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Obligation/necessity: must, have to

Put each word or phrase in the correct gap. Before you check your answers,
watch the video. This will help you understand this grammar point.



1. The room has to be tidied up.

2. Do we have to give you an answer straight away?

3. Students must hand in their homework by Wednesday.

4. Do we have to vacate the room by 12.00?

5. Does she have to take those tablets twice a day?

6. Must we lock the front door?

Next C S

Obligation/necessity: mustn't, don't have to

Type mustn't or don't have to and the verbs in brackets in each gap. Before you
check your answers, read the list of the uses of mustn't and don't have to and
watch the video.

Hint Read


Video script

1. You mustn't touch (touch) those animals. They're dangerous.

2. We don't have to wash (wash) those glasses because they're clean.

3. I mustn't forget (forget) to phone Pete. It's his birthday.

4. He doesn't have to cook (cook) dinner today as we're eating out.

Next C S

Uses of have: obligation

Type the correct form of have to in each gap. Read the information about using
have to to talk about obligation. Watch the video for another explanation of the
grammar point.

Hint Read


Video script

1. I don't usually work at weekends but last weekend I had to . The boss

needed me.

2. You can borrow my boots, but you will have to bring them back tomorrow


3. Just look at the time! I have to go now.

4. We have to wear a suit and tie at the office. We can't wear jeans.

5. When I finish my course, I will have to find myself a job.

6. Janet has to be home by midnight or her parents will be angry.

Next C S

Uses of have: necessity

Type the correct form of have to and the verb in brackets in each gap. Read the
explanation of how to use have to to indicate necessity. Watch the video for
another explanation of the grammar point.

Hint Read


Video script

1. What time do you have to go (go) to


2. Mum didn't have to take (take) the bus to work yesterday, I took her in the


3. It's one of the best films I've seen. You just have to see (see) it.

4. In the future people will have to work (work) until they are 70 years old.

5. In many countries, men still have to do (do) military service.

Next C S

Present perfect: been v gone

Choose the correct verb from each drop-down menu. Before you check your
answers, read about the uses of the present perfect of be and go.

Hint Read

1. Brenda's not at home. She's gone to the supermarket.

2. Paul's back from his holiday. He's been to France.

3. They aren't answering the phone. I think they've gone out.

4. Have you ever been to Paris? It's an interesting city.

5. Sam isn't here. He's gone to the doctor's.

6. I haven't seen her for a couple of weeks. I think she's gone away.
Next C S

Can't, and must

Modal verbs

Select can't or must to complete the sentences.


1. Why can't I travel where I want without a passport?

2. Why must I do homework every night?

3. It's hot! Why can't we have the lesson in the park today?

4. I don't want to be a soldier. Why must I do military service in the army?

5. I like planes. Why can't I do military service in the air force, instead?
Next C S

Interviewer: So tell me about your job.

James: I'm a warehouse assistant. I hope to become assistant warehouse manager.

Interviewer: When did you start your present job?

James: I started both here nine months ago.

Interviewer: What skills do you need for your present job?

James: Well, at the moment I spend a lot of time ordering stock. So I need to be

very precise and careful.

Interviewer: What would you say your main responsibility is?

James: My main job is filling empty shelves in the store. If I forget to order products,

the sales people will be very upset because they won't be able to do their work.

Interviewer: So, it's back office work. Do you like both on your own?

James: Well, I'm not on my own. I'm part of a large team and everybody has their own

responsibilities. I couldn't stand being on my own all the time.

Interviewer: Do you need to report frequently to anybody?

James: Yes, I report regularly to the production manager - she's my boss. I enjoy

working with her; she is very professional.

Next C S

Work, work, work

You are publishing an article by a furniture maker in your company magazine.

She has emailed you a short paragraph about herself. She isn't sure what words
to use in each gap. Put each word or phrase into the correct gap to help her.


Carol Haston works for a medium-sized European kitchen and furniture maker, where

she works on kitchen design. She was promoted last year, and now she runs the

design department where she manages a team of designers. There are 15 people who

work under her. One of her main responsibilities is to make sure that new designs are

finished on time. She's also in charge of design budgets. All this means that she

deals with many different colleagues in the company. She's responsible for

maintaining effective communication between the design team and the production team,

and therefore she spends a lot of time working with the factory managers to discuss

production. She enjoys working to tight deadlines.

Next C S

An ideal job
Work-related vocabulary

Watch the video and complete the sentences about Claire's job.



1. Claire works part-time .

2. She works the morning shift.

3. She likes to work outdoors .

4. She says her job is not very well paid.

5. She earns enough to live on.

b 1 of 2 c
Next C S

An ideal job
Work-related vocabulary

Complete the sentences about Mike's work.


Mike found it hard to make a living as a part-time waiter so he left his job at the

pavement café where he was working. Soon he saw an advert in the paper and applied

for a job in an international hotel. He got a job as a receptionist there. Now he earns a

good salary. He gets four weeks' paid holiday and he can take a day off when

necessary. Mike has a big family and wants to earn more money. But he doesn't want to

look for a new job. He wants to stay in his job and ask for a pay-rise!

b 2 of 2 c
Next C S

1. We get young management trainees joining our company. They've graduated from

university but they don't know anything about the real world.

2. In my opinion, it's better to start your career with strong paper qualifications ,

because it's hard to get them later.

3. When taking on young recruits, I think one year of work experience is more useful

than three years of studying at university.

4. Learning is for life, and all our staff continue to take part in in-house training

throughout their careers here.

5. In a service business like ours, we need to have staff who are committed to

customer care .

6. If you set up your own business, you have to have a highly self-motivated


7. I want a PA who can help me work in a planned way.

8. These days, IT is so important that it is difficult to get a job if you're not

computer-literate .

9. I wanted to be an accountant, but I'm not numerate enough.

10. Companies usually want to employ team players because they work well with other

Next C S

Listen to Carol and Mike. Select True or False for each statement.


00:00 | 03:09 REC

Audio script

1. There is a connection between the two problems.

True False

2. Customers think the company is modern and forward-looking.

True False

3. There is a low turnover of staff.

True False

4. There is a problem with staff working for a long time with the company.

True False

5. The company want to sack staff.

True False

6. Older staff want to work part-time.

True False

7. Carol suggests older staff work fewer hours for the same pay.

True False

8. The company will contribute towards the pension fund until staff are 65.

True False

9. Employing younger staff will improve customer satisfaction.

True False

10. Greater staff motivation will increase productivity.

True False

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