Practice Test 13 g11 - Student

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Hieu Minbh
Full name: …………………………… Class: 11………
I. Which word has different underlined sound in each line? Circle A, B, C or D.
1. A. thermal B. ethanol C. kerosene D. energy
2. A. knot B. knack C. close-knit D. awkward
3. A. plunge B. judge C. petroleum D. agriculture
4. A. outflank B. eradicate C. arduous D. affluent
5. A. porter B. bistro C. extol D. slope
II. Which word has different stress position in each line? Circle A, B, C or D.
6. A. acquaintance B. bigamy C. engagement D. supportive
7. A. heartsick B. patrol C. detour D. mutual
8. A. negligence B. commander C. attentive D. external
9. A. bataillon B. improbable C. executive D. reminiscent
10. A. touristy B. desolate C. idyllic D. captivate
III. Circle the best answer (A, B, C or D) for each of the following sentences.
11. The price of petrol ………… by 15% over the past year.
A. has been rising B. has risen C. rose D. rises
12. A warning sign “Overheat” may come on, ………… which case turn off the appliance at once.
A. in B. at C. on D. X
13. Jim was the only one of his platoon not ………… prisoner.
A. taken B. taking C. take D. being taken
14. What a lovely couple! They seem totally ………… to one another.
A. insensitive B. apathetic C. devoted D. extrovert
15. I don’t think Greg will ever win Rosie’s heart; it’s time he ………… that.
A. faced the facts B. had an eye for C. headed a team D. footed the bill
16. There is a …………. distinction between our points of view.
A. subtle B. deep C. strong D. strike
17. It never ceases to amaze me how little notice some people now take …………. rules in public
A. of B. in C. out D. at
18. It’s too late to buy any food. We’ll have to ………… with what we’ve got.
A. doing B. do C. to do D. done
19. ………… arrives first can turn on the heating.
A. Who B. Whoever C. Whom D. Whomever
20. Scientists are warning that an explosion of solar flares could …………. communications on
Earth at any time.
A. break B. interfere C. disorder D. disrupt
21. There is ………… concern across the world about climate change.
A. raising B. vain C. fainting D. mounting
22. A plane carrying 15 members of the government to a conference in Brussels ………… a
small-scale fire earlier this morning.
A. was known to experience B. is known to have experienced
C. is known to experience D. were known to have experienced
23. With the end of childhood, and the onset of ………… young people experience profound
A. teenage B. youth C. adolescence D. teens
24. Explore the picturesque countryside of central England, where idyllic villages tucked
…………. in wooded valleys are waiting to be discovered.
A. out B. away C. in D. upon
25. It’s a long time since I saw your brother Paul. What ………… lately?
A. did he do B. has he been doing C. has he done D. does he do
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26. Couples getting married intend the wedding ………… on average £10,600.
A. costing B. cost C. to cost D. to costing
27. Peter is 50 and unmarried and his friends call him “an eligible …………”.
A. bachelor B. independent C. single D. lonely
28. There is nobody for …………. we feel greater respect.
A. whom B. who C. that D. which
29. A true friend is one who ………… your failures and tolerates your successes.
A. oversees B. overdoes C. overlooks D. overtake
30. The Prime Minister’s announcement has ………… his opponents, who were planning to raise
this very issue themselves.
A. inflanked B. in-flanked C. outflanked D. out-flanked
IV. Complete each sentence using an adjective from the box.

bad casual close complete cordial

friendly moral social stable firm
31. I don’t know her well – we’re just ……………
casual acquaintances.
32. We have been on …………… terms even since Jack refused to return the money I lent him.
33. For many people the Internet plays an important role in developing new …………… social networks.
34. Jack Whitley was a …………… confidant of the Prime Minister in the 1980s.
35. Their relationship hasn’t been very………………. They’ve broken up and got back together
again several times.
complete stranger on a train.
36. She told her entire life story to a ……………
37. Marry and I have been ………………close friends for many years.
38. Thanks for all the …………… support you gave me when I needed it.
39. Despite their political differences the two leaders have always enjoyed …………… relations.
40. Leslie and I have remained on ……………bad terms despite our professional disagreements.

V. Circle the underlined word or phrase in each sentence that needs correcting.
41. Everyone broke into laughter when she told the story.
42. We sat on our hotel balcony, soaking through the atmosphere of the carnival.
43. Parents, who have so many demands on their time, are not perhaps in the best position to
instill traditional values in their offspring.
44. The range of organisms in the environment have not been affected by overgrazing.
45. The word grandparents is descriptiveof the unique dual parent role that this generation
46. Rebellious, independent children who are trying to find their feet are almost always in
loggerheads with their parents.
47. Taking everything into consideration, they ought to give another chance.
48. Parts of rivers near the mouth have been affected by intensively agriculture.
49. Unless changing, this law will make life difficult for the famers.
50. With the majority of our electricity likely to come from non-renewable resources in the near
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future, electrical vehicles could actually contribute more CO2 to the environment.
IV. Fill in each gap with one suitable word.
Water scarcity is fast becoming one of the major limiting factors in world crop production. In
many areas, poor agricultural practices have led to increasing desertification and the loss of formerly
arable (51) ……………………………..
land . Consequently, those plants species are well (52)
…………………………….. to survival in desert environments. Some (53) ……………………………..
purely mechanical and physical adaptations, such as the shape of the plant’s surface, smaller leaf
size, and extensive root systems. Some of the adaptations are related to (54)
chemical mechanisms. Many plants, such as cacti, have internal gums and
mucilages which give them water – retaining properties. Another chemical mechanism is that of the
epicuticular wax layer. This wax layer acts (55) …………………………….. an impervious cover to
protect the plant. It (56) ……………………………..
reduces/prevents excessive loss of internal moisture. It also
protects the plant from external aggression, (57) …………………………….. can come from inorganic
agents such as gases or organic agents which include bacteria and plant pests.
Researchers have proposed that synthetic waxes with similar protective abilities could be
prepared based on knowledge of desert (58) …………………………….. plants . If successfully developed,
such a compound could be used to greatly increase a plant’s ability to maintain (59)
in such adverse situations as (60) …………………………….. water supply,
limited fertilizer availability, attack by pests and poor storage after harvesting.
V. Complete the sentences with the correct forms of the words in capital letters.
The ongoing expansion of agriculture in Brazil is seriously threatening
rare and vulnerable habitats such as the Atlantic forest, the Cerrado and the
Amazon. The major threat to these vast natural areas is often the (61) 61. DESTROY
………………………………. power of a vegetable, more precisely the soya
bean. Soya beans are one of Brazil’s main (62) ………………………………. agricultural 62. AGRICULTURE
crops, with more than 21 million hectares under (63) 63. CULTIVATE
………………………………. . Another crop which is causing concern is cocoa,
which has been blamed for widespread (64) ………………………………. deforestation in 64. FOREST
Brazil’s. During the (65) ………………………………. boom of the 1970s, 65. ECONOMY
expansion of this crop was a leading cause of the decline of Brazil’s (66) 66. DANGER
………………………………. Atlantic forest ecosystem, of which only about
10% remains. The Cerrado, an (67) ………………………………. extensive woodland 67. EXTEND
savanna ecosystem in Brazil, is threatened by cattle ranching. The (68) 68. GROW
………………………………. of this business is closely linked to the increase in
soya production, which poses serious concerns about the impact of this
industry on (69) ……………………………….
sensitive ecosystems. 69. SENSE
In the Atlantic forests of Brazil, some of the world’s most diverse
ecosystems have been converted to fast-growing (70) 70. PLANT
plants mainly of eucalyptus, which is a non-native
VI. Read the following passage and choose the correct answers.
In this era of increased global warming and diminishing fossil fuel supplies, we must
begin to put a greater priority on harnessing alternative energy sources. Fortunately, there are a
number of readily available, renewable resources that are both cost-effective and earth-friendly.
A Two such resources are solar power and geothermal power.
Solar energy, which reaches the earth through sunlight, is so abundant that it could meet
the needs of worldwide energy consumption 6,000 times over. And solar energy is easily
harnessed through the use of photovoltaic cells that convert sunlight into electricity. In the United
States alone, more than 100,000 homes are equipped with solar electric systems in the form of
solar panels or solar roof tiles. And in other parts of the world, including many developing
countries, the use of solar system is growing steadily. B
Another alternative energy source, which is abundant in specific geographical areas, is
geothermal power C, which creates energy by tapping heat from below the surface of the earth.
Hot water and steam that are trapped in underground pools are pumped to the surface and used
to run a generator, which produces electricity. Geothermal energy is 50,000 times more
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abundant than the entire known supply of fossil fuel resources. And as with solar power, the
technology needed to utilize geothermal energy is fairly simple. A prime example of effective
geothermal is used in Iceland, a region of high geothermal activity where over 80 per cent of
private homes are heated by geothermal power.
Solar and geothermal energy are just two of a number of promising renewable
alternatives to conventional energy sources. The time is long overdue to invest in the
development and use of alternative energy on global scale. D
71. What is the main topic of this passage?
A. The benefits of solar and wind power over conventional energy sources.
B. How energy resources are tapped from nature.
C. Two types of alternative energy sources that should be further utilized.
D. Examples of the use of energy sources worldwide.
72.According to the passage, why should we consider using alternative energy sources?
A. Because fossil fuels are no longer available.
B. Because global warming has increased the amount of sunlight that reaches the Earth.
C. Because they are free and available worldwide.
D. Because conventional energy sources are being depleted, and they cause
environmental damage.
73. Which of the following words could best replace the word “harnessing”?
A. capturing B. harassing C. depleting D. exporting
74. According to the passage, what can be inferred about solar roof tiles?
A. They are being used in many undeveloped countries.
B. They can convert geothermal power to electricity.
C. They are more expensive than solar panels.
D. They contain photovoltaic cells.
75. According to the passage, how is solar energy production similar to geothermal energy
A. They both require the use of a generator.
B. They both use heat from the earth’s surface.
C. They both require fairly simple technology.
D. They are both conventional and costly.
76. Where is the best place in the passage to insert the following sentence:
“Although the United States is not yet utilizing geothermal resources to this extent, the
Western United States has a similar capacity to generate geothermal power”
A. A B. B C. C D. D
77. According to the passage, which of the following is true about solar power?
A. There is very little of it available in Iceland.
B. It is being used in 100,000 private homes worldwide.
C. It is 6,000 times more powerful than energy from fossil fuels.
D. There is enough of it to far exceed the energy needs of the world.
78. What can be inferred about the use of geothermal energy in Iceland?
A. It is widely used form of energy for heating homes.
B. 20 per cent of the geothermal energy created is used to heat business.
C. It is not effective for use in private homes.
D. It is 80 times more effective than traditional forms of energy.
79. What does the author imply about alternative energy sources?
A. Solar and geothermal energy are the only effective forms of alternative power.
B. Most alternative energy sources are too impractical for private use.
C. Alternative energy is too expensive for developing countries to produce.
D. Many different types of alternative energy sources exist.
80. What best describes the author’s purpose in writing the passage?
A. To warn people about the hazards of fossil fuel use
B. To describe the advantages and disadvantages of alternative energy sources
C. To convince people of the benefits of developing alternative energy source
D. To outline the problems and solutions connected with global warming
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VII. Read the text below and decide which answer (A, B, C or D) best fits each space.
People’s personalities (81) …………. considerably from one another as there are no two
alike. Our ingrained characteristics which (82) …………. the patterns of our behavior, our
reactions and temperaments are unparalleled on account of the diversified processes that (83)
…………. our personality in the earliest stages of human development.
Some (84) ………… of character may to some extent be hereditary simulating the
attributes that (85) …………. our parents. Others may (86) ………… from the conditions
experienced during pregnancy and infancy in this way reflecting the parents’ approach towards
rearing their offspring. Consequently, the environmental factor plays a crucial role in
strengthening or eliminating certain behavioral systems making an individual more prone to (87)
…………. to the patterns that (88) ………… a prize.
Undoubtedly, human personality (89) …………. the most profound and irreversible
formation during the first period of its development, yet, certain characteristics may still be (90)
…………. to considerable changes conditioned by different circumstances and situations.
81. A. vary B. converge C. distinguish D. differentiate
82. A. denote B. resolve C. determine D. inflict
83. A. conceive B. stages C. instants D. terms
84. A. factors B. traits C. items D. breeds
85. A. pertain B. identify C. associate D. recognize
86. A. formulate B. relate C. rise D. stem
87. A. pledge B. comfort C. acquiesce D. obey
88. A. deserve B. yearn C. wish D. necessitate
89. A. underacts B. undergoes C. undertakes D. underlies
90. A. practicable B. feasible C. potential D. subject
VIII. Complete the second sentence so that it has similar meaning to the first sentence,
using the word given.
91. I waited for him until 6.30 and then gave up. (which)
I waited ...................................................................................................................... gave up.
92. The whole summer was sunny and warm, for a change. (made)
The whole summer .............................................................................................. nice change.
93. It is very kind of you to give me a lift. (appreciate)
I .................................................................................................................................. me a lift.
94. John doesn’t like it when people treat him like a child. (resents)
John ....................................................................................................................... like a child.
95. Peter always trusts me with his secrets. (in)
Peter .................................................................................................................................. me.
96. I think a rest would do you good. (from)
I think you ...................................................................................................................... a rest.
97. I am on the tenth page of this letter I am writing. (ten)
So far I ................................................................................................................. of this letter.
98. I just need to finish this work and then I’ll call you. (way)
I just need .............................................................................................................. I’ll call you.
99. I’d prefer to come out on top in the end, though! (laugh)
I’d rather ................................................................................................................... , though!
100. My parents are furious with me for getting a tattoo and so have grounded me. (arms)
My parents, ........................................................................................... , have grounded me.

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