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Kingdom of Bahrain
Lesson- 16
{Please copy the notes in social science note book}
I. Answer the following
1) How were messages delivered in the early days?
Answer: In early days messages were sent through trained pigeons and
also people went on foot or on animals to deliver messages.
2) What is communication?
Answer: The process of sending and receiving messages is called
3) What is the advantage of mobile phone?
Answer: Mobile phone help us to get in touch with people instantly.
They can be carried with us wherever we go. We can send messages,
Photographs and e-mails through smart phone.
4) What is video calls?
Answer: video calls can be made through the internet on computer and
smart phone. They allow the speakers to see each other while they talk.
5) List the differences between a letter and an e-mail.
Answer: An e-mail reaches instantly where as a letter takes much
longer. On a letter we write the postal address. In an e-mail we write
the e-mail address.
6) What is the meaning of mass communication?
Answer: The news or some information which pass to a large number of
people at the same time is called mass communication.
Eg: Newspapers, radio, television.
1) We are able to see sports and other events live.
Answer: We are able to see sports and other events live because
satellites placed high above the earth help us to send telephone
messages, radio and television programmes around the world instantly.
Stick the pictures of different means of communication.
1) Name two fastest means of communication
_________________ ,__________________
2) Name any two ways used to pass information in early days.
_________________, __________________
3) The ______________ has made communication faster and easier.
4) ______________ is one of the most popular means of written
5) A ______________ gives us detailed news of events taking place
in our country and around the world.
6) A ______________ connected to a telephone line can be used to
send written message instantly.
7) _____________ is a machine sent into space to collect
information or for communication.

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