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2 3 16 6 8 20. a 23. 26 No, 2310272022-RaR Government of india Ministry of Power ‘Sram Shak Bhawan, Ra ar, ‘New Dat, 17" February, 2022 ‘Secretary, NNRE, Govt of Ici, New Dah Secretary, Minty Of Pots, Shiping And Watornays, Govt of nia, New Deh Secretar, Minty of Povooum and Natural Gas Secretar, Dept of Science & Techroogy. Govt of ria, New Deh Secretary, Minty of Heavy Industries, Gow of ini, New Del ‘The Charparzon, Cental Eleetraty Athorty, Sew Bhavan, RK. Puram, New Dah “The Secretary, Cental city Regulatory Commission (CERC), New Deh Principal Sectotare/Seertarie (PowerEnerg)) fal State GovermentVTs Secretaries of Al Sate Etcriciy Regulation CommissionslJERCs, CCharran'GMDs of at PSUs under adminisratve contol a Minsty of PowerMINRE CChaimantGMiDs of all PSUs under administrative contol of Kins of Ptleum and Naturat Gas CChatmantoMs ofa PSUs under adminstatve contoat Dept of Science & Technology (GMO, SECI, New Det (Coss of Discoms/Gencos of al Sate Governments (CMO, 1EX LTD New Deh & MDICEO, PXIL, Mumbai 1G, Associaton af Powe Producers, New Deh President, FICCI House No, Tansan Marg New Oath President, Cl, New ath President, PHOCCI, New Dh [ASSOCHAM, Chanakyapur, New Det Member, PRAYAS Enerey Grovp, Pune 1G, Electe Power Transmission Assocation (EPTA\, New Dalh (Charman Indian Wind Power Aasooatio, New Dalh Charman, cian Wind Turan Manufacturers Association, Naw Da Decor General, National Solar Energy Federation of ria (NSEFD, New Dah Subject: Gren Hydrogen Policy - regarding, SiiMada, Hortble Prime Minsler launched the Natonal Hyérogen Mision on Indla's 73th Independence Day (i. 15th August, 2021). The Mission ams to asthe government in meeting Hs cate targets ane making Inia a greon hystogen hub 2 In ie with the above announcements, a Green Hydrgen Poley have been tamed by ‘Government of Ida for compliancsimplemeniaton by al he concerned stakeholders. 3. The Greon Hyragen Poy provides asunder ‘There is an increased consensus around the wo that concerted stops noed obo token te reduce ‘lot warming to loveless than 2°C ana possible fo capi at 1.5°C higher than presndusta TovelsVarous counties neve pledged thar Netonaly Determined Conon in order ease nora transition and reduce emissions. Mos yge economies incucing India hare commited t et {ero forgets. Trenton fo Green hydrogen and Green Ammonia isan o the mapr requirments for reaveton of emissions, especialy inthe nara to aba sates. Government o ina have ad under ‘Consideration a numberof paley measures in ede f facitate the varson tan fssi vel / oss ‘uel based feed stacks to Groen Hijregen / Green Ammonia Both as energy cats and as chemical teed stock forlferet sectors. Afar careful consideration, the Governmenof Ine have decded as ‘olows: 1. Groen Hyrogen / Green Ammonia shal be detned aé Hycrogen / Ammonia produced by way of eco of water using Renewable Energy. cuding Renswable Energy whieh has boon banked andthe Hytogea/Ammanaproduesd fram biomass 2. The waiver of interstate transmission charges shal be granted for» pered of 25 years f the producer of Green Hydegen and Green Ammania fam the projets commissioned before 50" tune 2025, ‘3 Green Hyaregen / Grean Ammonia can be manufactured by a developer by using Renewable Energy ftom a corocated Renawatie Enorgy plat or sourced ftom a remotely located Renewable Energy plants, whether eat uo bythe same developer, oF @ it pay or procured ‘aneiable energy from the Power Exchange. Groen HydogerVGreen Ammonia plants willbe ‘ranted Open Aocess for sourcing of Renewable Eneay wihin 15 days of recap of apotcation ‘ompinto inal respects. The Open Access charges shal be in accordance wih Rugs 9s lid ‘on 4 Banking shal be ported for 9 pelod of 30 days fr Renewable Energy uses for making Groen Hyerogan /Green Ammonia ‘5 The charges for banking shal be as xe by the State Commission which shal at be mere Pan the cost aeronta between Ove sverage ton of renewable anergy bought by te aistbudon Ieenseo during the provous year andthe average markt clearing price (MCF) inthe Day Awad Market (DAN) during the mont in which the Renewable Energy hasbeen barked. 6. Connecti, atthe generation end and the Green Hycregen / Groen Ammonia manutstuing ‘ond, to the [STS for Renewsbie Energy capacity setup for the purpose of manufacturing Geen Fydrogen / Green Ammonia shall be granted on pry under te Elec/ty (Transmesin ‘system planning, evelopment and recovery of ner Sato Transmission charges) Rules 2021 7. Land in Renewable Energy Parks can be altod forthe manufecture of Geen Hycrogen / Green Ammonia, 18 The Government of in proposes to sot up Manufcturing Zones. Green Hyarogen / Groen Ammonia prosucton plant can beset vpn any ofthe Menufecuring Zanes. 8. Manuactures of Green Hydrogen / Groen Ammonia shal Ge alowed fo setup bunkers near Ports for starege of Green Ammonia for export / use by shpping. The land forthe storage purpose sal be provsed by the respective Port Autores at applcable charges 10 Renewable Energy consumed fr the production of Green Hydrogen / Green Ammonia shot ‘count towards RPO compiance of the consuming endly. The renewable energy consumed Deyn obligation ofthe pracucer shal count wards RPO compliance of the DISCOM in nhose 2180 te project is cated 11, Distibution eensees may also procure and supply Renewable Energy to the manuctres of Green Hyrogen/ Green Ammonia in th States. In uch cases, the Distbiton lenses shal ‘onyy charge the cast of procurement as wel! 35 the wheeing charges and @ mall margin as

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