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Choose the correct answer from each drop-down menu to complete
the sentences. Read about the difference between used to and would,
then watch the video for another explanation of the grammar point.

Hint Read


Video script

1. Michael used to have a moustache but he shaved it off.

2. During the holidays we used to/would go to a restaurant every night.

3. I used to hate fish but now I like it a lot.

4. When I was a child, my grandmother used to/would make hot

chocolate and cakes for tea.

5. We used to/would visit our aunt and uncle every Sunday.

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One morning Jan went out jogging. When she came back she

realized that her flatmate, Sue, was not in, and she

didn't want to wait outside in the cold. So Jan decided to

borrow a ladder from her neighbour, Mrs Lee. She took the ladder

from Mrs Lee's garden and carried it back to the house. While Jan

was climbing up the ladder and trying to get in upstairs, Mrs Lee

looked out of her kitchen window and thought Jan was a

burglar. So Mrs Lee called the police, but while she was waiting

for them to arrive, something strange happened . The 'burglar'

suddenly fell off and Mrs Lee realized that he looked a lot like Jan!

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1. When I arrived, I went into the kitchen.

2. Jim broke his leg when he was playing golf.

3. While I was doing my homework, I had a good idea.

4. We found an old box while we were digging in the garden.

5. I saw an old friend while I was waiting for the train.

6. While I was having a bath, the phone rang.

7. Anna met Judy while she was doing some shopping.

8. While Joe was cooking lunch, Clare arrived.

9. Someone took Peter's bag while he was making a phone call.

10. While Maria was walking home, she lost her money.

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still life
self portraits

1. In 1805, Turner painted Windsor Castle from the River Thames. It's a

wonderful landscape .

2. Rembrandt painted himself at the ages of 34 and 63. The paintings are

world-famous self-portraits .

3. There are sunflowers in a vase in Van Gogh's painting. It's a very popular

still life .

4. There is a familiar scene from the Bible on the ceiling of the church. It's a

huge fresco .

5. The Battle of Trafalgar with Admiral Nelson can be seen in many

historical paintings.

6. There are only lines and shapes in this painting by Bridget Riley. It's an

abstract work of art.

7. In a romantic painting there is often a thinking figure in the

moonlight among the ruins of a castle.

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1. He grew up in the countryside .

2. His father was strict .

3. He was sometimes late because he had been playing in the fields.

4. When he was late, his father would tell him off .

5. His mother was less strict than his father.

6. She instilled in him the love of painting .

7. They used to paint in the open air .

8. They painted on different canvases .

b 1 of 2 c

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Video script

1. The man was ..... up in the countryside.

brought grew

2. His father was a carpenter and ..... him help him in his workshop.

forced made

3. His father was strict and sometimes ..... him off.

told gave

4. His parents didn't ..... him miss school.

let allow

5. They ..... him to play in the fields.

let allowed

6. He ..... up in a small cottage.

brought grew

7. His mother ..... him to become a painter.

encouraged made

8. She ..... after him every day.

looked cared

b 2 of 2 c
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1. There are usually about 85 players in a modern symphony orchestra .

2. Leonard Bernstein was a great composer of musicals.

3. Mozart could play the piano at the age of four. He was a genius .

4. I know the lyrics of all my favourite songs. I don't learn them, they simply

stick in my memory together with the music.

5. The vihuela is a unique instrument . It is a five-string guitar, which is played in

Mexican mariachi music.

6. Louis Armstrong is considered to be the founding father of jazz music.

There is a lot of improvisation in this genre of music.

7. My grandfather used to sing in the church choir .

8. Wicked is one of the most popular musicals . The Phantom of the Opera is also

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Listen to the interview. Choose the correct answer.


00:00 | 01:51 REC

Audio script

1. The hippy movement started ...

at the beginning of the 1960s. in the middle of the 1960s.

at the end of the 1960s.

2. Hippies wore ...

colourful clothes. dark clothes. white clothes.

3. The punk movement was different from the hippy movement because ...

punks had long hair. punks were older. it was more aggressive.

4. Punks wore ...

bright clothes. smart clothes. shocking clothes.

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