Z3.diet and Gastrointestinal Disease

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 1. ULCERS is a craterlike erosion in the

protective lining of the stomach or the
duodenum, a part of the small intestine.
Normally, glands in the stomach secrete
substances that aid digestion, including acids
and the enzyme pepsin. At the same time,
the stomach and duodenum secrete mucus,
which protects the lining from damage by
these digestive juices. An ulcer is formed
when this balance breaks down, causing the
juices to begin literally digesting the stomach
or intestinal lining.
 - Conventional wisdom held that a stressful - Gnawing or aching in the stomach, either just
lifestyle and a diet rich in fats and spicy before or several hours after a meal.
foods lead to an ulcer.
-Pain may feel like heartburn or be accompanied
 - Researchers discovered that most ulcers are by digestion, nausea, vomiting, or weight loss.
actually caused by a bacterium named
Helicobacter Pylori. Once the digestive tract EMERGENCY SYMPTOMS:
is infected, the protective mucous membrane - Passing of black or bloody stools, or vomiting
is weakened, and even small amounts of blood or particles that look like coffee
digestive juices can eat into the intestinal grounds, may indicate internal bleeding.
wall. After an ulcer appears, such secondary
influences as stress, diet, alcohol, caffeine,
and smoking can aggravate it. Other factors
contributing to ulcers include heredity-ulcers
often run in families – and long –term use of
aspirin, ibuprofen, or other nonsteroidal anti-
inflammatory drugs ( NSAIDS)
 HOW DIET, VITAMINS, MINERALS AND HERBS CAN  Vitamin A helps protect the lining of the stomach
HELP and small intestines allowing ulcers to heal (
yellow and orange vegetables, tomato products,
 - eating small but frequent meals can help ease fruits and green leafy vegetables. Liver and fish
symptoms. oils are also high in Vitamin A.
 High fiber foods, such as whole grains, fruits,  Cabbage juice is rich in healing amino acid
vegetables, and beans. glutamine help people with ulcers.
 -Low fat foods, such as fish, lean meats, and  -Vitamin C may directly inhibit the growth of
vegetables H.Pylori bacterium.
 -Foods with low acidity, including vegetables and  -Glutamine, an amino acid, promotes healing by
beans nourishing the cells that line the digestive tract.
 Non carbonated drinks and caffeine free drinks  Other research has shown that juice from aloe
 Probiotics could help with stomach vera plant may reduce stomach acid secretions
complications caused by bacteria Helicobacter and relieve ulcer symptoms in some people; this
pylori( H.Pylori) popular herb also contains astringent compounds
that may help prevent internal bleeding.
 Probiotics foods include: Kombucha, yogurt,
kimchi, sauerkraut.  Herbal teas may soothe irritated mucous linings.
 Test tube and animal studies  Those who ate high-fiber diets
suggest that vitamin c may directly were also less likely to suffer from
inhibit the ulcer bacterium H. ulcers.
pylori –giving this vitamin a
potentially important role in both
the prevention and treatment of
 A large study of doctors ages 45 to
75 found that those who got the
most vitamin A from a combination
of diet, supplements, and
multivitamins were least likey to
get ulcers of the duodenum.


 - A general tem for several related  - Experts are not entirely sure why
disorders ( Crohns Disease and people develop IBD sufferers know
Ulcerative Colitis) that often first of a family member afflicted with
strike people in their 20s or 30s. the disease, and its four times
Typically, all or part of the more common in Caucasian and
digestive tract becomes chronically Jewish families. The disease may
inflamed and develops small be triggered by a bacterium or a
erosions, or ulcers. Bouts of virus, or by a malfunctioning
inflammation are followed by immune system. Factors such as
periods of remission lasting weeks stressand anxiety, or sensitivity to
or years. certain foods, can all contribute to
 SYMPTOMS  Symptoms may come and go. A
severe attack can cause nausea,
- Early symptoms may include vomiting, dehydration, heavy
constipation and frequent urge to sweating, loss appetite, high fever,
defecate, passage of only small and, and heart palpitations.
amounts of blood or mucus.
- Later symptoms include chronic
diarrhea with recral bleeding, - Black or bloody stools, or painful,
abdominal pain, low-grade fever, mucus-filled diarrhea.
general malaise, arthritis, mouth
sores, blurred vision, painful joints, - Swollen abdomen or severe pain
poor appetite, low energy, and especially on the lower-right side. It
weight loss. may be a sign of apendicitis.

- After a decade, theres increased risk - If severe abdominal pain

for colorectal cancer. accompanies fever 101F.
 HOW DIET,VITAMINS, MINERALS AND HERBS  - eat balanced diet with lots of variety.
 -8 –to 10 glasses of water
 - Inflammatory bowel disease is often
associated with malnutrition due to:  -High fiber carbohydrates( oats bran,
legums, barley)
 a. poor digestion
 -Proteins like lean meats, fish, eggs, nuts,
 b. malabsorption of nutrients including poultry and soy.
protein, fat, carbohydrates, water,
vitamins and minerals.  -Healthy fats like omega 3 fatty acids,
olive oil and canola oil
 c. Loss of appetite and unintentional
weight loss  -Skinless, seedless, dark- colored fruits
and vegetables
 d. Increased caloric needs of the body,
especially during disease flares. More  -Vitamin and mineral supplements as
nutrient dense foods need to be recommended by your doctor
consumed, which can be difficult when  -Low fat dairy products or dairy substitute
symproms are active. of lactose intolerant
 AVOID:  Many people with IBD are deficient in B12
folic acid, and other B vitamins. Taking
 - Trigger foods that have caused problems vitamin B complex helps replace lost
in the past vitamins and restores proper digestion.
 -High fiber foods like beans  Essential fatty acids found in flaxseed oil
 _nuts, seeds and popcorn or fish oils reduce inflammation and
protect and repair the digestive tract.
 -High fat foods
 Acidophilus helps restore a normal
 -Caffeine and alcohol balance of healthy bacteria in the
digestive tract.
 -Spicy foods
 Zinc is important because a zinc
 -Raw fruits and vegetables
deficiency is often a complication of IBD.
 -Prunes
 Zinc must be taken with copper
 Chamomile tea is a time-honored remedy
for easing digestive digestive complaints.
 The anti-inflammatory drug WHAT ELSE YOU CAN DO
sulfasalazine, commonly prescribed
-determine if certain foods trigger
to treat IBD, depletes folic acid. If
flare-ups and then eliminate them.
you take this drug, ask your doctor
about using a folic supplement. -apply a hot pack or hot water bottle
to the abdomen to prevent cramps.
-minimize stress with yoga,
meditation, and regular exercise.

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