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Time to assess ourselves
how far did we learn this
time.. GET READY!

Quiz no. 1
Direction: Read each question then choose the best answer on the given choices.
1. Also known as the “Bureau of Fire Protection and Bureau of Jail management and Penology
Professionalization Act of 2004,”
a. RA 9263 c. RA 6425 e. RA 6975
b. RA 6795 d. RA 3263

2. What type of jail having a population of 21-90 inmates?

a. Type B c. Type E e. Type C
b. Type D d. Type A

3. It is the fourth officer in command of the BJMP.

a. Deputy Chief for Administration c. Chief of Directorial Staff e. Deputy Chief for Operations
b. Jail Warden/Wardress d. Assistant Warden

4. It is otherwise known as the “Department of the Interior and Local Government Act of 1990”.
a. RA 9263 c. RA 6425 e. RA 6975
b. RA 6795 d. RA 3263

5. Act as the adviser to the Secretary of DILG relating to formulation and implementation of policies, plans,
and programs in the formulation and control of district, city and municipal jails nationwide;
a. Deputy Chief for Operation c. Regional Director e. Chief of Directorial Staff
b. Jail Regional director d. Chief, BJMP

6. Refers to a security facility for the temporary detention of persons held for investigation or awaiting
preliminary hearing.
a. Jail c. Lock-up e. Ordinary Jail
b. Work Houses d. Correction

7. What type of jail having a population of 100 inmates or more?

a. Type B c. Type E e. Type C
b. Type D d. Type A
8. It is the second officer in command of the BJMP.

Instructional Material in CORR 1

Institutional Correction
University of Antique

a. Deputy Chief for Administration c. Chief of Directorial Staff e. Deputy Chief for Operations
b. Jail Warden/Wardress d. Assistant Warden

9. The BJMP shall be headed by a Chief which carries the rank of what?
a. Senior Superintendent c. Chief e. Commander
b. Director d. Sergent

10. Jail are institutions for the confinement of persons who are awaiting final disposition of their criminal
cases and also the service of those convicted and punished with shorter sentences, usually up to how
many years?
a. 1 year c. 12 years e. 3 years
b. 5 years d. 10 years

11. It supervises BJMP jails within the province and see to it that all directives, policies, rules and
guidelines are strictly followed, it also performs other functions as the RD may direct.
a. Jail Provincial Administrator c. Jail Regional Director e. Chief, BJMP
b. Jail Warden/Wardress d. Disciplinary Board

12. Supervises, monitors and control district, city, and municipal jails within the area of responsibility.
a. Jail Provincial Administrator c. Jail Regional Director e. Chief, BJMP
b. Jail Warden/Wardress d. Disciplinary Board

13. It houses both offenders awaiting court action and those serving short sentences usually up to three
a. Jail c. Lock-up e. Ordinary Jail
b. Work Houses d. Correction

14. It is tasked with the gathering and collating of information and other data of every prisoner into a case
study to determine the work assignment, type of supervision and degree of custody and restriction under
which an offender must live in jail.
a. Classification Board c. Disciplinary Board e. Security Section
b. Custodian Section
d. Guidance Counseling Services

15. Who is first Chief of the BJMP?

a. Chief Jail Director Allan Iral  c. Director Rosendo Moro Dial e. CSupt Antonio Cabil Cruz
b. J/Sr. Supt. Basilio G. Gael d. Director Charles S. Mondejar

16. It hears disciplinary cases involving violation of jail rules and regulations by the inmates.
a. Classification Board c. Disciplinary Board e. Security Section
b. Custodian Section d. Guidance Counseling Services
17. It is the third officer in command of the BJMP
a. Deputy Chief for Administration c. Chief of Directorial Staff e. Deputy Chief for Operations b.
Jail Warden/Wardress
d. Assistant Warden

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Institutional Correction
University of Antique

18. Jail farm or camp-houses minimum custody offenders serving short sentences with constructive work
a. Jail c. Lock-up e. Ordinary Jail
b. Work Houses d. Correction

19. Supervises the conduct of greyhound operations and inspection of jail facilities and premises
a. Jail Provincial Administrator c. Jail Regional Director e. Chief, BJMP
b. Jail Warden/Wardress d. Disciplinary Board

20. What type of jail having a population of 20 inmates or less?

a. Type B c. Type E e. Type C
b. Type D d. Type A


Direction: Read each question given then then answer it on the space provided. Wrong spelling wrong.
Answer completely.
1. It has jurisdiction over all district, city and municipal jails.
2. The Chief of the BJMP shall be appointed by whom?
3. BJMP is a line bureau and operates under the reorganized what department?
4. Means entrusting for the confinement of an inmate to a jail by a competent court or authority, for
investigation, trial/or service of sentence.
5. The term jail is derived from the Spanish word, “Jaulo” which means what?
6. Refers to a warrant issued by a court bearing its seal and signature of the judge, directing the jail or
prison authorities to receive the convicted offender for service of sentence imposed therein
7. District Jail is headed by whom?
8. The Chief of the bureau shall serves a tour of duty that must not exceed for how many years?
9. It is described as any item found on the inmate or in his possession or in his dorm that is not specifically
authorized by the rules.
10. This French word of jail refers to a place for the arrested for debt or crime and were held in custody.
11. What should be the rank of those who assist the Regional Director of the BJMP?
12. The one who is sentenced to a prison term of three (3) years and one (1) day to reclusion perpetua or
life imprisonment;
13. This office shall assist and advise the Director of the Directorate for Logistics on supply and equipment
requirements of the BJMP.
14. What should be the rank of the Regional Director?
15. The one who is sentenced to a prison term of one (1) day to six (6) months.
16. This office advises and assist the Chief, BJMP on matters relating to the formulation and execution of
correctional programs, particularly on the aspects of organization, training, operation, and planning.
17. Provincial Jail Administrator’s Office should be headed by whom?

Test III. Matching Type

Direction: Match column A to column B by choosing the letter of your choice.
Column A Column B
1. Serve as chair of the Disciplinary Board. a. Administrative Group

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Institutional Correction
University of Antique

2. Receives, distributes, and/or serve subpoena, notices, b. Property and Supply Branch
orders summons and other court processes directed to c. Admitting and Releasing Section
inmates confined in jail. d. Mittimus Computing Branch
3. Take charge of the safekeeping of equipment and e. Intelligence and Investigation
supplies and materials needed for the operation of the Team
jail. f. Violent Extremist Offender
4. Receive court decisions and compute the date of the full g. Records and Statistics Branch
completion of the service sentence of inmates. h.Subpoena Section
5. It inspect the jail facilities, the personnel and i. High Value Target
prisoners/detainees and submits reports of deficiencies j. Assistant Warden
noted. k. Personnel Management Branch
6. Provides services and assistance to prisoners and their l. Subversive Group
families to enable them to solve their individual needs m. Escort Section
and problems arising from the prisoner’s confinement. n. Ordinary Inmates
7. Those inmates who have lesser tendencies to commit o. Jail Inspectorate Section
offenses and generally pose the least risk to public p. Security Group
safety. In most cases, they may be first time offenders q. Medium Risk Inmates
and are charged with light offenses. r. Budget and Finance Branch
8. Take charge of all financial matter such as budgeting, s. Custodian Section
financing, accounting and auditing. t. High Profile Inmate
9. Those who require increased security based on intense u. Public Relations Office
media coverage or public concern as a result of their v. Security Section
offense such as but not limited to those who have been w. High Risk Inmate
involved in a highly controversial or sensationalized x. Rehabilitation Group
crime or those who became prominent for being a y. Terrorist Group
politician, government official, multi-million entrepreneur, z. Mess Services Branch
religious or cause-oriented group leader and movie or
television personality.
10. Charge of all administrative functions of the jail.
11. Those who represent a moderate risk to the public and
12. Responsible for proper system of security and control
procedures of inmates in confinement, and the
searching of all personnel and visitors entering the jail
compound to check and prevent the smuggling of
13. It collates and submits intelligence information to the
warden on the matters pertaining to jail conditions.
14. A group of persons that adopts or advocates
subversive principles or policies tending to overthrow or
undermine an established government.
15. Prepare the daily menu, prepares and cook the food
and serve it to the inmates.
16. Conduct regular custodial functions over inmate.
17. Task with the maintenance of good public relations to

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Institutional Correction
University of Antique

obtain the necessary and adequate support of the

18. Task for the assignment of personnel, procedures of
selection, preparation of personnel reports and
individual record files.
19. tasked with receiving of person committed to the jail
and other proper release of prisoners who have served
prison sentence or are released on orders of competent
courts or authority.
20. Those who are considered highly dangerous and who
require a greater degree of security, control and
supervision because of their deemed capability of
escape, of being rescued, and their ability to launch or
spearhead acts of violence inside the jail.
21. A target, either a resource or a person, who may either
be an enemy combatant, high ranking official or a
civilian in danger of capture or death, typically in
possession of critical intelligence, data, or authority
marked as an objective for a mission and which a
commander requires for the successful completion of
the same.
22. Provides a system of sound custody, security and
control of inmates and their movements and also
responsible to enforce prison or jail discipline.
23. A person whose political or religious ideologies are
considered far outside the mainstream attitudes of the
society or who violates common moral standards and
who has adopted an increasingly extreme ideals and
aspirations resorting to the employment of violence in
the furtherance of his/her beliefs.
24. A group of persons which commits piracy and mutiny in
the high seas or in the Philippine waters, rebellion or
insurrection, coup d’état, murder, stc.
25. Keep and maintain booking sheets and arrest reports,
keep an orderly record of fingerprints and photographs,
prepare and presents statistical data of inmates.
26. Produce inmates under proper guard, to Prosecutor’s
authority upon proper summons. Transfer the prisoner
to penal institution on proper order of the court or


Direction: Give what is ask.
1-4. Process of Admitting Person in Jail. In order.
5-9. Requirements for Commitment. In any order.

Instructional Material in CORR 1

Institutional Correction
University of Antique

10-13. Four major programs under the mandate of the Jail Bureau. In any Order.
14-17. Four major areas of the Bureau’s rehabilitation program. In any order
18-22. BJMP Core Values. In any order

Quiz no. 2
Direction: Read each question given then then answer it on the space provided. Wrong spelling
wrong. Answer completely.
1. The one who books the newly committed inmate in the jail blotter;
2. The one who checks the authenticity of the entries in the medical certificate; conducts thorough physical
examination of the inmate to determine his or her true physical condition; and asks searching questions
to determine injury/injuries found to have been sustained by the inmate after the conduct of medical
examination or those injuries not diagnosed prior to commitment in jail.
3. The one who coordinates with concerned agencies regarding the case of inmate for speedy disposition
and to furnish them with copies of the available needed documents.
4. It shall be organized and maintained for the purpose of hearing disciplinary cases involving any inmate
who violates jail rules and regulations.
5. The one who checks the credentials of the person bringing the inmate/the committing officer to
determine his/her identity and authority.
6. Receives the inmate and the documents from the committing officer.
7. The Chief Escort will be the one who will coordinates with the records section chief and determines the
number and names of inmates scheduled for court hearing as well as their respective destinations as
approved by whom?
8. The one who orients the newly committed inmates on jail rules and regulations using the Inmate’s
Orientation Sheet.
9. This unit examines the completeness and authenticity of the requirements for Commitment before it
refers the inmate for physical examination by the Health Unit.
10. The one who checks the inmate’s belongings for presence of contraband.
11. Inmates found to be drug users/dependents/alcoholics should be segregated from other inmates,
especially during what period?
12. Inmates manifesting signs and symptoms of depression/suicidal tendency must be referred to whom for
evaluation and management?
13. The Escort Personnel will be the one who will check the identity and receive the inmate named in the
Daily Escort Slip duly signed by the Chief Escort
14. Pregnant inmates must be referred to whom for pre-natal examination?
15. Inmates manifesting signs and symptoms of mental illness must be referred to whom for evaluation and
16. Refers to the term used by the BuCor in relation to the surprise searches.
17. It is necessary in order to safeguard the lives of people residing within the vicinity, those managing the
jails; and inmates whose lives are to be rehabilitated to become constructive members of society.
18. Refers to the term used by the BJMP in relation to the surprise searches.
19-20. For any detained foreigners, the Warden shall report it in writing to whom?
21. In transfer an inmate to another institution, the jail warden, or in his/her absence, the officer in-charge,
shall immediately notify the regional director and the court concerned within how many hours after the
inmate is brought to the hospital or from the first hour of the following day?

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Institutional Correction
University of Antique

22. Inmates who wish to view the remains of a deceased relative within the second degree of consanguinity
or affinity shall be required to submit a written request to the warden at least how many days before the
date of viewing?
23. Long distance transport of one (1) or more inmates shall be escorted by a minimum of how many escort
24. In giving of good conduct time allowance, how many days should be deducted for each month of good
behavior during detention of a qualified offender during his/her first two years of imprisonment?
25. In giving of good conduct time allowance, how many days should be deducted for each month of good
behavior during detention of a qualified offender during his/her 6 th to 10th years of imprisonment?
26. In giving of good conduct time allowance, how many days should be deducted for each month of good
behavior during detention of a qualified offender during his/her 3 rd to 5th years of imprisonment?
27. In giving of good conduct time allowance, how many days should be deducted for each month of good
behavior during detention of a qualified offender during his/her 11 th and successive years of


Direction: Write TRUE if the given statement is correct and FALSE if otherwise.
1. A jail officer need not to be accompanied in entering the inmates’ quarters to distribute food.
2. Fire does not only cause financial losses but also loss of lives and property.
3. During the moving or transportation of inmates, the latter is not allowed to tinker their handcuff.
4. Mail service shall be provided to all inmates provided that all outgoing and incoming mail matters are
passed through a designated Desk Officer in order to intercept any contraband or illegal articles and
any information affecting the security of the jail.
5. Jail personnel may discuss with the inmate the transportation plans, schedules or equipment to be used
or adopted during their moving or transportation.
6. During the inmates count, if the total jail count does not tally with the total jail population at any given
time, another count should be conducted early morning of the following day.
7. Jail officer should never trust an inmate.
8. In conducting the moving or transportation of inmates, the latter shall be notified of a trip only prior to the
departure and shall not be allowed to make any phone call.
9. Special time allowance for loyalty shall only be applicable to prisoners who are not yet given a final
judgement by the court.
10. Inmate’s count should be regularly conducted at least 4 times every other day.
11. Female inmates shall be provided with the opportunity to avail themselves of all programs and activities
as provided to the male inmates.
12. No male inmate shall be allowed to enter the female dorm.
13. LGBT inmates should be segregated with other inmates to prevent being maltreated and abuse by
other inmates and to prevent them from maltreating and abusing other inmates.
14. No male jail personnel should be allowed to enter the female dorm even in emergency cases.
15. A male personnel shall be designated to keep the keys of the female dorms.
16. Security is no longer needed in serving food inside the cells/quarters.
17. All letters passing through the scrutiny standards of the censors should bear the censor’s stamp at the
top of each page and on the envelope.
18. Do not discuss the contents of inmates’ mail with other jail personnel, except for official purposes.

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Institutional Correction
University of Antique

19. In conducting plans in case of fire or conflagration, the fire crew should only be consist of jail personnel
chosen according to the degree of the custody, intelligence, interest and training should be formed and
trained to man the firefighting truck and then be made available at all time.
20. In giving of allowances for the good conduct, the inmate shall be allowed another deduction of fifteen
days, in addition to other deductions given, for each month of study, teaching or mentoring service time
21. An appeal by the accused shall not deprive him of entitlement to the allowances for good conduct


Direction: Read each question then choose the best answer on the given choices.
1. In handling inmate who attempts to commit or has attempted to commit suicide must be transferred to a
government psychiatric hospital immediately upon issuance of what?
a. Blotter report c. Physical examination report e. Investigation report
b. Mittimus d. Court order

2. After conducting the process that an inmate should undergone under the supervision of the Records
Unit, where should the latter restore those documents gathered?
a. Inmates record box c. Inmate’s commitment folder e. Inmate’s record book
b. Inmate’s carpeta d. Inmate’s reception record

3. Medical/physical examination for female inmates shall be performed by whom?

a. Jail Wardress c. Female Desk Officer e. Female Health Personnel
b. Female Jail Officer d. Female Police Officer

4. The one who keeps all cash and other valuables of the inmate in a safety vault.
a. Gater c. Property Custodian e. Jail Warden
b. Desk Officer d. Records Unit

5. In handling disturbed or mentally-ill inmates, they should be transferred to mental institutions for proper
psychiatric treatment upon the issuance of what?
a. Blotter report c. Physical examination report e. Investigation report
b. Mittimus d. Court order

6. Who will facilitate the signing of the Detainee’s Manifestation if he/she agrees to abide by the same
disciplinary rules imposed upon convicted inmates?
a. Records unit c. Property custodian e. Gater
b. Desk officer d. Jail warden

7. The jail warden shall see to it that all concerned agencies and persons will be informed of the
commitment of the inmate in his/her jail by submitting a what?
a. blotter report c. record book e. pictures with captions
b. written report d. album

8. During reception procedure, an inmate is required to undress while undergoing medical examination.
During this process, a male inmate may be examined by whom?

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Institutional Correction
University of Antique

a. a married health personnel

b. female health personnel only
c. male health personnel
d. an expert psychiatrist personnel
e. either male or female health personnel

9. The overall concept of jail security operation involves what?

a. prevention and correction
b. correction and detention
c. detention and rehabilitation
d. prevention and rehabilitation
e. correction and rehabilitation

10. Who will refer the person to be committed and his or her escorts to the Records Unit during reception
a. Jail warden c. Desk Officer e. Health unit
b. Gater d. Disciplinary board

11. In conducting mail services and censorship, legal mail or correspondence shall be opened and
inspected in the presence of whom while intercepting for contraband?
a. Inmate c. Gater e. Jail officer
b. Censor officer d. Jail warden

12. In planning for riots and violent disturbances, this group is created to compose the initial anti-riot assault
contingent whose main objectives is to disperse the rioters and get their leaders and shall be armed
with wicker shields, protective headgears, gas masks and night sticks or batons, when these are
a. second group c. fifth group e. first group
b. fourth group d. third group

13. Any outgoing or incoming mail found to contain contraband or harmful information should be brought to
whom for immediate adjudication?
a. Classification Board c. Court e. Jail Warden
b. Disciplinary Board d. Police Station

14. In planning for riots and violent disturbances, this group is created to serve as back up force to support
the first group and for this purpose shall be equipped with tear gas guns and gas grenades.
a. second group c. fifth group e. first group
b. fourth group d. third group

15. If any currency, checks or money found in the letter during the conduct of mail services and censorship
procedure, the found item should be turned over to whom?
a. Inmate c. Trust Officer or Property Custodian e. Gater
b. Jail Warden d. Jail Officer

Instructional Material in CORR 1

Institutional Correction
University of Antique

16. In planning for riots and violent disturbances, this group is created to compose of guards trained on
proper handling and use of firearms who shall be ready to fire when the lives of the guards are in peril
on orders of the Officer-in-Command.
a. second group c. fifth group e. first group
b. fourth group d. third group

17. In conducting countermeasures during riots and violent disturbances, the second alarm shall be
sounded when?
a. after the inmates count has been conducted
b. after the Jail Warden take over the supervision from the officer in charge
c. all efforts of the Officer-in-Command had failed
d. after the inmates peacefully brought back to their designated cells
e. all procedures was successfully conducted

18. In conducting countermeasures during riots and violent disturbances, the hird alarm shall be sounded
a. all efforts of the Officer-in-Command had failed
b. conditions become critical and the disturbance has reached full scale
c. after the inmates peacefully brought back to their designated cells
d. all procedures was successfully conducted
e. after the inmates count has been conducted

19. In dealing with jail breaks, what should be conducted during the first alarm?
a. all inmates shall be locked in their respective cells while those in work detail should be marched in
an orderly manner to their cells
b. A simultaneous institution-wide count shall be made to determine the number of inmates who
escaped and their identities established
c. Radio and television stations and other news media shall be notified and, if possible, furnished with
the escapees photographs for possible publication and flashing over the television screen
d. Recovery team shall be ordered to proceed to all known liars, hangouts, residences, and houses of
immediate relatives and friends for the immediate recapture of the escapees
e. Maximum force shall be deployed for escapees found holding on an area to pressure them to
surrender and overt their movements

20. An inmate may be brought out of jail under any of the following instances, except…
a. To appear as witness in any investigation or formal inquiry being conducted by a government
b. To visit the confined family member in the hospital or clinic.
c. To view the remains of a deceased relative within the second degree of affinity or consanguinity.
d. To appear, as witness before any court of justice or prosecutor’s office during preliminary
investigation, arraignment or hearing of a criminal case.
e. To undergo medical examination or treatment in a hospital or clinic.

21. The warden may oppose the inmates request in allowing the latter to be escorted out of the jail to view
the remains of a deceased relative in any of the following circumstances, except…

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Institutional Correction
University of Antique

a. The inmate is classified as high risk, high profile, high value or violent extremist offender.
b. There is an intelligence report that the inmate will escape or will be rescued.
c. The deceased relative is lying-in-state in a place beyond thirty kilometer radius from the jail or, in any
case, where the inmate cannot return to said place during daylight hours.
d. The inmate has no record of escape or attempted escape.
e. The inmate has two (2) or more pending criminal cases or is a material witness in a pending criminal


Direction Give what is ask
1-6. Who may grant allowances for good conduct? In any order.1 point each.

Instructional Material in CORR 1

Institutional Correction
University of Antique

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