lighting of a giant Christmas tree. This festival is called the “Light a Tree” festival, every resident of the
city attends the gathering to see the program. An incident occurred two years ago as a result of the event
managers' failure to do critical analysis. Because the management was not responsible enough to prepare
a well-structured strategy for the entire event, a teenager was stabbed in the chest by a fraternity member.
We can, however, prevent situations like this because of advances in technology. The event managers will
benefit greatly from an application that reads a QR code and records the owner's name, time, and address.
Because they will be able to identify the persons who were involved in the event right away. It is very
necessary to have Information Technology that helps us to make tasks less hassle and avoid possible
problems in the future.

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