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First Flight

Fire and Ice

- by Robert Frost

Notes - By Neetu Sachdeva

(Team Edumantra)

Introduction : -

" "
and Ice is a highly
symbolic poem by
Robert Frost This poem consists of two stanzas

two possibilities of destruction

dealing with
of world This poem is a
the . meditation about
how the world will end Fire represents
burning .

desires while ice on the other hand depicts ice

cold hatred It tells us about how human beings

will end of our own race

Message "
: -

The poem Fire and Ice conveys the message that
if human emotions of lust , greed
, jealousy anger , ,

hatred and indifference keep rising , the world will

sooner come to an end Fire here stands for .

desire and greed Ice stands for hatred and rigidity

, ,

According to the poet , desire is powerful and would

be a
quick end .

Stanza -1
Some say the world will end in fire
some say in ice
From what I've tasted of desire
I hold with those who favour fire
Explanation → Robert Frost
In this stanza, the poet ,

is analysing about the end of the world The poet says .

that these are two theories held by the people about

how the world would be destroyed Some people .

are in view that it would end because of intense

heat as there is
global warming It means that earth 's

core will heat up which will lead to natural calamities

like volcanoes , earthquakes and tsunamis which will one
day end the earth ,
But there are others who believe
that the sun might lose its heat and the world will
freeze till all the species of flora and fauna ie plants .

and wildlife on earth becomes extinct once and for

all Therefore this theory is based on power of ice which

change the living conditions on earth .

Word Meaning
i. Desire → wish

Hold → to take side
3 .
Favour →

Extract Based Ques / Ans stanza -


1 .
What is the poet 's opinion of the world ?
Ans → The poet 's opinion the ,
world will end in fire .

2 .
What do people think of the world ?
Ans → The think the world will be destroyed with fire and
ice .

refers to ?

3 .

What does I in the stanza

refers to the poet
Ans → I in the stanza .


symbolic of ?

4 .
What is Ice here
Ans → Icesymbolises cold feelings like hatred , jealousy apathy ,

and insensitivity .

Explain Some say the world will end in fire
5 .

Ans → Some people are in the opinion that violent feelings
like anger , cruelty , enmity and fury will bring the world
to an end .

6. which two things will destroy the world ?

Ans → Hatred and Desire will destroy the world ,

stanza -2
But if had to perish twice
I think I know enough of hate

To say that for destruction ice

is also great
And would suffice .

Explanation → In this stanza the poet is very much scene

of the destruction of the humanity .
He first talks about
the destruction caused by fine and if it fails then ice

and freezing temperature will be enough to destroy the

earth The .
poet compares ice with hatred and jealosy .

He thinks that people have lost affection , love kindness


and sympathy .
The poet feels that it can be a potential
cause of the destruction of the world The end of the

that it doesn't matter which is stronger

poem suggests

fire or both carry the destructive

ice - elements which

may destroy the world .

Word Meaning
1- Perish → die
2- Suffice → be sufficient
3. Destruction→ wiping out
Extract Based Ques / Ans stanza -2

What does it in the first line represent ?

• '
1 .

It in the first line represents the world
Ans → .

What does the poet mean by if he had to perish

2 ^

twice ?
Ans → The poet means that the world had to get destroyed
twice , each time by different force .

3- why does the poet feel that ice is also for destruction ?
• ,

enough destroy
• '
Ans → Ice equates with hatred which is to

the world .

4- '

What do you mean by Perish ?
Ans → Perish means to die or to be destroyed .

5 '
what would be the cause of destruction ?
Ans → IceFine would
or be the cause of cause of
destruction .

Question /Answers : -

Quest For Frost, what do fire and

' • ' '
stand for
Ans → The word fire stands for desire

In this poem , it
indicates all types of greed and lust Man 's greed is .

the existence of the planet Earth The word



in the poem indicates hatred and indifference

which is as cold as ice Cold , indifference and hate can .

equally destructive .

Ques2 Write down the two different views about the end of
the world ?
Ans → There is a difference of opinion regarding the end of
the world .
People say that the world will end in fire or
in ice . may burn the world out and
Global warming
excessive cold may spell its doom The world is .

transitory , nothing is permanent in this world .

Ques3. Briefly write about the ideas how the world will end .

Ans → The world will end either by fire or ice Some scientists .

believed that the world would be destroyer from its

fiery core ,
while others were convinced that the coming
ice age would destroy all
living things on the Earth's
surface Frost . introduces a more emotional side ,

associating desire with fire and hatred with ice .

" '

Quest what does Fire signify literally and symbolically ?


Ans → Literally fire ' implies the burning heat and refers

to the global warming which has the power to

turn the earth into a big fire hall . Symbolically ,

fire stands for the heat of desires

• '
love and

passion .
It also signifies human violence

ruthlessness and cruelty .

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