What Role Did You Take On in The Group

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What role did you take on in the group?

Did the group assign different tasks to

different members, or were a number of the tasks shared? Did the task(s) you were
assigned fit well with your natural talents, interest, and expertise? Please explain.
I am responsible for the major part of recording and editing video in the group. Also I
also acting as marketing manager in the video. Yes, some of group members assign to
find research paper and some of them responsible for directing. Yes, these tasks were
assigned fit to me since I am the only one in the group who had video edit experience
2. How does writing out a sales script differ from outlining and writing another kind
of speech, such as informative, or storytelling? What did you…show more content…
However, if the product I am going to sell do not have much advantage compare to
the similar product in the market, selling process is necessary for customer. Because
in the selling process, hiding the disadvantage and express the major advantage of
the selling product is possible. In that case, customer will tend to purchase these
9. Discuss the concept of niche marketing, and audience analysis, and why in this
particular assignment, it was critical to your success.
Right now, I am food science student and I am applying master degree of project
management. If I work on making an new food product, I need do marketing service
and a lot audience analysis. It would help me to know how customer think about the
new flavor and what kind of food they would put interest on. That could be assist to
make the new food product for the target audience.
10. Was there any conflict within group members that made it more difficult to
succeed on task? Did any group members deliver less than what was needed and
expected of them, and if so, please explain. If not, what did your group do right to
eliminate that obstacle to
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And your job is to gather as much information about it, as much you can. You
must look in different technology magazines and the newsletters of the
competitors. This may help you in getting some details about the new chip.
Other than this you can check for few details on the official website or
different blogs that are reporting on this chip. As you have an electrical
engineering background, a little information will help you in predicting
about the requirements for the manufacturing of this chip.

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Honestly, I would like to start by making a change not only about myself, also
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The factors that are important in addressing the dilemma facing Frito-Lay
were the shelf spacing, updating the portal systems, and the customer’s
desires changing in regards to eating healthier. The recommendations for
shelve spacing would be to implement daily inventory and restock the
shelves ensuring the consumers needs and want are fulfilled. In addressing
the second dilemma developing a user friendly technology system that is
friendlier version form of technology base. This system is where anyone can
access for a chance to offer their feedback so their voice can successfully be
heard and avoid those who are less technology savvy from shying away from
taking a active role within the Frito-Lay Company. The third dilemma if the
product is not selling due to the consumers needs or eatin

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