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I. Combine words from the box to form a suitable collocation and insert it in the blank in sentences below.

Be sure to use
the appropriate form of the words. An example is given in (0). (5 marks)

0. assert + suggests
1. evidence + serious challenge
2. pose + self-determination
3. principle of + right to
4. apparent + contradiction
5. generate + consensus

1. During the G20 Summit in Toronto in 2010, hundreds of peaceful protestors were detained by police merely for
asserting their constitutional right to protest.
2. There is an ___ evidence suggests___________ between the doctrine of responsibility to protect (R2P) and
international law—which expressly forbids intervention in any sovereign state. According to Noam Chomsky, R2P
reflects the hypocrisy of U.S. foreign policy: “there’s no such thing as ‘Responsibility to Protect’, that’s a fraud
perpetrated in Western intellectual culture.” Chomsky claims that R2P merely serves as an excuse “for the US and
NATO to use violence wherever they choose without Security Council authorisation.” In other words, R2P is a
kind of humanitarian cover under which the U.S. can act unilaterally to protect its own imperial interests. This, of
course, violates the democratic __principle of self-determination_________ and __pose serious challenge ___ to
international order.
3. __An apparent contradiction______ that the U.S. only intervenes when it is strategically convenient, and not when
it is necessary to save human life. For example, when Tamils were being massacred in Sri Lanka, the U.S. did
nothing; in contrast, NATO bombed Kosovo for months in 1999 during its ‘humanitarian’ mission. This was done
without a UN Security Council vote, making it an illegal intervention of a sovereign state. The U.S. made no
attempt to ____generate consensus________________ on whether to intervene, except, of course, among its allies.

II. Complete the following table with the correct forms of the words. (5 marks) /5

Nouns Verbs Adjectives Adverbs

conservation conserve conservative conservatively

reduction reduce reducible

willingness/will will Willing willingly

validity validate valid

III. Select the correct word from the box and match it with the definition below. An example (0) is given. (5 marks)

deploy (v.) considerable (adj.) emission (n.)

adopt (v.) philanthropist (n.) stimulant (n.)

1. deploy (v.) - to organize or move soldiers, military equipment etc. so that they are in the right place and ready to
be used

1. _ philanthropist _____________ - a rich person who gives a lot of money to help poor people.
2. _ emission _____________ - a gas or other substance that is sent into the air.
3. _ adopt _____________ - to start to deal with or think about something in a particular way.
4. _ considerable _________ - fairly large, especially large enough to have an effect or be important.
5. _ stimulant _____________ - a drug or substance that makes you feel more active and full of energy.
IV. Write a sentence using each of the 5 words from the activity above. Be sure to use the correct form of the word. An
example (0) is given. (5 marks) /5

1. Deploy: The UK recently announced its final troop deployment to Afghanistan.


1. Considerable:__In order to change into another high school, how far it will be is a considerable
option that have been thought carefully.

1. Adopt:__Nowadays, many countries have adopted different ways in order to avoid the spread of
covid 19 .


1. Emission:__Because of the emission that many industries have made among the years our
environment is reflecting that needs a rest of all the pollution.


1. Philanthropist:_Many artist have shown themselves as a philanthropic person, but since they made
this action public just to win more fans, it started to be just a way of marketing.


1. Stimulant:_There are soccer players who use stimulants to generate their body to be more active
and start to perform better in the field.

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