General Biology Module 2

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Module 2

The Plot of Existence:

Prokaryotes and Eukaryotes
(Science CELL-ebrities)

Most Essential Learning Competency:

Distinguish prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells according to

their distinguishing features. (STEM_BIO11/12- Ia-c-3)

Classify different cell types (plant/animal tissues) and

specify the function(s) of each. (STEM_BIO11/12- Ia-c-4)
Describe some cell modifications that lead to adaptation to carry out
To the Learners
specialized functions. (STEM_BIO11/12- Ia-c-5)

As we aim to make distance learning seamless and effective, here are some rules and
tips to maximize learning and productivity in a new normal setup.
1. Establish a routine. Set up a timetable to plan and schedule your task.
2. Find a comfortable workspace. Choose a specific place in your house that is free from
distractions, this will keep you focused and will increase your productivity.
3. Get yourself prepared. Prior to starting your modules, make sure everything is ready and
organized. Follow carefully all the contents and instructions indicated in every page of this
4. Self – care. Avoid feeling tired. Get up occasionally to take short breaks to either grab a snack
or close your eyes while taking deep breaths.
5. Ask questions. If there are items in the module that you cannot understand, do not hesitate
to post your queries.
6. Reflect and practice. Analyze the posttest and create a personal conclusion of the lesson.

In this module, you will establish understanding of cell theory, cell structure and functions.
Specifically, this module helps you to:
 distinguish the features of prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells and its functions;
 describe some cell modifications that carry out specialized functions;
 classify different cell types (plant/animal tissue) and specify the functions of each; and
 identify the functions of each cell types.
In reference to the module title, we will accomplish the module following the elements of
telling a plot. The elements will be revealed as you course through the concepts of this
module. Enjoy the story of our Science CELL-ebrities…

Directions: Read the questions carefully. Write the letter of the correct answer on the blank
provided before the number.
_______ 1. What type of cell contains nucleus, mitochondria and chloroplast?
A. plant cell C. paramecium
B. animal cell D. fungi
_______ 2. Which type of cell process occurs after cell division where the newly formed
cells are structurally modified so that they can perform their function efficiently
and effectively?
A. cell division C. cell modification
B. cell proliferation D. cell growth
_______ 3. What are the two MAIN categories of cells?
I. prokaryotic III. epithelial
II. eukaryotic IV. Ciliated
A. I and II C. I and IV
B. III and IV D. II and IV
_______ 4. Which of the following statements is TRUE?
A. Eukaryotic cells have a nucleus.
B. Prokaryotic cells have a nucleus.
C. Both cells have a nucleus.
D. Neither of them has nucleus.
_______ 5. Which of the following statements is TRUE?
A. Prokaryotic cells are bigger than eukaryotic cells.
Looking Back
B. Eukaryotic cells are bigger than prokaryotic cells.

C. Both cells have the same sizes.

Brief Introduction
D. Their sizes cannot be determined.

There are two kinds of cells, which are different in size and structure. Bacteria and archaea

consist of prokaryotic cells, whereas all other forms of life (protist, fungi, plants, and animals)

are composed of eukaryotic cells.

Eukaryotic cells are distinguished by having a
Activity 1 membrane-enclosed nucleus, which houses most of their

DNA. The word prokaryote means “before nucleus”, reflecting the fact the fact that prokaryotic

cells evolved before eukaryotic cells.

EXPOSITION: Mapping the CELL-ebrities

Objective: Distinguish the features of prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells and its functions.

Directions: Study the table of comparison below. Be familiar with the parts and functions of a
bacterial cell. Parts and functions of the animal and plant cells were discussed on the previous
module. Answer the concept map by filling out the empty boxes.


Without nucleus and membrane bound With nucleus and membrane bound
organelles organelles
Consist of multiple linear chromosome in the
Consist of single, circular DNA molecule
Flagella are made up of peptidoglycans Made up of cellulose, chitin and pectin
Carbohydrates and sterols are not found in Carbohydrates and sterols serve as receptors
the plasma membrane on the plasma membrane
Small in size Large in size
(0.2 – 2 µm) (10 – 100 µm)
Cell division happens through BINARY
Cell division takes place through MITOSIS

Figure 1. Bacterial Cell

A. Fimbriae –attachment structure on the

B. Capsule – jelly like outer coating
C. Cell Wall – rigid structure outside the cell
D. Nucleoid – region where the DNA is
E. Plasmid – facilitate the process of
G. Ribosomes – synthesizes proteins
H. Flagella – responsible for locomotion
I. Plasma membrane – membrane enclosing
Figure 2. Plant Cell
the cytoplasm
J. Cytoplasm – responsible for cell growth and

Figure 3. Animal Cell



Objective: Classify different cell types (plant/animal tissues).

Direction s. Below are captured images of different sample

tissues as observed under a microscope. Identify what cell
type is being shown in the captured sample tissues.
Complete the table below. Compare the parts of prokaryotic
and eukaryotic cells by putting a check mark if the part of the
cell is PRESENT and a cross mark if ABSENT.

Slide 1. ___________________________

Slide 2. _________________________ Slide 3. _______________________ Slide 4. ____________________

Cell Wall
Cell Membrane
Central Vacuoles
Golgi Apparatus

Activity 3 CLIMAX: Roller Coaster Analogy
Objective: Describe some cell modifications in plants that carry specialized functions.

All life form felt the compulsion of natural selection and strive to occupy new terrene, the
advancements in both structure and function were a necessity. They evolved with modified
structures (evolution) to fit with the essentials of the habitat. Progress in structure and function
developed complex life-supporting systems th at are more adaptable and permit the organisms’
special freedom for migration in fringe territories. Furthermore, respiration, photosynthesis, and
protein synthesis are common examples of complex chemical phenomena that are present
around and within us constantly.

Each plant species is unique, all share a standard structure: a plant body consisting of leaves,
roots, and stem. All of these transport water, minerals, and sugars produced through
photosynthesis through the plant body in an exceedingly similar manner. All plant species also
counter environmental factors, like light, gravity, competition, temperature, and predation
Cell modification (specialization or differentiation) is a process that occurs after cell division
where the newly formed cells are structurally modified so that they can perform their function
efficiently and effectively.

As you course on this activity, you will identify the following cell modifications in plants that
carry specialized function.

Directions: Place the correct letter sequence in the empty boxes. Number 10 will be your baseline
guide for your numbered letter, so make sure to answer number 10 question first. Word bank is
provided for additional reference.

1. This is actually a modified epidermal cell of the roots. It absorbs more water and mineral salts by the
help of its hair-like structure.

2 10 9 6 4 3
2. These are cells in between a stoma. They are specialized in such a way that the cell wall in the inner
side of these cells is thicker than the outside. These cells are responsible in opening and closing of a
9 5 12
3. It is made up of long cells joined to the end. Its function is to transport water and minerals from the
roots to other parts of a plant as well as to provide support to the whole plant hence enables a plant to
stand erect.
8 1 12 3
4. These cells are very important for plant since they help them to make food. It absorbs sunlight for

6 5 12
5. These are found on the roots of plants, primarily legumes.

2 11 3 8
6. They are bacteria that fix nitrogen after being established inside the root nodules.

6 6 9
7. It is a symbiotic association between a green plant and a fungus.

4 6 9
8. It is a term which describes any relationship or interaction between two dissimilar organisms.

6 12 6 12
9. A vascular tissue responsible for the transport of sugars from source tissues

3 8 1
10. A actually a process that occurs after cell division where the newly formed cells are structurally
modified so that they can perform their function efficiently and effectively

4 8 3 3 1 2 5 6 7 6 4 9 10 6 2 11 12


phloem root hair cell guard cells xylem vessel

palisade cell symbiosis root nodules rhizobia

mycorrhiza cell modifications


 A single-celled organism, is unicellular, unlike a multicellular organism that

consists of multiple cells. Unicellular organisms have two standard classifications:
prokaryotic organisms and eukaryotic organisms.
 There are two standard classifications of cells: eukaryotes and prokaryotes. The
cells of eukaryotes possess a nucleus, but the cells of prokaryotes do not. The
prokaryotic cells are naturally small-scale and simpler than eukaryotic cells. Cell
membranes and cytoplasm can be seen in prokaryotic cells but do not possess
nuclei. All bacteria are prokaryotes. Escherichia coli, which resides in your
intestines is an example of prokaryotes, and Staphylococcus aureus, which can be
a source of some skin infection. Despite that they are relatively simple and tiny,
prokaryotes are in participation in every activity associated with life. They develop,
replicate, and respond to changes in the environment. Unlike the cells of
prokaryotes, the cells of eukaryotes do contain nuclei and other organelles
performing specialized functions
 A polymer known as peptidoglycan and also called murein makes up most of the
bacterial cell wall.
 A large structural polysaccharide known as chitin, are produced from chains of
modified glucose. It can be seen in the exoskeletons of insects, fungal cell walls,
and some hard structures in fish and invertebrates.
 Water-soluble carbohydrate substances such as pectin, are found in the cell walls
and intercellular tissues of certain plants. Plant fruits pectin helps keep the walls of
adjacent cells unite together.
 The process of cell division depends on the cell types. First, binary fission occurs
in most prokaryotic cells produces two identical cells, and classified as asexual
reproduction. Second, meiosis is the type of cell division that produces egg and
sperm cells. Lastly, mitosis is a basic process for life. A cell copies all of its
contents and structures, including its chromosomes and divides to form
two identical daughter cells produces two distinct cells.

Objective: Compare and Contrast Animal and Plant cell

Directions: Imagine yourself in the biology laboratory doing microscopy. You prepared slides of
hydrilla for your plant cell sample and cheek cell for your animal cell sample. You viewed the
following samples under a compound microscope. Create a Venn Diagram highlighting the
difference of plant and animal cell in terms of features and organelles.

Figure 1. Plant Cell (Hydrilla) Figure 5. Animal Cells (Cheek Cells)

Directions: Write your answers on a separate paper to be attached in this module.

1. What is the main difference you see in the two samples?
2. What structure/s is/are very distinct in the two samples?
3. Why do you think cell wall and cell membrane are essential to plant cells?
4. Why is the cell wall not present in the animal cell?

Directions: Read the questions carefully. Write the letter of the correct answer on the blank
provided before the number.
_________1. Based on cell size and complexity, which type of cell do you think reproduces at a
faster rate?
A. prokaryotic cell C. both A and B
B. eukaryotic cell D. neither A or B
_________2. What specialized cell is responsible for opening and closing of the stoma?
A. xylem vessel C. phloem
B. palisade cells D. guard cells
_________3. Plant cells are best examples of autotrophs. What part of the plant cells helps
in cell growth by absorbing water and nutrients?
A. food vacuole C. transport vesicle
B. central vacuole D. All of the above
__________4. Which specialized cell is being described as the modified epidermal cell of
the roots?
A. root hair cell C. guard cell
B. root nodule D. xylem vessel
_________5. Which of the following would be examples of prokaryotic cells?
A. bacteria and archaea C. animals and paramecium
B. plant and algae D. animals and plants

Write down your thoughts that are

significant in achieving a desirable
LOOK IN: FIND A SPACE IN module output.

LOOK OUT: LOOK OUT YOUR Write a description of your situation that
SURROUNDING.ASSESS THE affects your emotions and hinders you to
CURRENT SITUATION achieve desirable output in
accomplishing this module.

Detailed description of How would you deepen Connect some of your How would you serve
the concept you are your understanding in learnings to the current others in reference to
most interested with. situation right now. the knowledge you
the concepts your most
interested with? gained in accomplishing
the module?

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