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The elf’s House

Once upon a time there is an elf who living in a little house on the edge of the wood. He like his little house very
much, but he think it being a little small. So, one day he is going to the wise sorcerer who living in the land of the

"My house being too small," say the elf to the wise sorcerer. "What must I doing?"

The wise sorcerer tells the elf to goes to the cave on the other side of the wood and invited the ogre who live there
to came and lived in his small house. The elf does as the sorcerer suggesting and the ogre come to live in the small
house. A few days later the elf go again to see the wise sorcerer.

"I inviting the ogre but My house was still too small," saying the elf to the wise sorcerer. "What should I does?"

The wise sorcerer telling the elf to went to the old farm in the meadow and ask the farmer if he can stay at his small
house. The elf doing as the sorcerer suggesting and the farmer coming to live in the small house. A few days later
the elf going again to see the wise sorcerer.

" I invites the farmer but My house being still too small," says the elf to the wise sorcerer. "What should I done?"

The wise sorcerer tell the elf to went deep into the forest and ask the fairy queen to stayed at his small house. The
elf doing as the sorcerer suggesting and the fairies come to live in the small house. A few days later the elf gone
again to saw the wise sorcerer.

" I invite the fairies but My house was still too small," says the elf to the wise sorcerer. "What should I doing?"

The wise sorcerer telling the elf to going to the pond and asked the crocodile prince and the monster who hiding in
the pond to stayed at his small house. The elf doing as the sorcerer suggesting and the crocodile prince and the
monster who hiding in the pond comes to living in the small house. A few days later the elf going again to saw the
wise sorcerer.

"I have doing all you has say and my house is still too small," complaining the elf. "In fact, I couldn’t move in my
own home now I has no space. The wise sorcerer thinking a moment. Then he telling the elf to sending all the
guests back to their homes.

The elf returning the next day.

"You didn’t believe it," saying the elf. "Now that all my guests has returning to their homes, my small house
seeming absolutely huge! I wanting to thank you for all of your advice wise sorcerer."
Adapted from :” The Too Small House”

Read the story and correct the verbs

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