WORDS 15 Healthy Staples

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15 Healthy Staples You Should Always Have on Hand

(основные продукты питания; неотъемлемая часть)

Throwing together a quick, nutritious meal requires (требовать; Keeping fit

requires healthy eating and doing some exercises. Her trainer required her to do
all the exercises properly(так как нужно/должным образом) a well-stocked
kitchen. However, many popular healthy foods are highly perishable
(скоропортящийся) and must be used within a few days, causing (cause - быть
причиной, служить поводом, вызвать какие-либо последствия) If you overeat,
it can cause obesity and lots of other diseases) many home cooks to burn
through their food stores quickly.
Still, you can keep a number of healthy, long-lasting staples in your pantry,
freezer (морозилка /ˈfriːzə/), and fridge (холодильник /frɪdʒ/) and use them to
make nutrient-dense meals and snacks — even when you’re out of your typical
go-to foods.
be out of smth (I am out of milk. She was out of vegetables and had to go and get
Here are 15 healthy staples that you should always have on hand.

1. Dried and canned beans and lentils /ˈlentl/ - чечевица

Beans and lentils are amongst the healthiest foods you can eat. Moreover, dried
and canned beans and lentils have very long shelf lives (have a long shelf life -
иметь долгий срок хранения), making them a top non-perishable food choice
to keep in your kitchen.
In fact, canned beans can be stored in the pantry at room temperature (68℉ or
20℃) for 2–5 years, while dried beans can last 10 or more years. Dried beans have
such a long shelf life because they lack /læk/ (испытывать недостаток;
нуждаться; не иметь; недоставать; быть недостаточным; We lack time to
finish this today. He lacked the energy to argue with him.) the moisture needed to
promote microbial growth.
In addition to being shelf-stable, canned and dried beans and lentils are highly
nutritious, offering an abundance of nutrients, including fibre, magnesium, B
vitamins, and iron.
Try adding black beans, chickpeas (нут), lentils, and kidney beans (фасоль) to
chillies, soups, and salads.
2. Nuts, seeds, and their butters
Nuts and seeds are nutritional powerhouses (источник), providing healthy
fats, filling protein, fiber, and an array of vitamins and minerals.
Depending on the type, nuts and seeds can be kept at room temperature for
1–4 months, making them a smart ingredient to store in your pantry.
Natural nut and seed butters are long-lasting, healthy alternatives to their
commercial counterparts, which typically contain added oils and sugar.
Nuts and seeds can be used in many dishes, including oatmeal, yogurt, trail
mix (смесь из сухофруктов и орехов), and salads. Nut and seed butters
make excellent additions to smoothies and can be added to sauces or
spread onto fruits or veggies for a quick, satisfying snack.

3. Grains (зерновые /ɡreɪn/ )

When in a pinch, grain-based dishes like salads, grain bowls, soups, and
pilafs make a great choice due to (в связи с…) She has been absent from
work due to illness. Due to lack of experience, he didn’t get that job.) their
versatility (/ˈvɜːsətaɪl/ многоплановость; многогранность;
всесторонность; многофункциональность; The potato is an extremely
versatile vegetable. Meryl Streep is a wonderfully versatile actress.) and
convenience ( [kən'vi:nɪəns] удобство; Ready meals sell well because of their
convenience. convenience foods/meals/goods food products that are made
and packed in a way that makes them very quick and easy to use)
Depending on the type, grains like spelt, brown rice, amaranth, bulgur, oats,
and quinoa can be kept safely at room temperature for months to years,
making them a smart choice to buy in bulk.
Plus, these grains are excellent sources of fiber and micronutrients, including
B vitamins, manganese, and magnesium, and eating them may help protect
against (уберечь от; оберегать; защищать) conditions like heart disease
and certain cancers.
protect somebody/something from something
The cover(накрытие) protects the machine from dust (пыль)/dʌst/
protect somebody/something against something
Physical exercise can protect you against heart disease.
4. Frozen fruit and vegetables
Many fresh fruits and veggies, such as berries and greens (зелень (мн.число)
Eat your greens, they're good for you.), are highly perishable. Yet, buying
these foods in frozen form allows you to always have nutrient-dense
(питательный; калорийный; богатый питательными веществами; I
guess that nuts are nutrient-dense. Is it ok to consume lots of nutrient-dense
foods?) produce on hand.
Nutrition-wise, frozen fruits and veggies are comparable to fresh produce in
micronutrient content, making them a healthy and convenient freezer staple.
Try adding frozen greens to sautés, soups, and smoothies. Frozen berries
can be used similarly to fresh berries and add natural sweetness to oatmeal,
smoothies, baked goods, and yogurt parfaits.

5. Honey and maple syrups

Everyone needs a little sweetness from time to time. Honey and maple syrups
are natural sweeteners that offer unique health benefits.
For example, raw honey has antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties
([in'flæmətəri] ['prɔpətɪ]; противовоспалительные свойства; This herb is
with healing properties. This plant has mild antiseptic properties.) and
contains powerful (['pauəf(ə)l] мощный, сильнодействующий,
высокоэффективный; сильный; John held her in his powerful arms.
Jealousy (ревность) is a very powerful emotion. Our mental health has a
powerful impact on our physical health.) antioxidants. Maple syrup is also
rich in antioxidants and contains small amounts of nutrients like magnesium,
potassium, and manganese
Honey and maple syrups can be used to add flavor (/’ˈfleɪvə/ вкус; привкус;
Which flavour do you want – chocolate or vanilla? Herbs add flavor to a
salad.) and depth to both sweet and savory recipes. (['seɪv(ə)rɪ] соленый;
You can use this herb to flavour (придать вкус) almost any savoury dish.
Sometimes they have pancakes with sweet or savoury fillings (начинка) Just
remember to use these sweeteners sparingly, as too much sugar from any
source can harm your overall health (навредить вашему здоровью в
целом; Eating too much chocolate will definitely harm your overall health.
Nobody wants to harm their overall health).

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