Reflective Learning Journal: Name: Darren Grant Alexandre Wang Class: XIA3

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Name : Darren Grant Alexandre Wang

Class : XIA3

Course, Module or Unit: Bahasa IndonesiaDate: 19 February 2022

Summary of Lesson/Unit:
1. Review

What I learnt What I want to know more What I am good at from this lesson
I learned about making a movie or I want to know more about things to I'm a bit good at making a synopsis in a
book review write in a review review

Evidence: I record all the material Why: because I took a little long to Evidence: I can complete the synopsis
taught in my note and I got review make some review part easily

What are my dificulties Where I need to improve Actions I need to take

I have a little difficulty in choosing the learn to remember material quickly starting from noting every material
right film or book discussed and adding study time

Evidence: I took a little longer to How: more diligent and routine in When/deadline: start from now
choosing it learning and understanding the material
being taught

The most interesting aspect of this lesson/unit to me:

I am interested in the film that I have chosen and not so bad at doing reviews

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