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The House of Life “Per Ankh”

Initiatic Teaching in Ancient Egypt

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Dr. Guillermo Calvo Soriano

“The House of Life”,
admirable term used
to designate the “Great School”,
“the Pure Place” where
the Egyptian Wise learned
to discover the Secrets of Life.
The House of Life,
inaccessible place, reserved for
the Pharaoh and Scribes
and Ritualists Initiated
to the Mysteries of Osiris
since the Old Kingdom.
Specialists in Cult and Religious
Doctrine, Architects, Doctors,
Astronomers, Magicians
and experts in foreign languages
were trained in the House of Life.
Imhotep Creator of the Pyramid
The House of Life Per Ankh The House of Life, in Egyptian:
Per Ankh, is an Institution
dedicated to Education
at its most advanced level,
also functioning as a Library,
Archive and Manuscript
Copying Workshop.
Its headquarters was
the Royal Palace, but
it functioned in a part
of the Temple or within
the Palace area. Every major
city had its House of Life,
Heliopolis, Amarna, Edfu,
Memphis, Philae, Bubastis, and
Abydos. There the Egyptian State
was conceived.
Templo de Medinet Habu
Impression Seal
with “Per Ankh”

Plan of the House of Life at Tell el Amarna - Akhetaten,

next to the Archives of the Royal Administration.
“The House of Life” is a Center
THOT HORUS dedicated to creating
the Egyptian Civilization
S N and infusing it with Life.
Building guarded day and night,
NEFTIS ISIS high walls protected its secrets,
where knowledge was kept and
E hidden, if deemed necessary.
The House of Life whose text says: Isis on one side, Nephthys on the
other. Horus on one side, Thoth on the other. These are the four
corners. Geb is the ground and Nut is the roof. The four outer bodies
are made of stone and completely surround it. The ground is sandy.
The exterior is connected with four gates in total, one to the South,
one to the North, the third to the West, and the fourth to the East.
The House of Life must be very secret, mysterious and invisible.
Only the Solar Disc sees in its Mystery...
It is a building of Cosmic character. The Creator reigned there.
Medinet Habu Temple
The supports of the roof
are Ouas Scepters
“Power and Strength”
and Ankh “Keys of Life”,
signs linked to the symbolism
of the Celestial Mountain
that serve to form the Name
of the Milky Way
in the Pyramid Texts.
The House of Life
is therefore Heaven on Earth.
Here you will discover
the Sacred Archives that contain
the Secrets of Heaven and Earth,
expressions of Divine Light
preserved since
the Birth of Light.
Banner of OSIRIS
Stele of the
Scribe Mehu
and the Priest

The Center of the Square Courtyard of sandy soil is occupied

by a Shop that Houses the Symbol of Risen OSIRIS. Here
the Pharaoh is Initiated into the Supreme Mystery,
that of Life in Eternity. In the Secret Sanctuary of the House of Life,
his Resurrection was prepared, in the Library the Initiates
worked on the Mysteries. Thanks to the Sacred Texts
OSIRIS could revive every year in his Festival and
the Science of the Resurrection was transmitted to Men .
The House of Life allows us to reach the Origin of Everything,
as it is an Evocation of the Original Hill, the first Emergence
of the Manifest World outside of the undifferentiated.
All the Egyptian Sanctuaries are a symbol of this Primordial Hill,
the House of Life further translates this idea by being the Center of
Life on Earth directly in contact with the Center of Life in Heaven.
That Mysterious institution possessed Sacred Knowledge.
Sechat, Scripture, is the Sovereign
of the House of Life with THOT.
Reigns in the Formulation
of the Sacred Language, is Patron
Saint of Writing and Geometric
Traces and Makeup, participates
in the Creation of the Temple,
watches over the Sacred Writings:
the Rituals, the Royal Annals,
that is, on the hieroglyphic memory
of Egypt. The enigmatic Sechat
wears a Seven-pointed Star
on her head, and that Star
is the Gate of Divine Light,
while Seven
is the Number attributed
to the Mysterious Origin of Life. Goddes Sechat
THOT, in Egyptian, DJEHUTY is the Sovereign of the House of Life,
husband of Sechat. He is in charge of watching over the Laws,
the Sacred Texts and the Divine Language, of which he is the author.
He is the Regulator of the Sacred Time in which Rites and Liturgies
take place. DJEHUTY Write in the service of the Ennead,
the Messenger
of Light.
Great, according
to the texts,
the Greeks
with the figure
of Hermes
He is the Symbol
of Cosmic
Intelligence DJEHUTY y Sechat - Abydos
Great Cat of Heliópolis


Next is the goddess Mafdet, whose characteristics are difficult

to establish; she is probably a Fierce (perhaps a Panther)
with violent instincts. Her mission is to protect the King
and dominate the Serpent. Mafdet possesses the Creative Force
and manages to dominate the Dark Forces of Matter and integrate
them into a Royal Order. The Panther, her incarnation,
took care of the House of Life, getting rid of the defilers.
Finally we find as Lord of the House of Life
a HORUS who is called
“Elder in the House of Life”,
“Lord of Words” and “Creator in the
Library”. It is an unequivocal symbol
of the “Wise Old Man” that all traditional
civilizations know and that, using symbolic
culture, teaches the Novices the spiritual life.
This HORUS is the Initiator par excellence,
the One who introduces the Disciples
to the understanding
of the Sacred Scriptures
and to learn to manipulate HORUS
the Energy of the Word. “Ancient in
The House of Life”
Who are the Members
of the House of Life?
In the first place,
the king in person, who goes
to the House on several
occasions to meet
with his closest collaborators,
be they religious
or administrative.
The most important Ritual
of the Institution has as its
objective the conservation
of the life of the king and the
perenniality of the Monarchy,
the Ritual
of Regeneration of the Pharaoh.
Pharaoh Ramses the Great

The other Members of the House of Life are “the Followers of RE”,
the Faithful of the Light, who have learned to discover it among the
multiple forms of Symbolism and to transmit it to their successors.
The Followers of RE and the Followers of HORUS form a Spiritual
Fraternity that communes in the same Truth and sustains the Living
Forces of Egyptian Thought, rigorously chosen personalities,
who have overcome the barriers of egocentrism and rationalism
to undertake the Journey towards the Universe of the Gods.
One of the most enigmatic Priests of the House of Life was called
“The Bald One” and, faithful to HORUS, watched over
the Resurrection Rites of OSIRIS. According to a text from Dendera
he is sitting on a reed mat and wears a Panther Skin .
Another distinctive sign is the lock of Lapis lazuli hair,
material charged with great divine potential.

Priest “The Bald One”

Stela to the God Ptah of Chedsounéfertoum
Royal Scribe Excelent. Great of the Craftsmen
of The House of Life. Memphis
Royal Scribe Excelent.
Great of the Craftsmen
of The House of Life. Memphis
Cube Statue.
Theological texts were created in the House of Life, since Theology
is the “Mother of all Knowledge”. “Theology” does not mean
“Discourse on God” but “Words of God”. The Masters
of the House of Life aspire to transcribe divine thoughts
in hieroglyphs and to manifest them through symbols.
All the Temples receive mythological texts that define
their own nature and insist on a certain aspect of the Revelation.
The Initiate was exercised in the writing
of the Rituals and in the Symbolic
Decoration of the Temples.
Already Master of his Science
and his Art, he trained his Disciples.
The House of Life is a microcosm where
the Symbolic Organization influences
the real Organization of the World.
The Priest of the House of Life is not
limited to perceiving the Divine Laws ,
also participates in them and,
like the Alchemist, accelerates its
Evolution and intensifies its Dynamism.

OSIRIS statuette
named “Life”
The Scribes of the House of Life
give Hieroglyphic Courses,
reveal the Sacred Books, teach
the “Program of the symbolic
scenes” that must be engraved,
painted and drawn on the walls
of the Tombs. Here you will be
taught the Scripture
of the House of Life, made up
of Signs that are so many
Elements of Knowledge,
Symbols charged
with Magic and Mystery.
On the Just Scripture depends
the Brilliance of the Spirit.
The Scribes of The House of Life
If you believe that Hieroglyphs are just pictures and sounds,
you will never understand. In truth, they contain the Secret Nature
of Beings and things, the most subtle essences.
The Sacred Language is a Cosmic Force, it created the World.
Only the Pharaoh, the First of the Scribes, is capable of mastering it.
That is why his name, per-aa, means “the Great Temple”.
Hieroglyphs do not need men, they act by themselves.
You must be respectful with the texts that you discover or transmit,
because they are much more important than your little person.
The Pharaohs come in search
of the ancient plans of the
Royal Tombs that are part
of the State Secrets,
to faithfully perpetuate
the Tradition. Here the
jubilant Word is elaborated,
where one lives from
Righteousness, where one
knows how to distinguish the
words.In the Sacred Library
of the Houses of Life we find Works that have in common to guide
the Researcher towards Knowledge. They are Works
on Medicine and Surgery, Treatises on Mathematics and Geometry,
Astrology, Architecture, Sculpture and Painting Manuals,
Rituals, Mythological Stories, Magic,
Indispensable Books for other artistic forms. So many riches
that an entire existence is not enough to discover them.
Peftchaouaneith Chief Physician
of The House of Life. Abydos
Paanmeniou Chief Physician of Upper and Lower Egypt
Mastaba of Akhethétep Inspector of the Physicians
of The House of Life. Saqqara.
Akhethétep Inspector Inspector of the Physicians
of The House of Life . Saqqara.
Hieroglyphics of extreme fineness
engraved on the stone advise
“Vigilance and Perseverance”.
The House of Life of Heliopolis kept
“The Souls or the Powers of Light”,
that is, the Secret Archives
dating from the Golden Age.

The Sacred Library of the House of Life contained thousands of

papyri, among them the first version of the Texts of the Pyramids,
valuable books of embossed Gold and another of Silver that
preserved the Decrees of Creation of the Brotherhood and its Temple.
Various Essential Texts, such as the Book of Festivals and Ritual
Hours, the Book to protect the Sacred Boat, the Book of Offerings and
the Inventory of Ritual Objects, the Book of the Stars, the Book toward
off the Evil Eye, the Book of Going Out
into the Light, the Book of Brilliant Magic
and the Manuals for the Symbolic Decoration of Shrines and Tombs.
In a vast Hall lit by numerous
smokeless oil lamps, carefully placed
in their pigeonholes, the papyrus scrolls
and tablets dealing with all aspects
of the Science of the Ancients:
the Great Book containing
the Secrets of Heaven, of the Earth
and of the Star Matrix,
the Book to understand the Words
of the Birds, of the Fishes
and of the Quadrupeds,
the Dictionary of Hieroglyphs,
the Book of the Secret Forms
of the Divinities...
Scribe Pesshuper
Secret Rituals, Celestial Maps, the Compilation of Magical Formulas,
the Wisdoms written by the Ancients,
The Book of the Nile, the Prophecies, the Treaties of Alchemy,
the Calendar of the Secret
and Public Feasts,
the Manuals of the Ritualists,
the List of the Pharaohs
and Annals of the Royalty,
the Keys to the Interpretation
of Dreams. The Sacred Texts
are direct Emanations of the God
of Light and they perpetuate
that Light, they constitute
an Authentic Sacred Language
with which the Creative Force
of the Word is expressed through
Sounds, “Creative Agents
of the World”. Scribe of the Cairo Museum
In the House of Life of Heliopolis were kept the Books
that contained the Mysteries of Heaven and Earth,
the texts of «Transformation into Light»,
which allowed Travel to the Other World.
That Place where the Joyful Word
was elaborated, where the Word was lived,
where the Words were distinguished giving
them all their meaning,
the Pharaoh meditated, read and created
the Rituals that the Permanent Priests
were Perfecting over the ages.
Vision of Unknown Realities,
paths of an Unpublished Knowledge...
“The House of Life is the past,
the present and the future of Egypt;
pick up his teaching and you will see,
as I have seen...”
Pharaoh Seti I Pharaoh Seti I
Pharaoh Seti I

The House of Life works at its usual pace.

The Ritualists verified the Texts that would be used
in the celebration of the Mysteries of Osiris, the State Magicians
tried to put an end to bad luck and dangerous powers,
the Astrologers fine-tuned their Forecasts for the following month,
the Physhician prepared Potions... The Laboratory
of the House of Life taught the Secrets of the Pharmacopoeia,
they also operated a kind of Sanatoriums.
Egyptian Symbolic Thought
is inseparable from Art,
so it is not surprising
that the House of Life
is the basis of the Construction
of the Temples.
It points out to Master Builders
and Artisans
the “Fair Way of Doing”
and teaches them to Incarnate
Divine Forces in their Works.
The Art of Ancient Civilizations
is not an imitation of Nature
but a way of understanding
Tchenti the Creation of the Nature
Superior of House of Life in its Primordial Function.
IV Dynasty. Saqqara
Kames Director of Builders. 18th Dynasty.
Wall Relief.
Ramsesnajte, was the Scribe
of the Sacred Books in the House
of Life and Head of Construction in
the Temple of AMUN, west of Thebes.
The Construction of the Temple
goes through the Elaboration of Man,
which is only effective through
the Knowledge of the Sacred Books.
“The Great Masters
of Creative Work”, Stone Specialists
liked to wear the simple and old title
of “Carpenter”.
Râmés, Chief Scribe of the Works West of Thebes.
Royal Tombs of Ramses II. Deir el-Medineh
Stela of The Chief of the Craftsmen, Scribe and Sculptor Irtysen
“We must spread All the Words”,
recommends Ptahhotep, “so that they
may never perish on this Earth.”
Egypt believes that outside
of the Transmission of the Word there
is no possibility of Salvation;
the Texts of the Gods
are the Way of Realization of Man,
the Lights that mark out his Path.

Scribe Pesshuper
High Theban Officer.
red quartzite
Putting it into practice
translates into a “Medicine”
of an extremely special nature,
since it consists of protecting
the Life of the Gods on Earth
and reinforcing their Influence.
With the Commemoration
of the Divine Names
and their in-depth study,
the Priests of the House of Life
increase the Forces necessary
for Life which, without
their constant intervention,
would dry up the Earth
and darken the Sky.
Wizard Controller
in The House of Life. Hermópolis
The Ritual itself was conceived as destined to maintain and
strengthen the Divine Life in the Terrestrial Bodies of the Gods.
It supposed the production in our World of the attention
that the Gods received in their own World.
The Rite acts in the manner of a “Yoga”, of a liberating yoke.
The Human Soul is truly
healthy and cured
of its insufficiencies when its
Transformations correspond
to the Eternal
of the Divinities.
All the Work of the Initiates
who act in the House of Life
is oriented towards
the Liberation of the Spiritual
Realities that they carry
within themselves.
All the men.

Sarcophagus of Petosoris Ushabti of Nefer

A Priest of AMUN
of the Offrings
The House of Life
3rd Dynasty
Higher of the Offrings
The House of Life. Saqqara
3rd Dynasty
En la Casa de la Vida se organizan las tres
funciones principales de un Lugar Santo,
sea un Gran Templo o pequeño Santuario.
La primera es la Celebración de
la Ofrenda que garantiza un intercambio
de “corriente permanente”
entre el Cielo y la Tierra;
la segunda es la Práctica de los Símbolos,
esos Ojos de Dios grabados en las paredes
y en las columnas de los Edificios;
la tercera es el hecho
de “hacer Hablar al Mundo”,
es decir, participar en su Dinamismo.
Mediante estas tres Operaciones,
los Sirvientes de la Casa de la Vida
destacan no sólo
El Faraón Pimay
la Actividad incesante de los Dioses,
con la Corona Blanca
sino también el modo en que éstos crean.
con Jarras de Ofrenda
“The Words of God”
put into circulation
a Magic Force of Creation,
a Current of Energy that,
despite the time barrier,
speaks directly
to our Spirit and our Heart.
The House of Life
is a School of the Primordial,
the place where the Spirit is
extracted from the Ensemble
of Human Activities,
the Center of Sacred Culture
where the Force of the Gods unfolds,
the Fraternity where Men discover
Stela of Iményséneb the Flame of their Immortality.
Team Controller. Abydos
“Man is mud and straw, writes the Wise Amenemopé. God is
the Quarry Boss. Every day he tears down and builds up”.
The House of Life recognizes this alternation of Construction
and Destruction, studies the Message of the Celestial Architect
and allows Man to overcome the duality of Day and Night. It
teaches the Path of the Heart, assimilated to the Consciousness, that
Path that in an absolutely Natural way takes the Divine Direction.
Bring Light and Clarity to the Darkness, recommends
“The Book of the Night”, open the Gate of Heaven in the Western
Countries, place the Torch in the Country of the Damned.
Gain each day something more of Reality, something more of Truth.
Decipher the Dark World of Forces not yet controlled by Man,
Venture into the Unknown, Food of the Gods.
Piramidón of Ptahmes and Ânânya
Director of the Builders
La Casa de la Vida. 1295-1069.
Ramesside Period. Saqqara

In Chapter 67 of “the Book of Coming to Light”

there is a passage that summarizes very well
the Ideal of the Man who has participated
in the Rituals of the House of Life:
“The Depths have been opened
for the Inhabitants of the Primordial Ocean,
the Path has been left Free for the Inhabitants of the Light.”
The Effort of an Initiatic Community tends to avoid Immobility,
to “Free the Path”. Heaven subsists thanks to Movement,
Earth offers us a Succession of Mutations; if the Spirit of Man
lives in Harmony with the Eternal Realities,
He is also the Center of Metamorphoses oriented towards Unity.
Only the House of Life was enabled to build a Bed near
which the Udjat, the Complete Eye, a symbol described in Chap. 69
of the “Book of Going Out into the Light”,
where the Initiate declares: “I have come to save myself.
I settle on the Bed of Rest of OSIRIS
to expel the evil that afflicts it.
I am Powerful, Divine on the Bed of Rest of OSIRIS,
I Came to the World with Him.”
The presence of RE, the God of Light,
completes the Transmutation Process
Through this Rite,
the Initiate identifies with OSIRIS,
the Dispersed and Reunified God,
who removes the evil par excellence,
the Dispersion of Energy present
in all Natural Phenomena. Therefore,
the objective of the Rituals of the
House of Life is the “Reunited Soul”
of OSIRIS and RE that expresses itself
with a single Mouth that reveals
at the same time the Sense of Light
and the Sense of Transmutations.
The Object that symbolizes this
Reunited Soul, is a Mummy Wrapped in
the skin of a Ram.

Man abandons his ancient Body to enter that of the Creative Ram,
which models the World, second by second, according
to the Divine Ordinance. In this context, the Reunited Soul
is made up of RE, which symbolizes Masculine Eternity (Heh),
and OSIRIS, which symbolizes Feminine Eternity (Djet).
Thus, the Cycle of Time is integrated
into the decisive moment of the Resurrection.
The Subterranean Kingdom
and the Celestial Empire of RE
were the two faces, inseparable,
of the same reality.
“I know the Light that is within,
I know its Secret Name,
I know that it is both
the Verb and the Act.
I have seen
the Chest of Knowledge,
I know that it contains the parts
of the Broken Body of OSIRIS,
OSIRIS recives Offerings which is, at the same time,
as a Solar Lion Egypt and the Universe.
Only The Ligth
Brings them together...”
OSIRIS is the Sovereign of the Otherworld
and the Judge of the Dead, and is also the Mummy conceived
as Resurrection Support and Body of Light.
Each Justified Being becomes an Osiris that RE will Animate
with his Light. RE rests in OSIRIS, OSIRIS rests in RE.
OSIRIS is Yesterday and RE is Tomorrow.
The Initiate proclaims: “I am Yesterday, I know Tomorrow”.
In the Rite in which Seven Clay
Figurines are made: Falcon, Crocodile,
Ibis, Baboon, Vulture, Heron, Billy Goat
and then a Flame is placed
in their Mouths. The Figurines
guarantee the Protection of the Royal
Pavilion and manifest the Vital Fire,
starting point of that “Divine Stone”,
which, covered with a Carnerose Skin,
houses in a Mound in the Center
of the House of Life of Heliopolis.
The Alchemists used it to carry out
the Transmutations;
and some pieces were placed
in the Sarcophagi of the Initiates
to make possible Priest Kanefer y Nefret
the Transit from Death to Resurrection. The House of Life. Gizeh
The most important of the Secrets
is that of The Stone of Light, which
transforms Barley into Gold
and Matter into Light.
It allows Matter to be Transmuted,
Travel from the Stone to the Star
and from the Star to the Stone.
Without separating the Spirit
from the Hand brings out
the Hidden Beauty, creating
Wonders whose Magical Power
reaches our hearts.
“Let your Hand translate what your
Spirit has perceived”. To the
Initiated Architect, we are told,
comes the Stone sprouted from
the Light, Perfect Emanation
of the Great God.
Ramose, Scribe of the Place of Truth
“Nothing related to “The Abode of Gold” was hidden from me”.
“I am a Priest of Mysteries,
I have seen the Light in its various Forms...”
This Light, known only to a few,
Animated the Stone. Scribe
Transforms inert seeming Matter of Louvre
into Life Support.
Living Statues were created there…
“You see the Mysteries
of “The Home of Gold”,
You venerate the Power,
You contemplate the Primordial Boat
where the God of Gods rests,
You see him
in his Secret Form…”
The Egyptian Name
of the Initiated Sculptor
was “The one who gives Life”.
Human life acquires meaning
when it reaches
the State of Imakh,
an Egyptian word defined
as the “dorsal nerve cord
in the Vertebral Column”.
Imakh is, in the Universe,
the Head of Action,
since he created
a “Vertebral Column”
of Divine Nature that allows
him to be a Straight Man
in the full sense of the word
and travel the Sacred Paths
through Heaven.
Scribe Ankhrekhu
The Texts produced by the House of Life were not funeral writings.
Every time we speak of the “Dead One”, of “the Book of Coming
to Light” (Book of the Dead), we betray the Egyptian Spirit, since
the texts call that Dead One “such Osiris”, “the one who is there”,
“the one that exists”, “the Living”. Many drawings illustrate
the Transformations of the Soul, deposited on the Mummy
to respond to the Guardians of the Gates of the Other World
and pronounce the Formulas of Knowledge essential for the Risen
One to cross the Gates of the Beyond and move, at his own pace,
through the beautiful Paths of Eternity…
Egyptian Sacred Literature is not
an endless Litany
about the anguish of Death,
but rather presents an increasingly
conscious Form of Life
that the Initiate translates
into admirable words:
“I am the one who wears
the Band of Knowledge,
tied to his forehead, the Band of Nun,
bright and resplendent,
the one that illuminates the Darkness
and reunites the two Uraeus.
My thoughts are
the great Magic Spells that come out
of my Mouth.”
Ramsés II “The Greath” “Book of Going Out into the Light”
Chap. 80
The House of Life directs
its search towards
the Knowledge
of the Names, to see God,
it is necessary
to know his Name.
The gods are precisely
“Those who possess
the Names”,
and whoever claims

to perceive them must sharpen his Name like a knife,

Raise him ritually as the King is raised on his Litter.
The proper Name is an accumulator of Internal Forces,
a deposit of Latent Energies.
He who practices
Hu (the Word, the Creative Force)
and Sia (Intuitive Intelligence)
is capable of “Becoming a Spirit”,
He is capable of “”Becoming Righteous
of Voice”. He has stopped bumping
into enemies and hostile forces,
for his Inner Light radiates around Him.
The expressions “Shine with Spiritual Light”
and “Be Efficient” are translated in Egyptian
with the same word Akh.
Only the Act of Light has full efficacy,
and only the Man who transmits
the Spiritual Experience of it is truly effective
for the Whole of the Human Community.

Maya, Governor in Chief of the Priestes.

18th Dynasty 1450 B. C.
The Secrets of Life and Death,
the Mysteries of the Universe,
transcribed in the Words of Power
of the Sacred Scripture
transmit the Egyptian Spirituality
to the Initiates
in the Mysteries of the Divine Words.
“This is the Word
that was in Darkness.
All that Luminous Spirit Akh,
who knows her,
will Live among the Living.”
Coffin Texts
VII, 364 B. C.
Nedjem Master Builder
To access the State of Luminous Being, Akh,
transforms the perishable into Eternal, assembles
the materials that will transform a New and Unalterable Body.
Be the Craftsman
who gives Life.
Your Hand will know
the designs of God
and your mouth
will pronounce the Formulas
of Transformation.
You will then move like a Star
in the womb of your Mother,
the Sky;
You will shine like Gold
and carry out the Work.
And he remembers that Maât
is Fertilizing Light
for those who practice it.
Piramidón of Ptahmes and Ânânya Director of the Builders
La Casa de la Vida. 1295-1069. Ramesside Period. Saqqara
“There is Life, there is Death. There is the Exit,
there is the Entrance.” The Exit and Entrance without visible forms
are called the Gate of Heaven. “The Gate of Heaven is non-being,
from where all the Beings of the World arise”. says the Taoist
Tchuang-Tseu. Cultures as different as the Egyptian and the Chinese
lead to similar conceptions regarding this symbol, because they are
centered on the Man in Motion, on the continuous overcoming
of the Inner Rigidity that is worse than Death...
An Egyptian expression as important as “Enter” and “Exit”
alludes to that Double Movement consisting
of Entering the World of the Gods to know its Laws
and Leaving that “Paradise” to formulate
with human concepts what has been perceived.
This Movement in Fullness
can be equated to Maât, the Rule,
the Universal Harmony.
One may wonder if Maât does not
encompass natural rhythms
and social norms at the same time.
“To love”, “To do” and “to say Maât”
would then be to go beyond
the simple adherence
to the Divine and Royal Law;
it would mean
adhering to the Cosmic Order...
Here the Mystery of Immortality
has penetrated.

Pharaoh Maât
To live as Just is to be in Harmony,
it is “To Be Exact”, Mety.
Also, according
to the words of Ptahhotep,
Man “subsists” if he uses Justice in an
equitable manner,
if his Vital Path is Just,
if he makes Justice the Path of his Life.
This subtle game of concepts
is also the essential game of The Reality
and the Symbols engendered
by the Experts of the House of Life,
are the Rules of it.
Head of the Court of Justice of Sais
525 B. C.
XXVI - XXVII Dynasty

The Initiate is a Rough Stone. When it enters the Temple,

it refines itself like the material born in the belly of the Mountain
and ascends from the depths to come out into the Light
and integrate itself into the Stone of Light. “Any Being
that contemplates this Mystery will not die of the Second Death,
since he will be the Bearer of the Formulas of Knowledge
thanks to which he will not decompose in the West.
You see what is Invisible and access the Inaccessible.”
“You have seen the Light of him
in the Sanctuary, The Light
that passes through Matter.
May the Ability to Travel
be offered to you.
May you take the bow line
of the Night Boat,
and the stern line of the Day Boat.
May you be granted
Enlightenment in Heaven,
Creative Power on Earth,
ISIS HORUS OSIRIS and Righteousness of Voice
Psusennes in the Realm of the Otherworld.”

Stele of Psusennes
“Native of the Tomb, May your Name be as Imperishable
as the Stars of Heaven, May it not be forgotten throughout Eternity,
May your Power be Preserved Day and Night.
May the Mystery of the Work remain Hidden
even when it is revealed. May the Divinities grant you
the Force of your own Truth…”
The Eye of HORUS will allow us to see the Mysteries
and be in Communion with the Blessed who inhabit Heaven…

Dr. Guillermo
en Luxor

- Barguet P. Le Livre des Morts des anciens Égyptiens, Paris, 1961
- Christian Jacq. Pouvoir et Sagesse selon l´Egypte ancienne, Paris, 1981
- Christian Jacq. La Sagesse Vivante de l´Egypte ancienne, Paris, 1998
- André Fermat. Le Rituel de La Maison de Vie. Papyrus Salt, Paris, 2010
-Didier Michau. Le Livre de Thot, Paris, 2014

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