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June 1, 2015

Name Game

“Okay get one fourth.” Right when I heard that line when I got into the class room, I felt like my heart
came out from my chest. That line is really my weakness. It was really “Start it with a bang” kind of First
day of school. I still got a hangover last school year about the Public Speaking. I thought it was another
impromptu type of activity or Ma’am would ask us to dance, sing or act since her subject is Speech and
drama. My brain isn’t functioning that well because I thought our classes are still irregular. The activity
started and I found the game really fun. I tried my best to be prepared when they call my name and it
really tested my memorizing skills and my focus. I like the idea that Ma’am Jabonero’s giving us this kind
of activity. It’s like you’re learning and at the same time you’re having fun. And later I’ve realized that,
your focus or your thinking and memorizing skills are relevant in acting especially in memorizing your
dialogues or your lines when we’ll have a role play. You should have your focus on the character that
you’re going to portray and focus on memorizing your lines.

June 3, 2015

Zip Zap Zoom

This time I got really excited and nervous at the same time. It’s like every day Ma’am has surprises and
sometimes I get paranoid because of Curiosity. It was another activity about our focusing skills and
memorizing skills. You have to memorize some facts on the classmate beside you (either left or right).
When Ma’am will call your name and dictate any of the “Zip or Zap”, you should be alert and focus on
what you’re going to say. The fun part was the “Zoom” since we all have to change places and meet
another classmate and to memorize some facts that Ma’am told us learn. I stayed alert and tried to
think quickly though sometimes it’s kind of confusing. Like the activity “Name Game”, your memorizing
and focusing skills are important in acting since you have to enhance your brain in memorizing lines
from a script and stay focused on the character that you’re portraying.
June 3, 2015

Bahay, tao, bagyo

Two activities were done in a row. I enjoyed this activity since you really have to be active, physically and
mentally. I think the target of the activity was to get some points or get ideas in the activity that you will
relate to acting. How does “Bahay, tao, bagyo” can help in enhancing your acting skills? One should be
alert and focus so that you won’t be deducted. Same as when you’re acting, you should be aware that
the way you speak, move or look is relevant to the character that you’re portraying. An actor should
know his cue and timing so that the character that he’s portraying will be realistic or the audience will
feel that the character is coming into life. Although it was a tiring activity, it made me very productive.

June 10, 2015


This activity was done in a team. Like any other activities that’s done by a group, teamwork is really a
must. It has tested our mathematical abilities and our focus. Even though some of my classmates were
wounded, I found the game very useful. It made me realize that as an actor you shouldn’t just mind your
own characterization nevertheless you should also cope up with your co-actors or the other characters
of the story. An actor may be the main character or the protagonist but still he or she should also
connect with the other characters so that the product of the show will at least be credible.

June 10, 2015

Banana, Papaya, Issue

On this activity, it tested our skills in arguments, spontaneity and vocal expressiveness. Despite the fact
that the activity was not like “Bahay, Tao, Bagyo” or “Balat-ahas” that you need to be physically active, it
was like a breath of fresh air. I don’t know but it made my feeling light. I know it’s kind of weird why I
felt that way but it affected my ego in a positive way. Relatively you were given a chance to defend what
you like and to be free in stating your opinions on the opponent’s favourite food. The activity was
applicable to acting since whenever you’re acting you should also know what the different variations or
vocal expressions to use. Like in the activity, you’re vocal expression is different whenever you’re
boasting, defending or praising that certain material. It was fun especially when you’re just an audience.
It was an hour full of laughter and fun.
June 17, 2015

The Chain

This was another activity that is done by a group. In every team, the teacher gave us some materials and
every group should make a chain same as the chain that was presented to us. Every team has different
materials. In our case, ma’am gave us construction papers and a scissors. Before the activity started,
ma’am told us to use only what she has given to us. Since we only had a scissor we made some cuts just
like the box of pretzels and other biscuits. We decided to trade some of the construction paper since the
colours that are available in our group was limited. We were able to finish our work but none of the
team won since we were not able to match the chain. It was very confusing and challenging because the
only thing we got is the scissors. At the end of the activity, ma’am announced that it was acceptable to
borrow others material as long as we’ll use what she has given to us. The activity varies on acting since
the whole team needs cooperation so that the quality of your work or your story has an efficient rate.
Learn how to seek advice from the other actors and don’t just rely on the ideas that you know. Get other
information or suggestion to better portray a character.

June 23, 2015

Memory Game

This activity was all about testing your memory skills. So the mechanics is that the first person will add a
thing or a word in phrases such as “If I’ll go to baguio, I will bring with me my…” and so on and so forth.
For the next student, he/she will repeat what the first student said and add another thing and the
sequence continues until the last student. The hardest role was the student on the last row. He/she will
have to memorize all the things that the whole class said. The indicators were focus, memory, listening
and skills. This is a type of activity will also help you to enhance your acting skills wherein your memorize
skills will level up and it will not be hard for you to memorize your lines and cues.

June 24, 2015

Name 7

I consider this activity as a mind-dehydrating game. You should be prepared really whenever it is time
for Speech and Drama. So the mechanics was the teacher will call a student and will give a letter. Then,
as soon as the teacher gave a letter, the student should give 7 objects that start with the letter that’s
given by the teacher. It may sound easy but it wasn’t. Right when Ma’am called me, it’s like all the
objects I know faded. So I was given the letter “W” and I felt like I know nothing about objects anymore.
But I tried giving 7 objects that start with letter “W”. Speaking skills, quick thinking and spontaneity are
the indicators so I was really pressured for no valid reason. I think I got 2 or 1 over 5 in the quick thinking
because I felt like I experienced mind-blocked for a moment. I think the relevance of this activity to
acting is that you should have comprehendible lines, correct stressing and intonation and you should
know what the next thing to do is or if ever you forget your line you should know how to insert adlibs.
June 24, 2015

Quick Numbers

This is somewhat a name game like we did at the first day of school the only thing that is revised is
instead of names, numbers were used. I realized that among the activities that we’ve done, focus was
always on the rubrics which made me think that whenever you’re acting, you should always focus on the
way you will present a character. On the rubrics, memory skills, focus, listening skills and speed are
indicated. The memory skills are for the dialogues and the actor’s cue. The focus is for the actor to be
aware on what he’s/she’s supposed to do. The listening skill is for the actor to absorb the suggestions
and the advice that the mentor or a professional has given. Lastly, the speed is for the alertness of the
actor to know his/her cue and for the quickness of learning his/her role. This activity is like a childhood
game that I enjoyed since then. That’s why this activity was not that hard for me but instead I’m
enjoying the whole game as if it wasn’t graded.

June 29, 2015

Reverse Charades

This is another group activity wherein it’s like playing charades but the group should choose one
representative and he/she have to guess the given word. This is an activity that’s really easy to find the
application of the activity to acting. An actor should know how to portray his/her character well so that
the audience will know and feel what the character is going through. It was fun impersonating other
people and watching other teams play. Social awareness is indicated in the rubrics which mean that an
actor should also be an observant. In order for an actor to become a professional or be a better
portrayer he/she should know or observe the character that she will portray. Just like a crazy woman. So
that you will better present your character, you should do researches or observe how an crazy woman
act, talk or look so that it will be realistic.

June 29, 2015

Entrances and Exists

Another self-boosting activity was conducted. The mechanics of the game is that a student should pick a
piece of water from a jar. In every piece of paper, there are actions that you need to perform. There
were different kinds of things that a student will do. You should really take away your shyness whenever
you’re in Speech and Drama. You should be flexible and ready to learn. You always have to get out of
your comfort zone and try something that you’ve never done in your life. Whenever I’m in this subject I
always change my mind set to be confident for the only people that you’re facing is your classmates how
much more if you’ll be acting in front of all the other people. I was tasked to sing the “Happy Birthday
Song” while crying. Even though it will make me stupid singing a happy song while crying, I still tried and
it made my confidence boost. In acting, another big thing that you need is self-confidence. Trust in
yourself and be confident for it will make you an outstanding performer. And if you have ‘that’ kind of
face, this means that you’re willing to learn and to sacrifice just for you to be better.

June 30, 2015

Interpretative Dance

Just what we did yesterday and in coherence of what we did yesterday, this is the workshop part. We
did this activity outside of the room so it means that we are exposed to some students. If ma’am will call
our name, the student should walk in front of the circle and lead the whole group in an interpretative
dance. It was like nature-y kind of music. You should really internalize the music so that you will know
what movements to present and of course the timing. Interpretative dance for me is also like acting. In
acting, you should also internalize the character before portraying it. You should feel that you are the
character that you’re portraying. If the character is experiencing circumstances, think that you’re also
experiencing them. It’s like you’re letting your soul to enter a different body. Another similarity is the
timing. Know when to do this, when to say this and when to stop. An actor should know the time when
to give this vocal expression and deliver a line. And last but not the least is the confidence. Believe in
yourself that you can portray that character, that you can be a better actor. Just be optimistic for
negative thoughts will drag you and your performance down. In that activity, it all tested my mental,
emotional and physical attributes. Interpretative dance has really a connection with acting.

July 6, 2015

3 Changes

This activity is done by pairs. A student should observe his/her partner and then the partner will change
his/her appearance so it’s like a Spot the difference game. You should really know the first appearance
of your partner so that you won’t be confused. As for me, I think the activity is applicable to acting since
the actor should really know the character and how the story flow. You should know if the things aren’t
in a good place. Observation skills and the quickness are relevant to acting.

July 7, 2015


Another by pair activity was up but this time it took one step ahead than the “3 Changes”. So the thing
to do is the students should think of an animal doing human activities. The student should really copy all
the animal attributes while doing human deeds. It’s another hour of fun and laughter for us and at the
same time learning. I was having fun watching my classmates doing the activity. All you really need is
confidence because without that you will not be able to do the activity. As an actor, you should really
know how to put yourself in others situation similar on the character that you’re portraying. Also, know
how to look around the surroundings or society so that if you’ll be given a character that is related to
politics it’s not hard for you to act like. Just be flexible and have a passion to learn.

June 13, 2015


This activity was not new to me but at the same time I’m never really good at this. This activity is same
as you’re telling a joke but in a different way. The mechanics of the activity is that the teacher will give
as an object then we’ll use the object different from its original application. It was not that hard but not
that easy too. Though some of my classmates had great ideas and they’re really good at the activity. I
think the application of the activity to acting is that an actor should at least know other actions or the
creativity and having a wild imagination. This is not for the actor alone but this is also for the director or
the scriptwriter to go beyond the things that is not cliché instead to explore new things to help enhance
the whole presentation.

July 8, 2015


The time when I was going to school, I can already feel the nervousness and became anxious because of
the activity that we will be having at the Speech and Drama Class. I did practice for my piece but still I’m
not that confident that the outcome will be good. Thoughts came rushing to my mind that I might forget
the next line or maybe I’ll not give justice to the piece. When I entered the room, I can feel the heavy
atmosphere that is surrounded. I can feel that everyone’s nervous including me. I started writing my
name and the rubrics in a ¼ sheet of paper and I felt that I was stuttering and my hands were really wet.
I’ve said to myself “Whatever might be the outcome just be contented. At least you’ve presented.”
Ma’am started calling names and I was starting internalizing my character. Although I had 50% chance of
calling my name I still continued releasing the tension between my whole body and just be optimistic.
I’m whispering to myself Ï can do all things through Christ that strengthens me”” to at least lessen the
baggage I’m lifting. When ma’am told me that it was my turn, I said to myself that it’s now or never. I
chose the declamation piece “The Plea of an Aborted Fetus” for the emotions in that piece is already
given and I think it has a lot of gestures to deliver. Along the whole presentation, my hands were really
shaking and I kind of forget the next line. I was pressured because I have a classmate with the same
piece so I really did my best in that presentation. After my performance, all the baggage that I’m lifting
was gone. It was a breath of fresh air indeed. Same as the interpretative dance, declamation is really
connected in acting. Rather acting is really part of declamation. It’s like a small show but the only
character is you. All that I’ve learned in Speech and Drama was credible and worth it.
July 20, 2015

Three Person Story

This time we were given a chance to make a story with a little twist. Ma’am made a team consisting of 3
students. The mechanics of the activity is that the tem should make an impromptu story and every
student should site 3 words then the story will flow. There was never a time that I never got nervous
whenever we’re doing activities. Right when it was our turn, all I did is to just have fun and forget the
tension that’s build in my body. The indicators were the listening skills, quality of the story and quick
thinking. These are related to acting since you as an actor should know the flow of the story and be alert
also for the scriptwriters to have a better quality of a story.

July 21, 2015

One word story

This activity is same as the “Three Person Story” but in this case the student should state one word only
in any dialect he/she wants to use. It was hard getting a good quality of story since you should consider
the idea of your team. You should really find a way to connect the words you’re saying. The indicators
were still the same and the relevance were still the same. Just like the other group activities,
cooperation is really important whether in the activity or in acting that an actor should know the flow of
the story and be alert also for the scriptwriters to have a better quality of a story.

July 22, 2015

Four words story

This activity is also related to the “One word story” and a team consists of 4 students. The added twist is
that in a word that the student may state should also come up with a gesture or pose like a sculpture. A
team should have the balance on the overall look of the sculpture. Ma’am will give a question and we
should answer it in only 4 words. It was pretty challenging especially the words are limited and the
overall look should have balance. The rubrics were the same also the similarities or the application of
the activity to acting. Where an actor should know the flow of the story and be alert also for the
scriptwriters to have a better quality of a story. Also the actor should know how to balance the work
with the help of the cooperation of the whole team.
July 28, 2015

History Lessons

This activity is like the previous activities like the one word story, three words story and four words
story. I wasn’t around but I heard the mechanics were the same but the only thing that is changed was
that you’ll invent or make a story about how or when the certain thing is invented. The rubrics are quick
thinking, confidence, listening skills and quality of story. The significance of the game is to perform the
improvisation “History Lessons” and to develop your listening skills.

July 29, 2015


The mechanics of the game is that the whole class should make a picture or a scripture. Ma’am will call a
student and that student will pose and so on and so forth. The scripture should be balance and have a
story or sense. The indicators were confidence, ensemble and quality. The relevance of this activity to
acting is like the relevance of “four words story” activity.

July 29, 2015


This activity became my favourite. It’s very fun and you got to bond with your classmates especially we
are all music lovers. The activity is like the competition in the movie Pitch Perfect called “Riff off”. The
only difference is that we don’t have to butt in to the opposite group. We were given a category and
we’ll sing a song that is related to the category as many as possible and the whole singing thing
shouldn’t have gaps. The activity is similar to acting since we should have a teamwork to have a better
result and to have our focus and awareness on the whole presentation.

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