Group 8-Me Lab 1-Calorimetry: A) Calorimeter B) Calorimetry C) Bomb Calorimeter D) Reaction Calorimeter

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1. The science or act of measuring changes in state variables of a body for the
purpose of deriving the heat transfer associated with changes of its state due, to
chemical reactions, physical changes, or phase transitions under specified
(0/1 Points)

a) Calorimeter
b) Calorimetry
c) Bomb Calorimeter
d) Reaction calorimeter

2. It is a device for measuring the heat developed during a mechanical, electrical, or

chemical reaction, and for calculating the heat capacity of materials.
(0/1 Points)

a) Calorimeter
b) Calorimetry
c) Bomb Calorimeter
d) Reaction Calorimeter
3. In this type of calorimeter, the chemical reaction occurs within an insulated
closed container. Heat flow versus time is measured to arrive at the reaction
(0/2 Points)

a) Bomb calorimeter
b) Calorimeter Reaction
c) Calorimeter
d) Calorimetry

4. ls a constant-volume calorimeter, constructed to withstand the pressure

produced by the reaction as it heats the air within the container.
(0/2 Points)

a) Calorimetry
b) Reaction calorimeter
c) Calorimeter
d) Bomb Calorimeter

5. What law does the principle of calorimetry

indicates? (0/2 Points)

a) Newton's Law of Motion

b) Law of Conservation Energy
c) Law of inertia
d) Law of Gravitation

6. Reaction Calorimeter is a type of calorimeter where the chemical reaction occurs

within an insulated closed container . Heat flow versus time is measured to arrive at
the reaction heat. This is used for reactions intended to run at a variable temperature or
to find the maximum heat released by a reaction.
a) true
b) false

7. Some heat is always lost to the container in an adiabatic calorimeter, but a correction
factor is applied to the calculation to compensate for heat loss. This type of calorimeter
is used to study runaway reactions.
(0/1 Points)

a) Calorimetry
b) Reaction calorimeter
c) Adiabatic calorimeter

8. This type of calorimeter relies on a three-dimensional fluxmeter sensor made of

rings of thermocouples in series. This type of calorimeter allows for a larger sample
size and reaction vessel size, without sacrificing the accuracy of the measurement.
(0/1 Points)

a) Bomb Calorimeter

b) Constant-pressure calorimeter

c) Calvet-type calorimeter

9. The body at higher temperature releases heat while the body at lower
temperature do not absorbs heat. The principle of calorimetry indicates the law of
conservation energy, i.e. the total heat lost by the hot body is equal to the total
heat gained by the cold body.
(0/1 Points)

a) true
b) false
10. A bomb calorimeter is a constant-volume calorimeter, constructed to withstand the
pressure produced by the reaction as it heats the air within the container. The
temperature change of water is not used to calculate the heat of combustion.
(0/1 Points)

a) true
b) false

11. LIQUID, VOLATILE SAMPLES - This would be oils. Use a syringe to transfer the oil into
the crucible. Take care not to have any spillage or oil on the crucible walls or rim. (0/1

a) true
b) false

12. LIQUID, NON-VOLATILE SAMPLES - The evaporation of the liquid must be

prevented during the handling of the sample. This is achieved by gluing a tape to
the crucible rim and injecting the liquid through the tape with a syringe.
(0/1 Points)

a) true
b) false

13. A gel type substance would be butter or grease. Scoop out the approximate
amount and deposit it into the crucible with a second spatula. Prevent the material
from ending up on the crucible rim.
(0/1 Points)

a) true
b) false
14. This instrument measures the enthalpy change of a reaction in solution under
conditions of constant atmospheric pressure. A common example of this type of
device is the coffee-cup calorimeter.
(0/1 Points)

a) Constant-pressure calorimeter
b) Calvet-type calorimeter
c) Bomb calorimeter

15. By using for the bomb, the reaction will occur with no volume change
(0/2 Points)

a) Molybdenu
b) Tungsten
c) Stainless
d) Brass

16. Consists of a small cup to contain the sample, oxygen, a stainless steel bomb,
water, a stirrer, a thermometer, the dewar or insulating container (to prevent
heat flow from the calorimeter to the surroundings) and ignition circuit
connected to the bomb.
(0/2 Points)

a) Adiabatic calorimeter
b) Reaction calorimeter
c) Bomb calorimeter
d) None of the above

17. The charged bomb is submerged under a known volume of water (2000 ml) before
the charge is electrically ignited.
(0/2 Points)
a) false
b) true

18. The bomb is charged with hydrogen (typically at 30 atm) after filling the
crucible with a weighed mass of sample (typically 1-1.5 g) and arranged with
an ignition coil, connected to the terminals of ignition wires.
(0/2 Points)

a) true
b) false

19. The bomb must be robustly designed to withstand the large pressure developed
during the combustion of a sample, hydrocarbon material.
(0/2 Points)

a) true
b) false

20. It is a type of constant-volume calorimeter used in measuring the heat of

combustion or heating value of a particular reaction.
(0/2 Points)

a) Adiabatic Calorimeter
b) Bomb Calorimeter
c) Reaction Calorimeter
d) None of the above

21. This type of calorimeter relies on a three-dimensional fluxmeter sensor made of rings of
thermocouples in series.
(0/2 Points)

a) Calvet-type calorimeter
b) Bomb calorimeter

c) Reaction calorimeter
d) Constant-pressure calorimeter

22. In a bomb calorimeter the temperature change of water is used to calculate the heat
(0/3 Points)

Correct answers: COMBUSTION

23. The science or act of measuring changes in state variables of a body for the purpose of
deriving the heat transfer associated with changes of its state due, to chemical
reactions, physical changes, or phase transitions under specified constraints.
(0/2 Points)

a) Calorimeter
b) Thermodynamics
c) Calorimetry
d) Thermal Engineering

24. It is a device for measuring the heat developed during a mechanical, electrical, or
chemical reaction, and for calculating the heat capacity of materials
(0/2 Points)

a) Thermometer
b) Calorimeter
c) Pyrometer
d) Heat Scanner
25. The body at higher temperature absorbs heat while the body at lower
temperature releases heat.
(0/2 Points)

a) true
b) false

26. Reaction Calorimeter is a type of calorimeter where the chemical reaction occurs within
an insulated closed container. Heat flow versus time is measured to arrive at the
reaction heat. This is used for reactions intended to run at a variable temperature or to
find the maximum heat released by a reaction.
(0/2 Points)

a) true
b) false

27. A common example of this type of device is the coffee-cup

calorimeter (0/2 Points)

a) Reaction calorimeter
b) Bomb calorimeter
c) Constant-pressure calorimeter
d) Calvet-type calorimeter

28. This instrument measures the enthalpy change of a reaction in solution under
conditions of constant atmospheric pressure.
(0/2 Points)

a) Bomb Calorimeter
b) Calvet-type Calorimeter
c) Constant-Pressure Calorimeter
d) Reaction Calorimeter
29. It is a device for measuring the heat developed during a mechanical, electrical, or
chemical reaction, and for calculating the heat capacity of materials.
(0/2 Points)

a) Thermometer
b) Calorimeter
c) Pyrometer
d) Heat Scanner

30. Some heat is always lost to the container in an calorimeter, but a

correction factor is applied to the calculation to compensate for heat loss.(AN SWER
(0/2 Points)

Correct answers: ADIABATIC

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