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Decentralized, Independent “Free” Energy is Coming

“There are two fundamentally opposed means whereby man, requiring sustenance, is impelled
to obtain the necessary means for satisfying his desires. These are work and robbery, one’s own
labor and the forcible appropriation of the labor of others…I propose in the following discussion
to call one’s own labor and the equivalent exchange of one’s own labor for the labor of others,
the ‘economic means’ for the satisfaction of needs, while the unrequited appropriation of the
labor of others will be called the ‘political means.’” –Franz Oppenheimer [Emphasis added]

The First Realm, the servile society, only exists by its parasitic feeding off of the
creative and productive energies of those within its purview. In spiritual circles, this has
been called “loosh,” but less mystically speaking, this control of energy is exercised by
way of the medium-of-exchange known as Federal Reserve Notes. To elaborate,
individuals trade their time, effort, and energy for magic, pyramid-emblazoned green
bills, and arguably more detrimental, put that energy towards building this system of
coercion encompassing the entire world...because if they don’t, they can’t eat, live,
provide for their family, have Babylon Pharmaceutical “health insurance,” etc.
And since we live in an electric universe, this control of energy expands further.
That is, the centralization and control of power we use to keep our food cold/frozen, to
cook (in some cases), to stay warm, to travel via automobile, etc. This is no secret,
considering the carbon credits/Agenda 2030 plan by those who falsely imagine
themselves to be our rulers.
The food chain is centralized and manipulated, not to mention riddled with toxins
galore; supply chains likewise; the mass poisoning by indoctrinated, quack doctors is
undoubtedly upon us; and in regards to this piece, the power grid is setup for control
(along with our main modes of transportation), not for efficiency, for “environmental”
purposes, or any other “empowering” reasons.

I’d like you to ponder a few seemingly outlandish possibilities for a moment:

 What if a traveling van nomad could not only eliminate the costs of an apartment,
mortgage, etc., but his/her fuel costs as well?
 What if that same engine used to take the aforementioned nomad on liberating
adventures, could also be used to power buildings, produce medical isotopes (i.e.
monoatomics) via an electrolysis-like process, power a bitcoin mining rig, etc.,
running off of basically anything, from used brake fluid, to charcoal slurries?
 What if you could generate an abundance of energy using a Tesla turbine attached to
a Liberator Rocket Heater, of which you already use to obtain heat at 99%+
 What if we were only a handful of years or less from truly free, independent energy?

The above may seem like quite outlandish possibilities, but not only are they
plausible and scientifically demonstrable, but Sky Huddleston, proprietor of the
Liberator Rocket Heater & engineer on an improved Bourke engine, (as well as recent
guest on The Vonu Podcast), is actively working on such commercially-available
I’ve always implored my listeners to “think bigger,” and failing to take my own
advice, I was not thinking big enough in regards to the possibilities at hand with free really is the ticket to liberation, the ticket to overthrowing centuries (or
millennia) of centralized, coercive control.
In TVP #138 featuring Sky, the topic of decentralized, independent energy was at
the forefront, but our conversation expanded further, including:

 Sky fills us in on his background and his main entrepreneurial venture, Rocket
Heaters, and their Liberator Rocket Stove
 How he got into the large topics of ancient civilizations and their highly advanced
 The incredible technology necessary to build certain pyramids and ancient sites
 The linear progression of human technology is false: there were more advanced
civilizations before
 The decentralization of energy production is coming
 Pulse detonation technology as the most promising route for free, independent
 The technology of the servile society is a scam, a CONvenience
 Batteries and electric vehicles centralize energy generation and power
 His thoughts on geothermal and solar
 His knowledge on monoatomics, electrically-expanded water, Brown's Gas, and
George Wiseman's Aquacure

Now, I do have to provide one caution: Sky is only 27 years of age (in this
incarnation), but he is rather brilliant & well-studied, so you may have a hard time
keeping up with him...I’ve been diving into some of these topics for a number of years
and still had some difficulty.
In regards to the last bullet point, this topic is not only relegated to energy
production, but also has incredible implications for the realm of health and wellness.
The same process used to generate an abundance of energy can also be used to generate
electrically-expanded, hydrogen-rich water, as well as Brown’s Gas, which have shown
some quite miraculous results in healing aging and even chronic “dis-ease.” The
P.A.Z.NIA Department of Health & Wellness has one of George Wiseman’s Aquacure
machines on order; we will provide our own feedback, experiences, and updates as we
To learn more or to listen/watch the podcast, just visit
And always remember, vonu is yours for the making, and the Second Realm is yours for
the building.

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