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Name: Johanna M. Gultino Grade & Section: 12 - Alexandrite Date: ___________

Topic: Cell Division ( SELF-LEARNING MODULES) WEEK 2.A
Learning Competency:
 Describe the stages of mitosis/meiosis given 2n=6 (STEM_BIO11/12-Id-f-7)
 Describe each step of mitosis
 Describe each step of meiosis
 Compare mitosis and meiosis
Do you remember the previous module's discussion of the cell cycle? Or in your 8th Grade? The cell
cycle is the orderly sequence of events that occur during the division of a eukaryotic cell. It is the process by
which a cell grows, prepares for division, and divides into two daughter cells. Interphase and cell division
are two stages of the cell cycle.
Cell division is the second stage of the cell cycle. There are two types of cell division in eukaryotic
cells: mitosis and meiosis.
Mitosis (apparent division)—is nuclear division; the process by which the nucleus divides to
produce two new nuclei. Mitosis results in two daughter cells that are genetically identical to each other and
to the parental cell from which they came.
Cytokinesis—is the division of the cytoplasm. Both mitosis and cytokinesis last for around one to two
hours. The telophase stage of mitosis is accompanied by cytokinesis. The two nuclei are compartmentalized
into separate daughter cells and complete the mitotic cell division process. In animal cells, cytokinesis
occurs by the formation of a constriction in the middle of the cell until two daughter cells are formed. The
constriction is often called cleavage, or cell furrow. However, in most plant cells this constriction is not
evident. Instead, a new cell membrane and cell wall are assembled between the two nuclei to form a cell
plate. Each side of the cell plate is coated with a cell wall that eventually forms the two progeny cells.
Stages of Mitosis
Prophase—is the preparatory stage, during prophase, centrioles move toward opposite sides of the
• The initially indistinct chromosomes begin to condense into visible threads.
• Chromosomes first become visible during early prophase as long, thin, and intertwined filaments
but by late prophase, chromosomes are more compacted and can be clearly discerned as much
shorter and rod-like structures.
• As the chromosomes become more distinct, the nucleoli also become more distinct. By the end
of prophase, the nucleoli become less distinct, often disappearing altogether.
Metaphase—is when chromosomes become arranged so that their centromeres become aligned in one
place, halfway between the two spindle poles. The long axes of the chromosomes are 90 degrees to the
spindle axis. The plane of alignment is called the metaphase plate.
Anaphase—is initiated by the separation of sister chromatids at their junction point at the centromere.
The daughter chromosomes then move toward the poles.
Telophase—is when daughter chromosomes complete their migration to the poles. The two sets of
progeny chromosomes are assembled into two-groups at opposite ends of the cell. The chromosomes

uncoil and assume their extended form during interphase. A nuclear membrane then forms around each
chromosome group and the spindle microtubules disappear. Soon, the nucleolus reforms.
Meiosis — reduces the amount of genetic information. While mitosis in diploid cells produces
daughter cells with a full diploid complement, meiosis produces haploid gametes or spores with only
one set of chromosomes. During sexual reproduction, gametes combine in fertilization to reconstitute
the diploid complement found in parental cells. The process involves two successive divisions of a
diploid nucleus.

First Meiotic Division

The first meiotic division results in reducing the number of chromosomes (reduction division). In
most cases, the division is accompanied by cytokinesis.

Prophase I—has been subdivided into five substages: leptonema, zygonema, pachynema, diplonema, and
• Leptonema—Replicated chromosomes have coiled and are already visible. The number of
chromosomes present is the same as the number in the diploid cell.
• Zygonema—Homologue chromosomes begin to pair and twist around each other in a highly specific
manner. The pairing is called synapsis. And because the pair consists of four chromatids it is
referred to as bivalent tetrad.
• Pachynema—Chromosomes become much shorter and thicker. A form of physical exchange between
homologues takes place at specific regions. The process of physical exchange of a chromosome
region is called crossing-over. Through the mechanism of crossing-over, the parts of the
homologous chromosomes are recombined (genetic recombination).
• Diplonema—The two pairs of sister chromatids begin to separate from each other. It is at this point
where crossing-over is shown to have taken place. The area of contact between two non-sister
chromatids, called chiasma, become evident.
• Diakinesis—The four chromatids of each tetrad are even more condensed and the chiasma often
terminalize or move down the chromatids to the ends. This delays the separation of homologous

In addition, the nucleoli disappear, and the nuclear membrane begins to break down.

Metaphase I—The spindle apparatus is completely formed and the microtubules are attached to the
centromere regions of the homologues. The synapsed tetrads are found aligned at the metaphase plate (the
equatorial plane of the cell) instead of only replicated chromosomes.

Anaphase I—Chromosomes in each tetrad separate and migrate toward the opposite poles. The sister
chromatids (dyads) remain attached at their respective centromere regions.

Telophase I—The dyads complete their migration to the poles. New nuclear membranes may form. In most
species, cytokinesis follows, producing two daughter cells. Each has a nucleus containing only one set of
chromosomes (haploid level) in a replicated form.

Second Meiotic Division

The events in the second meiotic division are quite similar to mitotic division. The difference lies,
however, in the number of chromosomes that each daughter cell receives. While the original chromosome
number is maintained in mitosis, the number is reduced to half in meiosis.

Prophase II—The dyads contract.

Metaphase II—The centromeres are directed to the equatorial plate and then divide.

Anaphase II—The sister chromatids (monads) move away from each other and migrate to the opposite
poles of the spindle fiber.
Telophase II—The monads are at the poles, forming two groups of chromosomes. A nuclear membrane
forms around each set of chromosomes and cytokinesis follows. The chromosomes uncoil and extend.

Activity 1. Compare and Contrast!

Directions: Compare and contrast mitosis and meiosis by completing the table below. Choose your answers
from the word bank below.
Homologues of each Sister chromatids Sister chromatids Sister chromatids separate
bivalent separate and separate, becoming separate, becoming Becoming daughter
duplicated chromosomes move daughter chromosomes that daughter chromosomes that Chromosomes that move to the
to poles move to the poles move to the poles poles
Bivalents at metaphase Duplicated chromosomes at Haploid number of duplicated Diploid number of duplicated
plate metaphase plate chromosomes at chromosomes at
metaphase plate metaphase plate
Two haploid daughter cells not Two diploid daughter cells, Four haploid daughter cells not Two diploid daughter cells,
identical to the parent cell identical to the parent cell genetically identical identical to the parent cell
Pairing of homologous No pairing of chromosomes No pairing of chromosomes No pairing of chromosomes

Meiosis I compared to Mitosis Meiosis II compared to Mitosis

Meiosis I Mitosis Meiosis II Mitosis
Prophase I Prophase Prophase II Prophase
Pairing of homologous No pairing of No pairing of No pairing of
chromosomes chromosomes chromosomes chromosomes

Metaphase I Metaphase Metaphase II Metaphase

Bivalents at metaphase Diploid number of Haploid number of Duplicated chromosomes
plate duplicated chromosomes duplicated chromosomes at
at at metaphase plate
metaphase plate metaphase plate
Anaphase I Anaphase Anaphase II Anaphase
Homologues of each Sister chromatids Sister chromatids separate Sister chromatids
bivalent separate and separate, becoming Becoming daughter separate, becoming
duplicated chromosomes daughter chromosomes Chromosomes that move daughter chromosomes
move to poles that move to the poles to the poles that move to the poles
Telophase I Telophase Telophase II Telophase
Two haploid daughter Two diploid daughter Four haploid daughter Two diploid daughter
cells not identical to the cells, cells not genetically cells,
parent cell identical to the parent cell identical identical to the parent cell

Activity 2. Multiple choice.

Directions: Read carefully and choose the letter that best corresponds to your answer. Write the letter in the
blank provided before the number.

__D_1. Which of the following does not occur by mitosis?

a. repair
b. growth
c. development
d. production of gametes

_D__2. All the following statements are correct for mitosis and meiosis except
a. Mitosis facilitates growth and tissue repair.
b. Meiosis is associated with asexual reproduction.
c. All the events distinctive to meiosis occur during meiosis I.
d. In mitosis, chromosomes line up in the equatorial plate in metaphase.

_C__3. Why is meiosis important for sexual reproduction?

a. It allows gametes to have twice the original number of chromosomes of the organism.
b. It allows the zygote formed from fertilization to have triple the chromosome number of the organism.
c. It creates genetically diverse haploid gametes which by fertilization create a diploid genetically unique
d. It allows the zygote formed from fertilization to have half the original number of chromosomes of the

__B_4. What is the function of mitosis in multicellular organism?

a. chromosomal reduction
b. general growth and repair
c. production of haploid sex cells
d. genetic diversity through sexual reproduction

_C__5. Which of the following best explains why meiosis results in greater genetic diversity than mitosis?
a. During meiosis, more daughter cells are produced which increases the likelihood that fertilization will occur.
b. After meiosis, haploid daughter cells are fertilized which doubles their number of chromosomes and increase
the number of possible genes.
c. After meiosis, daughter cells are diploid and have twice as much as genetic material which can be divided in
many more possible combinations.
d. During meiosis, chromosomes assort themselves independently of each other, which allows for more
different possible combinations of chromosomes.

Think about this: Please read the question below and answer this on the space below. (10 pts)
Question: What do think will happen if Meiosis goes wrong?
Answer here -

 Errors in meiosis can result in the incorrect amount of chromosomes ending up in germ
cells, a condition known as aneuploidy. This can cause miscarriage, however it is
sometimes tolerated. Meiosis goes wrong when the number of chromosomes may either
have an extra or lacking of chromosome which results to chromosal abnormalities
which includes Patau syndrome, or trisomy 13, which results from three copies of
chromosome 13, Down syndrome is a condition known as aneuploidy, or trisomy 21.
Down syndrome is due to an extra copy of chromosome 21, and Klinefelter
syndrome occurs when males have an extra X chromosome. Each of these syndroms
have their own distinct health conditions.

1. Raven, P. a. (2001). Biology 6th Ed. The McGraw Hill Company, USA
2. Reece, J. B. (2013). Campbell Biology, 10th Ed. Pearson Education, Inc. United States of America.
This worksheet is exclusive for DepEd Digos City use only. We welcome any comment for the improvement of
this material. Please email to for your suggestions.
Prepared by:
Special Science Teacher 1
Matti National High School

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