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Astringent are the substances which causes Contraction of Organic Tissue by

protein precipitation.
They are capable of arresting haemorrhages and reducing secretion of mucous
membrane of stomach or intestine by precipitation of protein.
Astringent have low penetrability and only the surface of the cells is affected
It is used as Styptic (Haemostatic- Tending to check the bleeding by contracting
blood vessels ) and anti diarrhoel agent .
E.g. Myrobalan,Black catechu and Pale catechu.
1) Myrobalan
Synonyms:- Chebulic myrobalans, Harde, Haritaki.
Biological Source:- It consists of dried, ripe and fully matured fruits of Terminalia
Family:- Combretaceae
Organoleptic Characters:
Colour :-Fruits are yellowish brown
Odour:- Odourless
Taste:- Astringent, Slightly bitter and sweetish at the end
Size:- 20 to 30 mm long & 15 to 25 mm wide
Shape:- Ovate and wrinkled longitudinally.
Chemical constituents:
NLT 5%Chebulagic acid and NLT 12.5% chebulinic acid are the major
Tannin (Hydrolysable Tannins) are pyrogallol type. On hydrolysis yield chebulic
acid and d- galloyl glucose
Ellagic and gallic acids
Glucose , sorbital
ii)Laxative- due to anthracene derivative present in the pericarp
iii)Stomachic and Tonic
v)It is an ingredient of ayurvedic preparation ‘Triphala’ used for treatment of
variety of ailments
vi)Dyeing and tanning industry.
vii)used in the treatment of piles and external ulcers

2)Black Catechu
Synonyms: Cutch , Kattha , Khair,khadir
Biological Source.- It is dried Aq extract of the heartwood of Acacia catechu
Family :- Leguminosae
Organoleptic Characters:-
Colour- Light brown to black
Odour- None
Taste – Astringent
Size- 2.5 – 5cms
Shape- Cube or Brick shaped
Chemical constituents:
1. Tannins- Acacatechin (Acacia catechin) It is insoluble in cold water and soluble
in hot water.
Acacatechin on oxidation produces catechutanic acid
2.It also contains Catechu red, Gum , quarcetin
3.It does not contain chlorophyll and fluorescent substance.
Acacatechin oxidation catechutanic acid
Chemical test
1. Black catechu gives pink or red colour with vanillin and HCL acid.
2.With Fecl3 solution –Bluish black color
3. Lime water gives brown colour with aq solution of black catechu.
4. Match stick test (Catechin Test):-A tip of the match stick is smeared with the
paste of black catechu , after dipping it in conc HCl is warmed near flame , purple
colour is produced due to the formation of Phloroglucinol.
1. Astringent
2. Water softening agent.
3. For digestive purpose
4. For mfg of stencils and printer inks.
5.As a preservative to fishing nets and snails which are constantly exposed to
6. Dyeing and tanning
7.It is used for relaxed condition of throat ,mouth ,gum and in cough.

3) Pale catechu
Synonym :- Gambier catechu
B.S :- It is a dried aq extract prepared from the leaves and young twigs of drug
Uncaria gambier
Familly:- Rubiaceae.
Organoleptic Characters:-
Colour- Cinnamon brown
Odour- Odourless
Taste – Tasteless
Shape- Occurs in cubes
Chemical constituents:
i)Pale catechu consists of Condensed tannins in the form catechin (7-33%),
catechu tannic acid(22 to 50% ) ,catechu red .
ii)It also contains quercetin, Gambier fluorescein substance and chlorophyll
Chemical Test.
i)Pale catechu gives pink or red colour with vanillin and Hcl acid.
ii)Match stick test:-A tip of the match stick is smeared with the paste of pale
catechu , after dipping it in conc HCl is warmed near flame , purple colour is
produced due to the formation of Phloroglucinol.
iii) Gambier fluroscein Test-Extract powdered drug with alcohol and filter it,To
the filterate add NaOH solution followed by shaking and adding few drops of light
petroleum , Shake again and allow to stand .The petroleum layer acquires green
fluorescence due to Gambier fluroscein
iv) The chloroform extract of drug in a porcelain dish gives greenish yellow colour
due to chlorophyll .This test is negative with Black catechu.
i) Astringent
ii) In Dyeing and tanning industry. Also for protecting the fishing nets
iii) In diarrhea.

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