Teks Presentasi Ictrops Miltovil

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Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh
Good afternoon, my name is …. as the representative for todays presentation under the title
“Economic Empowerment of the Kampung Muang Ilir Through “MILTOVIL” (Muang Ilir
Ecotourism Village” for the 5th ICTROPS (International Conference For Tropical Studies and
It’s Applications” that held in Mulawarman University.
The team of today title are Niky Aulia Putri, Teguh Pribadi, Imam Wijayadi, and Mrs. Zenia
Luthfi Kurniawati

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(Muang Ilir Village)
Kampung Muang Ilir located in Lempake Village, North Samarinda Subdistrict,
Samarinda City, East Kalimantan has a good geographical location so it has a lot of tourism
potential that can be developed into an ecotourism village to help the regional economy.
Road access that must be taken to this area can be categorized quite well, it's just that
its location at the outer end of Samarinda City requires promotion to the community related to
this village. Kampung Muang Ilir has a diversity of natural wealth including vast expanses of
rice fields, there are lands planted with corn, chili, oranges, and eggplant. Kampung Muang Ilir
is also traversed by the Karang Mumus River or better known as SKM. In addition to the
diversity of natural wealth, there is a wealth of culture in this village, such as the creation of a
special cucuk manik in Kampung Muang Ilir.
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(The Place and Time of the Implementation)
The time and place of implementation of this study is in Kampung Muang Ilir and was held
from January until February 2021.
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(The Technique of Data Collection)
The data collection techniques of the study consist of observations, questionnaire
deployments, interviews with locals, and documentation.
Conservationis done to see the potential of nature both internally and externally as well
as existing and unavailable facilities and infrastructure around the village.
Questionnare contains questions about public knowledge about the existence of
potentials in the village, as well as suggestions related to the development of potential in the
Data and information in interviews are used to find out the potential in the village.
Data retrieval is also taken through internet, journals, thesis and thesis as well as other
materials related to this research. Metode documentation aims to be evidence that the
constituent has carried out research through electronic and print media.
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(SWOT Analysis)
• Strenght: The strength of Kampung Muang Ilir is the attraction of natural scenery,
plants, and the Karang Mumus River.
• Weakness: The absence of adequate public facilities such as toilets, shelters, rest places,
public transportation, and parking spaces.
• Opportunity: tourist attractions in muang ilir village such as river stacking, economic
potential, and potential job opening for the local community
• Threats: threats of environmental destruction, use of trawlers, forest fires, and floods.

Based on a survey of research through questionnaires conducted, data shows 100% of the
community agrees and supports the development of kampung muang ilir into an ecotourism

(Samarinda’s People Knowledge of Kampung Muang Ilir)

In 53 respondents, 71.7% of the people did not know the village of Muang Ilir and 15.1% of
the people had visited muang ilir village.

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(Promotive Aspect That Can Be Carried Out)

Digital platforms have a very large role to strengthen the promotive aspect of ecotourism
villages in Kampung Muang Ilir. Various ways and techniques used in advancing ecotourism
in Kampung Muang Ilir, including using various promotions such as advertisements,
brochures, and exhibitions. Along with the development of technology, promotion can utilize
new media, namely social media as a way to promote Kampung Muang Ilir as an ecotourism
village. Promotion through social media can increase the economic empowerment of the
community because it can create business opportunities, such as through Facebook, Twitter,
Instagram, WhatsApp, Youtube, and other social media.
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(Muang Ilir Development Strategy Become The Ecotourism Village)

The first block is: Intensive Utilization Block

The second block is: Limited Utilization Block

The third block is: Protection Block

Intensive utilization blocks are divided into core zones and support zones. Core zone
itself consists of several aspects such as revamping road access, retribution and parking,
availability of public transportation, and the existence of public facilities such as toilets, huts
or shelters, information centers, and places of worship that are needed once in helping the
construction of Kampung Muang Ilir into an ecotourism village.

Support zone consists of souvenir stall cucuk manik, local culinary, rice mina, rice
bridge, and vegetable museum. Cucuk manik is a typical Kalimantan souvenir, local culinary
is certainly one of the supporters, along with the use of rice fields into rice minas, the
construction of rice fields bridges, and vegetable museums which is the first idea to be held in
East Kalimantan.

Limited utilization blocks are activities that can be done on this block include special
interest tours with research purposes. The area that can be used on this block is empty land that
is near the rice fields. On this block in the form of a plant nursery.

The protection block is a flora and fauna preservation area. Covering the river area and
the riverbank of Karang Mumus.

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