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icing on the cake If something is referred to as icing on the cake, it is an extra benefit that
makes a good situation even better. (La guinda del pastel)

2. cake not worth the To say that the cake is not worth the candle means that the advantages to be
candle gained from doing something are not worth the effort involved.

3. sell like hot cakes Things that sell like hot cakes sell quickly or in large quantities.

4. big cheese This expression refers to a person who has a lot of power and influence in
an organization.

5. like chalk and cheese Two people who are like, or as different as, chalk and cheese are completely
different from each other.

6. cheesed off If someone is cheesed off with something, they are annoyed, bored or

7. life is just a bowl of This expression means that life is pleasant and uncomplicated.
cherries (This phrase is often used ironically to mean the opposite.)

8. cool as a cucumber A person who is as cool as a cucumber is not anxious, but relaxed and non-

9. bad egg Someone who is a bad egg is an untrustworthy person often involved in
trouble whose company should be avoided.

10. money for jam A very easy way of earning money is called money for jam.

11. buy a lemon If you buy something, especially a car, that is defective, unsatisfactory,
constantly gives problems or stops running after a short time, you buy a

12. no use crying over This expression means that it is useless to complain or have regrets about
spilt milk something that is done and cannot be changed.

13. make mincemeat of If you make mincemeat of someone or something, you completely and
utterly defeat or destroy them.

14. as keen as mustard If someone is as keen as mustard, they are very eager, enthusiastic or

15. go nuts // go bananas To say that a person has gone nuts // go bananas means that they have
become crazy or mad.

16. paid peanuts If you are paid peanuts, you have a very low salary.

17. piece of cake // easy

If something is easy as pie or a piece of cake , it is very easy to do.
as pie

18. pie-eyed Someone who is pie-eyed is completely drunk.

19. hot potato A hot potato is a very sensitive and controversial matter which is difficult to
deal with.

20. apple of your eye A person, usually a child, who is the apple of your eye is one for whom you
have great affection.

21. butter wouldn't melt in If you say that someone looks as if butter wouldn't melt in their mouth, you
someone’s mouth mean that they look completely innocent, but that they are capable of doing
unpleasant things.
1. icing on the cake 11. buy a lemon
2. cake not worth the candle 12. no use crying over spilt milk
3. sell like hot cakes 13. make mincemeat of
4. big cheese 14. butter wouldn't melt in
someone’s mouth
5. like chalk and cheese 15. go nuts // go bananas
6. cheesed off 16. paid peanuts
7. life is just a bowl of cherries 17. piece of cake // easy as pie
8. cool as a cucumber 18. pie-eyed
9. bad egg 19. hot potato
10. money for jam 20. apple of your eye
Expresiones y dichos con palabras de comidas y bebidas:

1. 11.

2. 12.

3. 13.

4. 14.

5. 15.

6. 16.

7. 17.

8. 18.-

9. 19.-

10. 20.-

¿Qué expresión podría usarse en las siguientes situaciones? Une las situaciones de la columna de la
izquierda con las expresiones de la derecha:
1. I'm surprised they get on so well. They're as different as…… A. a piece of cake
2. Tom's mother is very famous and important in the cooking industry. B. sell like hot cakes
3. Jenny is absolutely frustrated with her job. C. As if butter wouldn't melt in
4. Julio Iglesias’s albums always sell very quickly. his mouth.
5. The boy who stole the purse looked very innocent but you can never D. big cheese
know! E. The cake wasn't worth the
6. We went to that famous restaurant, the service was bad, and the food candle.
disgusting, we paid 75 euros! (It was not worth it!) F. pie-eyed.
7. The thief stayed very calm while the police asked their questions. G. cheesed off
8. He had never taken an alcoholic drink so after one beer the boy was H. as chalk and cheese
very drunk. I. as cool as a cucumber
9. The English test was very easy!
Container Quantifiers (measurement)


a spoonful of a bag of (paper or plastic)

 honey  flour
 medicine  sugar
 ice cream  beans
 sugar

a sack of
a glass of, a bottle of
 flour
 milk  rice
 water  corn
 beer  wheat
 wine
 cola

a box, a tin, a carton

a cup of, a mug of, a pot of  pasta

 cookies
 coffee  rice
 tea  crackers
 cocoa
 hot water

a carton of (liquid or dry)

a mug of , a glass of, a stein of, a  eggs

barrel of  milk
 yogurt
 beer
 cola
 lemonade
 soda

a bowl of

 cereal
 fruit
 soup

a pitcher of

 water a pound of, a kilo of

 lemonade
 juice  meat
 beer  apples
 onions
 potatoes
 coffee

a gallon of, a liter of

 milk
 wine
 oil
 orange juice



a lump / hunk / chunk of a pile of

 sugar  flour
 cheese  sugar
 chocolate  rice
 butter  cocoa

a leaf of
a spear of  lettuce
 asparagus  cabbage
 broccoli  basil

a stick of a sheet of
 gum  dough
 cinnamon  pastry
 butter  pasta (lasagna)

a head of a bar of, a square of

 lettuce  chocolate
 cabbage /cauliflower  ice-cream (bar)
 garlic

a cube of (small)
a slice of  butter (stick)
 salami  sugar
 ham  “avecrem”
 cheese  ice

a block of (large)
a clove of  ice
 garlic (a section)  feta (Greek soft cheese)
 chocolate

a bunch / a cluster of
 grapes / dates / figs "cluster" a loaf of
 tomatoes  bread
 bananas  sponge cake
 onions (bunch)  meat loaf (ground meat mix)
 carrots (bunch)

a sprig of
 parsley / cilantro, mint / spearmint, oregano /


a dash
 salt
a handful of  pepper
 olives  cumin
 nuts  cinnamon
 beans

pinch of
 salt
 pepper
 cinnamon
 sugar

1.- Food Quantifiers in a Recipe

 A Greek Salad: To make a salad, wash ___ lettuce thoroughly and pat the leaves dry. Remove
three ____ celery, wash, and slice it into small pieces. Boil five____ asparagus for 1 minute and let
cool. Arrange the ____ lettuce on a plate and create a "bed". Slice the tomatoes very thin. Place
the ____ tomato on the lettuce in a fan shape. Lay the ___ asparagus on top of the ___ tomato and
lettuce Take a ___ feta cheese and crumble it into pieces on top of the tomatoes.
Place a few ____ basil on top of the feta. Put ___ olives around the edges. Mix one ___ vinegar with
___ olive oil. Add a ___ dried oregano and a ___ salt and pepper. Drizzle a ___ the
dressing(vinaigrette) over the salad and serve. Serve with a ___ sparkling water. Add a few ___ ice to
keep the water chilled. Then, add a couple of ___ lemon for flavor. Your delicious, healthful salad is ready
to enjoy!
arrange (V) — place or lay down something in a pattern dressing (N) — vinaigrette (a mixture of vinegar, oil,
or design mustard, etc.)
chilled (Adj) — iced drizzle (V) — pour slowly in drops
crumble (V) — press down on something until it breaks sparkling water — carbonated water; water with natural
into bits gas bubbles

o Traduce a inglés los siguientes ingredientes de recetas:

Merluza en salsa verde: Ensalada Italiana:

4 rodajas de merluza, 10 rodajas de tomate 1 cabeza de lechuga
1 cebolla pequeña, 1 puñado de nueces 1 diente de ajo
2 dientes de ajo, 1 bloque de queso Feta 1 cucharadita de miel
1 vaso pequeño de vino blanco, 1 ramita de menta 1 cucharada de aceite de oliva y otra
1 pastilla de caldo de pescado, 1 rebanada de pan de vinagre
1 cucharada de harina, 1 manojo de espárragos 1 pizca de sal
1 chorrito de aceite de oliva, 1 toque de cilantro 1 poco de pimienta
pizca de sal, 8 gotitas de zumo de limón 3 hojas de albahaca
1 ramita de perejil, Un pedazo de mozzarella
un puñado de almejas
Hake cooked in Green Sauce Italian Salad:

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