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Step 1: Call Planning Checklist

1). Look at the customer's website and/or print ad(s) if these exist and try to
determine the main focus areas of the business. Are there any potential Gaps or
Opportunities for improvement?

What do they sell? (products & services)

Note: Make note of all of the potential headings/categories that may apply
Think about what the business sells and all of Also, think about other potential ways
the ways they make money: they could make money:

Speedfit is a time-efficient, incredibly revolutionary program based on your own speed.

discover the most satisfying and exhilarating workout.

Who do they sell to? (Target groups)

(Residential, Commercial, Industrial…also Demographics, Men, Women, age groups, etc.)
Mens and womens 18+

What do their potential customer's "Care about"?

Look at this business from the POV (point of view) of a potential customer, specifically what
factors would they consider for that type of business when deciding which company to choose?
(example: response time, selection, experience, guarantees, warranties, etc.)

Next: Put a checkmark next to each buying factor the business owner has on
either their website, print ad, or business profile.
Then, Circle each buying factor that is NOT on their website, print ad, and/or business profile
Finally, Prioritize the MOST IMPORTANT buying factors by order of importance based on what the
potential customer might care about. This will help you to develop your questions in order of
importance for both the Call Opening and the Needs Analysis.
Are you able to determine their unique selling proposition?
If this cannot be determined before speaking with the customer, it is an opportunity to ask the
question during the sales call. Once you have lowered the business owner’s guard and have
gained credibility you can assist the customer to come up with a strong USP. In many cases,
this will help you make the sale!

UPS- Offering a program or system that will stop the client to count their calories,
checking heart rate and spending hours training to get the body you always wanted to
2). Develop 2 to 3 specific and significant questions for the Approach/Call Opening
and appointment setting.
Call Opening Questions that are:
- Specific (to that type of business and industry) Have you worked with a digital marketing
agency in the past? If so, what was your experience like? What was the outcome?

Significant (in terms of the potential money for that sale) What are some of the most
common difficulties experienced by your customers? LIKE STOCKS AVAILABLITY,etc

Closed-Ended (where it would be difficult to say “no”) What actions do you typically want
your audience to take after seeing your content?

What marketing metrics do you currently track?

The key to this step is to develop two to three questions that you would be able to use during the
Call Opening for both setting appointments and also when you are interacting with the business
owner to help you transition from the Call Opening to the Needs Analysis Step.
This is one of the most effective ways to build credibility quickly during the Call Opening
and to lower the business owner’s guard—especially in cases where the business owner
throws out an objection or concern.
In addition to developing two to three Specific and Significant questions, you should also develop a
transition phrase that will allow you the opportunity to go from the Call Opening to the Needs

It should sound something like this:

“Mr. Business Owner, my name is __________ with ___________media company and the reason for
my call is that I was doing some research on your HVAC company and based on some of the services
you provide on your website, we may be able to help you attract several more air conditioning
service calls per month. If you don’t mind me asking, generally speaking, how quickly are you able
to respond when someone’s air conditioning system breaks?” Are your trucks fully stocked? Are you
able to do most repairs in one visit in most cases?”
If the answer is let’s say within two hours or less in most cases, you can ask a follow-up
question to establish the desire for more business and a transition phrase that might
sound like this:
“Mr. Business Owner, based on your ability to be able to respond that quickly in most cases, are you
able to take on more of this type of business? The reason for my questions is that we may have
several potential ways to help you attract more of those potential customers. If you’ve got a few
minutes, I wanted to ask you just a few more questions that may help you become a better choice
for many potential customers the next time they are in need of an air conditioning contractor. Would
it be okay to ask you another question about your emergency service?”

Note: This should be the minimum planning/prep done before talking to an

advertiser/prospect…as your skills improve it should take approximately 10 minutes.

Note: Other effective Call Opening approaches are using “User Examples” showing how a
potential customer may might need their product or service in a real-life situations and/or
bringing up some type of trend in their industry (known as a “trend analysis”) where you are able
to demonstrate your knowledge to establish some credibility.

3). Develop Needs Analysis Questions (this should be done separately for each of the main
focus areas of the business) Note: The goal here is ask the same questions that their potential
customers might ask before they would buy their product or service. Don’t move to the next
focus area…UNTIL YOU’RE SOLD!!!
At a minimum, it is important to find out:

-The main focus areas of the business (top products/services in order of priority)
-Demographically & Geographically (who their trying to target and where)
-What are the buying factors their potential customers care about (Key selling points)
-Unique Selling Proposition-why the company would be the best choice
-Amount of business the company wants/needs (based on capability/capacity)
-Establish Business Needs/Objectives in order of priority (#’s of sales and $ amounts)

Main Focus Area (1)


Second Possible Focus Area (2)


Third Possible Focus Area (3)


Note: It is highly recommended that you spend at least 10 min developing 2 to 3 Call
Opening questions. An additional 10 to 15 minutes to develop additional industry
specific questions that encourages the business owner the opportunity to “sell you”
on why their potential customers should choose them over their competitors.

NOTE: Print out existing vertical questions & fact sheets if available.
4). Conduct 2 to 3 Google searches for specific products and/or services
including their geographic area to see if they are ranking well currently.
Google Search Phrase 1st page position?





Note: This should take approximately 10 minutes
(Maps) to see if they have placed their own
6). Also check Google Plus Pages
information. If so, which categories:





If not: Be prepared to discuss this with them how you can help them get listed for
free - As well as other SEO Tips based on their own website:
SEO Tips:
(Example: Title Tags, Content Above the fold, Contact info, etc.)

Note: This should take an additional 10 minutes

Check the Dashboard Results: (if applicable)

Other potential Gaps/Opportunities with current Ad Program:


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