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General Instructions:
(i) There are 12 questions in all. All questions are compulsory.
(ii) This question paper has three sections: Section A, Section B and Section C.
(iii) Section A contains three questions of two marks each, Section B contains eight questions
of three marks each, Section C contains one case study-based question of five marks.
(iv) There is no overall choice. However, an internal choice has been provided in one question
of two marks and two questions of three marks. You have to attempt only one of the
choices in such questions.
(v) You may use log tables if necessary but use of calculator is not allowed.

1. a) The refractive index of glass is 1.5. What is the speed of light in glass?

[Speed of light in vacuum is 3.0 108 ms 1 ].

b) Is the speed of light in glass independent of the colour of light? If not, which of the two colour red
and violet travel slower in a glass prism?

2. Give the two drawbacks (demerits) of Rutherford’s atom model.


A difference of 2.3 eV separates two energy levels in an atom. What is the frequency of radiation
emitted when the atom make a transition from the upper level to the lower level?

3. Why is the number of neutrons in heavier nuclei more than the number of protons?


4. Using Huygen’s wave theory of light, explain refraction of a plane wavefront at a plane surface. Derive
Snell’s law of refraction.

5. Mention the experimental observations of photoelectric effect.

6. Using Bohr’s postulates of the atomic model, derive the expression for radius of nth electron orbit.
Hence, obtain the expression for Bohr’s radius.


Light of wavelength 2000 Å falls on a metal surface of work function 4.2 eV.
(a) What is the kinetic energy (in eV) of the fastest electrons emitted from the surface?
(b) What will be the change in the energy of the emitted electrons if the intensity of light with same
wavelength is doubled?
(c) If the same light falls on another surface of work function 6.5 eV, what will be the energy of emitted
7. Derive an expression for the width of interference fringes in a double slit experiment.


The total energy of an electron in the first excited state of the hydrogen atom is -3.4 eV. Find out its (a)
kinetic energy and b) Potential energy in this state.

8. What is energy band? On the basis of energy band diagrams, distinguish between metals, insulators and

9. With a neat circuit diagram, explain the working of a full wave centre-tap rectifier using junction diodes.
Draw the input and output waveforms.

10. Show that the density of nuclear matter is same for all neuclei.

11. How long can an electric lamp of 100 W be kept glowing by fusion of 2 kg of deuterium?
Take the fusion reaction as
2 H 12 H 32 H  n  3.27 MeV



12. Rectifier is a device which is used for converting alternating current or voltage into direct current or
voltage. Its working is based on the fact that the resistance of p-n junction becomes low when forward
biased and becomes high when reverse biased. A half-wave rectifier uses only a single diode while a full
wave rectifier uses two diodes as shown in figures (a) and (b).

a. If the rms value of sinusoidal input to a full wave rectifier is then the rms value of the rectifier’s
output is (1M)

V0 V02 V02
i) ii) iii) iv) 2V02
2 2 2

b. In the diagram, the input ac is across the terminals A and C. The output across B and D is (1M)
i) Same as the input ii) Half wave rectifier iii) Zero iv) Full wave rectifier

c. A bridge rectifier is shown in figure. Alternating input is given across A and C. If output is taken across
BD, then it is (1M)

i) Zero ii) Same as input

iii) Half wave rectifier iv) Full wave rectified

d. A p-n junction diode (D) shown in the figure can act as a rectifier. An alternating current source (V) is
connected in the circuit. The current (I) in the resistor (R) can be shown by (1M)

1) 2) 3) 4)

e. With an ac input from 50 Hz power line, the ripple frequency is (1M)

i) 50 Hz in the dc output of half wave as well as full wave rectifier.

ii) 100 Hz in the dc output of half wave as well as full wave rectifier.

iii) 50 Hz in the dc output of half wave and 100 Hz in dc output of full wave rectifier.

iv) 100 Hz in the dc output of half wave and 50 Hz in the dc output of full wave rectifier.

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