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8 June, 2011



1. Emerging trends in International Commercial Arbitration

2. Legal Theory of International Commercial Arbitration
3. UNCITRAL Arbitration Rules 2010: A Comparative Analysis with UNCITRAL
Model Law on International Commercial Arbitration
4. Enforcement of Foreign Arbitration Awards
5. The recent IBA Rules (May 2010) on taking of Evidence in International Commercial
6. A Comparative Analysis of Institutional Arbitration versus ad-hoc arbitration
7. Online International Dispute Resolution with Case Studies
8. Anti Arbitration Injunction in ICA Proceedings
9. Legal Regime for International Commercial Arbitration proceedings in Asian
10. Jurisdiction and ethics issues in International Commercial Arbitrations.
11. The choice of law concerns in an international commercial arbitration.
12. International commercial arbitration versus litigation in courts
13. Effective drafting of international commercial arbitration clauses
14. Governing Law and Dispute Resolution Clauses
15. Ascertaining the content of applicable law in international commercial arbitration
16. Lis Pendens and on Res Judicata in International Commercial Arbitration
17. Cultural barriers in business terminology, practices and International Commercial
Arbitration when negotiating and conducting business overseas.
18. Development of international investment arbitration
19. The Role of New York Convention in development of International Commercial
20. Domain name dispute resolution procedures
21. Should India become a party to ICSID: Impact on development of International
Commercial Arbitration in India
22. Intellectual Property Law Dispute Settlement on the Edge of International Commercial
23. Designating the appropriate forum - how to accurately pinpoint which forums will
provide fair and reliable outcomes
24. Minimizing potential risks by proceeding under a bilateral or multilateral treaty instead
of a contract
25. Exploring circumstances in which non-signatories may be brought into or join the
26. Oil and Gas Dispute Resolution: Issues and Concerns
27. The advent of International Arbitral Institutions in India: Impact on India’s Arbitration
28. Confidentiality in International Arbitration: Can you keep a secret?
29. Developing Best Practice in International Arbitration: Witness Statements
30. Role of practitioners in international arbitration
31. The law applicable to the extension of arbitration agreements to third parties
32. Insolvency and Arbitration: Conflict of Laws questions
33. The laws applicable to interim measures in International Commercial Arbitrations
34. Conflict of Laws in International Arbitration – An Overview
35. Future Challenges in International Commercial Arbitration: Progress and Pitfalls
36. Judicial Intervention and the Role of Local Courts in International Commercial
37. Issues of Independence and Impartiality in International Commercial Arbitration
38. Judicial Supervision in International Commercial Arbitration -- Lessons Bhatia
International Case
39. Current Issues in Promoting International Commercial Arbitration in SAARC
40. Impact of Different approaches – adversarial and inquisitorial processes on
International Commercial Arbitration


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