Quiz 2 Gestational Diabetes Mellitus

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2/15/22, 8:30 AM Quiz 2 Gestational Diabetes Mellitus

Quiz 2 Gestational Diabetes Mellitus Total points 16/20

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1. A nurse is conducting health teaching to a pregnant client who has 1/1

been recently diagnosed with GDM about the various signs of
hyperglycemia. Which of the following would the nurse include in her
teaching? Select all that apply. *



Frequent urination

Decreased urine output

Cool, clammy skin

Frequent hunger

2. Macrosomia in patient with gestational diabetes is MOST related to 1/1

which factor? *

Family history of large infants

Congenital anomalies

Maternal hyperglycemia

Maternal hypertension

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2/15/22, 8:30 AM Quiz 2 Gestational Diabetes Mellitus

3. When do most clients tend to develop gestational diabetes during 1/1

pregnancy? *

Usually on the 1st-2nd month of pregnancy

Usually on the 2nd-3rd month of pregnancy

Usually on the 1st-2nd trimester of pregnancy

Usually on the 2nd-3rd trimester of pregnancy

4. A 32-year-old multigravida client at 36 weeks’ gestation with poorly 0/1

controlled GDM and severe preeclampsia is admitted for stat C-Section.
The doctor ordered Corticosteroid pre-op. The nurse understands that
the drug is indicated for which of the following? *

To prevent infection

To stop contractions

To enhance fetal lung maturity

To decrease neonatal production of lung surfactant

Correct answer

To enhance fetal lung maturity

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2/15/22, 8:30 AM Quiz 2 Gestational Diabetes Mellitus

5. Which of the following are fetal complications as a result of 0/1

uncontrolled gestational diabetes? Select all that apply. *

Low blood pressure


Respiratory distress

Low blood glucose after birth

Increased episodes of apnea

Correct answer


Respiratory distress

Low blood glucose after birth

6. The following are risk factors associated with gestational diabetes 1/1
mellitus EXCEPT. *

Women older than 25 years old

Family history of diabetes

Gestational hypertension


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2/15/22, 8:30 AM Quiz 2 Gestational Diabetes Mellitus

7. The following statements are true about gestational diabetes EXCEPT? 0/1

Women with gestational diabetes can have healthy pregnancies and healthy

Pregnant women get tested for GDM at 20-24 weeks’ gestation

A woman who has GDM during pregnancy is at increased risk of developing diabetes
later in life

Gestational diabetes is not caused by a lack of insulin, but by other hormones

produced during pregnancy that prevents the body from using insulin effectively

Correct answer

Pregnant women get tested for GDM at 20-24 weeks’ gestation

8. A 32-year-old pregnant woman is diagnosed with gestational diabetes 1/1

at 26 weeks’ gestation. You’re educating the client about her condition.
Which statement by the client demonstrates understanding of your
health teaching? *

“I won’t need any further testing after I deliver the baby because my blood glucose
level will return to normal.”

“I’m at risk for delivering a baby that is too small for its gestational age due to this

“There are no risks or complications related to gestational diabetes other than


“It is important I try to get my fasting blood glucose around 70-95 mg/dL and not
more than 140 mg/dL 1 hour after meals.”

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2/15/22, 8:30 AM Quiz 2 Gestational Diabetes Mellitus

9. A pregnant client is scheduled for a 1-hour oral glucose tolerance test 0/1
(OGTT). Which of the following statements made by the client denotes
further health teaching? *

“Blood sample will be drawn 1 hour after drinking glucose solution to check my
blood glucose level.”

“I need to fast for 8-12 hours before taking the test.”

“A 3-hour glucose tolerance test will be ordered by my physician if result is too


“A blood glucose level of 130mg/dl is normal.”

Correct answer

“I need to fast for 8-12 hours before taking the test.”

10. A patient who just gave birth at 37 weeks gestation is now for 1/1
discharge. The patient had gestational diabetes throughout her
pregnancy. Her blood glucose levels have now returned to normal. When
should be the patient’s first follow-up with her physician for blood
glucose testing? *

1-3 weeks postpartum

6-12 weeks postpartum

3-6 months postpartum

No need for check up as her blood glucose level has returned to normal

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2/15/22, 8:30 AM Quiz 2 Gestational Diabetes Mellitus

11. Your patient is 36 weeks pregnant and has gestational diabetes. Which 1/1
lab result below is euglycemic?

Blood glucose 55 mg/dL

Blood glucose 82 mg/dL

Blood glucose 148 mg/dL

Blood glucose 325 mg/dL

12. A patient is 35 weeks pregnant. She has gestational diabetes and 1/1
uncontrolled hyperglycemia. Her current blood glucose is 290 mg/dL. You
administer insulin per physician’s order and recheck the blood glucose
level per protocol. It is now 135 mg/dL. Which statement by the patient
requires you to notify the physician?

“It burns when I urinate.”

“My back is hurting.”

“I feel tired.”

“I feel the baby kick about 10 times an hour.”

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2/15/22, 8:30 AM Quiz 2 Gestational Diabetes Mellitus

13. A baby is born at 37 weeks gestation to a mother with gestational 1/1

diabetes. As the nurse you know at birth that the newborn is at risk for?
Select all that apply.



Respiratory distress



14. When are most pregnant patients tested for gestational diabetes? 1/1

6-12 weeks gestation

12-20 weeks gestation

24-28 weeks gestation

34-36 week gestation

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2/15/22, 8:30 AM Quiz 2 Gestational Diabetes Mellitus

15. A patient completes a one hour glucose tolerance test. The patient’s 1/1
result is 190 mg/dL. As the nurse you know that the next step in the
patient’s care is to?

Continue monitoring pregnancy, the test is normal

Reassess blood glucose in 2 weeks

Notify the physician who will order the patient to take a 3 hour glucose tolerance

Provide education to the patient about how to manage gestational diabetes during

16. A patient has a 3 hour glucose tolerance test performed. The results 1/1
are the following: Fasting 94 mg/dL, 1 hour 210 mg/dL, 2 hour 180 mg/dL, 3
hour 130 mg/dL. Identify which results are abnormal: Select all that apply:

Fasting result

1 hour result

2 hour result

3 hour result

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2/15/22, 8:30 AM Quiz 2 Gestational Diabetes Mellitus

17. You educate a pregnant patient with gestational diabetes that she 1/1
should try to have a blood glucose level of ______________ 1 hour after a

<70 mg/dL

<250 mg/dL

>160 mg/dL

<140 mg/dL

18. You’re discharging a patient who just gave birth to a baby at 39 weeks 1/1
gestation. The patient had gestational diabetes throughout her
pregnancy. Her blood glucose levels have now returned to normal. When
should the patient first follow-up with her physician for blood glucose

1-3 years

6-12 weeks postpartum

1 year postpartum

Not applicable since this condition has resolved and only occurs during pregnancy

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2/15/22, 8:30 AM Quiz 2 Gestational Diabetes Mellitus

19. You’re providing an educational class for pregnant women about 1/1
gestational diabetes. You discuss the role of insulin in the body. Select all
the CORRECT statements about the role and function of insulin:

“Insulin is a type of cell that provides glucose to the body from the blood.”

“Insulin is a hormone secreted by the beta cells of the pancreas.”

“Insulin influences cells by causing them to uptake glucose from the blood.”

“Insulin is a protein that helps carry glucose into the cell for energy.”

20. A 32-year-old female is diagnosed with gestational diabetes. As the 1/1

nurse you know that what test below is used to diagnose a patient with
this condition?

1 hour glucose tolerance test

24 hour urine collection

Hemoglobin A1C

3 hour glucose tolerance test

This form was created inside of Central Mindanao University.


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