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1) Correct the word to (login)

2) Connect these all point to its specific pages make sure the information section should be connected right I’ll give
all file’s of Information sector

3) Make these lines like that on Battva’s Footer

4) Add some all other options here when customer registers himself. The point’s which you have to add on these all
are below

 Street Address
 Postal code
 Country
 City
5) Remove these all options when customer is on his dashboard after sign up
6) Add logout option in it also

7) Add the battva’s privacy policy here if customer click on it

8) Add a (BULK DISCOUNT) buy option here if any customer wants to buy product in bulk quantity
Page link:-
9) Highlighted the terms and condition word in orange theme color and add the buyer term’s and condition here

Page link:-

10) Add a vendor shop name and his / her store link only
Page link:-
11) Add a (PAYMENT VIA CARD) option and (COD) option before customer going to the next page and remove
our bank details which is showing and it’s also highlighted

Page link:-

12) Delete the word (My Orders) and add one more option (Feedback) after the word contact

13) Remove this banner and start the top categories from where the banner stand yet
14) Remove this white boarder. This white boarder appears when the website open on mobile

15) When the battva will open on mobile do that the interface of footer will be shown like that
16) Add these all option more here when any vendor wants to register him self

 Address
 Street Address
 Nic Number
 Upload photo (Nic front and back picture)
 Bank Number
 Bank Branch code
 Bank Name
 Upload photo (Cheque front and back picture)

(add the option upload photo where vendor upload his nic picture and set the specific image
size please make sure the size of image will not effect the website speed)

(add the option upload photo where vendor upload his Cheque nic picture and set the specific
image size please make sure the size of image will not effect the website speed)
17) Remove the register button and add the button (NEXT) after pressing the next the vendor will go on the next
page and on that page

18) our Vendor Terms and Condition appear after pressing the next and there the vendor click on this button

After that the register button will be shown and vendor will press the button and then he / she are now register on

Note: the Terms and conditions will be highlighted in orange theme color

19) remove the (minimum withdraw amount: Rs 50.00) whole line

20) add the option here and vendor can easily edit his bank detail which he wants to edit

And remove the Paypal

21) Same that on vendor dashboard please add the logout option also here and also add the (terms and condition)
option where vendor easily readout the whole terms and condition

Also add the privacy policy

22) expand the edges because yet as a vendor I can’t see other options as you can see the word (Types) is not visible

23) I want an option that if a vendor is generate a good revenue then as a reward I want to give him a coupon in
which the specific amount is entered but he’ will not withdrawal that amount the vendor use that coupon as a
buyer and by the help of this he’ll buy some products on battva
24) Add a one more option here for vendor if anyone wants to purchase battva packaging material then he will go to
there and make an order the option will be added with name of (Packaging Material)

25) And after going on the option of packaging material then the interface looks like that
26) And on that interface vendors can easily buy our packaging material and we can easily can our material there
which will only show our vendors

27) Please remove this interface if any vendor click on (Product)=then=click on (Add New Product) make sure this
interface will be not open

Then click

28) I’ll provide the data of these pages (Privacy Policy) (Terms And Condition) (About Us) (Return and Refund
Policy) and make sure that in all whole website the information points when coming then these all points should
be connect to it’s specific pages
29) After that click on the (Add New Product) that interface will be shown
30) Please set the one specific size of image that can be every vendor uploaded (e.g 10kb to 400kb)
*I have no idea about that which size of picture will be ok so make it your self set that image of product which
will be clear when buyer see it on and it’s will not effect on the speed of website*

31) Remove Geo location option

32) Wholesale option is already added there is no work required

33) Generate some space between footer and interface make sure the word (Save Product) should be clear at yet the
button (Save Product) is now murged with footer so creat some space between them

34) Customer and vendor get confirmation email after creating his/her account from this email (

35) Make sure that information section should be connected I’ll give all file’s of Information sector
36) Now yet the logo of (Battva) is looking too much big so decrease the size of logo when the website open on
mobile and make the wish list and cart symbols should be in length of logo

37) Remove these all option and exchange the word (My orders) to (Feedback) and add one more option (Terms and
conditions for vendor)
38) Live chat option should be connected to my cellphone so then I’ll contact to visitor

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