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Safety, First Aid and

Disaster Preparedness
“At the end of the day, the goals
are simple: safety and security.”

—Jodi Rell
Public Safety
► involves the prevention of and
protection from events that endanger the
safety of the general public significant
danger, injury/harm, or damage such as
crimes or disasters (natural or man-made).
This protection is typically provided by
emergency service organizations such as
police, fire and emergency medical
services (EMS).
Public Security
► is the function of governments
which ensures the protection of
citizens, organizations and
institutions against threats to
their well-being and prosperity of
their communities.
► Organized crime and international terrorism are
hardly deterred by geographical linguistic, or financial

► Competence and administrative hurdles play into

their hands. Although public security significantly
contributes to the attractiveness of a location, the
productivity of its people, and hence the overall success
of an economy, the sector frequently suffers from low
budgets, limited resources and inadequate information
► Large events, pandemics, severe accidents
environmental disasters, and terrorism attacks pose
additional threats to public sector and order.

- Peros, Nenith
☺ First aid is simple medical treatment
given as soon as possible to a person who is
injured or who suddenly becomes ill.

☺ Administration of first aid must not delay activation

of the emergency medical services or other medical
assistance when required.

☺ First aid should be universal, everyone can learn first

aid and everyone should.

☺First aid guidelines

-Que, Sofia
Wounds and
Wounds are injuries that break the skin
or other body tissues. They include cuts,
scrapes, scratches, and punctured skin.
They often happen because of an
accident, but surgery, sutures, and
stitches also cause wounds.
These guidelines can help you care for
minor cuts and scrapes:
6 Change the dressing
1 Wash your hands.

2 Stop the bleeding

7 Get a tetanus shot.

3 Clean the wound

4 Apply an antibiotic or petroleum jelly.

5 Cover the wound.

An abrasion is a type of open wound
that’s caused by the skin rubbing against
a rough surface. It may be called a
scrape or a graze. When an abrasion is
caused by the skin sliding across hard
ground, it may be called road rash.
Abrasions are very common injuries. They can
range from mild to severe. Abrasions are most
likely to occur on the:

→upper extremities
Treating an Abrasion at home
A first- or second-degree abrasion can usually be treated
at home. To care for an abrasion:

1. Begin with washed hands.

2. Gently clean the area with cool to lukewarm water and

mild soap. Remove dirt or other particles from the wound
using sterilized tweezers.

3.For a mild scrape that’s not bleeding, leave the wound

4. If the wound is bleeding, use a clean cloth or bandage,
and apply gentle pressure to the area to stop any bleeding.
Elevating the area can also help stop bleeding.

5. Cover a wound that bled with a thin layer of topical

antibiotic ointment, like Bacitracin, or a sterile moisture
barrier ointment, like Aquaphor. Cover it with a clean
bandage or gauze. Gently clean the wound and change the
ointment and bandage once per day.

6. Watch the area for signs of infection, like pain or

redness and swelling. See your doctor if you suspect
Snake bite
If a venomous snake bites you, call 911 or your local
emergency number immediately, especially if the bitten
area changes color, begins to swell or is painful.
If possible, take these steps while
waiting for medical help:
1. Move beyond the snake's striking distance.

2. Remain still and calm to help slow the spread of venom.

Remove jewelry and tight clothing before you start to swell.

3. Position yourself, if possible, so that the bite is at or below

the level of your heart.

4. Clean the wound with soap and water. Cover it with a

clean, dry dressing.
Is the major cause of
unintentional death. It can be
preventive by wearing personal
flotation devices like life jacket.
Of someone need to help here
are the techniques used.
If you’re on your own, shout for help but
don’t delay moving on to the lifesaving

1. Try to wake the casualty.

2. Lie them on their back and tilt their chin and head
backwards to help clear their airway.

3. Give them five rescue breaths. Pinch their nose and keep
their head tilted back as you breathe into their mouth from
yours, making as good a seal as you can with your mouth
over theirs.
4. CPR. Using both hands
together, one on top of the
other, push down right in the
center of their chest firmly,
with your arms straight

5. Then once you’ve done 5

rescue breaths and one
minute of CPR you can take
the time to call the
emergency services.

-Panubagan, Joylyn
Animal bites
For minor wounds- Gently clean with soap and
warm water. Rinse for several minutes after
cleaning. Apply antibiotic cream to reduce risk
of infection, and cover with a sterile bandage.

For deep wounds- Apply pressure with a clean,

dry cloth to stop the bleeding and see your

For infections- If you notice redness, pain,

swelling, and inflammation at the site of the
bite. You should seek immediate medical
treatment . Other symptoms of infection
include: pus or fluid oozing from the wound.

For suspected rabies- See your doctor

Human bites
Human bites can be as dangerous as or even
more dangerous than animal bites because of
the types of bacteria and viruses contained in
the human mouth. Human bites that break the
skin can become infected.

1. Stop the wound from bleeding by applying

direct pressure with a clean, dry cloth.

2. Wash the wound. Use mild soap and warm,

running water. Rinse the bite for 3 to 5 minutes.

3. Apply an antibacterial ointment to the wound.

This may help reduce the chance for
infection.Put on a dry, sterile bandage.

-Rabago, Lenen
Earthquakes can happen anytime,
you should act immediately
once there ground shaking.

in case of Earthquake drills are very
important to help you react
Disaster immediately and properly.
You will:

Immediately take cover under desk,

01 tables, or in a strong doorway. Turn
away from windows, shelves and heavy
objects and furniture that may fall.
Stay under shelter
until shaking stops.
03 Be silent and listen to instructions.
Leave the building
quickly, calmly and
orderly only after
ground shaking
Go to the designated open-space
assembly area outside school building.

-Plaza, Stephane Blanch

What to do during an earthquake?
Don’t panic! Stay inside the house or building, don’t go out. The
1 best thing to do is to protect you from falling debris by hiding
under a strong table or structure.

2 Stay indoors until the shaking stops and

you’re sure it’s safe to exit.

3 If you are outside, proceed to an open place

away from failing electric wires, trees or walls.

4 Don’t turn on the gas tank in case of leak.

5 Use the stairs instead of elevator.

6 If you are inside the car, avoid passing on an overpass or bridge.
Keep the car on a safe open place.

7 If you are inside a crowded building, don’t

race out. Avoid falling objects.
What to do

1  Store an adequate supply of food and clean water

2  Prepare foods that need not be cooked.

 Keep flashlights, candles and battery-powered

radios within easy reach.

4  Examine your house and repair its unstable parts.

 Always keep yourself updated with the

latest weather report.
6  Secure domesticated animals in a safe place.

7  For fisher folks, place boats in a safe area.

Should you need to evacuate, bring clothes,

8 first aid kit, candles/flashlight, battery-powered
radio, food, etc.
1  Stay inside the house.

2  Always keep yourself updated with the latest weather report.

 If safe drinking water is not available, boil

3 water for at least 20 minutes. Place it in a
container with cover.

4  Keep an eye on lighted candles or gas lamps.

 Do not wade through floodwaters to avoid

being electrocuted and contracting diseases.
If there is a need to move to an evacuation
center, follow these reminders.

Close the Avoid the way

windows and leading to the
turn off the river
main power

Put important
appliances and
belongings in a
high ground.
1 If your house was destroyed, make sure that it is already
safe and stable when you enter.

2 Beware of dangerous animals such as snakes that may have entered your house

3 Watch out for live wires or outlet immersed in water.

Report damaged electrical cables and fallen electric posts to the


Do not let water accumulate in tires, cans or pots to

5 avoid creating a favorable condition for mosquito

1. Have an escape route

2. Stay informed
3.Have a disaster kit
4. Clean up outside
5. Contact your family

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