Tugas 2 Aplikasi B.Inggris Azra Melinda 21052033

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Nama : Azra Melinda

NIM : 21052033
Jurusan/Prodi : Ilmu Sosial Politik/ PPKN
Mata Kuliah : Aplikasi Bahasa Inggris
Tugas : Tugas Pertemuan Kedua

1. Idenfied what the content the article about?

- The article identification about literation imporvement
of Indonesian’s citizens in the era of industrial revolution
- How Important is civic education for future generations
to face changes in the future
- how important attitude in facing revolution

2. What the literacy mean?

 Literacy is the use of the practice of creating and
interpreting meaning through texts
socially,historically and culturally.

3. How many literacies that civic education teacher needed

to be a good teacher in the era of revolution 4.0?
 There are three pieces of literacy needed to be a
good teacher of civics in the 4.0 era:
1. English literacy in Citizenship Education
2. Information Technology Literacy:
- Understanding Information Technology
- Number of internet User
- Technology Literacy in citizenship education
3. Literacy Of Humanism

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