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COMM200 Public Speaking

Speech 3 Outline
Purpose Statement: To persuade my audience on why parents should not spank their children

Thesis Statement: You frequently hear more, and more everyday about how a mother or a father
accidentally killed a child of theirs because they spanked the child for a small misbehavior. This is
becoming more, and more of a problem.


Attention Getter: Parenting children is a very difficult task, it is one of the most challenging things that
anyone will ever encounter. The reason I want to talk to you today about the proper ways of discipling
children is because a lot of people do not realize the harm in spanking young children ur even yelling at
them. I will first discuss what parents can do to deal with a misbehaved child, and then why resulting in
spanking a child is more harmful mentally to a toddler than taking the time to discipline in a more
effective way.

Overview of Main Points: Spanking which can be defined as hitting a child with an open hand or a cane,
is a common form of discipline still being used on children worldwide. However, to date, spanking has
been banned in 53 countries, and states globally. The use of spanking has been hotly debated over the
last several decades. Supporters state that it is safe, necessary, and effective, while opponents argue that
spanking is harmful to children, and it violates their human rights to protection. Research clearly shows
that spanking is related to an increased likelihood of many poor health, social, and developmental
outcomes. These poor outcomes include mental health problems, substance use, suicide attempts, and
physical health conditions along with developmental, behavioral, social, and cognitive problems. Equally
important, there are no research studies showing that spanking is beneficial for children. Those who say
that spanking is safe for a child if done in a specific way as it would seem, are simply expressing opinions.
And these opinions are not supported by scientific evidence.

I. Quick question, how can you get your child to put on his/her coat when he/she refuses to do so in the
middle of winter? A. Yell at them “Put your coat on NOW!!” B. Time out for not listening? C. Do not let
him/her go outside D. Let him/her go outside anyways?

A. Learning natural lessons is ten times more effective than any other kind of method of discipling.

B. By having a routine in place everyday is a great, and effective way you can get your defiant child to
do as you ask because they already know what comes after launch time it’s then nap time.

II. Although we understand that a lesson learned are sometimes through great difficulty, some parents
result to the spanking method or hitting them on the back of their head as a good source of discipline.

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A. All spanking does is cause humiliation in child

III. The scientific evidence from these studies has consistently shown that spanking is related to harmful
outcomes for children.

A. This has been best demonstrated in two landmark meta-analyses led by Dr. Elizabeth Gershoff


1. We discussed how a parent can discipline their children without having the need to spank them.

2. Parents should also know the kind of words that comes out of their mouth to their children because
words can also prove to be harmful as it can affect the child mentally.


Afifi, T. O., University of Manitoba and, Elisa Romano, &University, o. O. (2017, Oct 30). Why parents
should never spank their children. The Canadian Press Retrieved from https://search-proquest-

Block, Nadine. “Should Spanking Be Banned?” The Center for Effective Discipline. N.p., June 2008.Web.
25 July 2012.

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