Practice Test 14 SS

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Time allowed: 90mins

Full name: …………………………… Class:………

I. Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from that of the
others in each line.
1. A. adapt B. adjust C. alter D. attract
2. A. athletics B. bathe C. triathlon D. enthusiasm
3. A. protracted B. enforced C. practised D. recognised
4. A. transform B. aquatic C. attendee D. facility
5. A. convert B. effort C. compete D. volleyball

II. Choose the word whose stress pattern is different from the others in each line.
6. A. volunteer B. teenager C. introduce D. attendee
7. A. uplifting B. accomplish C. occupy D. gigantic
8. A. category B. variety C. participate D. appreciate
9. A. impressionable B. opportunity C. educational D. intercultural
10. A. guitar B. avid C. discard (v) D. indulge
III. Choose the word or phrase which best fits each gap in the following sentences.
11. You can ....................... the chair to make it comfortable by pressing this button.
A. adapt B. adjust C. amend D. convert
12. I was rather shocked when my dad ....................... to Islam.
A. converted B. altered C. modified D. transformed
13. I sometimes find it hard to ....................... a balance between work and my home life.
A. remain B. maintain C. insist D. persist
14. The minister was accused of ....................... the truth.
A. distorting B. revising C. reforming D. shifting
15. The computer has had an enormous ....................... on the way we work.
A. impression B. influence C. change D. alteration
16. Your essay would make more sense if you changed the second and third paragraphs
....................... .
A. round B. together C. around D. A&C
17. He was brought up by a cold and ....................... father.
A. overrearing B. overbearing C. domineering D. B&C
18. The house had changed ....................... several times before i bought it.
A. feet B. heads C. hands D. arms
19. The World Cup is a football ....................... which is open to all countries.
A. competition B. participation C. involvement D. occasion
20. Their efforts were much ....................... when they won 2 gold medals in bodybuilding and
A. considered B. required C. expended D. appreciated
21. Her parents insisted that she ....................... until she finished her degree.
A. stayed B. stays C. stay D. would stay
22. They’ve ....................... a horrible new tower block where that lovely old building used to be.
A. put up B. put down C. pushed up D. pulled down
23. I agree with most of what you said, but I can’t ....................... your idea of letting children
leave school at 14.
A. keep up with B. catch up with
C. put up with D. go along with
24. My father never indulges ....................... drinking.
A. on B. in C. with D. to
25. It was Mr.John ....................... the bill to yesterday.
A. who sent my secretary B. to whom my secretary sent
C. that my secretary sent D. my secretary sent
26. My brother takes photograph ....................... a hobby.
A. as B. for C. in D. with
27. The first library ....................... in the Nebraska Territory was built in Fort Atkinson in 1870.
A. to be established B. was established C. could established D. establishing
28. He was in trouble with the police as a teenager but now he’s completely changed his
....................... .
A. ways B. approachs C. methods D. means
29. Why don’t you change ....................... those wet things and put something dry on?
A. out from B. out away C. out of D. out over
30. The drug becomes less effective after ....................... use.
A. lasting B. protracted C. prolonged D. B&C
IV. Give the correct form of the words in brackets.
In the early years after the (31) .................................. (INVENT) of lasers, scientists called
them ‘a solution looking for a problem’. It was obvious that lasers were very special, but it took
scientists a while to find practical (32) .................................. (APPLY) for them. Over time,
hundreds of uses have been found for lasers in many areas of science and technology. They are
used in the (33) .................................. (NEW) telecommunication systems, in computer printers,
and in compact disc players. They are also used in show business to create special lighting
effects. But where lasers have made the most difference is (34) ..................................
doubtless (DOUBT)
in the world of medicine, where they can be used for many tasks require time precision.
Doctors can use lasers as cutting tools. Surgeons prefers lasers to (35)
.................................. (SURGERY) knives for certain operations because laser beams can be
made much narrower than a knife blade. Also, with lasers, doctors can work more quickly than
with metal tools, and so there is less risk of injection. Furthermore, a laser beam produces (36)
.................................. (HOT), which helps to close off the skin or tissue being cut into and
reduces bleeding. Thus, lasers have proved extremely (37) .................................. (USE) in the
fine surgery required to reconstruct veins and arteries. They are also used in surgery to remove
certain kinds of brain or liver cancers. Doctors are experimenting with ways to find cancer in (38)
.................................. (VARY) parts of the body through the use of a colored liquid that colors
only the (39) ..................................
cancerous (CANCER) areas. Then they can use lasers (40)
.................................. (DESIGN) for that color to find cancer and burn it away.

V. Read the following text and choose the best answer to each question.
In taking up new life across the Atlantic, the early European settlers of the United States did
not abandon the diversions with which their ancestors had traditionally relieved the tedium of life.
Neither the harshness of existence on the new continent nor line the scattered population nor the
disapproval of the clergy discouraged the majority from the pursuit of pleasure.
City and country dwellers, of course, conducted this pursuit in different ways. Farm dwellers
in their isolation not only found it harder to locate companions in play but also thanks to the
unending demands and pressures of their work, felt it necessary to combine fun with purpose.
No other set of colonists too so seriously one expression of the period. ‘Leisure is time for doing
something useful’. In the countryside farmers therefore relieved the burden of the daily routine
with such double-purpose relaxation as hunting, fishing and trapping. When a neighbor needed
help, families rallied from miles around to assist in building a house or barn, husking corn,
shearing sheep or chopping wood. Food, drink, and celebration after the group work provided
relaxation and soothed weary muscles.
The most eagerly anticipated social events were the rural fairs. Hundreds of men, women,
and children attended from far and near. The men bought or traded farm animals and acquired
needed merchandise while the women displayed food prepared in their kitchens, and everyone,
including the youngsters, watched or participated in a variety of competitive sports, with prizes
awarded to the winners. These events typically included horse races, wrestling matches, and foot
races, as well as some nonathletic events such as whistling competitions. No other occasions did
so much to relieve the isolation of farm existence.
With the open countryside everywhere at hand, city dwellers naturally shared in some of
the rural diversions. Favored recreations included fishing, hunting, skating, and swimming. But
city dwellers also developed other pleasures, which only compact communities made possible.
41. What is the passage mainly about?
A. Methods of farming used by early settlers of the United States.
B. Hardships faced by the early settlers of the United States.
C. Methods of buying, selling, and trading used by early settlers of the United States.
D. Ways in which early settlers of the United States relaxed.
42. What can be inferred about the diversions of the early settlers of the United States?
A. They followed a pattern begun in Europe.
B. They were enjoyed more frequently than in Europe.
C. The clergy organized them.
D. Only the wealthy participated in them.
43. Which of the following can be said about the country dwellers’ attitude toward ‘the pursuit of
A. They felt that it should help keep their minds on their work.
B. They felt that it was not necessary.
C. They felt that it should be productive.
D. They felt that it should not involve eating and drinking.
44. The phrase ‘thanks to’ in the second paragraph is closest in meaning to ............................ .
A. grateful for
B. help with
C. because of
D. machines for
45. The word ‘their’ in the second paragraph refers to ............................ .
A. ways
B. farm dwellers
C. demands
D. pressures
46. What is meant by the phrase ‘double-purpose’ in the second paragraph?
A. Very frequent.
B. Useful and enjoyable.
C. Extremely necessary.
D. Positive and negative.
47. The phrase ‘eagerly anticipated’ in the passage is closest in meaning to ............................. .
A. well organized
B. old-fashioned
C. strongly opposed
D. looked forward to
48. Which of the following can be said about the rural diversions mentioned the last paragraph
in which city dwellers also anticipated?
A. They were useful to the rural community.
B. They involved the purchase items useful in the home.
C. They were activities that could be done equally easily in the towns.
D. They were all outdoor activities.
49. What will the author probably discuss in the paragraph following this passage?
A. The rural diversions enjoyed by both urban and rural people.
B. Leisure activities of city dwellers.
C. Building methods of the early settlers in rural areas.
D. Changes in the lifestyles of settlers’ as they moved to the cities.
50. Where in the passage does the author mention factors that might prevent people from
enjoying themselves?
A. Line 3-5.
B. Lines 12-14.
C. Line 17-20.
D. Lines 25-27.
VI. Underline the word in each line if is unnecessary and write it in the space provided. If
a line is correct, put a tick in the space.

Last week well over a thousand people took important part in our 51. …………………
local round-the-city 10 kilometer fun run. This kind of race doesn’t 52. …………………
normally appeal to me, as, frankly, I’m not really cut out interest for 53. …………………
long distance running. But I’ve got two friends who are dead keen on 54. …………………
runners and who keep going on well about the beneficial effects of 55. …………………
running. So I decided to run, partly for that reason and partly for to 56. …………………
raise money for charity. Friends and colleagues agreed to sponsor to 57. …………………
me, and pay for each mile I completed. Well, I hadn’t been done much 58. …………………
training for the big event, and after two kilometers I was gasping for 59. …………………
breath, so I settled down for to a slow jog and resigned myself to 60. …………………
plodding along with the stragglers at the back of the race. At least I 61. …………………
finished, and was very pleased with myself, because of I didn’t need to 62. …………………
stop. I timed myself with a stop-watch, and reckoned I crossed at the 63. …………………
finishing line in 43 minutes – not bad for a novice. The heat proved too 64. …………………
much for a few people who’d gone off with too fast for their capabilities 65. …………………
and ended up suffering from exhaustion. Apparently, the course was
very fast, and both of my friends ran a personal best.
VII. Choose the best word or phrase to fill in each blank to complete the following
The popular image of student life is of young people with few responsibilities enjoying
themselves and (66) ............. very little work. This is often not true. Many older people now study
at college or university, sometimes (67) ............. a part-time basis while having a job and looking
after a family. These students are often (68) ............. motivated and work very hard.
Younger students are often thought to be lazy and careless about money but this (69)
............. is changing. In Britain reduced government support for higher education means that
students can no longer rely on having their expenses (70) ............. for them. Formerly, students
received a grant towards their living expenses. Now most can only get a loan (71) ............. has to
be paid back. Since 1999 they have paid over £1000 towards tution (72) ............. and this
amount will increase up to a maximum of £3000. In the US studens already (73) ............. pay for
tution and room and board. Many get a financial aid package which may (74) ............. grants,
scholarships and loans. The fear of having large debts places (75) ............. pressure on students
and many take part-time jobs during the term and work full-time in the vacations.
66. A. producing B. carrying C. doing D. making
67. A. for B. with C. on D. at
68. A. highly B. mainly C. absolutely D. adequately
69. A. position B. state C. situation D. condition
70. A. paying B. paid C. pay D. to pay
71. A. whether B. what C. which D. who
72. A. money B. fees C. allowances D. charge
73. A. had better B. should C. may D. have to
74. A. include B. consist C. compose D. belong
75. A. large B. generous C. considerate D. considerable

VIII. Fill each numbered blank with one suitable word to complete the following passage.
The Sahara Marathon
One of the most amazing marathon races in the world is the Marathon of the Sands. It
takes place every April in the Sahara Desert in the south of Morocco, a part of the world (76)
………………… temperatures can reach forty degrees centigrade. The standard length of a
marathon is 42.5 kilometres but (77) ………………… one is 230 kilometres long and takes seven
days to complete. It began in 1986 and now attracts about two hundred runners, the majority of
(78) …………………whose ages range from seventeen to forty-seven. About half of (79)
………………… come from France and the rest from all over the world. From Britain it costs £
1,750 to enter, (80) ………………… which includes return air fares. The race is rapidly (81)
………………… more and more popular (82) …………………, or perhaps because of, the harsh
conditions that runners must endure. They have to carry food and (83) ………………… else they
need (84) ………………… seven days in a rucksack weighing no more than twelve kilograms. In
(85) …………………
addition to this, they are given a litre and a half of water every ten kilometres.
Incredibly, nearly (86) …………………
all One
the runners finish the course. (87) ………………… man,
Ibrahim EI Joual, has taken part in every race since 1986. Runners do suffer terrible physical
hardships. Sometimes they lose toenails and skin peels (88) ………………… their feet. However,
doctors are always on hand to deal (89) ………………… minor injuries and to make sure that
themselvestoo far.
runners do not push (90) …………………
IX. Rewrite the following sentences so that they have the same meaning as the original
ones, using the word provided. You must use between two and eight words. Do not
change the word given.

91. If the English team can work together, they should win. (so)
The English team should win, ............................................................................. work together.
92. I was told about the website by Charlie. (told)
It ............................................................................................................. me about the website.
93. None of the passengers was injured because of the driver’s quick reaction. (reaction)
But ...................................................................................................... would have been injured.
94. I’ve finally started sorting out my postcard collection. (got)
I’ve finally ............................................................................. sorting out my postcard collection.
95. I’m not so keen on skiing now because I’ve discovered snowboarding. (gone)
I’ve ....................................................................................... since I discovered snowboarding.
96. I spend a lot of my time on my hobbies. (up)
My hobbies ........................................................................................................ a lot of my time.
97. Did you hear they’re thinking of getting rid of identity cards. (away)
Did you hear.......................................................................................................... identity cards.
98. We were going to be 12 for dinner, but Vicky couldn’t come in the end. (meant)
There ............................................................ 12 for dinner, but Vicky couldn’t come in the end.
99. It would be in your interest to take an earlier train on Sunday. (off)
You would ........................................................................................ an earlier train on Sunday.
100.I’d love to travel the world if I didn’t have to pay off my mortgage. (having)
Were ......................................................... to pay off my mortgage, I’d love to travel the world.

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