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Computer Assignment

 The assignment must be written by hand and should be readable

 Show the necessary steps whenever necessary

 Submission date is Exam date as hard copy

Question 1. Linear Programming Model

A company manufactures two types of products, A and B. Each product uses two processes, I
and II. The processing time per unit of product A on process I is 6 hours and on the process II is
5 hours. The processing time per unit of product B on process I is 12 hours and on process II is 4
hours. The maximum number of hours available per week on process I and II are 75 and 55
hours respectively. The profit per unit of selling A and B are 12 $ and 10 $ respectively.

a. Formulate the linear programming problem.

b. Compute the optimal solutions and interpret the result. (solve it using computer)
c. Formulate the dual LP model and solve it.
d. Compute the shadow price of each resource and interpret the result.

Question 2.

A company manufactures three products A, B and C, which require three raw materials I, II and
III. The table given below shows the amount of raw materials required per kg of each product.
The resource availability per day and the profit contribution for each product is also given.

e. Formulate the linear programming problem.

f. Compute the optimal solutions and interpret the result. (solve it using computer)
g. Formulate the dual LP model and solve it.
h. Compute the shadow price of each resource and interpret the result.

Question 3.
A metal fabricator manufactures three types of windows. Each of the windows needs four
processes. The time taken on various machines differs due to the size of windows. The time
taken and available hours are given in the table below.

i. Formulate the linear programming problem.

j. Compute the optimal solutions and interpret the result. (solve it using computer)
k. Formulate the dual LP model and solve it.
l. Compute the shadow price of each resource and interpret the result.

Q4. Goal Programming

Assume the owner of Ras Hotel in Harar want to expand the convention center at his hotel. For
development of each type of rooms the required area and costs is summarized as follows:

Types Area (sq ft) Unit Cost (000)

Small 400 18

Medium 750 33

Large 1050 45.15

Additional information

The owner of the hotel has the following goals:

1. The owner would like to add 5 small, 10 medium and 15 large rooms.
2. The owner prefers the total expansion area 25, 000 sq ft.
3. His budget is 1 m$. If possible, he does not want to invest more than this limit.

a. Formulate the goal programming model

b. The owner wants to know how much different type of rooms should be built. Solve
the goal programming and interpret the result.

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