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Read the theoretical guide of the driving system and according to the pre-

knowledge acquired in the class and throughprevious research, consolidate

what you have learned by developing the following questionnaire.

1. The following diagram shows the nodes and the different bundles of the
conduction system; determine the sequence of thenerve impulse of the
conduction system in the heart accordingly.

1. Sinoatrial node.
2. Bachman bundle.
3. Anterior internodal bundle
4. Middle intermodal bundle.
5. Posterior intermodal bundle.
6. Atrioventricular node.
7. Bundle of His.
8. Right branch of the Bundle of His.
9. Left branch of the Bundle of His.
10. Left anterior fascicle.
11. Left posterior fascicle.
12. Purkinje fibers.

2. Aberrant conduction bundles are blockages of the right or left branches of

the bundle of Hiss or Purkinje branches in theinterventricular area; by means
of a graph, recreate them and list them respectively.
The bundle of James originates in the atria and ends at the tail of the atrioventricular node
or at the beginning of the Bundle of His. As an electrocardiographic characteristic, it
presents a short P-R interval and if it is accompanied by supraventricular tachycardia, it is
called Long Ganong Levine syndrome. The bundle of Mahaim originates from the low
atrioventricular node or Bundle of His and generally ends at the interventricular septum.
Producing a normal P-R and delta wave.

3. Graph the waves of an EKG and determine the depolarization and repolarization
of the cardiac cell; determine which waves are generated in the
electrocardiogram when atrial repolarization, atrial depolarization, ventricular
repolarization and ventricular depolarization are present, respectively.
 Maria Consuelo cardenas
 Wendy Rios
 Marlyn Turizo
 Cristian Ardila
 Dayana de Leon
 Valentina Garcia
 Laura Alvarez

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