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Definition of North and South Divide

North and South Divide or Rich-Poor Divide is a concept about the gap between the North

Global and the South Global in terms of development and wealth. The wealthy developed countries

are known as ‘The North’. While the poor and developing countries or least developed countries

are known as the ‘The South’. Many nations comprising that the North are located at the Northern

Hemisphere and the South is located at the Southern Hemisphere, actually it is not defined by

geography. Like Australia and New Zealand, which is actually located at the Southern

Hemisphere, but it is considered as the North because it shares a similar economic and cultural

characteristic as other Northern countries.

The Global North refers to the countries that are classified as the high-income economies

by the World Bank, based on the estimated gross national income per capita. This the home of the

G8 and the four of the five permanent member of the UN Security Council. The countries or

nations included are United States, Canada, Western Europe and developed part of Asia. As well

as Australia and New Zealand. The Global North mostly cover by the West and First World

country, along with the Second World country. 95% have enough food and shelter came from the

Global North. The North also have the capability to study and go to school. The Global South

refers to the countries classified upper-middle income, low-middle income or low-income

economies and the countries included are Africa, Latin America and developing countries in Asia

or also known as the Third World countries. The remaining 5 % who have enough food and shelter

came from the Global South and only few of the South have the capability to study and go to


The North and South divide is recently named the development gap. It is named

development gap to give greater emphasis to close the gap between the Global North or the
developed country and the Global South or the Developing country. In term of Economic

Development, the existing enormous gap between the North and South has been increased by


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