Course Title: Course Code:: Supply Chain Management SCM 303

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Course Title: Supply Chain Management Course Code: SCM 303

Program: BBA Section: 2

Student’s Name: 1. Nanjiba Chowdhury Student’s Id: 1. 201006002

2. Fairuz Islam 2. 201010202

3. Omar Wasit 3. 201004802

4. Rashfan Jan Chowdhury 4. 201007302

Instructor: Dr. Mohammad Shakil Submission December 15, 2021

Green Supply Chain Management

GSCM is an integration of environmental issues into supply chain management practices

between organizations. GSCM covers a set of environmental practices that facilitate the
improvement of environmental practices of two or more organizations within the same supply
chain. Green Supply Chain Management integrates environmentally friendly aspects into
traditional supply chain management practices to enable all value chain activities (design,
procurement, processes, final product delivery, and service life management). Make it
environmentally friendly. It incorporates the classic supply chain concept in an environmentally
friendly way. Supply chain management that integrates environmental considerations into the
supply chain with the goal of minimizing the ecological footprint of a product or service. A
supply chain that considers the impact on the natural environment and uses best practices to
protect it. In this article we talked about Ananta group and Pran group of Bangladesh where they
are following Green Supply Chain Management. The concept of Green Supply Chain
Management (GSCM) integrates environmental aspects in addition to traditional aspects of
traditional supply chains. Ready-made garment (RMG) is one of the largest industries facing
many challenges these days in Bangladesh. This study aims to analyze the materials,
manufacturing, distribution systems, and recall processes of the RMG sector in order to apply
green (sustainable) supply chain management. This study used a primary data source.
Respondents are selected according to specific criteria. Respondents are selected based on
management position and professional experience in the RMG sector, with transportation
companies working with third-party companies such as the garment industry and buying houses.
GSCM is purchasing, product design and development, manufacturing, transportation,
packaging, storage, This can be achieved by disposal and by considering environmental aspects
at the final stage of the product.


The concept of incorporating sustainable environmental operations into the traditional supply
chain is referred to as "green supply chain management" (GSCM). Product design, material
sourcing and selection, manufacturing and production, operation, and end-of-life management
are all examples of this.

GSCM has emerged as an effective tool to ensure sustainability with a lower environmental
footprint through the reduction of waste and carbon. GSCM has enhanced the focus on research
application in business in different industrial sections (Srivastava, 2007; Sarkis et al., 2011; Zhu
et al., 2012; Tseng et al., 2013). In traditional methods of Supply Chain Management (SCM),
environmental hazards, wastage, climate change less efficiency are common phenomena in
Bangladesh. Every major supply chain activity generates some level of waste consumes energy.
According to Zhu, Sarkis and Lai (2008), reduction in energy usage; waste generation issues that
need to be addressed throughout the supply chain. The continuous rapid growth of different
industries in Bangladesh has brought challenges relating to resource scarcity, energy, waste
generation some adverse environmental implications (UNEP, 2012; Ofori, 2000). The
contemporary literature on GSCM is very weak in Bangladesh (Shah and Muraduzaman, 2013).
Ananta group has LEED GOLD CERTIFIED FACTORY by US Green Building Council
(USGBC) from 2017. As being gold certified Ananta group is maintaining so many sustainable
practice that can lead to a better sustainable world. For a long time, Ananta Group is deeply
focusing on maintaining their product quality by sustainable cotton, wash, water management,
energy and chemical management, ETP, ventilation system etc. Besides they have set their goal
to reduce 50% use of water by 2026, reduce 30% of energy by 2030, Use 100% ZDHC positive
list chemical by 2020, reduce 20% air emission by 2025, Use 100% green screening chemical by

PRAN prioritizes environmental sustainability were they think green and work green. The motto
is to achieve a Sustainable Green Planet someday. To protect and conserve this beautiful mother
earth they are taking few green initiatives into account like energy Conservation and
preservation, ETP and tree plantation. Other than these they also work on wastage disposal, heat
recovery boiler, usage of fossil fuel and powered trucks, CFL Bulbs etc.

Issues, Challenges and how these are been overcoming


Ananta Group believes that the market economy is transforming in a revolutionary way, with
many global retail and fashion chains seeing Bangladesh as a major opportunity. The recent
economic downturn has brought a lot more attention to them. Everyone wants to incorporate
Bangladesh in their strategic plans and establish a foothold here, especially as the cost of doing
business in China rises. When it comes to bottlenecks, there are possibilities as well as
difficulties and risks, and Ananta Group believes that if they have the necessary infrastructure
support, such as decent roads, electricity, gas connections, and other things that we currently
need, a lot more buyers will be attracted to Bangladesh. However, they are grateful for the
government's help, which has come from all regimes. There are no problems with shipments in
the industry as a whole during strikes. Most buyers and consumers have shown patience while
working with Bangladesh, and they appreciate it because they perceive the country's potential as
a mature, reliable sourcing base. Ananta Group is rapidly expanding in our core area, and this is
their key strength, allowing them to become one of the chosen vendors for all of our customers.
They are a platinum vendor for H&M; there are a total of eight platinum suppliers worldwide,
three of which are in Bangladesh. They are one of the main sellers for one of the big US retailers,
having been chosen from a pool of 80 merchants from around the world. Five of the 14
merchants are from Bangladesh, which says a lot about the country. They recognized certain
opportunities, researched them, spoke with our buyers, attempted to find out where the demand
and supply chain gaps were, and then began establishing and bundling service lines within our
product offers. Ananta Group is currently concentrating their efforts on developing items with
long-term potential in Bangladesh over the next 10 to 15 years. This company is attempting to
expand in key product categories. As a result of our market research, Ananta has formed a joint
venture to make men's formal suits. It's a joint venture with Time International, a major
European conglomerate that's been specializing in suit production for the previous 20-30 years.
This partnership will assist them in providing service to a European mass retailer. It's a
fascinating and demanding undertaking because they have promised to give quality that is far
superior to anything available in Asia. They also intend to open a heavy knits plant that will
specialize in jacquard sweaters. They partnered with a Chinese company that produces and
specializes in high-end products to build up the factory. The knits facility will be able to
manufacture around 4 million meters of fabric each year. Ananta Group is now able to provide a
greater range of items to their customers as a result of these expansions. Complementary items
such as buttons will help to reinforce their core product while also providing a wider product
selection to the same customers. To cope with tight pricing and customer expectations, many
organizations, including theirs, are now investing in areas such as production efficiency
improvements, work studies, industrial engineering, and operational excellence. Every year,
when their buyers visit them, they notice a good development; the industry as a whole is
adopting the latest technical advancements. It's simply a matter of making the appropriate
investments at the appropriate times for the appropriate clients. They recently purchased a large
number of automatic denim and laundry machines. A bespoke Enterprise Resource Planning
system has also been implemented. It is being placed in all of the company's departments. RFID
bundle tracking devices, for example, have already been thoroughly tested.


At the end of the day, supply chain management is all about maintaining relationships. Link by
link, connection by relationship, a supply chain will be handled, and the organizations that
manage those relationships best will win. Pran, In this correlation, SCM tools and methodologies
are given. Production management, planning, design, and construction, as well as business
drivers, are all important aspects of SCM. SCM, like other organizational disciplines such as
structural or process engineering, accounting, and materials management, has a champion who
can advance ideas across disciplines and organizational boundaries. Despite supply chain
management, today's complexity is a cancer that must be combated, and process management is
the weapon of choice. We created a solid model of supply chain management processes and
appropriately defined them so that the Pran group's entire process could be handled. It has helped
our company realize that supply chain management is far too critical to be treated as a function.
It is everyone's responsibility. The chain of command has a proactive, thorough, and results-
oriented team leader with a track record of increasing productivity while lowering costs in
domestic and international supply chain operations. Pran Supply chain managers are known for
establishing and implementing business line strategies and blueprints that promote process
efficiency improvements. They are imaginative, analytical, and big-picture thinkers. As the third
phase of the logistics management of supply chain mechanism, distribution from one location to
another is an effort. While importing or exporting materials or finished items at the destination
point, supply chain management, in particular, makes extensive use of Pran logistics. However,
there are three options for bringing or transporting goods: air, sea, and road. After deciding
which method is ideal for bringing the items, consider how urgent or emergency the goods are,
as well as the lead time, before deciding on the best method. Air freight is faster but more
expensive; sea freight is less expensive but requires a lead time for delivery; and road freight is
another option for communicating with neighboring countries. SCM produced a yearly or half-
yearly planning for materials or other items, and then made an easy selection on which route
would be the cheapest and would arrive at the appropriate lead time. After reading the general
description, we discover that the supply chain manager has decided that sea freight is the greatest
means to transport goods to any location at the lowest cost and is the finest strategy for achieving
the company's ultimate aim. The goal of Pran is not to cut costs in order to make more money.
Our company's goal is to cut costs, so we give the lowest-cost end product to our ultimate
customer. Not only has the logistical cost been reduced, but every operational step has been
taken to lower the cost. As a result, we will be able to reach our ultimate goal.

Case study of companies’ adaptations and applications

As a consequence of developing new rules of higher authority and stronger public awareness
about the nature, nowadays firms cannot avoid the issues related to the environment to survive in
the long run in the international market. For sustainable development, the issue are managed and
taken more seriously day by day. The companies of Bangladesh are undertaking different
policies to attain sustainability. Among all the companies, how the two firms: Ananta group and
Pran-RFL group are adapting the GSCM will be elaborated.

Ananta group considers sustainability in every part of their work and process. Their goal is to be
the world best sustainable RMG manufacturer which is why they have set some goals to reduce
water, energy, different chemicals, air emission etc. To achieve these, they are implementing
HIGG & FEM. HIGG score is basically the sustainability score by all buyers where Ananta
group scored 68% in HIGG FEM. They practice this by planting trees in the community,
planting different hazardous water system, rainwater harvesting system, waste water recycling
system. Push taps are replaced with normal taps etc. For sustainable wash, they set up ozone
machine, Tonello machine, laser machine, E-flow etc. Besides they have planned to attain water
management sustainability from 30% in 2020 to 50% in 2026 and energy management
sustainability from 3% in 2021 to 10% in 2030. In the sustainability report of Ananta group, it is
noticeable that they strictly prohibit the entrance of hazardous chemicals. Apart from this, other
important things like ETP, gas generator, steam boilers, ventilation system: these are taken care
of specially. They have VFD controlled compressor and dryer machines which helps in
supplying best quality compressed air for the production process. All these led Ananta group to
LEED GOLD CERTIFIED FACTORY by US Green Building Council (USGBC) from 2017
which means they are maintaining a lot of sustainable practice which is helping to develop a
better and sustainable world.

PRAN group also prioritizes sustainability in the environment. They firmly believe that they
think green and work green as well. Their main motto is to achieve a Sustainable Green Planet
someday. They are taking green initiatives into account in order to protect and conserve the
mother earth and keep it evergreen. To achieve their goal, they set some laws as well. Some of
them are: energy conservation and preservation, tree plantation etc. Beside this, they give
emphasis on 3R’s which is Reduce, Reuse and Recycle. However, they have generated three
ETP to ensure safe factory too. They've also switched to fossil fuel and powered trucks to reduce
air pollution, and they've started a community forestation program to balance out carbon dioxide
levels in the air. They've also installed a heat recovery boiler to efficiently reuse the heat from
production, and they've switched to fossil fuel and powered trucks to reduce air pollution. To cut
electricity use, they also use daylight with a sky-light roof and CFL bulbs in all of their offices
and factories.
Conclusion and Policy Recommendation

Green Supply Chain Management (GSCM) has emerged as an environmental innovation that
integrates environmental issues into supply chain management. In Ananta group we can see that
the recent recession has attracted more attention to them. When it comes to bottlenecks, there are
challenges and risks as well as opportunities. The Ananta Group believes there will be more
buyers with the infrastructure support it currently needs, such as proper road, electricity and gas
connections. I am drawn to Bangladesh. And then the Pran Supply Chain Manager is known for
developing and executing business line strategies and plans that help improve process efficiency.
You are witty, analytical, and big-minded. Distribution from one location to another is an effort
as the third phase of logistics management in supply chain mechanics. We make heavy use of
Pran logistics when importing and exporting materials or finished products at our destinations,
especially in supply chain management. This review focuses on the development of GSCM in
Ananta group and Pran group, including all researchers involved in environmental and social
sustainability from an operational management and supply chain perspective. It shows that the
GSCM of Ananta group is much more better then Pran group. GSCM is becoming more popular
with both scientists and practitioners. The purpose of this paper is to briefly review the recent
GSCM literature and determine new directions in this new field. Detailed reviews are used to
categorize the literature and develop research directions for the study. In general, the adoption of
GSCM practices by manufacturers leads to improved environmental and economic performance,
which has a positive impact on operational performance. Operational performance improves the
performance of your organization.

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Name Part covered
Rashfan Jan Chowdhury Background, Case study
Nanjiba Chowdhury Background, Case Study
Fairuz Islam Issues and Challenges
Omar Wasit Introduction, conclusion


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