Teks Individual Video Niky

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Introduce your name, home university, what you major in, host university, what you’ve just studied
in the host university
Hi, fellas. My name is Niky Aulia Putri and you can call me Niky. I am from Mulawarman University
located in Samarinda, East Kalimantan. I am currently studying biology. As one of the IISMA awardees,
I studied for one semester at Daugavpils University and took some biology courses here.
2. Pre-departure IISMA experience :
• First time heard about the program
Okay, now I'm going to tell you a little bit about my pre-departure IISMA experience. IISMA program,
I know this program through my Study Program Coordinator, Mrs. Herliani, who always supports her
students to participate in excellent programs organized by the Ministry of Education. After hearing this
program, I was curious and looked for more about IISMA through social media and participated in
some socialization held.

• Whole experience during the application process until final result

The journey to become an IISMA awardee is quite long. I can said that I went throught long effort but
I really enjoyed the process. First, I consulted this program to my parents and my Study Program
Coordinator. Once I felt confident, I tried to take an English certification test as one of the requirements
of this program. I took the Duolingo English Test. Thank God, my grades are fulfilled and I continue
to prepare the required documents. I collected the document through the MBKM website and worked
on the essay.
I'm trying to do this file selection carefully. Then, I wait for the results of the file selection for about 1-
2 weeks. At the announcement of the first selection, Thank God I managed to qualify and continue to
the interview stage. I got an interview scheduled on the third day. I immediately practiced by preparing
for some general interview questions, practicing in front of the mirror, and practicing repeatedly.
The interview went smoothly, I was in the interview room for about 15 minutes. The interviewer asked
about my essay, the culture in Borneo where I live, and my college life during this time. I was able to
answer the question well and I'm back waiting for the final result. I very much remember, the
announcement appeared on the MBKM website around 2 am in the morning. Then, the next day the
Head of the International Office at my University also sent the names of awardees who passed the
IISMA. I feel very grateful to be able to be a part of this program and plan what I will prepare for the

• Preparation for departing

The preparation for my departure was to make sure I was completely healthy and ready to go study
abroad. In addition, I also prepared a list of items that I will bring there. Not to forget, the process of
making a visa and visa interview with the Latvian Embassy in Japan has also been done.

• What you remember the most and most difficult process you experienced
Between the whole long process I went through, there were two difficult processes that I went through.
First, during the interview preparations, I had a bit of an obstacle when my laptop was damaged so I
had to go back home and collect my first selection documents. In addition, the visa management I did
in Jakarta which was originally through the Latvian Embassy in China had to be changed to the Latvian
Embassy in Japan. But thank God I was able to get through that difficult process.
3. During arrival IISMA experience :
• Quarantine experience, first impression of host country and university
Upon arriving in Daugavpils, one of the regions in Latvia, we self-quarantined in the dormitory from
September 6 to September 14. Then, when the quarantine ended, we immediately did an antigen test
and all awardee has negative Covid-19 results. The International Office at Daugavpils University
welcomed us well, they took us around Daugavpils, we took a leisurely stroll and enjoyed the
atmosphere of the city. Miss Liene and Miss Ilona show us university buildings, university buildings in
the faculty of natural science and mathematics, and the environment around campus. In addition, we
were also invited to come to a shopping center called Maxima to buy daily necessities in the dormitory.

• Any culture shock and how to overcome it

The difference between Indonesians who often smile and when crossing paths with Latvian people they
seem cold and rarely smile except with people they know. At first, we were very surprised and now we
are used to it. How to overcome the culture of shock is to maintain behavior and be polite, especially
as students from other countries.
4. During your studies IISMA experience :
• How did you first settle with the course and classes you took
Not long after the quarantine, our college schedule came out. The first course we took was Latvian
Language where we learned the basics of speaking Latvian. In addition, for biology courses themselves,
lecturers take us to tour around the university to study directly in nature about relevant and related

• How the lecture practice and style differ compared to what you’ve had back to your home
I found some differences in teaching techniques between lecturers at Daugavpils University and at my
home university. Some of these points are like how they interact with students, how they bring material
so that students can understand the material through examples and independent practices carried out.
Especially, from my case as a biology student related to living things and the environment, examples in
nature are very necessary and I get during my study here as IISMA awardees. I went to the forest, took
samples, then did research on those samples in the lab, looked for relevant journals, and presented them
in front of the class.

• Did you need to change your study habits or pace during your study abroad?
Obviously, I had to adapt to how the model of learning and teaching here. Unlike the group assignments
I often get at home university. Here they collaborate group task and individual tasks in a balanced
manner. In addition, I also studied with some international students who took their master's degrees, so
I had to put myself well.

• Did you have mid or final exam? How was it? What did you need to do to get good grade?
For some courses there are exams, and for other courses we do individual presentations as for final
grades. All I do is maximize studying the material I've been getting, doing the exam well, and preparing
and presenting my presentation well.

• After class activity that you did individually or along with other IISMA awardees for culturally
understanding specifically on Indonesia to your international fellows and professors?
After class, me and another IISMA awardees usually gather with international students, talk about our
respective countries, exchange opinions about one or two things, or just play together in a lake or place
in Daugavpils. In the winter, once or twice, we also played snow our biology lecturers to unwind after
our observations and international journaling.
• If you can go back in time, what you will change throughout your studies activity? The habit?
Classes? Campus club/organization? Any other activity?
If I could turn back the time, the thing I want to change is that I should be able to explore more of the
historic places in Latvia. I have visited several museums and historical places in Latvia, such as the
National Art Museum in Riga, Riga Motor Museum, Turaida, Jurmala Beach, Rundale Palace, Salaspils
Concentration Camp, KGB Building, and others that really make me more interested in the cultural and
historical side of Latvia. Therefore, if I can turn back the time, I want to make a list of places that I have
not visited and come to visit.

5. After your studies IISMA experience :

• Tell one thing that really affects you after finally accomplishing IISMA program by studying
One thing that really affets me when I finish this IISMA program and study abroad is going to a country
especially studying really opened my mind and made me feel small and want to learn and explore more.
I felt like it spurred me to become a better version of myself.

• What’s your most memorable experience from being a part of IISMA awardees
Many memorable and unforgettable experiences for me as part of IISMA awardees. The most
unforgettable thing is being able to study with international students from various countries who also
studied at Daugavpils University and operate laboratory tools that I do not have at my home university.

• What’s your most valuable thing you have earned as an IISMA awardee
The most valuable thing I got as an IISMA awardee was how I could adapt, hone my English skills,
accept the very different cultural differences between eastern and western cultures, and get a chance to
study in one of the countries in Europe that had been my dream since childhood.

• What aspects (cultural, academics, social, etc) from your host country and university that you
hope to be implemented in Indonesia and your home university?
For academic aspects, I hope that universities in Indonesia, especially my home university, can facilitate
laboratories that are in accordance with the focus of their respective fields. This is very important and
supports the research that students will do. In addition, teaching and learning techniques that strengthen
the interaction of lecturers and students are also very helpful for students in understanding the material

• How will you implement those changes in aspects after your completion of the program later
after your arrival in Indonesia and your home university?
Some of the changes that I conveyed above, can be applied at my home university one way through the
cooperation between home university and my host university in Latvia. For example, I can be a bridge
between Mulawarman University and Daugavpils University and it can be easier because I have studied
for 1 semester here and know some lecturers and international offices here.

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