I. Find The Word Which Has A Different Sound in The Underlined Part

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Đề số 3

I. Find the word which has a different sound in the underlined part

1. A. volunteer B. engineer C. committee D. clear

2. A. charity B. chemistry C. chemical D. mechanic

3. A. certain B. compare C. encourage D. community

II. Choose the word which has a different stress pattern from the others.

1. A. appear B. prepare C. allow D. happen

2. A. pavement B. review C. concert D. samba

3. A. famous B. asleep C. pretty D. careful

III. Choose the best answer:

1. Who is going to _______ the Oscar for Best Actor this year?

A. get

B. take

C. win

D. pass

2. They spent a huge amount of money on the film; _______, it was not a big success

A. although

B. however

C. but

D. because

3. Remember to_______ the lights before going to bed.

A. turn

B. turn off

C. turn on

D. stop

4. Wave energy is a source of ______ energy.

A. environment friendly

B. environmentally friendly

C. environmental friendly

D. environmentally friendliness

5. At this time next week, we _______ a wind turbine in our garden.

A. install

B. installed

C. will installed

D. will be installing

6. The wind, the sun, and the wave are some types of ______ sources of energy.

A. changeable

B. alternative

C. cheap

D. costly

7. We believe that urban transport pods can travel _____ around 30kph.

A. with

B. at

C. in
D. on

8. Every day over 1,000 new cars add to the city and the city of over 20 million people is getting
more and more _______.

A. expensive

B. famous

C. difficult

D. gridlocked

9. This is Linda’s hat, and those shoes are ______.

A. her

B. hers

C. our

D. their

10. It will be _______ to ride a jet pack in bad weather because it doesn’t have a roof.

A. enjoyable

B. pleasant

C. unpleasant

D. comfortable

IV. Give the correct form of the words given to complete the sentences:

1. She gave a wonderful ______as the Iron Lady – the former British Prime Minister Margaret
Thatcher. (PERFORM)

2. This notebook is_________. (YOU)

3. We are talking about the real ________of flying cars. (EXIST)

V. Read the text and answer the questions below.

One major issue with a growing population: shortages of both food and water. Crowded cities
make wastewater management more difficult. Waste pollutes clean water, making it undrinkable.
Even today in some African cities, there are inadequate water supplies because most of the water
is lost in pipe leakages.

Today, outdoor air pollution contributes to about two million deaths a year. Indoor air pollution,
primarily from cook stoves in developing nations, skills another four million people every year,
according to the World Health Organization. As cities continue to crowd, this issue will only
grow, according to UN data.

It’s also likely that crime and violence will increase along with urban density, the UN reports.
Independent studies have found that the warming planet is likely to increase violence worldwide
because of the economic pressure caused by heat and drought.

The best solution is to manage growth and to prepare for the cities of the future.

1. Where is the major issue with a growing population?

2. What does waste pollute?

3. What is the effect of outdoor air pollution?

4. What will increase along with urban density?

5. Why is our planet likely to increase violence worldwide?

VI. Choose the word or phrase among A, B, C or D that best fits the blank space in the
following passage.

There is now increasing concern about the world’s energy (1)_____, particularly about those
involving fossil (2)____. In less than a hundred years we shall probably use up all the present
(3)______ of oil and gas. The world’s coal reserves should last longer but, once used, these
cannot (4)______. It is important, therefore, that we should develop such (5)_______ sources of
energy as solar energy as well as water and wind power, classed as renewable energy.

1. A. possessions B. resources C. goods D. materials

2. A. fuels B. powers C. forms D. energies

3. A. findings B. productions C. amounts D. sources

4. A. updated B. repeated C. renewed D. produced

5. A. traditional B. alternative C. revolutionary D. Surprising

VII. Rewrite the following the sentences:

1. Is your motorbike black, Peter?

Is the ________________

2. They will rebuild the power station at the beginning of next year. (REBUILT)


3. A test on sources of energy will be taken at 10 o’clock on Tuesday. (TAKING)


4. Many countries/ already using/ solar energy.


5. Solar panels/ place/ the roof/ a house/ and/ sun’s energy/ use/ heat water.


6. The energy/ store/ a number of days.



I. Find the word which has a different sound in the underlined part

1. C

2. A
3. A

II. Choose the word which has a different stress pattern from the others.

1. D

2. B

3. B

III. Choose the best answer:

1. C

2. B

3. B

4. B

5. D

6. B

7. B

8. D

9. B

10. C

IV. Give the correct form of the words given to complete the sentences:

1. Performance

2. Yours

3. Existence

V. Read the text and answer the questions below.

1. The major issue with a growing population is shortages of both food and water.

2. Waste pollutes clean water.

3. It contributes to about two million deaths a year.

4. Crime and violence will increase along with urban density.

5. Our planet likely to increase violence worldwide because of the economic pressure caused by
heat and drought.

VI. Choose the word or phrase among A, B, C or D that best fits the blank space in the
following passage.

1. B

2. A

3. D

4. C

5. B

VII. Rewrite the following the sentences:

1. Is the black motorbike yours, Peter?

2. The power station will be rebuilt at the beginning of next year.

3. We will be taking a test on sources of energy at 10 o’clock on Tuesday.

4. Many countries are already using solar energy.

5. Solar panels are placed on the roof of a house and the sun’s energy is used to heat water.

6. The energy can be stored for a number of days.

4. Đề số 4

I. Find the word which has a different sound in the underlined part

1. A. traffic B. same C. crash D. jam

2. A. foot B. scooter C. shoot D. food

3. A. let B. jet C. vehicle D. success

II. Choose the best answer:

1. He’ll never pass his driving test ……..he takes more lessons.

A. unless

B. if

C. because

D. when

2. She couldn’t go far because she was afraid of______.

A. to fly

B. fly

C. flying

D. be flying

3. What will you do if you have an opportunity to _______ on a spaceship?

A. travel

B. come

C. pass

D. move

4. Many countries are developing high-speed trains as part of their public ______ system.

A. transport

B. travelling

C. carrying

D. road
5. We ________ drink water from the tap without boiling it first.

A. never should

B. should never

C. should not to

D. not should

6. An aircraft without a human pilot abroad is called a ______ aircraft.

A. pilotless

B. single-pilot

C. double-piloted

D. three-piloted

7. The driver pulls the handle of the Segway to go back or ________ it to go forward.

A. pushes

B. brakes

C. circles

D. turns

8. At this time next month, we __________ the new flying boat.

A. are testing

B. are going to test

C. will test

D. will be testing

9. Which ______ of transport do you think will be used in the future?

A. mean

B. meaning
C. meanings

D. means

10. The white cat is Helen’s, and the black cat is ______.

A. my

B. I

C. mine

D. of mine

III. Choose the word which has a different stress pattern from the others.

1. A. energy B. plentiful C. disappear D. celebrate

2. A. recycle B. description C. contribute D. atmosphere

IV. Decide the underlined part A, B, C, or D that is not correct in standard English.

1. To enjoy (A) an opera fully (B), the listener should be familiar (C) with the story, particularly
if the opera is singing (D) in a foreign language.

2. To have a strong body (A) and stay healthily (B), you should exercise (C) regularly (D).

3. Scientists must have to (A) discover an alternative source (B) of energy before (C) oil runs

out (D).

V. Give the correct form of the words given to complete the sentences:

1. Adults, (include) _______ persons over the age of 65, can (low) ______ their cholesterol by

2. It’s getting easier for me to write and I make (few) ______ mistakes. I am (satisfy) ____ with
the progress I have made in learning English.

VI. Read the following paragraph and decide T (true) or F (false)

‘Sky Whale’ is a plane with four engines that can carries over 700 people. The airplane will exist
for short distances between cities. The technology will use eco-engines with energy recovery
systems which are able to feed back to the planes themselves.

With a capacity to transport a large number of passengers, like a train of high speed, ‘Sky
Whale’ will be a safer type of planes for the future.

We will also have supersonic planes which are transcontinental or transoceanic. They can fly at
very high altitudes more than 30,000 metres and at record speeds. The engines which can change
according to the situations are called intelligent engines.

1. ‘Sky Whale’ can carry a large number of passengers.

2. The airplane will be used for long distances between cities because it has four engines.

3. Sky Whale’ can travel at a high speed.

4. Transcontinental planes can fly at the maximum altitude of 3,000 metres and at record speeds.

5. Intelligent engines are the ones that can change according to the situations.

VII. Choose the correct option for each blank to complete the passage.

In the modern world, people depend on energy to power their everyday lives. A wide range of
power-run devices and modern conveniences (1) _____, and although it may seem that we will
not be in danger of living without those conveniences, the fact is that many supplies of energy
are running out rapidly. Scientists are constantly (2) ____ new sources of energy to keep modern
society running. Whether future populations will continue to enjoy the benefits of abundant
energy will depend (3) _____the success of this search.

Coal, oil, and natural gas are now being used widely. (4) _____, these supplies are limited, and
they are a major source of pollution. Therefore, the existing alternative energy sources must be
involved or further explored and developed. These include nuclear, water, solar, and wind power,
as well as energy from new, (5) ______types of fuels. Each of these, however, has advantages
and disadvantages.

1.A. are used B. used to C. are using D. use

2.A. looking into B. searching for C. researching D. finding

3.A. on B. for C. with D. in

4.A. Moreover B. Because C. Although D. However

5.A. polluting B. polluted C. nonpolluting D. pollution

VIII. Rewrite the following sentences:

1. The failure of the team caused us great disappointment.

We were_________________________

2. It is very noisy in the city but we enjoy living there.


3. They have chosen John for the school’s football team.

John has __________________________

4. Almost all our energy/ come/ oil/ gas/ natural gas. We/ them/ fossil fuels.



I. Find the word which has a different sound in the underlined part

1. B

2. A

3. C

II. Choose the best answer:

1. A

2. C
3. A

4. A

5. B

6. A

7. A

8. D

9. D

10. C

III. Choose the word which has a different stress pattern from the others.

1. C

2. D

IV. Decide the underlined part A, B, C, or D that is not correct in standard English.

1. D

2. B

3. A

V. Give the correct form of the words given to complete the sentences:

1. Including - lower

2. Fewer - satisfied

VI. Read the following paragraph and decide T (true) or F (false)

1. T

2. F

3. T

4. F
5. T

VII. Choose the correct option for each blank to complete the passage.

1. A

2. B

3. A

4. D

5. C

VIII. Rewrite the following sentences:

1. We were disappointed at the failure of the team

2. Although it is very noisy in the city, we enjoy living there

3. John has been chosen for the school’s football team

4. Almost all our energy comes from oil, gas, and natural gas. We call them fossil fuels.

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