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1- Discuss in pairs the importance of logos for companies.

It communicates information about the business
The face of a firm / the first thing customers may notice
It is more than an image. It is a point of recognition for customers.
It is an important part of the brand and makes a significant impact on a company’s public
perception/ the foundation of your brand identity
It conveys professionalism / a sign that can make the customer judge whether the business
is professional, trustworthy, and reliable or not.

2- Using the benefits and the importance of logos for a company formulte sentences
starting with the words/ expressions given

Rarely can a business be professional without a well and cleverly desighned logo.
 On no account will the firm be trustworthy without a logo.
 Not only ... but also
 Not only is the logo the face of a business but also it is its identity.
 Never does a company build a good reputation without customers’ trust.
Here you find more examples
Here are some negative adverbs and adverb phrases that we often use with
Hardly Hardly had I got into bed when the telephone rang.
Never Never had she seen such a beautiful sight before.
Seldom Seldom do we see such an amazing display of dance.
Rarely Rarely will you hear such beautiful music.
Only then Only then did I understand why the tragedy had happened.
Not only ... but Not only does he love chocolate and sweets but he also smokes.
No sooner No sooner had we arrived home than the police rang the doorbell.
Scarcely Scarcely had I got off the bus when it crashed into the back of a car.
Only later Only later did she really think about the situation.
Nowhere Nowhere have I ever had such bad service.
Little Little did he know!
Only in this way Only in this way could John earn enough money to survive.

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In no way In no way do I agree with what you're saying.
On no account On no account should you do anything without asking me first.

3- Have you ever looked at logos and wondered what their meanings were or what
inspired the designer? Here are logos that you see almost every day and what they

represent; in groups of 3/4, guess the messages they can involve.

1- Watch the videos and find out

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- the reasons why Nike and Nestle reputation is at stake ; which may lead to the
downgrading situation of any company. NIKE NESTLE
Their reputation is at stake/ in danger simply because
 they don’t respect the minimum age of work/ they employ children
 the workers work for long hours and are not well paid
 unsafe working conditions
 low employee satisfaction
Other reasons may harm the reputation of a company
 Bad customer service
 The business does not honor its promises/ no credibility/ lack of
trustworthiness/ irresponsibility
The results:
 losing customers
 Falling sales
 Spending a lot of money and time for the company to regain its good image “
It takes a lifetime for a company to build its reputation but just one
minute to lose it”
 “Redeeming an organization's image is more difficult and costly than losing a
good sales deal. If your reputation, as a business owner, is already ruined, then
you will have a hard time fixing the damage that this will cause to your entire

2. Discuss in pairs and guess the main elements that contribute to the building of the
corporate image / reputation.
Classify the following terms in the flow chart : corporate reputation- image- identity-
reliability- responsibility-

1. Read the article then answer the questions below.

1. If you want to become successful in running your business organization, you have to make sure
that you take good care of your image and reputation through effective corporate branding. Bear in

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mind that even the most formidable business establishments can be brought down after facing a
controversy. And this is considered to be extremely damaging as it has been proven that redeeming
an organization's image is more difficult and costly than losing a good sales deal. If your
reputation, as a business owner, is already ruined, then you will have a hard time fixing the damage
that this will cause to your entire organization. Here are a few reasons why a good corporate
reputation, image and branding is extremely important for your business: 

1. Corporate branding is an effective promotional and marketing tool. If you serve your
customers excellently, then expect them to always remember you. You will receive good
feedbacks and this will help you generate more customers. Majority of the public will start
spending their hard earned money on your products and services, but that will only happen if you
are good enough at performing what you have promised to your previous customers. Another
great thing about having a good corporate image is that you will no longer need to spend a
significant amount of time trying to convince your potential customers to try out what you
offer. Your previous customers who are greatly satisfied with your service will become your
unofficial spokespersons. This will transform your business into one of the most trusted and
respectable organizations.  

2. A good corporate branding strategy put into action will reflect your credibility and integrity.
Since your reputation is also your identity, you have to make sure that you brand your organization
in the most credible way. Bear in mind that if your organization does not have credibility and
integrity, then a lot of people will have a hard time believing you. It will also be extremely difficult
for you to prove your integrity if the public hears your previous clients talking negatively about the
services of your company. Because of this, you need to be very careful in performing all of your

3. A good corporate brand establishes confidence, loyalty, trust and stronger customer
relationship. When establishing an untainted corporate image, it is not enough for you to avoid
scandals and controversies. It is also important for you to make sure that you meet the expectations
of your clients. In order for you to effectively brand your organization and build an even better
image, you need to constantly observe excellence and perfection. This will allow your clients to
feel a stronger sense of security. It will also be easier for you to build an even stronger relationship
with them. You can even expect them to recommend your business to the people that they
know, thereby allowing you to expand your market. 

Match the words with their appropriate meanings.

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Feedback b a. Something that is not spoiled especially by a situation that could
have caused damage.
Spokesperson d b. Comments about how well or badly someone is doing something
which are intended to help them do it better.
Controversy e c. Become larger in size and filling more space.
d. Someone whose job is to officially represent an organization in
Untainted a
dealing with journalists for example.
Expand/ expansion c e. A disagreement about a public issue that a lot of people have
strong feelings about.

 With reference to the text, explain:

The type of benefits a company can get from having a good reputation.
 Saving time and money on marketing as customers will be free spokespersons and recommend
your business to the people that they know, thereby allowing you to expand your market. 
 Satisfied customers will always remember the business
 You will receive good feedbacks and this will help you generate more customers
 you will no longer need to spend a significant amount of time trying to convince your potential
customers to try out what you offer.
 This will transform your business into one of the most trusted and respectable organizations.  
 To be competitive
 Stimulating sales
 Attract more and more investors

. Encourage the business to be more innovative and creative

 Attract customers/ loyal customers/ feeling of security towards the brand

 The result: A good corporate brand establishes confidence, loyalty, trust and stronger customer

C- Find in the text the synonym of

Efficient §1 = effective

Be cautious §1 = bear in mind

Persuade §2 = convince

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Trustworthiness §3= credibility

 Fill in the blanks

 identify products and services
 positioning and differentiation
 create and communicate their identity
 the mental representations
 new products and services
 through consumer loyalty
 between consumers and organizations

Nowadays, businesses use the brand to................C................................, building their image. Brand image
a successful brand is a valuable business asset because consumers ................A..........................though the
respective brands. Brands provide the basis to business......................B...................... Brand image creates
associations that lead to positive attitudes and feelings that are transferred to the business. Furthermore,
a strong brand image allows the creation of ........E.....................................because of the synergetic effects
that derive from that.

Brand image refers to a holistic perspective of the brand, and

highlights ..........................D........................that the individual has about the product or service. As such, it
will guide a future development of a possible bound.........G............................................., not only at an
emotional level, but also at a behavioural level, that has its highest
expression..................F............................., and on the willingness of the consumer in paying a premium

 Fill in the table with the appropriate word forms

Behave behavioural Behavior

//////////////////////////// controversal controversy
trust Trustful Trust
trustworthy trustworthiness
expand /////////////////////////// expansion
succeed successful Success
produce productive Production/ productivity/
product / producer

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In a short paragraph, summarize the benefits of a good corporate image using sequence

The ideas that you need to do the writing are provided above (in green) in answer B.

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