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Present simple with future meaning: subordinate clauses

Type the correct form of the verbs in brackets in each gap. Before you check
your answers, read about the use of the present simple to refer to the future in
subordinate clauses.

Hint Read

1. I will phone (phone) you as soon as I get (get) home.

2. If you take (take) the train, it 'll be (be) more comfortable.

3. The play will be (be) over by the time we get (get) to the


4. He 'll apply (apply) for promotion when he has (have) more

Next C S

Future tenses: will/won't v going to v present continuous

Type the correct form of the verbs in brackets in each gap. Read about the
differences between will/won't, going to and the present continuous, then
watch the video for another explanation of the grammar point.

Hint Read


Video script

1. I've heard on the radio that it is going to rain (rain) tomorrow.

2. I'm afraid I can't see you next Friday. I 'm visiting (visit) my grandmother.

3. A 'What about meeting tomorrow at 6 p.m.?'

B 'OK, I will see (see) you then.'

4. In 500 years' time, people will travel (travel) to other galaxies.

5. My friends are getting (get) married on Saturday at 2.30.

6. Look out! That shelf is going to fall (fall) on you.

Next C S

What are your plans?

Future with will, going to and present continuous

Select the correct sentence to complete each conversation.


1. Can you come for dinner tomorrow night?

Sorry, I'll play basketball. Sorry, I'm playing basketball.

2. What are your plans for the summer?

I'll spend a month in the mountains.

I'm going to spend a month in the mountains.

3. What do you think about the weather?

It'll probably rain tomorrow. It's raining tomorrow.

4. What about meeting tomorrow at 5.30?

OK, I'll see you then. OK, I'm seeing you then.

5. Mary is buying a dog next week.

Really? What is she going to call it? Really? What is she calling it?

6. It would be nice to meet with you next week.

Are you doing anything on Wednesday? Will you do anything on Wednesday?

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1. 00:00 | 00:12 REC

Audio script

The future verb form is used to

talk about a fixed plan. make a suggestion. express an intention.

2. 00:00 | 00:17 REC

Audio script

The future verb form is used to

predict a future event. make a decision while speaking.

talk about a fixed plan.

3. 00:00 | 00:14 REC

Audio script

The future verb form is used to

talk about a fixed plan. make a decision while speaking.

predict a future event.

4. 00:00 | 00:07 REC

Audio script

The future verb form is used to

describe a fact. express a future intention. talk about a fixed event.

5. 00:00 | 00:08 REC

Next C S
The future verb form is used to

describe a fact. express a future intention. talk about a fixed event.

5. 00:00 | 00:08 REC

Audio script

The future verb form is used to

make a promise. predict something on the basis of evidence.

talk about a time-tabled event.

6. 00:00 | 00:13 REC

Audio script

The future verb form is used to

express future intention. talk about time-tabled event.

predict a future event.

7. 00:00 | 00:16 REC

Audio script

The future verb form is used to

predict on the basis of evidence. make a decision at the moment of speaking.

make a promise.

8. 00:00 | 00:13 REC

Audio script

The future verb form is used to

make a suggestion. talk about a fixed plan. talk about a time-tabled event.
Next C S

Video 2: I'd like to talk about the future

Talking about future plans and ambitions

Watch the job interview and complete the applicant's answers.



I'm sure there would be a lot of challenges, but I think I would cope well with


I expect I'd need the same skills that I use in my job now.

I hope to have more responsibility by then.

I'd like to be managing a bigger team of people.

I'm sure that there will be lots more opportunities for your employees.

I'm really looking forward to applying everything I learn on the course to my job.

b 1 of 2 c
Next C S

Video 2: I'd like to talk about the future

Talking about future plans and ambitions

Here are some more statements made by another interviewee. Complete the
sentences with the most appropriate phrases. Watching the video again may
help you.



1. I expect the job would be quite difficult at first.

2. I'd like to be a manager in two years' time.

3. I hope I'll get a chance to work abroad in my next job.

4. I hope to use my languages in my next job.

5. I'm looking forward to having more responsibility.

6. I don't think I'd have problems with managing a bigger team.

b 2 of 2 c
Next C S

Talking about the future

Using will and present continuous for future

Read and complete the sentences about the future. Select 'both' if both the
options are correct.


1. I just know that our company will come first in the Business of the Year


2. Claire both the six o'clock plane for a meeting with James in Melbourne.

3. I feel something will go wrong and we'll lose the deal.

4. We both the export agreement next week.

5. 'I will go and phone him right now!'

6. They promise their customers they will get back to them within 24 hours.

7. The CEO of our parent company both for a board meeting this afternoon.

8. Are we taking the early morning train to get to the meeting on time?

9. According to our delivery schedule, we both the goods to you tomorrow.

10. They probably won't be able to come on the guided tour: they have a plane

to catch.
Next C S

Round-the-world trip
Present continuous with future meaning

Complete the blog with the correct form of the verbs in brackets.


We are staying with my father's friends but we are returning (return) to the boat

tomorrow. George and I are visiting (visit) a National Park near Melbourne on


Mum and Dad aren't coming (not come). They are staying (stay) on

the boat. Then on Thursday, I am going (go) shopping (again!) with Mum and

Dad. Oh, yes! We are famous! We are giving (give) an interview for a local TV

programme on Friday. We are going to talk about our round-the-world trip. We

are leaving (leave) early on Sunday morning. We are sailing (sail)

to Indonesia.
Next C S
The environment

Watch the video of Sarah and select True or False for the statements about her
new life.



1. Sarah is concerned about the environment.

True False

2. She moved from the city to a quiet area.

True False

3. She stopped working in a supermarket.

True False

4. She started buying vegetables from her neighbours.

True False

5. Her current job is to grow and sell organic vegetables.

True False

6. She also raises hens to sell eggs and earn more money.

True False

b 1 of 2 c
Next C S

Going green
The environment

Complete Sarah's other tips to go green.


1. Be active. Take part in peaceful demonstrations to protect the planet.

2. Don't waste water. Have a short shower instead of a bath.

3. Don't travel alone in your car. Use public transport .

4. Eat healthily. Grow your own vegetables .

5. Save energy. Switch off lights when you leave a room.

6. Don't buy cheap products you can't recycle .

7. Try not to use plastic bags for your shopping. If you have them, re-use them.

8. Reduce waste. Recycle bottles and other containers .

b 2 of 2 c
Next C S
Choose the correct phrasal verbs to complete the text about our planet.


Scientists now know that the planet is warming up . Due to the gases that are

given off by cars and factories, temperatures are going up by 0.2

degrees every ten years. As it gets hotter, the ice at the Arctic and Antarctic Poles melts

and the sea level rises. It is possible that the sea level could rise by 600 metres in the next

100 years and wipe out towns and cities near the coast. The climate in some parts

of the world could also change. Areas that are green today could become very dry and

turn into desert.

In many parts of the world the rainforest is disappearing. As trees are cut down , the

homes of animals are destroyed and some species are dying out . Our children may

never see some of the creatures we know today.

It is not just politicians that can change things. Everyone can do something to make a

difference. Instead of throwing away bottles, tin cans and newspapers, we can

recycle them. Instead of driving everywhere, we can use buses and trains or ride a bicycle.

If we want to hand on our planet to our children and grandchildren, we must

start doing something now. If we wait any longer, it will be too late to go back .
Next C S

Waste products and recycling

You are staying in New York. You hear an announcement on the radio about the
environment. Listen to the announcement. Write a summary so you can
encourage your friends to recycle. Type the correct information in each gap.


00:00 | 00:48 REC

Audio script

Do you know how much rubbish the city of New York throws away every year? Every year,

each person throws away 97 glass bottles. Yes, 97

glass bottles ... and we throw away 70 food cans. That's not all. Each

person throws away 45 kilos of plastic - yes, plastic bags, plastic pens,

plastic bottles and plastic toys. Yes, 45 kilos of plastic! ... and we throw

away 90 drink cans! Yes, 90 drink cans! That's a lot of

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Future arrangements

Your friends have written a short play. You and your classmates must decide
what it is about. Listen to the play, then write a summary by typing the missing
words in each box.


00:00 | 01:27 REC

Audio script

Date: Thursday, 1st November.

Kay Sloane is coming to London tomorrow. She is travelling by

train . She is leaving Manchester at nine thirty in the

evening . Ron Clay is getting the money from his

bank in London tomorrow afternoon . Ron Clay

and Sloane are meeting at the Calypso Club on Saturday

morning. They are meeting at five am. Sloane is bringing

the diamonds with her.

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