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New insights into Claus waste

heat boilers
The real plant performance of a waste heat boiler depends on many factors
besides heat transfer

Optimized Gas Treating

he Claus waste heat boiler
(WHB) is a critical piece of
equipment in the sulphur
recovery unit (SRU). As processors
move towards higher sulphur feed-
stocks, more load is placed on the
SRU, and WHB failures are becom-
ing more common. Higher failure
rates have come at the very time
when uptime metrics and envi-
ronmental constraints have also
become stricter.
A set of case studies is reported
using a newly developed rate based
heat transfer and chemical reaction
model of the WHB which provides
quantitative insights into several
aspects of the WHB that affect SRU
• Recombination reactions that
occur at the front of the WHB are: Figure 1 Waste heat boiler (courtesy of Schmidtsche Schack, Düsseldorf)

H2 + ½ S2 ⇌ H2S tures, heat flux, and corrosion rate tubesheet joint where temperatures
CO + ½ S2⇌ COS predictions from the model are can become unacceptably high,
examined down the length of the causing the welds there to fracture
These reactions not only influ- tubes for an oxygen enriched and and the joints to fail. To provide
ence sulphur recovery, air demand, air only sulphur plant as a func- operability, this region of the WHB
and hydrogen production in the tion of tube size and mass velocity. is protected by ceramic ferrules (see
SRU, but they also affect the heat Surprising findings show elevated Figure 2) inserted a short distance
flux and performance of the WHB. tube wall temperatures well down- into the tubes and which usually
These reactions occur towards stream of the area of protection also completely cover the face of
the front (inlet) side of the WHB provided by ceramic ferrules for the tubesheet (see Figure 3). On the
and are exothermic. The ‘hidden’ the higher mass velocity cases, val- utility side, high or medium pres-
heat associated with them tends to idating documented failures in the sure steam is usually generated
increase heat flux near the critical industry. The implications of sul- (heat recovery) by cooling the hot
tube to tubesheet joint. phidic corrosion and the resulting gas on the process side. Sulphur is
• Radiation affects heat transfer, impact on boiler tube life and sul- not usually condensed in the WHB
primarily towards the inlet of the phur plant reliability are examined except at turndown conditions.
WHB. with this new information. As heat is removed in the WHB,
• Radiative heat transfer, coupled a number of interesting reactions
with the exothermic recombination Background take place (see Equations 1-4). The
reactions, collectively increase the The WHB (see Figure 1) is argu- S2 vapour allotrope is exothermally
peak heat flux at the front of the ably the most fragile part of an converted into the S6 and S8 forms
boiler well above predictions from SRU and is subject to sudden and as the gas is cooled (see Equations
models that ignore or discount very costly failure. The most com- 1 and 2). Reactions of at least equal
these factors. Tube wall tempera- mon failure point is the tube to importance involve hydrogen PTQ Q4 2018 00

The SulphurPro simulator uses
Castable refractory a first principles, rate based model
Tubesheet that incorporates the effects of
Tube to tubesheet joint • Reaction kinetics
Point of maximum metal temperature • Rigorous heat transfer (includ-
(<315ºC or 600ºF) ing temperature, composition, and
Ceramic ferrule insert geometry dependent radiation)
WHB tubesheet • Condensation calculations of liq-
uid sulphur (including thermody-
namic and physical property effects
resulting from the varying distribu-
Point of maximum heat flux: tion of sulphur allotropes).
Maximum turbulence The interdependency of physi-
Maximum process temperature cal properties, reaction rates (and
Steam blanketing possible their heats of reaction/redistribu-
Eddy shedding
tion), bulk heat transfer, and stream
enthalpies (both latent and sensible)
Figure 2 Thermal protection by ceramic ferrules are all considered together to pro-
vide a consistent and powerfully
recombination with S2 vapour (see front of the WHB (close to the frag- predictive modelling tool. The set
Equation 3) and COS formation from ile tube to tubesheet joint area), of equations governing the WHB,
carbon monoxide and S2 vapour (see so getting the simulated tempera- including recombination reactions,
Equation 4). These reactions are also ture there as correct as possible is is numerically integrated along the
exothermic and take place primarily important. Until very recently, the boiler tube length. Adaptable seg-
at the WHB’s front end.1-5 models used by all commercially mentation is used to yield more
available SRU simulators handled accurate results by placing more
3S2 ⇌ S6 + heat (1) recombination by one of several segments in the locations where
4S2 ⇌ S8 + heat (2) obfuscation techniques: properties are changing fastest
2H2 + S2 ⇌ 2H2S + heat (3) • Ignore local recombination and and consequently require greater
2CO + S2 ⇌ 2COS + heat (4) assume the reaction furnace is at numerical resolution.
equilibrium Reaction kinetics modelled in
Because of the high inlet temper- • Lump these reactions into the SulphurPro are based on work
ature of the process gas, radiation reaction furnace effluent whose original purpose was explo-
also plays a significant role in heat • Freeze the reactions by assuming ration of the two main recombi-
transfer in the WHB. This is quite they reach equilibrium at a user nation reactions that occur in the
unlike the heat exchangers further supplied quench temperature. WHB, and in which Arrhenius
downstream. The only correct approach is kinetics parameters were tuned
to model the reactions as they to match sets of experimental,
Approaches to recombination truly are: fully reaction kinet- pilot, and full-scale SRU data.
modelling ics rate based. With the advent Implementation of kinetics in
The recombination reactions can of the SulphurPro simulator, this SulphurPro are consistent with the
generate significant heat near the approach is now available. ProTreat simulator’s thermodynam-
ics, with additional refinements
made to match internal sets of
plant data for both normal opera-
tions and off-spec conditions in real
operating sulphur plants. All other
transport coefficients and physical
properties are calculated from pro-
prietary or well-established litera-
ture correlations. Case studies will
illustrate the importance and rele-
vance of these reactions.

Case studies
The case studies are based on the
flowsheet in Figure 4. Because WHB
failures have tended to be more
common during the harsher con-
Figure 3 Types of ceramic ferrules, installed view: (a) Conventional ferrules before final ditions of oxygen enrichment, the
refractory installation; (b) Hex-head ferrules (courtesy of Blasch Precision Ceramics) basis plant selected for study was

00 PTQ Q4 2018

%O2 control ADA
Oxygen MULT
30% O2 wet
O2 air

Feed Trim
Intake air forward air
Heat loss
Claus air blower
SWS preheat
SWS AG Thermo transfer-1

AG preheat
Amine AG +
TGU recycle
24 7 Conv-1 Conv-2 Conv-3
20 Tall gas
36 35 32 42

Rxn WHB 30 34 31 33
furnace Cond-1 Cond-2 Cond-3 Cond-4

Figure 4 Flowsheet for case study

designed originally for approxi- a design was chosen that would rule outlet and the process piping
mately 100 lt/d (101.6 mt/d) sul- operate at just under this mass outlet (assuming no refractory lin-
phur on air operations, but that velocity on air operations. A range ing) were calculated by a curve fit
was to be revamped using low of utility side heat transfer coef- of the chart in reference 6 knowing
level oxygen enrichment (to 30% ficients from the literature6 was the percentage H2S and wall tem-
O2 wet basis) in order to gain 25% chosen for the sensitivity study to perature. Expected corrosion rates
more throughput. Typical compo- encompass expected ranges to rep- under oxygen operations are about
sitions of refinery amine acid gas resent operating over a range from twice those for air only. It should be
(90% H2S, 0.5% C1, balance CO2, poor to good utility side circulation. noted that the heat fluxes that were
water saturated) and SWS gas Table 2 summarises the results computed do not take into account
(55% NH3, 45% H2S, water satu- of the study specifically for the the insulating effect of the ferrules,
rated) were used with a 5.6:1 ratio boiler rating. Quite profound differ- nor do they account for the effect of
of amine acid gas to SWS gas. This ences between the air and oxygen eddies that typically amplify heat
resulted in nominally 6% NH3 in enriched operations can be seen. flux at the ferrule outlet.
the combined acid gas feeds. The inlet temperature from the reac- Referring to Table 2, an unex-
Table 1 shows the WHB tube tion furnace climbs from 2360°F pected finding is just how sensi-
configuration chosen for rating. (1293°C) on air operations to nom- tive the results appear to be to the
Failures above mass velocities of inally 2680°F (1471°C) on oxygen. assumed steam side heat transfer
5.0 lb/ ft2.s (24 kg/m2.s) have been Peak boiler tube wall temperatures coefficient. If water circulation is
reported to be more common,5 so and heat fluxes also elevate substan- poor near the tube inlet (150 Btu/h.
tially on oxygen compared to air. ft2.°F case), then corrosion rates well
Sulphidic corrosion rates at the fer- above 10 mil/year can be expected
WHB configuration and parameters

Number of tubes 120 WHB rating results

Tube OD/ID, inches 2/1.783
Tube length, ft 32 Parameter Air only 30% O2
Steam generation pressure, psig 350 Steam side HTC, Btu/h.ft2.°F 150 350 500 150 350 500
BFW temperature, °F 280 % H2S in/out 4.4/7.0 4.0/10.0
Mass velocity, lb/ft2.s 4.45/4.9 Temperature in/out, °F 2361/598 2359/577 2358/572 2681/664 2678/631 2677/623
Inside tube wall emissivity 0.9 Mass velocity, lb.ft2.s (inlet) 4.45 4.9
Fouling resistances, process/ Max tube wall temp, °F 706 602 576 783 651 621
steam sides, h.ft2.°F/Btu 0.008/0.002 Max heat flux, Btu/h.ft2 37,400 39,900 40,500 48,200 51,900 52,700
Steam side HTC range, Corrosion rate in/out, m/y 13/4.7 4.5/3.8 3.4/3.5 27/10 7.4/7.3 5.4/6.7
Btu/h.ft2 °F
150 to 500

Table 1 Table 2 PTQ Q4 2018 00

in the authors’ experience can be a
red flag for reliability. A CFD study
a 100 O2 enriched, % of H2 of this boiler plus water side model-
Air only, % of H2
90 ling would be wise.
O2 enriched, COS ratio
Inlet H2 reacted, % 80 Figure 5 shows sample plots of
Air only, COS ratio
several parameters as a function of
cumulative tube length. The lines
for air only operations assume a
50 steam side heat transfer coefficient
40 of 500 Btu/h.ft2.°F while the lines
30 for 30% O2 operations assume a
20 value of 150 Btu/h.ft2.°F for the
steam side heat transfer coefficient.
These conditions were chosen to
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35
bracket the extremes of the study
Cumulative tube length, ft that was conducted to contrast dif-
ferences. Plotted parameters are:
b 900 • Reacting species, H2 and COS
O2 enriched wall temperature
850 60000 (top most plots)
O2 enriched heat flux
800 • Tube wall temperature and heat
Air only heat flux
50000 flux (middle plots)

Heat flux, BTu/h.ft2

750 Air only wall temperature
Temperature, ºF

• Process temperature and pre-

700 40000
dicted corrosion rate (bottom plots).
650 A number of interesting obser-
600 vations follow from Figure 5. First,
550 20000 the hydrogen and COS reactions
500 are finished in the first 5-10ft of the
10000 tube bundle. Hydrogen losses are
much higher on oxygen than for air
400 0 while the COS formation tendency
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35
is also much higher with oxygen.
Cumulative tube length, ft
Tube wall temperatures on oxy-
c gen operations remain quite high
3000 30
O2 enriched process temperature well past the insertion length typi-
Air only process temperature cal for ceramic ferrules (~6in). Given
2500 O2 enriched corrosion rate the right conditions, such as poor
Corrosion rate, mpy

Air only corrosion rate water side heat transfer, corrosion

Temperature, ºF

2000 rates and heat flux will also be high
past the ferrule protected length.
Tube wall temperature and heat
10 flux (middle charts) exhibit an
inflection at approximately 10ft
1000 along the tube length. Looking fur-
ther at the bottom plots, the pro-
500 0 cess temperatures are in the range
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 where sulphur species begin shift-
Cumulative tube length, ft ing from S2 vapour to S6 and S8
vapour (1200-1400°F, 649-760°C).
Figure 5 How process metrics change with distance along WHB tubes
(a) H2 and COS vs cumulative length; (b) Tube wall temperature and heat flux vs length; Process performance considerations
(c) Process temperature and corrosion rate vs length Table 3 outlines key process perfor-
mance predictions from the rating
for both air and oxygen enriched tube wall temperature while higher study for the entire sulphur plant.
operations. Eddy heat flux ampli- process side fouling will tend to Hydrogen in the Claus tail gas is a
fication on the process side would insulate the tube and lower the tube weakly increasing function of the
undoubtedly make matters even wall temperature. Better circulation assumed steam side heat transfer
worse. These findings point to the (higher steam side HTC) lowers the coefficient. Both hydrogen make in
importance of maintaining good maximum tube wall temperature, the Claus unit and COS production
water side circulation and water but increases heat flux. The oxygen are higher under oxygen opera-
quality to prevent scale formation. enriched operations show heat flux tions. In general, sulphur recovery
More steam side resistance increases in excess of 50 000 Btu/h.ft2, which efficiency under oxygen enrichment

00 PTQ Q4 2018

is higher than on air operation for
Key process performance predictions
the Claus unit. Note that SO2 emis-
sions from the TGU stack may not
follow the same relationship since Parameter Air only 30% O2
Steam side HTC (Btu/h.ft2.°F) 150 350 500 150 350 500
oxygen enrichment leads to more H2 in tail gas, % (wet) 2.35 2.42 2.44 2.70 2.77 2.79
COS in the tail gas. Sulphur recovery, % 97.44 97.42 97.46 97.57 97.60 97.58
The SulphurPro ammonia COS in tail gas, ppmv (wet) 401 387 384 587 570 566
destruction model predicts that Condenser-1 effluent NH3, ppmv 36 63
ammonia concentration is higher
leaving the thermal stage under Table 3
oxygen enrichment than under air
operations. This counter-intuitive tion by a factor of 3.7. None of the is no true temperature to represent
finding results from two factors: equilibrium results reflect anything the real process stream entering the
1. Although the reaction furnace like what can be expected in a real WHB, so the WHB simply cannot
runs hotter on oxygen, residence operating plant. be rated rigorously. There is noth-
time for an overall hydraulic load Assuming that the same hydro- ing predictive about this sort of
equivalent to air operations is actu- gen and COS production predicted approach. Again, the engineer is
ally lower because of the higher by SulphurPro’s rate model both forced to use judgment as to how
temperature (lower actual gas occur, but in the reaction furnace far away from the tuning point or
density). itself vs the WHB, results in the rule of thumb the results can be
2. While NH3 destruction efficiency furnace temperature being over- safely applied.
is comparable on oxygen, the lower predicted by 220°F (2902°F vs A final test (not shown in Table 4)
concentration of inert gases from 2681°F). In the authors’ experi- was conducted to ignore radiation
combustion air increases the con- ence, this is a common problem in the WHB. The predicted outlet
centrations of all the other species with most commercial sulphur temperature would be about 20°F
across the board. simulation packages. Because the higher for the exchanger rating con-
Sulphur recovery efficiency is temperature prediction in the fur- ducted in this manner.
a competition between the Claus nace is wrong to begin with, soft-
reaction and tendency to COS for- ware using this reaction lumping Conclusions
mation in the thermal stage and approach will often require multi- The real plant performance of
efficiency of destruction in the cat- ple regression models to predict the a WHB depends on many fac-
alytic stages. The minimum recov- thermal section performance. The tors besides heat transfer. When
ery efficiency on air only operations engineer then has to decide which the chemistry of the recombina-
and maximum recovery efficiency regression model to select, a choice tion reactions is properly handled
on oxygen enriched operations at that is often unclear when pro- by the model as reaction kinetics
350 Btu/h.ft2.°F steam side coef- cess conditions overlap regression based, new insights into the per-
ficient are a reflection of this boundaries. formance of the WHB and the
competition. The freeze quench method works Claus unit can be gleaned. We
to capture the hydrogen make, have demonstrated, quantitatively,
Weaknesses of less rigorous models combustion air demand, and sul- that corrosion beyond the ferrule
The study to this point has focused phur recovery, but only for the outlet can become quite high, and
on the reaction kinetics rate based one set of equilibration tempera- it is highly sensitive to the steam
heat transfer model in SulphurPro. tures that is assumed for tuning the side heat transfer characteristics.
So the natural question most engi- model. Because the reaction furnace Corrosion is excruciatingly costly
neers will ask is: “What do less rig- temperature is contrived by the when it results in tube failure and
orous models predict in these two assumption of equilibrium, there Claus unit downtime to re-tube the
circumstances of air vs O2 opera-
tions?” A sensitivity analysis was
run using SulphurPro on the most Differences using less rigorous models (30% O2 at 150 Btu/h.ft2.°F steam side HTC)
severe oxygen enriched operating
case with 150 Btu/h.ft2.°F steam Parameter Kinetics rate Equilibrium Lumped reaction Freeze quench
side heat transfer coefficient. Table model furnace method method
4 summarises the results. Enriched air flow, lbmol/h 698.3 603.5 698.3 698
Using a thermodynamic equilib- Furnace temperature, °F 2681 2510 2902 2680
WHB outlet, °F 664 648 658.5 664 (spec’d)
rium based furnace without taking WHB duty, MMBtu/h 30.2 25.8 30.3 30.2
into account recombination under- Peak wall temperature, °F 783 736 796 N/A
predicts the air demand to the unit Peak heat flux, Btu/h.ft2.°F 48,200 41,800 50,000 N/A
by a stunning 15%. The model also H2 in tail gas, mole% (wet) 2.70 8.7 2.70 2.70
Sulphur recovery, % 97.57 98.05 97.58 97.62
overpredicts unrecovered sulphur
by 20%, and results in gross over-
prediction of hydrogen produc- Table 4 PTQ Q4 2018 00

boiler with concomitant loss of pro- important aspects of Claus unit Tube Weld Corrosion and Tube Collapse, 2011
duction. SulphurPro’s rate based performance. Air demand to the Brimstone Sulphur Symposium, Vail, CO.
model used here demonstrates the unit was underpredicted by nearly 6
importance of water side hygiene – 15%. Unrecovered sulphur was heat-transfer-d_430.html, accessed 14 Sept
to maintain reasonable boiler tube missed by 20%, and hydrogen pro-
life, keeping fouling in check is duction was overpredicted by a fac-
important under normal air opera- tor of 3.7.
tions, and even more so under oxy- Nathan (Nate) A Hatcher is Technical
gen enriched conditions. Development Lead with OGT. He holds a BS
SulphurPro and ProTreat are marks of
A further important conclusion is in chemical engineering from the University of
Optimized Gas Treating, Inc.
that the true reaction furnace tem- Kansas. Email:
perature on oxygen enrichment is Clayton E Jones joined Optimized Gas Treating,
Inc as a Software Development Engineer in
considerably lower (220°F) than
References 2012. He holds a BS in chemical engineering
is predicted by many models that
1 Karan K, Mehrotra A K, Behie L A, Including from McNeese State University and a MS in
lump the recombination reactions chemical engineering from the University of
radiative heat transfer and reaction quenching
into the furnace effluent stream. in modeling a Claus plant waste heat boiler, New Mexico.
Furnace temperature measuring Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., 33, 1994, 2651-2655. Simon A Weiland joined Optimized Gas
devices have acquired a bad repu- 2 Nasato L V, Karan K, Mehrotra A K, Behie L A, Treating in 2014 as a Software Development
tation over the years because they Modeling reaction quench times in the waste Engineer. He holds a BS in chemical engineering
almost invariably read lower than heat boiler of a Claus plant, Ind. Eng. Chem. from the University of Oklahoma.
most models predict. Some of this Res., 33, 1994, 7-13. Steven M Fulk has been a Software
thumping may be undeserved. The 3 Karan K, Mehrotra A K, Behie L A, COS- Development Engineer with Optimized Gas
SulphurPro approach to modelling forming reaction between CO and sulphur: a Treating since 2016. He holds a BS in chemical
engineering from Texas A&M University and a
completely eliminates the need to high-temperature intrinsic kinetics study, Ind.
Eng. Chem. Res., 37, 1998, 4609-4616. PhD in chemical engineering (2016) from the
use lumped parameter empirical
4 Dowling N I, Hyne J B, Brown D M, Kinetics University of Texas at Austin.
models to fit different operating Matt Bailey joined Optimized Gas Treating
of the reaction between hydrogen and sulphur
modes such as oxygen enrichment. under high-temperature Claus furnace in 2014 and provides technical sales and
Finally, equilibrium based fur- conditions, Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., 29, 1990, marketing support. He holds a BS in Chemical
nace model predictions have been 2327-2332. Engineering from Texas A&M University and an
demonstrated not to reflect many 5 Martens D H, Porter McGuffie Inc., Tube and MBA from the University of Houston.

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